Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-09-29 Thread Johann Spies
Thanks George,

I nearly got exim to work. But after waisting another 6 hours I do not
know how further.

I can now receive messages from the ISP into the /var/spool/exim/input
directory and read them there with emacs.  Mail rarely gets through to
/var/spool/mail/jhspies and when that happens, I cannot tell why the next
does not do the same.

Nothing was received by procmail although there was a ~/.forward file.

Sometimes it seems as if exim just sends the mail back to the ISP to be
received again when I dial up again.

I do not understand all the questions of the configuration script and do
not know what to answer.

After two years of using linux it seems to become more user unfriendly as
far as setting up mail is concerned.

My .fetchmailrc also have to change for exim but I do not know how.  At
one stage the following setting seemed to work, but not in all cases:

poll protocol pop3:
no dns
user jhspies\
password xx   
#   smtphost localhost
mda exim -bm %s

I had to uninstall exim and reinstall smail to send this mail.

Isn't there a howto on how to set up a single pc with a dialup connection
to an ISP  using exim, fetchmail and procmail?  I know I do not need
procmail if I use exim, but then I have to understand how exim works and I
cannot get it working for a basic system.

Sorry if I sound a bit grumpy, but I am a bit frustrated.  The reason why
I wanted to try out exim was because I get problems with a Sender field
when I use smail.  Some mail servers reject my mail as the following
message illustrates (irrelevant lines removed):

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 550 relaying mail to is not allowed |- 


I have tried to prevent that by the following in my /etc/smail/transports:

smtp:   driver=tcpsmtp,
max_addrs=100,  # limit on number of addresses
inet,  # use route-addr addresses for routing
use_bind,   # resolve MX and multiple A records
defer_no_connect,   # try again if the nameserver is down
-local_mx_okay, # fail an MX to the local host
defnames# use standard domain searching

but that obviously did not work.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, 
  believe also in me.  John 14:1 

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-09-29 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 Isn't there a howto on how to set up a single pc with a dialup connection
 to an ISP  using exim, fetchmail and procmail?  I know I do not need
 procmail if I use exim, but then I have to understand how exim works and I
 cannot get it working for a basic system.

 I have fetchmail feeding straight to procmail like:

 mda formail -s /usr/bin/procmail

 procmail then sorts and delivers it to to my homedir.

 Sorry if I sound a bit grumpy, but I am a bit frustrated. 

 No wonder - you seem to be taking the hard road on this,
 I remember your mails about this ages a go.

 The reason why
 I wanted to try out exim was because I get problems with a Sender field
 when I use smail.  Some mail servers reject my mail as the following
 message illustrates (irrelevant lines removed):

 Hrmm. I use the following in my exim.conf:

qualify_domain =
local_domains =

local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true

 that get's the host part right for me.


How do I get exim to work?

1998-09-28 Thread Johann Spies
I am trying to get exim to work, but without success.  I would appreciate
some help.

My hostname is Johann. 
My ISP-domain is
I have a single PC with a dialup ppp-connection and fetchmail.
My username is jhspies on both the localhost and at the ISP.

If I answer the configuration script like this I cannot send mail to
anybody else on
You must choose one of the options below:

 (1) Internet site; [snip]

 (2) Internet site using smarthost: [snip]

Select a number from 1 to 5, from the list above.
Enter value (default=`1', `x' to restart): 2

What is the `visible' mail name of your system? This will appear on 
From: lines of outgoing messages.
Enter value (default=`Johann', `x' to restart):

On the following questions I gave 'none' as default answer.

Would you like to use the RBL? ('f'ilter, 'r'eject, or 'n'o)?
Enter value (default=`n', `x' to restart): 

Which machine will act as the smarthost and handle outgoing mail?

Enter value (`x' to restart):

Which user account(s) should system administrator mail go to ?
Enter one or more usernames separated by spaces or commas .  Enter
`none' if you want to leave this mail in `root's mailbox - NB this
is strongly discouraged.  Also, note that usernames should be lowercase!
Enter value (default=`jhspies', `x' to restart): 

The following configuration has been entered:

Mail generated on this system will have `' used
as the domain part (after the @) in the From: field and similar places.

