Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Christian

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Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Christian

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Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Christian

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Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Christian

ich benutze im Moment KDE 2 aus Woody und bin am überlegen, zu
KDE 3.2.2 zu wechseln. Allerdings scheint Sarge ja demnächst stable zu
werden, wodurch früher oder später ein update dahin nötig wird. Macht es
unter diesem Aspekt jetzt noch Sinn, zu KDE 3.2.2 für Woody zu wechseln?

Viele Grüße,


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Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Christian
Entschuldigt bitte, irgendwas ist bei den vorherigen e-mails falsch

Meine Frage ist, ob es sich noch lohnt, von KDE 2 (Woody) auf KDE 3.2.2
Woody) zu wechseln im Hinblick darauf, das Sarge demnächst stable wird?

Vielen Dank und noch einmal entschuldigung für die fehlerhaften e-mails,


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Re: Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Martin Röhricht
Am Mi, den 06.10.2004 schrieb Christian um 10:52:
 ich benutze im Moment KDE 2 aus Woody und bin am überlegen, zu
 KDE 3.2.2 zu wechseln. Allerdings scheint Sarge ja demnächst stable zu
 werden, wodurch früher oder später ein update dahin nötig wird. Macht es
 unter diesem Aspekt jetzt noch Sinn, zu KDE 3.2.2 für Woody zu wechseln?

Naja, sagen wir mal so, keiner weiß so recht, wann Sarge endlich stable
wird. Das kann schon noch ein Weilchen dauern. Wenn es Dir nichts
ausmacht eventuell einige wenige Monate zu warten, bzw. Du KDE nicht so
intensiv nutzt, warte auf Sarge. Ansonsten würde ich mir bei gegebener
Internetanbindung die backports installieren, denn KDE hat schon von
Version 2 auf 3 einen sehr großen Sprung vollzogen.
Wenn Du eh kein woody mehr magst könntest Du sonst auch bis sarge stable
ist auf testing oder unstable gehen, um ein moderneres System zu haben.

Also wie gesagt, ich habe den Eindruck sarge braucht noch den einen oder
anderen Monat. Kommt halt drauf an, was Du für eine Internetverbindung
hast und ob Du es für mehr als eine Maschine installieren möchtest.


Re: Wechsel zu KDE 3.2.2 (Woody) noch sinnvoll in Hinblick of Sarge

2004-10-06 Thread Robin Haunschild

am Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2004 10:57 schrieb Christian:


 Meine Frage ist, ob es sich noch lohnt, von KDE 2 (Woody) auf KDE 3.2.2
 Woody) zu wechseln im Hinblick darauf, das Sarge demnächst stable wird?

Definiere sich lohnen. ;)
KDE 3.2.x hat deutliche Vorteile gegenüber KDE 2.2.2. ;)
Allerdings ist Sarge für meine Begriffe schon ziemlich stabil. ;)
AFAIR zieht KDE auch einige Backports als Abhängigkeiten bei woody hinter sich 
her. Wenn Du ein woody mit keinen oder wenig Backports hast, würde ich Dir 
eher zu einem Upgrade auf Sarge raten. Wenn Du sowieso schon viele Backports 
hast, schaden die weiteren KDE-Backports IMHO auch nicht mehr so viel.
Nur wenn Du noch ein sauberes woody betreibst, wäre ein dist-upgrade auf Sarge 
eher anzuraten.
Jeder Backport kann beim dist-upgrade auf Sarge Probleme bereiten, muß aber 
nicht. ;)


Viele Grüße

Robin Haunschild

  .''`. Ha Psi ist gleich Eh Psi
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 `. `'`*Linux* - apt-get into it

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Installation KDE sur Woody

2004-07-08 Thread Bsd

Vala j'en suis a plusieurs installations de Woody et aussi kde et c'est
la première fois que je bloque sur kde.

J'ai mis dans mon sources.list : deb
http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.4/Debian stable main

Quand je tape : apg-get kdebase j'ai : 

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kdebase: Depends: kappfinder (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going
to be installed
   Depends: kate (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going to be
   Depends: kcontrol (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going to
be installed
   Depends: kdebase-bin (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going
to be installed

Quand je tape apgt-get update ou upgrade : aucun message et paquets

Ce qui me surprend c'est que j'ai bien du installer au moins 3 fois KDE
et je n'ai jamais eu ce problème.
J'auarais raté un épisode?
De plus, quelq'un pourrait il me donner son .deb de la dernière version
de KDE stable car j'en ai essayé d'autres et soit j'ai le même problème
qu'au dessus soit j'ai une erreur 404.

Merci beaucoup de vos suggestions


Re: Installation KDE sur Woody

2004-07-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 14:52:23 +0200, Bsd wrote:

 Quand je tape : apg-get kdebase j'ai : 
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   kdebase: Depends: kappfinder (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going
 to be installed
Depends: kate (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going to be
Depends: kcontrol (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going to
 be installed
Depends: kdebase-bin (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going
 to be installed
dans ces cas là, je descends dans l'arbre pour trouver le grain de
sable qui coince i.e

que donne apt-get -s install kdebase-bin ? (ou l'un des deux autres mais
autant prendre le plus central)

par ailleurs, que donne apt-get install kdebase -t une-autre-distrib
(testing|sarge|bidon)  ?


RE : Installation KDE sur Woody

2004-07-08 Thread Bsd

On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 14:52:23 +0200, Bsd wrote:

 Quand je tape : apg-get kdebase j'ai :
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   kdebase: Depends: kappfinder (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not 
 going to be installed
Depends: kate (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going to 
 be installed
Depends: kcontrol (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not going 
 to be installed
Depends: kdebase-bin (= 4:3.1.4-0woody1) but it is not 
 going to be installed
dans ces cas là, je descends dans l'arbre pour trouver le grain de
sable qui coince i.e

que donne apt-get -s install kdebase-bin ? (ou l'un des deux autres mais
autant prendre le plus central)

par ailleurs, que donne apt-get install kdebase -t une-autre-distrib
(testing|sarge|bidon)  ?



Merci de ta réponse.

Voici ce que donne apt-get -s install kdebase-bin: 

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kdebase-bin: Depends: kdelibs4 (= 4:3.1.4) but it is not going to be
   Depends: libart-2.0-2 but it is not installable
   Depends: libqt3-mt (= 3:3.1.2) but it is not going to be
E: Sorry, broken packages

Je sais pas si cela t'insperera mais moi non pour le moment :)


Re: RE : Installation KDE sur Woody

2004-07-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 20:49:47 +0200, Bsd wrote:

 Voici ce que donne apt-get -s install kdebase-bin: 
 Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
   kdebase-bin: Depends: kdelibs4 (= 4:3.1.4) but it is not going to be
Depends: libart-2.0-2 but it is not installable
Depends: libqt3-mt (= 3:3.1.2) but it is not
going to be
 E: Sorry, broken packages
 Je sais pas si cela t'insperera mais moi non pour le moment :)

ben un air de déjà vu ;-)

il faut continuer (niveau 2), idem pour apt-get -s install libqt3-mt ou
kdelibs4 ... et ainsi de suite...

Il me semble qu'au bout du compte, il faut virer/remplacer un ou deux
paquets (je sais plus lesquels) et après on fait l'install kde effective.

C'est un peu comme si apt-get détectait un problème au fin fond des
dépendances (niveau k) mais qu'il n'affiche que la surface (niveau 1).

(y'a peut-être une option pour tout afficher ?)

