Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-22 Thread Daniel Guillermo Bareiro
Hi all!

Currently I have an old machine without hardware virtualization
support, which I was using for testing using Jessie i686 and LXC.

I tried to migrate that installation to amd64 architecture but 
things did not went as well as I would have liked and I had to 
reinstalling the operating system using on this time an amd64
netinstall CD.

The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
to boot with this message:

error: failure reading sector 0xb30 from 'fd0'
error: disk "mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650' not found.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>

This makes me think GRUB is not finding the /boot directory. To 
verify the ID for each block device, I've booted using SystemRescueCD:

root@sysresccd /root % blkid
/dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
/dev/sr0: UUID="2015-03-28-11-54-44-00" LABEL="sysrcd-4.5.2" TYPE="iso9660"
/dev/sda1: UUID="36f333b2-e97c-34c7-69b3-4d7d79d4ef36" 
UUID_SUB="0a564f8c-ffee-ac2d-811c-498401bb8a77" LABEL="sirius:3" 
TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="1d6fc95d-01"
/dev/sda2: UUID="ad9c38fd-9b82-76b8-7850-b853ef9b86dc" 
UUID_SUB="a30ad913-4bec-f459-d7a4-ae18ebe759cc" LABEL="sirius:4" 
TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="1d6fc95d-02"
/dev/sda4: UUID="4d970b31-5e9f-82c0-a4f4-aadef688448c" 
UUID_SUB="33983814-e607-a00f-d60f-fa6a7bc5f869" LABEL="sysresccd:2" 
TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="1d6fc95d-04"
/dev/md3: UUID="104825f4-fde8-4e7a-ada4-336990c8b28b" TYPE="swap"
/dev/md4: UUID="dbe3b076-a909-490a-a158-bfec8be698a9" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/md2: UUID="aH6UpU-85RX-0qPt-eQVO-n2Uu-9lNU-wYnGV4" TYPE="LVM2_member"
/dev/mapper/vms-gaviola--disk: UUID="aaa331dd-b687-4d10-80dc-f04b8931703c" 
/dev/mapper/vms-pgsql--odoo--disk: UUID="5a2ac84f-02e1-471a-99d2-f9a67c174471" 
/dev/mapper/vms-odoo2--disk: UUID="c56ab66a-c24e-4580-85c6-a48c7616830d" 
/dev/mapper/vms-var: UUID="07eeb0ba-01be-4d4d-b56d-12e8d407725e" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/mapper/vms-rootfs: UUID="9eaf8339-8bee-4e80-b5f6-0aa5780c9bf5" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/mapper/vms-democracyos--disk: UUID="79796c37-5488-4cba-9447-4686570ecfbe" 
/dev/mapper/vms-democracy--disk: UUID="ce17bc94-10fc-4ef6-be6c-df111de54d5c" 

This is the correspondence with the MD devices:

md2 => LVM physical volume.
md3 => swap
md4 => /boot

root@sysresccd /root % cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] 
md2 : active raid1 sda4[3]
  485224512 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]

md4 : active raid1 sda2[0]
  2045952 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]

md3 : active raid1 sda1[0]
  979392 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]

unused devices: 

Note: For now it is a single disk, but then I will add another.

Then I mounted the file systems...

root@sysresccd /root % mount /dev/vms/rootfs /mnt
root@sysresccd /root % mount /dev/md4 /mnt/boot
root@sysresccd /root % mount /dev/vms/var /mnt/var
root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys

root@sysresccd /root % chroot /mnt /bin/bash

... to see the IDs for block devices configured in GRUB:

root@sysresccd:~# grep mduuid /boot/grub/grub.cfg
set root='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
set root='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 
set root='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc'
  search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root 

But I see no reference to the block shown in the previous 
error (mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650).

Any recommendations to fix this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-23 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 23/07/2016 à 03:19, Daniel Guillermo Bareiro a écrit :

The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
to boot with this message:

error: failure reading sector 0xb30 from 'fd0'
error: disk "mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650' not found.
Entering rescue mode...
grub rescue>


But I see no reference to the block shown in the previous
error (mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650).

It seems that the GRUB core image which is launched is not the one which 
was (or should have been) installed with the new system.

Any recommendations to fix this issue?