The following domain(s) will be recognised as referring to this system:

Mail for postmaster, root, etc. will be sent to jhspies.

Local mail is delivered.

Outbound remote mail is sent via

Configuration installed.
I then experimented with my /etc/exim.conf file.  The contents of this
file now looks like this (commented lines removed):
qualify_domain =
local_domains = Johann
local_domains_include_host = true
local_domains_include_host_literals = true
relay_domains = 
relay_domains_include_local_mx = true
never_users = root
host_lookup_nets =
sender_host_reject_relay = *
trusted_users = mail
smtp_verify = true
gecos_pattern = ^([^,:]*)
gecos_name = $1
received_header_text = Received: \
  ${if def:sender_fullhost {from ${sender_fullhost} \
  ${if def:sender_ident {(${sender_ident})}}\n\t}\
  {${if def:sender_ident {from ${sender_ident} \
  by ${primary_hostname} \
  ${if def:received_protocol {with ${received_protocol}}} \
  (Exim ${version_number} #${compile_number} (Debian))\n\t\
  id ${message_id}
  driver = appendfile
  group = mail
  mode = 0660
  mode_fail_narrower = false
  file = /var/spool/mail/${local_part}

  driver = pipe

  driver = appendfile

  driver = appendfile
  prefix = 
  suffix = 

  driver = autoreply

  driver = smtp


  prefix = real-
  driver = localuser
  transport = local_delivery

  driver = aliasfile
  file = /etc/aliases
  search_type = lsearch

  driver = forwardfile
  file = .forward
  modemask = 002

  driver = localuser
  transport = local_delivery


  driver = lookuphost
  transport = remote_smtp

  driver = ipliteral
  transport = remote_smtp


# Domain   Error   Retries
# --   -   ---

*  *   F,2h,15m; G,16h,2h,1.5; F,4d,8h


When trying to get mail from my ISP the following happens:

reading message 1 of 16 (2612 bytes)
popclient: SMTP 220 Johann ESMTP Exim 1.92 #1 Mon, 28 Sep 1998 18:42:34
popclient: SMTP EHLO Johann
popclient: SMTP 250-Johann Hello jhspies at johann []
popclient: SMTP 250-SIZE
popclient: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
popclient: SMTP 250 HELP
popclient: forwarding to localhost
popclient: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
popclient: SMTP 550 relaying 

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-29 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Jaakko Niemi wrote:

 As root exim -bp shows the queue.

I re-installed exim (I think for the last time now).  I can see the queue. 
All the messages are reported to be frozen.  Eximon does show some

  This is because you are running as user, and you do not have permissions
  to /var/log/exim. As the files are owned mail.mail add yourself to
  group mail
  and you should be able to run eximon right.

I did that and at least eximon showed something, but nothing that made me
more wise about what is going on.

Thank you for all your trouble.  Earlier in this list I queried the
correctness of somebody's mentioning of an upgrade to smail. I had a lot
of responses and some of the responses convinced me to try once again.

I have now, over the last weeks removed smail, installed exim , removed
exim , reinstalled smail about 6 times.  I have had no success so far.

Maybe I will try once (only once ) again when I have Debian 2.0.  I do not
have time to waste like this.  I want to convince my friends to use Linux.
I will keep them away from programs like exim until it can be installed to
work the first time.



| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek
  after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all
  the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD,
  and to inquire in his temple.
   Psalms 27:4   

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-29 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 On Sat, 27 Jun 1998, Jaakko Niemi wrote:
  As root exim -bp shows the queue.
 I re-installed exim (I think for the last time now).  I can see the queue. 
 All the messages are reported to be frozen.  Eximon does show some
   This is because you are running as user, and you do not have permissions
   to /var/log/exim. As the files are owned mail.mail add yourself to
   group mail
   and you should be able to run eximon right.
 I did that and at least eximon showed something, but nothing that made me
 more wise about what is going on.
 Thank you for all your trouble.  Earlier in this list I queried the
 correctness of somebody's mentioning of an upgrade to smail. I had a lot
 of responses and some of the responses convinced me to try once again.
 I have now, over the last weeks removed smail, installed exim , removed
 exim , reinstalled smail about 6 times.  I have had no success so far.
 Maybe I will try once (only once ) again when I have Debian 2.0.  I do not
 have time to waste like this.  I want to convince my friends to use Linux.
 I will keep them away from programs like exim until it can be installed to
 work the first time.