C'est comme je dis souvent (pas ici): c'est comme le jeu du mikado, le
problème est au centre mais faut enlever ce qui gène pour pouvoir le


Re: Installing a different windows manager in KDE on Woody? (QVWM if possible)

2004-01-09 Thread John L. Fjellstad
Joseph Jones wrote:

 I'm not quite digging what KDE's window manager looks like with the
 Redmond theme, I think I'd just prefer to install QVWM and use that if
 possible. Anyone here know anything about carrying this out?

Check your startkde file (in Sarge, it's in /etc/kde3/debian directory. Not
sure if it was in something else in Woody, probably /etc/kde/debian).
Reading through my file, it looks like I only need to set the KDEWM
environment variable to my new WM, otherwise, you can replace kwin with
whatever you want in the script.

John L. Fjellstad
web: http://www.fjellstad.org/  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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Installing a different windows manager in KDE on Woody? (QVWM if possible)

2004-01-07 Thread Joseph Jones
I'm not quite digging what KDE's window manager looks like with the 
Redmond theme, I think I'd just prefer to install QVWM and use that if 
possible. Anyone here know anything about carrying this out?

Many thanks


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2003-06-05 Thread Stephane Toussaint
Bonjour, (bonsoir en fait)

Depuis quelques temps, vu que j'ai un peu de temps, j'essaye de configurer KDE 
pour qu'il ressemble à ce dont j'ai envie.

Je suis donc allez faire un petit tour sur kde-look, mais force est de 
constater que ça devient vite le bordel car il faut installer de tas de truc 
(librairies, module XML, etc.) des fois dispos en packets .deb mais 
généralement en unstable (donc pas glop).

Avant de poser mes questions, je voudrais savoir si vous connaissez 
l'existence d'une liste debian un peu plus spécialisé dans KDE (ou 

Sinon, s'il y a d'autre personne ici qui s'amuse à ça de temps en temps, merci 
de me faire signe (themes Karamba, etc.), car je ne pense pas que cela 
intéresse beaucoup de monde sur cette liste.




2003-06-05 Thread Olivier Jeulin

Stephane Toussaint wrote:

Bonjour, (bonsoir en fait)


Avant de poser mes questions, je voudrais savoir si vous connaissez 
l'existence d'une liste debian un peu plus spécialisé dans KDE (ou 

oui: http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/  (4è lien de google avec 
debian list kde... Moralité: faut chercher un minimum!)


2003-06-05 Thread Edhiltir
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 09:52:59PM +0200, Stephane Toussaint wrote :
 Bonjour, (bonsoir en fait)


 Depuis quelques temps, vu que j'ai un peu de temps, j'essaye de configurer 
 pour qu'il ressemble à ce dont j'ai envie.
 Je suis donc allez faire un petit tour sur kde-look, mais force est de 
 constater que ça devient vite le bordel car il faut installer de tas de truc 
 (librairies, module XML, etc.) des fois dispos en packets .deb mais 
 généralement en unstable (donc pas glop).
 Avant de poser mes questions, je voudrais savoir si vous connaissez 
 l'existence d'une liste debian un peu plus spécialisé dans KDE (ou 

Celle-ci devrait faire l'affaire : http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/
Par contre, elle doit être en anglais.
 Sinon, s'il y a d'autre personne ici qui s'amuse à ça de temps en temps, 

Moi, de temps en temps, mais en unstable et vraiment pas souvent.

 de me faire signe (themes Karamba, etc.), car je ne pense pas que cela 
 intéresse beaucoup de monde sur cette liste.

Bon courage,


 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-06-05 Thread Stephane Toussaint
Bah je suis déjà allé faire un tour sur ce site, mais il n'a pas l'air très
vivant (40 inscrits sur les forums par exemple).

J'ai vu des liens vers une liste kde-look, mais quand j'essaye de m'y
inscrire il me dit qu'elle n'existe pas...

Je trouve que c'est typiquement le genre d'exercice qui nécessiterait une
réunion entre KDE-Debiannien pour apprendre un tas de chose sur le sujet.

Y a plus qu'a passer des annonces pour trouver des gens motivés (moi je
trouve ça cool un beau bureau tout simple avec une petite bar pour XMMS, la
météo à 5 jour et une bar de menu indiquant le trafic réseau et l'espace
- Original Message -
From: Ivan Smets [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 10:47 PM
Subject: RE: KDE et WOODY

 Je n'ai pas connaissance d'une liste KDE dédié à debian mais tu peux
 esssayer de faire un tour sur http://www.kde-france.org/
 Tu peux espérer trouver ton bonheur ou tout au moins des gens capable de
 essaye de faire un tour sur
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Stephane Toussaint [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Envoyé : jeudi 5 juin 2003 21:53
 À : debian-user-french
 Objet : KDE et WOODY

 Bonjour, (bonsoir en fait)

 Depuis quelques temps, vu que j'ai un peu de temps, j'essaye de configurer
 pour qu'il ressemble à ce dont j'ai envie.

 Je suis donc allez faire un petit tour sur kde-look, mais force est de
 constater que ça devient vite le bordel car il faut installer de tas de
 (librairies, module XML, etc.) des fois dispos en packets .deb mais
 généralement en unstable (donc pas glop).

 Avant de poser mes questions, je voudrais savoir si vous connaissez
 l'existence d'une liste debian un peu plus spécialisé dans KDE (ou

 Sinon, s'il y a d'autre personne ici qui s'amuse à ça de temps en temps,
 de me faire signe (themes Karamba, etc.), car je ne pense pas que cela
 intéresse beaucoup de monde sur cette liste.



 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact


2003-06-05 Thread Stephane Toussaint
Oui j'ai déjà cette liste (j'aurais dû le signaler), mais je voulais savoir
s'il y en avait d'autre (plus porté sur le look), parce que je ne trouve pas
ce que je cherche dans les archives.


- Original Message -
From: Olivier Jeulin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-french debian-user-french@lists.debian.org
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: KDE et WOODY

 Stephane Toussaint wrote:
  Bonjour, (bonsoir en fait)

  Avant de poser mes questions, je voudrais savoir si vous connaissez
  l'existence d'une liste debian un peu plus spécialisé dans KDE (ou
 oui: http://lists.debian.org/debian-kde/  (4è lien de google avec
 debian list kde... Moralité: faut chercher un minimum!)

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Re: De KDE 2.2.2 à KDE 3.1 (Woody)

2003-01-31 Thread Didier Chalm

Migrec wrote:

Comment faire pour installer kdelibs3 et kdelibs4 en même temps ?

Il vaut peut-etre mieux recuperer le paquet source et essayer d'en 
refaire un paquet binaire avec le kdelibs4 de ta machine.

apt-get --build source ksensors


  Service Informatique   BREST - FRANCE

Re: De KDE 2.2.2 à KDE 3.1 (Woody)

2003-01-31 Thread Latreyte David
Le Jeudi 30 Janvier 2003 15:22, Migrec a écrit :

 Après m'être décidé à passer à KDE 3.1 sur ma Woody (avec KDE 2.2.2
 d'origine), j'ai des problèmes de dépendance avec quelques paquets :

 # apt-get install ksensors
Peut-être un :
#apt-get install -t experimental ksensors

Latreyte David  http://www.gaule.org
Powered with Debian GNU/Linux Sarge

De KDE 2.2.2 à KDE 3.1 (Woody)

2003-01-30 Thread Migrec

Après m'être décidé à passer à KDE 3.1 sur ma Woody (avec KDE 2.2.2 
d'origine), j'ai des problèmes de dépendance avec quelques paquets :

# apt-get install ksensors
Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  ksensors: Depends: kdelibs3 (= 4:2.2.2-1) but it is not going to be 
E: Sorry, broken packages

En gros des paquets veulent kdelibs3 alors que KDE 3.1 est livré avec 
kdelibs4. Evidement si j'essaie installer kdelibs3, il veut me virer tous ce 
que je viens d'installer (-150 Mo)...

