>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Manoj> Hi, There are some mis-impressions floating around about
    Manoj> compiling custom kernels.

    Manoj>      The kernel-source package is just the "pure" sources
    Manoj> from Linux in /usr/src/kernel-source-X.XXX
    Manoj> directory. Nothing is added to that directory tree. It does
    Manoj> contain pre and post install scripts to help maintain
    Manoj> /usr/src/linux symlink -- you can then have multiple kernel
    Manoj> sources on your machine, and the kernel source package
    Manoj> scripts make sure you don't have a dangling symlink. (I
    Manoj> have 2.0.27 and 2.1.20 sources on my machine)

    Manoj>      The point is, there is no difference in the kernel
    Manoj> code. The statement that the kernel source package is less
    Manoj> fine tuned than the original sources is a fallacy.

I apologize if I contributed to a misconception!  It was a mistake to
imply that the Debian kernel source package doesn't allow one to
compile and fine tune their own kernels, and I apologize.

However, I do maintain that the existence of a kernel source package
at all _may_ be confusing to some people (i.e. possible questions such
as "what's the difference between the Debian package and the 'actual'
kernel sources?") and, more importantly, the kernel source package
will not generally be caught up with the actual kernel sources.  Maybe
for a week or two right after the package is upgraded, but otherwise

BTW, if the only reason for having the kernel-source package is
automatic maintenance of symlinks, IMHO people who can compile their
own kernel are also capable of maintaining symlinked multiple kernel
sources by hand...

Nathan L. Cutler
Linux Enthusiast

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