 If you can get smail to work, use it. 

 I used to use smail, when I had a bo system. When I upgraded to hamm some
seven months ago (last december), I half-accidentally installed exim instead 
of smail, and have since used it and installed it several times without 

 I think there has been a lot of changes between bo and hamm versions of exim.

 Last night I watched a person (who had never even seen Linux) to install 
hamm (and exim) without any troubles. The only information I gave her was
where to find the relevant documentation. 


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-27 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 On Fri, 26 Jun 1998, Jaakko Niemi wrote:
   Which version ? Hamm or bo ?
   Do you have a permanent connection or a dial-up ? 
   How does exim.conf look ?
 I re-installed exim to get exim.conf again.  I made some progress.  I do
 not know what I did differently, but Pine would accept a message sent
 locally, put it in the mailq, but eximon wouldn't see it, neither would

As root exim -bp shows the queue.

 [EMAIL PROTECTED](28)$ eximon 
 [1] 821
 Exim Monitor version 1.23 (compiled 4-Mar-1997 15:28:01) initializing
 *** eximon warning: can't open log file

 This is because you are running as user, and you do not have permissions
 to /var/log/exim. As the files are owned mail.mail add yourself to group mail
 and you should be able to run eximon right.

 Exim Monitor running
 Here is my exim.conf (I removed the commented lines):
 qualify_domain =
 local_domains =

 I have otherwise identical configuration, but this line:

local_domains =

Besides Pine, have you tries any other MUAs, mail for ex. ? 


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-26 Thread Johann Spies
-- Forwarded message --
On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Jaakko Niemi wrote:

  popclient: POP3 +OK 5698 octets
  reading message 1 (5698 bytes)
  popclient: SMTP connect to (null) failed
  Smells like exim is not running, nor inetd is starting it. Do you have
 something like the following in your inetd.conf:
  #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services.
 smtp   stream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/exim exim -bs

Thank you for replying and no, my inetd.conf did not have that line for
exim. That line looked like this:
 # smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.smtpd (will be
 restored by smail postinst)

and there was no exim-line.  The exim installation script seems to be

Anyhow, I did put the line you supplied above in inetd.conf and rebooted
the computer because I do not know how to get inetd to read that file
otherwise (later I discovered inetd-update and used it to enable smtp,
but without any positive results).

I then sent a test message to myself locally using mailto.  No error
messages appeared, and the file was in /var/spool/exim/input.  I tried to
send an test message using Pine but the message was again: 

[Error sending: 421 SMTP connection went away!]

To send this message, I had to remove exim again and reinstall smail.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Love not the world, neither the things that are in 
  the world. If any man love the world, the love of the 
  Father is not in him.I John 2:15 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-26 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 -- Forwarded message --
 On Thu, 25 Jun 1998, Jaakko Niemi wrote:
   popclient: POP3 +OK 5698 octets
   reading message 1 (5698 bytes)
   popclient: SMTP connect to (null) failed
   Smells like exim is not running, nor inetd is starting it. Do you have
  something like the following in your inetd.conf:
   #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services.
  smtp   stream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/exim exim 
 Thank you for replying and no, my inetd.conf did not have that line for
 exim. That line looked like this:
  # smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.smtpd (will be
  restored by smail postinst)

 This is commented out line, and methinks there was a bug conserning this
 looong time ago. 

 That line means that when an smtp connection attempt is approved, 
 inetd shall start that mailer. 

 and there was no exim-line.  The exim installation script seems to be

 Which version ? Hamm or bo ?

 Anyhow, I did put the line you supplied above in inetd.conf and rebooted
 the computer because I do not know how to get inetd to read that file
 otherwise (later I discovered inetd-update and used it to enable smtp,
 but without any positive results).
 I then sent a test message to myself locally using mailto.  No error
 messages appeared, and the file was in /var/spool/exim/input.  I tried to
 send an test message using Pine but the message was again: 
 [Error sending: 421 SMTP connection went away!]