Comment faire pour installer kdelibs3 et kdelibs4 en même temps ?


Lancement de KDE sous Woody

2002-12-17 Thread Philippe MERLIN
J'ai un problème KDE se lance mal, il se bloque à
l'initialisation en faisant sauter le serveur X .
Le logo KDE apparaît, mais lors de la phase initialisation
des périphériques il s'arrète.
Je ne sais quoi faire et ou trouver le log du début
d'initialisation de Kde , si il existe ? ainsi je pourrai
peut être connaitre la raison de cet arrêt brutal.
Gnôme fonctionne correctement.
A l'avance merci

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Acelerar kde en woody

2002-09-26 Thread Fing
Estimado Lista,

Alguien me puede decir como hago para accelerar el inicio de woody, y mas
especificamente kde 

Me gustaría saber sus truquillos/consejos o Los consejos de la abuela (como se
dice en algunos lados), para que arranque mas rápido, y si es posible apra
que TODO el sistema ande mejor ?

PD.: Cuanto mas esecifico sean mejor, ya sabe que soy medio novatillo :)

Desde ya les agradezco, me voy de aquí a 10 hs. así que si llega despues
no lo podré leer :(

 Federico  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

KDE sur woody

2002-09-05 Thread Philippe ROSTAING TAYARD
Title: KDE sur woody


 J'aimerais utiliser KDE sur ma woody, mais malheureusement, il plante mon serveur X. Ce dernier fonctionne cependant parfaitement sous WindowMaker, BlackBox ou Gnome (Sawfish).

 Cela arrive à l'initialisation des périphériques (d'après le log de X, à la souris).

 Une idée ??

 Précisions : j'utilise un portable Compaq EVO N600C avec le driver VESA.


Description: Binary data

KDE on Woody 2.4.19

2002-06-07 Thread FreeportWeb Debian Support Account

I'm struggling a little with a Woody installation and KDE,
I have the 2.4.18 kernel.

I installed XFree86, works great.  startx comes up, looks good,
runs fine, twm is even running...

Now, I would like to install KDE 3.0.x, which I want as my default
desktop, but i'm running into issues both doing apt-get's and 
building from the source.  KDE doesn't start, when I do a startkde,
I get some script errors, but DCOP starts... interesting. I can even
start kdesktop, and guess what, that even comes up... 
It just feels like its not completely installed, or something got
juggled in the process of installing.

Can someone out there give me an idea of what is the best way to
install KDE on my platform, and what the steps are?

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KDE, sound, Woody.

2002-05-06 Thread DSC Siltec

I have Woody KDE.  When I start up KDE, I get a the following poem,

Informational\ Sound server informational message:\Error while
initializing sound driver:\ device/dev/dsp can't be opened (No such
device)\ The sound server will continue, using the null output device.

Which, for free verse poetry is all very well and nice, and is very
communicative, but I would so like to have my sound card working.  

 - - -

Now, I thought I had set everything up as much as I needed, but mayhap
I was wrong.  So I was hoping that someone could point me in the
of either troubleshooting man pages (or howtos), or else give me some
troubleshooting and fixing pointers.  

[I'm a newbie, but I'm getting my system together little by little.]

My sound card's details as reported by MS Win98, are as follows:

PCI:  Yamaha DS-XG PCI Audio  CODEC, 
INT 10 Mem 4038000-403
  Yamaha DS-XG PCI Gameport ,   
I/O 201-201
  Yamaha DX-XG PCI Legacy sound system, 
INT 5, DMA 1, IO 220-22F,388-38F, 330-331  

It would be nice to have not only sound output, but sound input working
as well.

   - Thanks.

On previous questions I have been asked my name.

My name is Michael, and I am a Windows user.  I have started to wean
of Windows, but still have a dual boot situation (Loadlin) and mentality
(push key, get coffee.  Check computer, use restroom, get more coffee.) 
Once I used to program, but that was back in the DOS days; now I am a
Windows junky, and no good to myself or anybody else.  ( Gosh, this
sounds just like Windows Anonymous. )

 - Michael 
   [If you REPLY, then the followup will take care of getting a copy to
If you craft your own original message, please cc: me]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE, sound, Woody.

2002-05-06 Thread Robert_L
On Monday 06 May 2002 9:24 am, DSC Siltec wrote:
 I have Woody KDE.  When I start up KDE, I get a the following poem,

 Informational\ Sound server informational message:\Error while
 initializing sound driver:\ device/dev/dsp can't be opened (No such
 device)\ The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
 My sound card's details as reported by MS Win98, are as follows:

 PCI:  Yamaha DS-XG PCI Audio  CODEC,
 INT 10 Mem 4038000-403

Does lsmod show the driver being loaded?
If not try modprobe ymfpci
(There are also ALSA and OSS drivers for this card you can try)
You may also need to add yourself to the audio group afterwards.
(Check that audio is indeed the group that owns /dev/dsp first with
ls -l /dev/dsp)
Then adduser your_username audio

all the best,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Asunto: Re: Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-18 Thread Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo
El mié, 17-04-2002 a las 19:29, Dario Jolodovsky escribió:

 La verdad que no se que puede hacer pero puedes probar desinstalar el gdm
 e instalar el kdm

Ya probaré, gracias. De momento sigo con el gdm.



JUAN CARLOS AMENGUALDaylight licked me into shape,
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I I must have been asleep for days
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA and moving lips to breathe her name,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  I opened up my eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and found myself alone, alone
Phone: +34 964 728361   alone above a raging sea
Fax: +34 964 728435 that stole the only girl I loved
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   and drowned her deep inside of me.
Robert Smith (The Cure)
- Just like Heaven, Kiss me, Kiss me,
Kiss me, 1987, Fiction Rec. -

Re: Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-17 Thread Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo
El lun, 15-04-2002 a las 22:46, Dario Jolodovsky escribió:
 a mi me paso lo mismo y lo soluciono con un nuevo apt-get install task-kde
 no se por que tuve que reinstalarlo, pero asi funciono!!


antes de nada agradeceros vuestra ayuda, en particular a José Luis
Fernández, Dario Jolodovsky, pi y Juan Jesús Ojeda que me han
contestado. Varias cosas:

1. Acaban de poner una task-kde en woody. Es un metapaquete que se
llama kde. Ya me lo he instalado.
2. Desde el gdm no me arranca la sesión KDE.
3. Ejecuto como root /etc/init.d/gdm stop para parar el gdm y después
como usuario startkde y ni flowers. He probado a ponerle antes lo del
export DISPLAY y me dice que no se puede conectar con el localhost.
4. SÍ que me funciona si modifico el .xsession y ejecuto startx. En el
.xsession he comentado el exec /usr/bin/wmaker que tenía y he puesto
exec /usr/bin/kde2 que, por otra parte, es el contenido del script

La pregunta es ¿alguien sabe por qué narices no funciona la sesión KDE
desde el login del gdm? ¿Es un bug? ¿Hay que reportarlo? La verdad es
que preferiría arrancar desde el gdm la sesión KDE y dejar mi .xsession
tal como lo tenía (exec /usr/bin/wmaker) para poder arrancar sólo con
WMaker cuando ejecuto la sesión Debian desde gdm. Gracias a tod*s


