Debian 2.0 (Cheapbyets CD) EZSTART does not recognize CD-ROM IRQ

1998-11-27 Thread Joseph Hartmann
I have a pretty standard 486 (circa 1995), and I am running
DOS622, with my CD-ROM working fine under DOS, having installed
the driver that came with the CD-ROM.  But my CD Rom is not
recognized by Debian EZSTART.  EZSTART hangs after I tell it the
color and it says something about examining my system.  I then
switch to Left-Alt F2 and here is what my dmesg says:

hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
ide0 at 0x160-0x1fg, 0x36 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15

If I then try to mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom my
system hangs in the Left-Alt F2 virtual terminal, and I have to

I would like to be able to find out what IRQ and i/o address my
Toshiba CD-ROM is working under.  MSD will not provide this
information (at least I don't recognize it).  Can I do it from
the Left-Alt F2 virtual console in EZSTART?

If I can find out what the irq and i/o address should be (using
some GNU utility that is available on the Left-Alt F2 virtual
console), how would I then get the system to accept these values
for the CD-ROM?

Any ideas will be welcomed.



RE: Debian 2.0 (Cheapbyets CD) EZSTART does not recognize CD-ROM IRQ

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
> hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
> hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
> hdd: Toshiba CD ROM  XM-6102D ATAPI CDROM DRIVE
> hdd: IRQ probe failed (0)
> ide0 at 0x160-0x1fg, 0x36 on irq 14
> ide1 at 0x170-0x177, 0x376 on irq 15
> If I then try to mount -r -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom my
> system hangs in the Left-Alt F2 virtual terminal, and I have to
> reboot.

No use trying to do that if the CD couldn't be found by the

> I would like to be able to find out what IRQ and i/o address my
> Toshiba CD-ROM is working under.  MSD will not provide this
> information (at least I don't recognize it).  Can I do it from
> the Left-Alt F2 virtual console in EZSTART?
> If I can find out what the irq and i/o address should be (using
> some GNU utility that is available on the Left-Alt F2 virtual
> console), how would I then get the system to accept these values
> for the CD-ROM?

You could check the files under /proc.

And when you find the addresses, use modconf to reinstall the
driver.  It will give you a chance to type any parameter after you
select the driver.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda