On Sun, Aug 27, 2023 at 08:19:35PM +0200, Hans wrote:
> Dear list, 
> there is a little issue, which I try to solve. On my desptop computer I have 
> 4 
> harddrives:
> SATA 0: HDD 300 GB with Debian + GRUB on MBR (parted in /boot, /, /home 
> (luks), /var (luks) and /usr (luks)
> SATA 1: HDD 300 GB with Win10
> SATA 2: SDD 128 GB (as simple data storage)
> SATA 3: HDD 1,5 TB (as simple data storage, splitted as 1TB encrypted and 500 
> GB unencrypted)
> Now the issue: 
> When I boot the system, then the drives are not mounted as set in /etc/fstab. 

What is the content of the expected /etc/fstab?

> For example, the SDD should mounted to /space, and the unencrypted HDD shall 
> be mounted to /daten.
> But it seems, sometimes the mountpoints are not correct, so the SDD is not 
> mounted to /space, but to /daten.
> Also some harddrives are not recognized at all and I then must boot several 
> times, that all drives and partitions are seen.
> Question one: Is this a problem of the BIOS and motherboard, or a kernel 
> problem? 
> Question two: I remeber to have read, as soon as the kernel hast started (and 
> it is always starting) the BIOS has no more influence to the hardware. Is 
> this 
> correct? If yes, then it is definately a kernel issue. What can I do?

Try to understand what is going on ...

> I suppose, if this is a hardware issue (I am thinking of, that there is a 
> timing problem due to speed differences among the slow HDD and the fast SDD), 
> is there anything I can do (except of replacing the HDD with SDD)?

Share with us the content of the /etc/fstab

> Any hints welcome!

Subject lines that express that some effort has been made.

> Best regards
> Hans 

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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