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I and I don't feel,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA but tightly hold up silently my hands
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  before my fading eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and in my eyes your smile.
Phone: +34 964 728361   The very last thing before I go ...
Fax: +34 964 728435 Robert Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - The same deep water as you,
1989, Fiction Rec. -

Asunto: Re: Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-17 Thread Dario Jolodovsky
La verdad que no se que puede hacer pero puedes probar desinstalar el gdm
e instalar el kdm


-- Mensaje original --

El lun, 15-04-2002 a las 22:46, Dario Jolodovsky escribió:

 a mi me paso lo mismo y lo soluciono con un nuevo apt-get install task-kde
 no se por que tuve que reinstalarlo, pero asi funciono!!


antes de nada agradeceros vuestra ayuda, en particular a José Luis
Fernández, Dario Jolodovsky, pi y Juan Jesús Ojeda que me han
contestado. Varias cosas:

1. Acaban de poner una task-kde en woody. Es un metapaquete que se
llama kde. Ya me lo he instalado.
2. Desde el gdm no me arranca la sesión KDE.
3. Ejecuto como root /etc/init.d/gdm stop para parar el gdm y después
como usuario startkde y ni flowers. He probado a ponerle antes lo del
export DISPLAY y me dice que no se puede conectar con el localhost.
4. SÍ que me funciona si modifico el .xsession y ejecuto startx. En el
.xsession he comentado el exec /usr/bin/wmaker que tenía y he puesto
exec /usr/bin/kde2 que, por otra parte, es el contenido del script

La pregunta es ¿alguien sabe por qué narices no funciona la sesión KDE
desde el login del gdm? ¿Es un bug? ¿Hay que reportarlo? La verdad es
que preferiría arrancar desde el gdm la sesión KDE y dejar mi .xsession
tal como lo tenía (exec /usr/bin/wmaker) para poder arrancar sólo con
WMaker cuando ejecuto la sesión Debian desde gdm. Gracias a tod*s



UNIVERSIDAD JAUME Iand I don't feel,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICAbut tightly hold up silently my hands
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI before my fading eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.   and in my eyes your smile.
Phone: +34 964 728361  The very last thing before I go ...
Fax: +34 964 728435Robert Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  - The same deep water as you,
   1989, Fiction Rec. -

FiberTel, el nombre de la banda ancha http://www.fibertel.com.ar

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-15 Thread Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo
El jue, 11-04-2002 a las 07:05, José Luis Fernández Barros escribió:
 El Mié 10 Abr 2002 14:30, Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo escribió:
  llamada KDE. Cojonudo. Selecciono sesión KDE en gdm, arranco y ¡fallo!
  Vuelta a la pantalla de login de gdm. He mirado el .kde2-errors, pero
  está vacío. He mirado el KDE que hay en el directorio de sesiones de gdm
  y no encuentro nada anormal. ¿Tal vez me falta algo por instalar?
  Disculpad mi inexperiencia con KDE ... es la primera vez. Gracias.
 Pues sí que venía bien una tasksel con KDE.

Pues sí. La busqué y la he echado de menos ... :(

 Yo lo tengo funcionando y si te 
 sirve de ayuda mis *kde* instalados son
 kde-i18n-es kde-theme-matte kde-theme-metallic kde-theme-neon 
 kde-theme-pastel kde-theme-sweetpill kdeaddons-doc-html kdebase 
 kdebase-audiolibs kdebase-crypto kdebase-doc kdebase-libs kdelibs3 
 kdelibs3-bin kdelibs3-crypto kdelibs3-cups kdepasswd kdepim-libs 
 kdewallpapers libkdenetwork1 licq-plugin-kde
 Otra opción más artesanal es ir eligiendo entre
   apt-cache search kde
 También puedes intentar ver errores arrancando con startx o startkde

Juraría que tengo todos los paquetes que dices menos los kdeaddons y los
themes. Al arrancar con startkde (tras parar el gdm) me dice:

xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
ksplash: cannot connect to X server 
Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server 
connect() failed: : No such file or directory

¿alguna idea? Gracias de antemano.



JUAN CARLOS AMENGUALRemember I was always true,
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I remember that I always tried,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA remember I loved only you,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  remember me and smile ...
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.For it's better to forget
Phone: +34 964 728361   than to remember me
Fax: +34 964 728435 and cry
Robert Smith (The Cure)
- Treasure, Wild Mood Swings, 1996, Fiction Rec. -

Asunto: Re: Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-15 Thread Dario Jolodovsky

a mi me paso lo mismo y lo soluciono con un nuevo apt-get install task-kde
no se por que tuve que reinstalarlo, pero asi funciono!!

-- Mensaje original --

El jue, 11-04-2002 a las 07:05, José Luis Fernández Barros escribió:
 El Mié 10 Abr 2002 14:30, Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo escribió:
  llamada KDE. Cojonudo. Selecciono sesión KDE en gdm, arranco y ¡fallo!
  Vuelta a la pantalla de login de gdm. He mirado el .kde2-errors, pero
  está vacío. He mirado el KDE que hay en el directorio de sesiones de
  y no encuentro nada anormal. ¿Tal vez me falta algo por instalar?
  Disculpad mi inexperiencia con KDE ... es la primera vez. Gracias.

 Pues sí que venía bien una tasksel con KDE.

Pues sí. La busqué y la he echado de menos ... :(

 Yo lo tengo funcionando y si te
 sirve de ayuda mis *kde* instalados son

 kde-i18n-es kde-theme-matte kde-theme-metallic kde-theme-neon
 kde-theme-pastel kde-theme-sweetpill kdeaddons-doc-html kdebase
 kdebase-audiolibs kdebase-crypto kdebase-doc kdebase-libs kdelibs3
 kdelibs3-bin kdelibs3-crypto kdelibs3-cups kdepasswd kdepim-libs
 kdewallpapers libkdenetwork1 licq-plugin-kde

 Otra opción más artesanal es ir eligiendo entre
  apt-cache search kde

 También puedes intentar ver errores arrancando con startx o startkde

Juraría que tengo todos los paquetes que dices menos los kdeaddons y los
themes. Al arrancar con startkde (tras parar el gdm) me dice:

xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
ksplash: cannot connect to X server
Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server
connect() failed: : No such file or directory

¿alguna idea? Gracias de antemano.



JUAN CARLOS AMENGUAL   Remember I was always true,
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME Iremember that I always tried,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICAremember I loved only you,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI remember me and smile ...
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.   For it's better to forget
Phone: +34 964 728361  than to remember me
Fax: +34 964 728435and cry
   Robert Smith (The Cure)
   - Treasure, Wild Mood Swings, 1996, Fiction Rec. -