Where did you choose to install the GRUB boot image during the 
installation ? In the MBR (recommended) or in a partition boot sector ? 
If in the MBR, just reinstall it with

grub-install /dev/sda

If in a partition boot sector, make sure that the MBR contains a 
standard boot code (MSDOS-style, not the one from GRUB or LILO) and this 
partition has the boot flag in the partition table.

If available, you can use bootinfoscript to gather boot information on 
the disk.

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-25 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, Pascal.

On 07/23/16 05:48, Pascal Hambourg wrote:

>> The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
>> created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
>> to boot with this message:
>> error: failure reading sector 0xb30 from 'fd0'
>> error: disk "mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650' not found.
>> Entering rescue mode...
>> grub rescue>
> (...)
>> But I see no reference to the block shown in the previous
>> error (mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650).

> It seems that the GRUB core image which is launched is not the one which
> was (or should have been) installed with the new system.

>> Any recommendations to fix this issue?

> Where did you choose to install the GRUB boot image during the
> installation ? In the MBR (recommended) or in a partition boot sector ?

I used the standard installation of Debian Jessie and in this case I
opted for installation in the MBR. In fact, I remember have chosen
"sda", which was the only option available.

> If in the MBR, just reinstall it with
> grub-install /dev/sda

I try this by running grub-install in debug mode from the chroot
environment on SystemRescueCD.

Checking the output, I have not found the error message mentioned
earlier by GRUB and the system has booted without problems.

Thanks for your reply and your time.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-26 Thread deloptes
Daniel Guillermo Bareiro wrote:

> Hi all!
> Currently I have an old machine without hardware virtualization
> support, which I was using for testing using Jessie i686 and LXC.
> I tried to migrate that installation to amd64 architecture but
> things did not went as well as I would have liked and I had to
> reinstalling the operating system using on this time an amd64
> netinstall CD.
> The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
> created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
> to boot with this message:
> error: failure reading sector 0xb30 from 'fd0'
> error: disk "mduuid/9c7c52338a6635c48476b6866bc3c650' not found.
> Entering rescue mode...
> grub rescue>
> This makes me think GRUB is not finding the /boot directory. To
> verify the ID for each block device, I've booted using SystemRescueCD:
> root@sysresccd /root % blkid
> /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
> /dev/sr0: UUID="2015-03-28-11-54-44-00" LABEL="sysrcd-4.5.2"
> TYPE="iso9660" /dev/sda1: UUID="36f333b2-e97c-34c7-69b3-4d7d79d4ef36"
> UUID_SUB="0a564f8c-ffee-ac2d-811c-498401bb8a77" LABEL="sirius:3"
> TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="1d6fc95d-01" /dev/sda2:
> UUID="ad9c38fd-9b82-76b8-7850-b853ef9b86dc"
> UUID_SUB="a30ad913-4bec-f459-d7a4-ae18ebe759cc" LABEL="sirius:4"
> TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="1d6fc95d-02" /dev/sda4:
> UUID="4d970b31-5e9f-82c0-a4f4-aadef688448c"
> UUID_SUB="33983814-e607-a00f-d60f-fa6a7bc5f869" LABEL="sysresccd:2"
> TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTUUID="1d6fc95d-04" /dev/md3:
> UUID="104825f4-fde8-4e7a-ada4-336990c8b28b" TYPE="swap" /dev/md4:
> UUID="dbe3b076-a909-490a-a158-bfec8be698a9" TYPE="ext4" /dev/md2:
> UUID="aH6UpU-85RX-0qPt-eQVO-n2Uu-9lNU-wYnGV4" TYPE="LVM2_member"
> /dev/mapper/vms-gaviola--disk: UUID="aaa331dd-b687-4d10-80dc-f04b8931703c"
> TYPE="reiserfs" /dev/mapper/vms-pgsql--odoo--disk:
> UUID="5a2ac84f-02e1-471a-99d2-f9a67c174471" TYPE="reiserfs"
> /dev/mapper/vms-odoo2--disk: UUID="c56ab66a-c24e-4580-85c6-a48c7616830d"
> TYPE="reiserfs" /dev/mapper/vms-var:
> UUID="07eeb0ba-01be-4d4d-b56d-12e8d407725e" TYPE="ext4"
> /dev/mapper/vms-rootfs: UUID="9eaf8339-8bee-4e80-b5f6-0aa5780c9bf5"
> TYPE="ext4" /dev/mapper/vms-democracyos--disk:
> UUID="79796c37-5488-4cba-9447-4686570ecfbe" TYPE="ext4"
> /dev/mapper/vms-democracy--disk:
> UUID="ce17bc94-10fc-4ef6-be6c-df111de54d5c" TYPE="ext4"
> This is the correspondence with the MD devices:
> md2 => LVM physical volume.
> md3 => swap
> md4 => /boot
> root@sysresccd /root % cat /proc/mdstat
> Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5]
> [raid4] [raid10] md2 : active raid1 sda4[3]
>   485224512 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [_U]
> md4 : active raid1 sda2[0]
>   2045952 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]
> md3 : active raid1 sda1[0]
>   979392 blocks super 1.2 [2/1] [U_]
> unused devices: 
> Note: For now it is a single disk, but then I will add another.
> Then I mounted the file systems...
> root@sysresccd /root % mount /dev/vms/rootfs /mnt
> root@sysresccd /root % mount /dev/md4 /mnt/boot
> root@sysresccd /root % mount /dev/vms/var /mnt/var
> root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
> root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
> root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
> root@sysresccd /root % mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
> root@sysresccd /root % chroot /mnt /bin/bash
> ... to see the IDs for block devices configured in GRUB:
> root@sysresccd:~# grep mduuid /boot/grub/grub.cfg
> set root='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root
>   --hint='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc' 
>   dbe3b076-a909-490a-a158-bfec8be698a9
> set root='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root
>   --hint='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc' 
>   dbe3b076-a909-490a-a158-bfec8be698a9
> set root='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc'
>   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root
>   --hint='mduuid/ad9c38fd9b8276b87850b853ef9b86dc' 
>   dbe3b076-a909-490a-a158-bfec8be698a9
> --

