I have read the Large Disk Mini-HOWTO.  I have an IBM 14GXP 14.6G EIDE
drive, and when I partitioned it with cfdisk 0.81 (from slink) I had no
problems creating a 10G /usr (hda1=root, hda2=swap, hda5=usr) partition.

Now, though, if ever I run fdisk/cfdisk/sfdisk, they complain that
partition 3 is larger than the disk itself. In reading that Mini-HOWTO,
I gathered that cfdisk is supposed to be aware of the way EIDE disks
larger than 8G reported sizes, but it appears that my cfdisk is using
the reported size and exiting with a fatal error when hda5 is larger
than the reported disk size of 1024 cylinders (the disk is about 1750,

Do I need a later version of cfdisk?  sfdisk just gives me a warning,
and fdisk will perform operations on other parts of the disk (eg
hda8=tmp got totally trashed on a system hang, mke2fs crashed trying to
reformat that partition, so I deleted it and started that partition from
scratch, with good results).

I am running slink kernel 2.0.36 with SMP enabled.

Thanks for any input
Dan Hugo

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