FiberTel, el nombre de la banda ancha http://www.fibertel.com.ar

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-15 Thread ^pi^
El Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 07:36:14PM +0200, Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo dijo:
 El jue, 11-04-2002 a las 07:05, Jos? Luis Fern?ndez Barros escribi?:
  El Mi? 10 Abr 2002 14:30, Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo escribi?:
   llamada KDE. Cojonudo. Selecciono sesi?n KDE en gdm, arranco y ?fallo!
   Vuelta a la pantalla de login de gdm. He mirado el .kde2-errors, pero
   est? vac?o. He mirado el KDE que hay en el directorio de sesiones de gdm
   y no encuentro nada anormal. ?Tal vez me falta algo por instalar?
   Disculpad mi inexperiencia con KDE ... es la primera vez. Gracias.
  Pues s? que ven?a bien una tasksel con KDE.
 Pues s?. La busqu? y la he echado de menos ... :(
  Yo lo tengo funcionando y si te 
  sirve de ayuda mis *kde* instalados son
  kde-i18n-es kde-theme-matte kde-theme-metallic kde-theme-neon 
  kde-theme-pastel kde-theme-sweetpill kdeaddons-doc-html kdebase 
  kdebase-audiolibs kdebase-crypto kdebase-doc kdebase-libs kdelibs3 
  kdelibs3-bin kdelibs3-crypto kdelibs3-cups kdepasswd kdepim-libs 
  kdewallpapers libkdenetwork1 licq-plugin-kde
  Otra opci?n m?s artesanal es ir eligiendo entre
  apt-cache search kde
  Tambi?n puedes intentar ver errores arrancando con startx o startkde
 Jurar?a que tengo todos los paquetes que dices menos los kdeaddons y los
 themes. Al arrancar con startkde (tras parar el gdm) me dice:
 xsetroot:  unable to open display ''
 ksplash: cannot connect to X server 
 Aborting. $DISPLAY is not set.
 ksmserver: cannot connect to X server 
 connect() failed: : No such file or directory
 ?alguna idea? Gracias de antemano.
de lo demas ni idea pero ese mensaje es xq kde no encuentra ninguna variable 
DISPLAY eso normalmente es xq  X no esta iniciado sino lo puedes asignar a mano 
con :

export DISPLAY=lo:0

de lo del KDE ni idea ya que nunca lo he usado
- Treasure, Wild Mood Swings, 1996, Fiction Rec. -


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problemas para arrancar KDE en Woody

2002-04-10 Thread Juan Carlos Amengual Argudo

tras muchos años usando gnome (y Ximian, recientemente) y ante las
molestias que me ha causado la convivencia Ximian-Woody, me he decidido
a darle una oportunidad a KDE en vista de que ya es 100% libre. He
instalado kdebase, kdebase-crypto y koffice con sus correspondientes
dependencias que han arrastrado una serie de paquetes más. El único
problema es que el dselect se quedaba atascado porque decía que
koffice-libs recomendaba (recommends) una versión de kghostview = que
2.2.0 y esa no es la versión de woody. Bueno, un error en las
dependencias que supongo que estará solucionado en un par de días, Q
para pasar la pantalla del dselect y a instalar. Perfecto.

Uso gdm para las X. Observo que en /etc/gdm/Sessions aparece una nueva
llamada KDE. Cojonudo. Selecciono sesión KDE en gdm, arranco y ¡fallo!
Vuelta a la pantalla de login de gdm. He mirado el .kde2-errors, pero
está vacío. He mirado el KDE que hay en el directorio de sesiones de gdm
y no encuentro nada anormal. ¿Tal vez me falta algo por instalar?
Disculpad mi inexperiencia con KDE ... es la primera vez. Gracias.



JUAN CARLOS AMENGUALDaylight licked me into shape,
UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I I must have been asleep for days
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA and moving lips to breathe her name,
CAMPUS DE RIU SEC, EDIFICIO TI  I opened up my eyes
CASTELLON, 12071. SPAIN.and found myself alone, alone
Phone: +34 964 728361   alone above a raging sea
Fax: +34 964 728435 that stole the only girl I loved
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   and drowned her deep inside of me.
Robert Smith (The Cure)
- Just like Heaven, Kiss me, Kiss me,
Kiss me, 1987, Fiction Rec. -

Re: KDE en woody et les polices

2002-01-17 Thread Laurent COOPER
Désolé, mes coordonnées étaient fausses dans le message précédent, suite à un 
crash de linux sur mon portable, le kmailrc était vide!

La bonne adresse est [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian powered computer

Re: KDE en woody et les polices

2002-01-17 Thread Laurent COOPER
Le Jeudi 17 Janvier 2002 11:23, Laurent COOPER a écrit :

 Je tourne en woody et j'effectue des upgrades réguliers sur deux machines.
 Depuis deux jours, j'ai un problème avec KDE.

 Les polices que je peux selectionner sont en nombre extrémement limité et
 il n'y a plus de police fixed, ce qui est TRES pénible pour konsole...

Je me réponds à moi même...

Après plusieurs tentatives de recherches dans les bugs infructueuses, je suis
aller consulter à la main les archives de [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Et bien en décembre le problème a été évoqué et résolu.

L'Anticrénelage n'est supporté que pour les fontes true type et type 1, ce
qui chez moi représente juste quelques fontes.

AA supprimé, problème résolu, mais bouhh... j'ai plus d'anticrénelage!!!

Debian powered computer

Colores en KDE con Woody

2002-01-02 Thread Javi
Saludos a toda la lista:
He actualizado hace poco a woody y he instalado KDE, pero al iniciar 
aplicaciones como Mozilla, se me cambian los colores de todo el entorno 
KDE,pareciendo que esta mal configurado el xf86 y vuelven a la normalidad al 
cerrar Mozilla. He revisado los archivos de configuracion de las X, y no se 
donde puede estar el fallo.
Espero que alguien pueda darme alguna pista.

Re: Colores en KDE con Woody

2002-01-02 Thread Áncor González Sosa
Tal vez tengas 8 bits como profundidad de color. Con eso sólo puedes tener 256
colores, así que la paleta se adaptará, seguramente, a la de la aplicación que
tenga el foco.

Para probar, reconfigura las X con muy poquita resolución y bastantes bits de
color. Si sigue fallando es que es otra cosa. Restaura el antiguo fichero de
configuración y a seguir buscando soluciones. Si así se ve bien, busca una
configuración con, por lo menos, 16 bits de color (aunque pierdas resolución).


On Wed, 2 Jan 2002 23:53:54 +0100

 Saludos a toda la lista:
 He actualizado hace poco a woody y he instalado KDE, pero al iniciar 
 aplicaciones como Mozilla, se me cambian los colores de todo el entorno 
 KDE,pareciendo que esta mal configurado el xf86 y vuelven a la normalidad al 
 cerrar Mozilla. He revisado los archivos de configuracion de las X, y no se 
 donde puede estar el fallo.
 Espero que alguien pueda darme alguna pista.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  LINUX|o_o |  
   |¡_/ |  
  Usuario registrado #239475  //   \ \ 
 (| | )
  Áncor González Sosa   /'\_   _/`\
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \___)=(___/
  Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 (Woody) 

KDE en woody

2001-12-25 Thread Seik
Existe para woody algun paquete como task-kde que instale todo el entorno
KDE? lo he buscado y no he encontrado nada, asi que creo que tendre que ir
seleccionando con dselect.
Estoy en lo cierto?

instalando KDE en woody

2001-12-25 Thread Seik
Hola, hace poco que he actualizado a woody y despues de configurar las X, no
sin trabajo, me dispongo a instalar KDE. Segun tengo entendido, en woody KDE
ya esta entre los paquetes de la distro, me equivoco? si es asi, no hace
falta añadir ninguna linea al sources.list como se hacia con potato...
pero cual es el nombre del paquete para instalar todo el entorno? 'task-kde'
no esta (eso creo) y he probado con 'kde' y me dice que no se instalara,
aunque esta en la base de datos.
que es lo que estoy haciendo mal o me falta por hacer?