 Do you have a permanent connection or a dial-up ? 
 How does exim.conf look ?

 To send this message, I had to remove exim again and reinstall smail.
 | Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
 | Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310  Suid-Afrika (South 
 Africa)  |
  Love not the world, neither the things that are in 
   the world. If any man love the world, the love of the 
   Father is not in him.I John 2:15 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-25 Thread Johann Spies

After a discussion on this list some time ago on exim, I decided to try
out exim once again and once again I could not get it to work.

I use Debian 1.3.1.

I have a dialup system and use fetchmail an procmail normally with smail.

After running eximconfig and answering the questions as close as possible
to that of smailconfig, I tried it out.

The first effort to get mail from the ISP failed with the message that
/etc/exim.conf has the wrong owner, group or permissions.  Then I changed
the permissions to  644 and tried again. Here is a copy of what appeared
on the screen:

Script started on Thu Jun 25 08:27:13 1998
/home/jhspies/.netrc:1: warning: found login before any host names
/home/jhspies/.netrc:2: warning: found password before any host names
fetchmail: 3.8.0 querying (protocol POP3) at Thu Jun 25 
08:28:01 1998
popclient: POP3 +OK IMS POP3 Server 0.87 Ready [EMAIL PROTECTED]
popclient: POP3 USER jhspies
popclient: POP3 +OK jhspies is welcome here
popclient: POP3 PASS *
popclient: POP3 +OK jhspies's mailbox has 9 message(s) (86582 octets)
popclient: POP3 STAT
popclient: POP3 +OK 9 86582
popclient: POP3 LAST
popclient: POP3 +OK 0
popclient: 9 messages at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
popclient: POP3 RETR 1
popclient: POP3 +OK 5698 octets
reading message 1 (5698 bytes)
popclient: SMTP connect to (null) failed
popclient: POP3 QUIT
popclient: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: normal termination, status 9
ppp0 link terminated

1998-06-25 08:28:04 Exim configuration file /etc/exim.conf has the wrong
owner, group, or mode
At this stage I changed the permissions of /etc/exim.conf to 644 and tried
again with the following result:

/home/jhspies/.netrc:1: warning: found login before any host names
/home/jhspies/.netrc:2: warning: found password before any host names
fetchmail: 3.8.0 querying (protocol POP3) at Thu Jun 25 
08:30:43 1998
popclient: POP3 +OK IMS POP3 Server 0.87 Ready [EMAIL PROTECTED]
popclient: POP3 USER jhspies
popclient: POP3 +OK jhspies is welcome here
popclient: POP3 PASS *
popclient: POP3 +OK jhspies's mailbox has 9 message(s) (86582 octets)
popclient: POP3 STAT
popclient: POP3 +OK 9 86582
popclient: POP3 LAST
popclient: POP3 +OK 0
popclient: 9 messages at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
popclient: POP3 RETR 1
popclient: POP3 +OK 5698 octets
reading message 1 (5698 bytes)
popclient: SMTP connect to (null) failed
popclient: POP3 QUIT
popclient: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
fetchmail: normal termination, status 9
ppp0 link terminated
About two years ago, when I was a total newcomer to Linux, I could install
smail and use it.  I have now after about 6 efforts not be able to install
exim successfully.

Can somebody help me, please?  

In the mean time, I am going back to smail now.


PS.  When I tried to send this message I got the message 

[Error sending: 421 SMTP connection went away!]

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg   |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Honor thy father and mother; which is the first  
  commandment with promise; That it may be well with 
  thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
  Ephesians 6:2,3 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How do I get exim to work?

1998-06-25 Thread Jaakko Niemi
 popclient: POP3 +OK 5698 octets
 reading message 1 (5698 bytes)
 popclient: SMTP connect to (null) failed

 Smells like exim is not running, nor inetd is starting it. Do you have 
something like the
 following in your inetd.conf:

 #:MAIL: Mail, news and uucp services.
smtpstream  tcp nowait  mail/usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/exim 
exim -bs



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]