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-27 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 26/07/2016 à 23:38, deloptes a écrit :

Daniel Guillermo Bareiro wrote:


The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
to boot with this message:

Did you check mdadm.conf - you usually regenerate it and recreate/update

Irrelevant. GRUB does not use mdadm.conf for booting.

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-27 Thread deloptes
Pascal Hambourg wrote:

> Le 26/07/2016 à 23:38, deloptes a écrit :
>> Daniel Guillermo Bareiro wrote:
> (...)
>>> The idea was to re-install without losing the containers I had
>>> created. After finishing the installation process, GRUB failed
>>> to boot with this message:
>> Did you check mdadm.conf - you usually regenerate it and recreate/update
>> initrd
> Irrelevant. GRUB does not use mdadm.conf for booting.

I understood OP has problem with assembling MD after boot. It is not clear
to me if his / is on raid or not.

mdadm.conf is IMHO relevant


Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-27 Thread Daniel Bareiro
Hi, deloptes.

On 27/07/16 17:16, deloptes wrote:

>>> Did you check mdadm.conf - you usually regenerate it and recreate/update
>>> initrd

>> Irrelevant. GRUB does not use mdadm.conf for booting.

> I understood OP has problem with assembling MD after boot. It is not clear
> to me if his / is on raid or not.
> mdadm.conf is IMHO relevant

I think to have checked the initrd and it had been built with
/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf by the Debian installer. Responding to your doubt,
/ is a LVM logical volume on an MD device.

But as in this case the boot process was interrupted in the instance
where GRUB was in control and not the kernel (because of the "grub
rescue" prompt), I thought the problem could come maybe from the side of

Thanks for your interest.

Kind regards,

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Jessie does not boot (GRUB2 complains with "mduuid not found"

2016-07-27 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Le 27/07/2016 à 22:16, deloptes a écrit :

Pascal Hambourg wrote:

Le 26/07/2016 à 23:38, deloptes a écrit :

Did you check mdadm.conf - you usually regenerate it and recreate/update

Irrelevant. GRUB does not use mdadm.conf for booting.

I understood OP has problem with assembling MD after boot.

Problem with *GRUB* assembling MD. Not the kernel, not the initramfs, 
not mdadm.

It is not clear to me if his / is on raid or not.


mdadm.conf is IMHO relevant

Your opinion does not stand much against the *fact* that GRUB does not 
use mdadm.conf.