Re: KDE en woody

2001-12-25 Thread El Debianita User
On Tue, Dec 25, 2001 at 02:51:51PM +0100, Seik wrote:
 Existe para woody algun paquete como task-kde que instale todo el entorno
 KDE? lo he buscado y no he encontrado nada, asi que creo que tendre que ir
 seleccionando con dselect.
 Estoy en lo cierto?
Hola Seik,
Estas en lo cierto pero porque el dselect?,simplemente apt-cache search kde
para que te liste los paquetes disponibles del kde y despues ap-get install
aunque despues de todo dependera del gusto del usuario :-)
saludos y felices fiestas.
Juan Ortiz

Re: instalando KDE en woody

2001-12-25 Thread Baltasar Perez
El mar, 25 de dic de 2001, a las 05:33:46 +0100, Seik comento ...
 Hola, hace poco que he actualizado a woody y despues de configurar las X, no
 sin trabajo, me dispongo a instalar KDE. Segun tengo entendido, en woody KDE
 ya esta entre los paquetes de la distro, me equivoco? si es asi, no hace
 falta añadir ninguna linea al sources.list como se hacia con potato...
 pero cual es el nombre del paquete para instalar todo el entorno? 'task-kde'
 no esta (eso creo) y he probado con 'kde' y me dice que no se instalara,
 aunque esta en la base de datos.
 que es lo que estoy haciendo mal o me falta por hacer?


yo no tengo KDE pero creo que instalando por ejemplo el Konqueror con
apt, te instalara ademas todos los paquetes base para que funcione.

Otra cosa, segun lei, en woody ya no estan los paquetes task-*


Baltasar Perez (aka 'ponto') | ETSIT - ULPGC
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Woody (Nucleo 2.4.9 con ReiserFS)
Linux user: #198228; Machine: #112080; Libranet: #84615
Las Palmas - Canary Islands - Spain

good cw is music, Pat Nicholls VE3DZZ

Pacotes do kde no woody

2001-11-12 Thread Philipe Gaspar
Alguem poderia me dizer o que esta havendo com os pacotes do kde no woody?
Estao quebrados?!?!

Philipe Gaspar aka kr0n.
Unix SysAdmin

Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
Thanks to Ken Meade I got X installed by running:
apt-get install x-window-system-core xserver-xfree86
and it worked fine.

Now I'd like to install GNOME and KDE but again I see a lot of packages with
nothing to tell me Install This.

First, can anyone help me get these two installed?

Second, these HAVE to be common tasks but I can't find any documentation on
doing them the Debian way.  Where should I be looking to find out how to do
these simple things?


John Purser

Re: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread Mark Ferlatte
On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 12:38:19PM -0700, John Purser wrote:
 Second, these HAVE to be common tasks but I can't find any documentation on
 doing them the Debian way.  Where should I be looking to find out how to do
 these simple things?

Check out the tasksel command.


Re: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread mallum
on Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 12:00:46PM -0800, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
 Check out the tasksel command.
nice, but task-kde is not on the list. What does one set in the
sources list to get a task-kde on woody ?

  -- mallum

Re: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread Mark Ferlatte
On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 08:08:20PM +, mallum wrote:
 on Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 12:00:46PM -0800, Mark Ferlatte wrote:
  Check out the tasksel command.
 nice, but task-kde is not on the list. What does one set in the
 sources list to get a task-kde on woody ?

There are a lot of KDE packages available in woody... you could try
apt-cache search kde and start installing stuff from that list.


RE: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread John Purser
I avoided tasksel because it failed on install.  I tried it just now and the
error message says:
No Tasks found on this system.
Did you update your available file?

I looked in /var/lib/dpkg/available and it's a huge file with lots of
packages and has a date of today.  I checked the man page for tasksel and
dpkg and didn't see anything about updating available.

Still, I'm just trying to install Gnome and KDE on Woody.

Anybody know how to do this?

John Purser

-Original Message-
From: Mark Ferlatte [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 13:01
To: Debian-User (E-mail)
Subject: Re: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 12:38:19PM -0700, John Purser wrote:
 Second, these HAVE to be common tasks but I can't find any documentation
 doing them the Debian way.  Where should I be looking to find out how to
 these simple things?

Check out the tasksel command.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread Mark Lanett
 Still, I'm just trying to install Gnome and KDE on Woody.

This is what worked on my potato box:
# apt-get install task-kde


Re: Installing GNOME and KDE on Woody

2001-11-03 Thread Mark Ferlatte
On Sat, Nov 03, 2001 at 03:57:58PM -0800, Mark Lanett wrote:
  Still, I'm just trying to install Gnome and KDE on Woody.
 This is what worked on my potato box:
 # apt-get install task-kde

The task-* packages have been removed in woody, because they cause
various problems.  tasksel was supposed to replace the task-* packages,
but it doesn't seem to be working excessively well.

The best way, I think, to install KDE is to just install the KDE apps
that you want, and let apt-get resolve the dependencies, and not worry
so much about tasks.


kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Alejandro Diego Garin
Hello linuxfriends:

I have installed woody (upgraded from potato) and now I would like to install 
Kde. My question is what is the magic apt-get command to start the whole kde 
install ? 
apt-get install __?__


Alejandro Diego Garin
GNU/Linux user #151577 counter.li.org
Licq #2502623

Re: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread smokez


there is links from debian.org
and if you search the mail archive
there are several references


Alejandro Diego Garin wrote:

Hello linuxfriends:

I have installed woody (upgraded from potato) and now I would like to install 
Kde. My question is what is the magic apt-get command to start the whole kde 
install ? 
apt-get install __?__


 -- 110010100 --

RE: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Bob Koss

 I have installed woody (upgraded from potato) and now I would
 like to install
 Kde. My question is what is the magic apt-get command to start
 the whole kde
 install ?
 apt-get install __?__

I'm in exactly the same boat. I did an 'apt-cache search kde' and I see
task-kde near the end of the list which looks promising.

Why don't you try 'apt-get install task-kde' and report back so that I know
it's safe ;-)

Re: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Alejandro Diego Garin
On Thursday 20 September 2001 09:53, Bob Koss wrote:
  I have installed woody (upgraded from potato) and now I would
  like to install
  Kde. My question is what is the magic apt-get command to start
  the whole kde
  install ?
  apt-get install __?__

 I'm in exactly the same boat. I did an 'apt-cache search kde' and I see
 task-kde near the end of the list which looks promising.

 Why don't you try 'apt-get install task-kde' and report back so that I know
 it's safe ;-)

Hi Bob!
I did:
#apt-get update
#apt-get install task-kde 
E: couldn't find package task-kde

what should i do?

Alejandro Diego Garin
GNU/Linux user #151577 counter.li.org
Licq #2502623

RE: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Bob Koss
 Hi Bob!
 I did:
 #apt-get update
 #apt-get install task-kde 
 E: couldn't find package task-kde
 what should i do?

Now that's weird. Are you sure you're running Woody?

Do a 'apt-cache search task-kde'. I see three entries when I do that.

Re: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Alejandro Diego Garin
On Thursday 20 September 2001 10:30, Bob Koss wrote:
  Hi Bob!
  I did:
  #apt-get update
  #apt-get install task-kde
  E: couldn't find package task-kde
  what should i do?

 Now that's weird. Are you sure you're running Woody?

 Do a 'apt-cache search task-kde'. I see three entries when I do that.

I did it, nothing

I did an upgrade from potato to woody yesterday.

$cat /etc/debian_version

$cat /etc/apt/sources.list

# See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy
# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs
# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.

deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian testing main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US testing/non-US main contrib 

Do I need to add another line here?

thanks for the help
Alejandro Diego Garin
GNU/Linux user #151577 counter.li.org
Licq #2502623

Re: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Alejandro Diego Garin
On Thursday 20 September 2001 10:30, you wrote:
  Hi Bob!
  I did:
  #apt-get update
  #apt-get install task-kde
  E: couldn't find package task-kde
  what should i do?

 Now that's weird. Are you sure you're running Woody?

 Do a 'apt-cache search task-kde'. I see three entries when I do that.

well, finally i am doing this

apt-get install kdebase
apt-get install koffice

I'm donwloading the packages now, this should work fine after all 

thanks for the help

Alejandro Diego Garin
GNU/Linux user #151577 counter.li.org
Licq #2502623

RE: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Bob Koss

 well, finally i am doing this
 apt-get install kdebase
 apt-get install koffice
 I'm donwloading the packages now, this should work fine after all 

Let us know when you're up and running in kde.

Re: kde in woody

2001-09-20 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:30:46AM -0400, Bob Koss wrote:

  Hi Bob!
  I did:
  #apt-get update
  #apt-get install task-kde 
  E: couldn't find package task-kde
  what should i do?
 Now that's weird. Are you sure you're running Woody?
 Do a 'apt-cache search task-kde'. I see three entries when I do that.

task-kde isn't in testing any more; task packages are being replaced by
other mechanisms [1]. The kde metapackage will replace task-kde, but it
hasn't made it into woody yet.

[1] Task: fields that are understood by tasksel in some cases,
metapackages like kde and junior-programming in others.


sources.list para kde en woody

2001-05-23 Thread Jaume Sabater

cuales son los sources.list para bajarse con el apt el kde2 en el woody? He 
encontrado los de potato, pero no los de woody... Algun cablecillo?

Re: sources.list para kde en woody

2001-05-23 Thread Eugenio Muoz Doyague
El Mié 23 May 2001 20:30, Jaume Sabater escribió:

 cuales son los sources.list para bajarse con el apt el kde2 en el woody? He
 encontrado los de potato, pero no los de woody... Algun cablecillo?
Que yo sepa el KDE2 está incluido en woody

Still no luck with KDE and woody.

2001-03-29 Thread Ian Lee

I tried
apt-get install task-kde/unstable

I got the error.
E: Release 'unstable' for 'task-kde' not 

I put a line to unstable in sources.list ans tried 
It then said I was missing packages and that the 
package was broken.

Can anyone help???

The source did not compile on my system, wants 


Re: Still no luck with KDE and woody.

2001-03-29 Thread Jimmy Richards
Hello Ian,

Sorry to say, but there is no 'task-kde' package for unstable. I argued a 
little bit with someone in IRC about there the 'task-*' stuff not being 
intended for use on 'unstable'. Maybe some of them do work.. but I don't 
think they are for unstable really. You have to install the seperate kde 
packages... here's some of mine in case you want to see what some of them 
are. I think you could get a list alos by enter the following command..

apt-cache search kde

dpkg -l 'k*' | grep '^ii' | sort

ii  karm   2.1.1-1.0.1A time tracker for KDE
ii  karpski0.101-9ethernet analyzer and sniffer
ii  kasteroids 2.1.1-1.0.1Asteroids for KDE
ii  katomic2.1.1-1.0.1The Atomic Entertainment Handbook
ii  kbabel 2.1-final-1.1  PO-file editor for KDE
ii  kbackgammon2.1.1-1.0.1A Backgammon game for KDE
ii  kbear  1.2.1-1Graphical ftp client for KDE
ii  kblackbox  2.1.1-1.0.1A simple logical game for the KDE project
ii  kcalc  2.1.1-1.0.1A calculator for KDE
ii  kchart 2.1-cvs2001032 KDE Office Suite - KChart
ii  kcron  2.1.1-1.0.1Crontab editor for KDE
ii  kdbg   1.2.0-5Graphical debugger interface
ii  kde-i18n-br2.1.1-2br i18n files for KDE
ii  kdebase2.1.1-2KDE core applications
ii  kdebase-crypto 2.1.1-1.0.1KDE core applications (Crypto modules)
ii  kdebase-dev2.1.1-2KDE core applications (development files)
ii  kdebase-doc2.1.1-2Documentation for Applications in kdebase
ii  kdebase-libs   2.1.1-2KDE libraries amd modules for kdebase
ii  kdelibs-dev2.1.1-2KDE core libraries (development files)
ii  kdelibs3   2.1.1-2KDE core libraries (runtime files)
ii  kdelibs3-crypt  KDE core libraries (Crypto Modules)
ii  kdelibs3-doc   2.1.1-2KDE core library documentation
ii  kdepasswd  2.1.1-1.0.1A Password changer frontend for KDE
ii  kdepim-dev 2.1.1-1.0.1KDE PIM applications (development files)
ii  kdepim-libs2.1.1-1.0.1KDE libraries amd modules for kdepim
ii  kdevelop   1.4.0-3An IDE for Unix/X11
ii  kdewallpapers  2.1.1-2Some wallpapers for KDE
ii  kdf2.1.1-1.0.1Disk space GUI for KDE
ii  kdict  0.5-1  kde dict client
ii  kedit  2.1.1-1.0.1A simple text editor for KDE
ii  kernel-doc-2.4 2.4.1-3Linux kernel specific documentation for vers
ii  kernel-package 7.34   Debian Linux kernel package build scripts.
ii  keystone   2.1.1-1Virtual Network Computer Client for KDE
ii  kfilereplace   0.6.0-6Linux/KDE utility to replace strings inside 
ii  kfind  2.1.1-1.0.1A KDE based file finder
ii  kfloppy2.1.1-1.0.1A floppy disk formater frontend
ii  kformula   2.1-cvs2001021 KDE Office Suite - KFormula
ii  kfract 2.1.1-1.0.1fractal generator for KDE
ii  kghostview 2.1.1-1.0.1PostScript viewer for KDE.
ii  khexedit   2.1.1-1.0.1A hex editor for KDE
ii  kiconedit  2.1.1-1.0.1An icon editor for creating KDE icons
ii  kicq   2.0.0b3-200103 ICQ (I seek you) client for KDE
ii  killustrator   2.1-cvs2001032 KDE Office Suite - KIllustrator
ii  kivio  2.1-cvs2001032 KDE Office Suite - Kivio
ii  kjots  2.1.1-1.0.1A small note taker program for KDE
ii  kljettool  2.1.1-1.0.1Laser Jet tools for KDE
ii  kmago  1.0.2-1.1  KDE download manager
ii  kmahjongg  2.1.1-1.0.1the classic mahjongg game for KDE project
ii  kmail  2.1.1-1Mail Client based on QT and KDE
ii  kmid   2.1.1-1.0.1midi/karaoke player for KDE
ii  kmidi  2.1.1-1.0.1midi-to-wav player/converter for KDE
ii  kmines 2.1.1-1.0.1Minesweeper for KDE
ii  kmix   2.1.1-1.0.1KDE based mixer app
ii  kmoon  2.1.1-1.0.1displays various phases of the moon
ii  kmtrace2.1-final-1.1  Malloc debugging tool for KDE
ii  knews  1.0b.1-5   Graphical threaded news reader
ii  knotes 2.1.1-1.0.1Sticky notes for KDE
ii  kodo   2.1.1-1.0.1mouse odometer which shows how far your mous
ii  koffice-libs   2.1-cvs2001032 KDE Office Suite (Common libraries and binar
ii  konqueror  2.1.1-2KDE's advanced File Manager, Web Browser and
ii  konquest   2.1.1-1.0.1KDE based GNU-Lactic Konquest game
ii  konsole2.1.1-2X terminal emulation for KDE
ii  korganizer 2.1.1-1.0.1Personal organizer based on QT and KDE
ii  korn   2.1.1-1Mail notifier for KDE
ii  koshell2.1-cvs2001032 KDE Office Workspace
ii  koth   0.7.6-1King of the Hill
ii  koules 1.4-6  Space action game for X11.
ii  kpackage   2.1.1-1.0.1Software package tool for KDE
ii  kpaint 2.1.1-1.0.1A Simple Paint 

font errors in kde 2.1 woody

2001-03-21 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

I've installed the Khoros System (www.khoral.com) and I'm having
problems with fonts. 
The message is: (long lines wrapped at \ )

Error! Cannot load font
'-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-67-iso8859-1, \
 -adobe-helvetica-bold-r-normal--12-120-75-75-p-70-iso8859-1=BOLD, \
 Loading default font 'xtDefaultFont'


I'm using woody/testing, XFree 4, KDE 2.1. All fonts (xfonts-XXX) are
 installed. I have xfs, xfstt installed and working ok!
If I use other window manager (icewm, wmaker, blackbox), the problem
 disappear, so I think it's related to kde, but I don't know how to fix.
Any ideas?

Mario O. de Menezes

Re: KDE for woody

2001-03-14 Thread Gudmundur Erlingsson
I haven't been able to connect to the kde.tdyc.com server for the last two
days (the connection always times out), so I was wondering if there was a mirror
site available?


On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 09:01:21PM +0800, #KUNDAN KUMAR# wrote:
 kde2.1 debs can be have from
 deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato main crypto optional
 deb ftp://kde.tdyc.com/pub/kde potato main crypto optional
 please add them in your /etc/apt/sources.list..
 -Original Message-
 From: Sven Gaerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 7:29 PM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: KDE for woody
 where do I find KDE2 DEBs for woody?
 I only have some kde-i18n DEBs in my packages list but not the
 base packages and libs that I need.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE for woody

2001-03-14 Thread Damien GUIHAL
Le Mercredi 14 Mars 2001 20:02, Gudmundur Erlingsson a écrit :
 I haven't been able to connect to the kde.tdyc.com server for the last two
 days (the connection always times out), so I was wondering if there was a
 mirror site available?


 On Sun, Mar 11, 2001 at 09:01:21PM +0800, #KUNDAN KUMAR# wrote:
  kde2.1 debs can be have from
  deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato main crypto optional
  deb ftp://kde.tdyc.com/pub/kde potato main crypto optional
  please add them in your /etc/apt/sources.list..
  -Original Message-
  From: Sven Gaerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 7:29 PM
  To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
  Subject: KDE for woody
  where do I find KDE2 DEBs for woody?
  I only have some kde-i18n DEBs in my packages list but not the
  base packages and libs that I need.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Try these :

deb ftp://planetmirror.com/pub/debian-kde stable crypto main optional
deb-src ftp://planetmirror.com/pub/debian-kde stable crypto main optional

KDE for woody

2001-03-11 Thread Sven Gaerner


where do I find KDE2 DEBs for woody?

I only have some kde-i18n DEBs in my packages list but not the
base packages and libs that I need.




RE: KDE for woody

2001-03-11 Thread #KUNDAN KUMAR#
kde2.1 debs can be have from

deb http://kde.tdyc.com potato main crypto optional
deb ftp://kde.tdyc.com/pub/kde potato main crypto optional

please add them in your /etc/apt/sources.list..


-Original Message-
From: Sven Gaerner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 7:29 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: KDE for woody


where do I find KDE2 DEBs for woody?

I only have some kde-i18n DEBs in my packages list but not the
base packages and libs that I need.




with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

RE: Compilando aplicaciones para kde en woody

2001-01-18 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Pablo Dorronsoro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Debian mail list debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Fecha: lunes 15 de enero de 2001 20:12
Asunto: Compilando aplicaciones para kde en woody


No es la primera vez que me pasa que no puedo compilar una aplicacion
kde para la que no hay paquete deb. El configure me da el error:

checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (= 2.0) (headers and
not found. Please check your installation!

Pero tengo las qt2.2 y las qt-dev 2.2 instaladas (debian woody)
Creo que en Debian no estan en el directorio donde suelen estar en
distros y por eso no las encuantra el configure pero no tengo ni

Alguien sabe como solucionarlo??

Prueba a poner algo así:
./configure --with-qt-dir=/usr/lib/qt2

Si tampoco va, ejecuta ./configure --help a ver si hay alguna otra
opción que puedas usar para pasarle el directorio donde están.

Ricardo Villalba

Xfree 4 and KDE on woody

2001-01-08 Thread Casey Webster

   i'm new to debian (and must say that i like it better than any other
distro i've used), and i'm hearing people say they are using xfree 4 and
kde, and am wondering if i need to install that the old fashioned way (cvs
co xc; cd xc; make World) or if there are .deb's i can get via apt-get.  I
have a friend who tells me that i can apt-get them, but i cannot see them.
my sources.list points to the woody(testing) dir on ftp.us.debian.org, and
i've run apt-get update; apt-get upgrade, as well as apt-cache search kde,
and searchong for X.  So my question is if there are .ebs for these, wahat
do i need to do to make them visible to apt.  


Re: Xfree 4 and KDE on woody

2001-01-08 Thread Casey Webster

On Tue, 9 Jan 2001, Sthitaprajna wrote:

 On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 17:29:57 -0600 (CST)
 Casey Webster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  co xc; cd xc; make World) or if there are .deb's i can get via apt-get.  I
  have a friend who tells me that i can apt-get them, but i cannot see them.
  my sources.list points to the woody(testing) dir on ftp.us.debian.org, and
 You could point your sources.list to unstable/sid and update your 
 database. KDE2 and X4.0.2 are in unstable..Maybe progeny carries them too.
I'll have to try that, last time i pointed at unstable/sid i did a apt-get
dist-upgrade and a lot of thing ceased to work for me, but i figured thats
why its unstable and havent looked back in a bit.  

also, what is progeny?  (new to the debian scene)


Re: gnome-session calls also kde in woody????

2000-09-17 Thread Julio Merino
On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 11:28:26AM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:

 i have just upgraded a laptop from really early potato to latest
 this laptop is used by several persons, and naturally there was no
 consens on which desktop-manager to use, so some users use kde, some
 others use sawfish+gnome
 now kde works fine, but when calling gnome-session, i also get the
 initialisation screens from the kde system. thats really weird
 something known? what can i do to trace the problem and resolve it?

I think that your gnome-session is saving in it's bootup list the kde
programs. Take a look at the control-center or at ~/.gnome


 ciao bboett
 http://inforezo.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett http://erm1.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett
 the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
 human population is growing
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Juli-Manel Merino Vidal

Homepage: http://jmmv.cjb.net

gnome-session calls also kde in woody????

2000-09-15 Thread Bruno Boettcher
i have just upgraded a laptop from really early potato to latest
this laptop is used by several persons, and naturally there was no
consens on which desktop-manager to use, so some users use kde, some
others use sawfish+gnome

now kde works fine, but when calling gnome-session, i also get the
initialisation screens from the kde system. thats really weird
something known? what can i do to trace the problem and resolve it?

ciao bboett
http://inforezo.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett http://erm1.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett
the total amount of intelligence on earth is constant.
human population is growing