Reminder: Link exchange with your site

2006-08-29 Thread Brian Rementer
Dear Fellow Biker,

My name is Brian Rementer, and I run the web site CycleBids:

The other day I wrote you to let you know I'm very interested inexchanging links. I'm sending this reminder in case you didn't receive myfirst letter. I've gone ahead and posted a link to your site, on thispage:

As you know, reciprocal linking benefits both of us by raising our searchrankings and generating more traffic to both of our sites. Please post alink to my site as follows:

Title: Motorcycle  Aftermarket Parts
Description: Motorcycle auction site buy sell or trade motorcycle partsand accessories!

Once you've posted the link, let me know the URL of the page that it's on,by entering it in this form:

You can also use that form to make changes to the text of the link to yoursite, if you'd like.

Thank you very much,

Brian Rementer

Link Exchange Request

2004-09-28 Thread Ajit Chauhan
Dear Sir/Madam
I would like to link exchange with my web site
Please send us your link details so that we can put it on our website. Our website 
is related to Website Design, Development and Search Engine Marketing. 
Below are my link details for your reference. 
Title : Web Site Design Company in India  UK 
Description : ISHIR Inc - A Website Design  Development Company offers Custom 
Website Design in Flash . Also Search Engine Optimization  Web Marketing Consultants 
 guarantee top search engine ranking. 

   HTML code
font face=Trebuchet MSa href=http:/www.ishirinc.comWeb Site Design Company 
in India  UK/abrfont size=2ISHIR Inc - A 
a href=http:/ style=text-decoration: nonefont 
color=#00Website Design  Development Company/font/a offers
a href=http:/ style=text-decoration: 
color=#00Custom Website Design in Flash/font/a. Also 
a href=http:/ style=text-decoration: nonefont 
color=#00Search Engine Optimization  Web Marketing Consultants/font/a 
guarantee top search engine ranking./font/font

Contact Person: Ajit Chauhan
Looking forward to get an early reply from you. 

Thanks for your consideration. 
With Regards
Ajit Chauhan

B-20, Sector 2,
NOIDA (NCR - New Delhi) -201301
Uttar Pradesh, India
Phone: +91-120-3099206/7/9
VOIP India: +1-214-7646873
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Link Exchange Request

2004-08-12 Thread links5
Me gustaría intercambiar vínculos con ustedes. El espacio web que estamos 
optimizando,, es semejante al suyo (tiene el mismo 
particularmente para la(s) palabra(s) 'ANILLO'. Deseamos 
especificalmente un vínculo desde ésta página:

No obstante, sí su política es solo vincular desde una página dedicada a 
vínculos, entendemos y apreciamos cualquier vínculo reciprocado. Sí por 
casualidad tienen interés, favor de usar nuesta forma dedicada al intercambio 
de vinculaciones:

Sí desean contactarme directamente, favor de hacerlo por medio de ésta forma:

(Sí, leo las respuestas a ésta dirección de correo electrónico, pero sí 
ustedes desean servicio mas répido, favor de usar la forma.)

#161;Muchísimas gracias!

Link exchange

2000-03-08 Thread Manisha at FAT24

Dear Webmaster,
Hi! My name is Manisha and I work for FAT24. I'm in charge of identifying 
websites for cross promotion for a new client of ours called Joyo96. I came 
across your website and really liked it. I thought we could exchange links.
Joyo96 is mostly concerned with written Japanese lessons, books and software 
- although there is also Japanese classical music available. It has a full 
144-page course on the Katakana phonetic script, as well as 150 Kanji 
etymologies with stroke order diagrams, calligraphic movies, example compounds, 
and Spanish translations. There are primers on many topics, and links to lots of 
free and commercial software. They have also developed a new "Paper Maker" which 
allows the student to print out writing authentic writing practice paper 
(squares for Kanji and Katakana and circles within squares for Hiragana).
The website was originally on AOL which only had counters for single pages so 
we do not know the total traffic on the old site exactly, but from LinkEchange 
data we know that it was about 700 page views per day, but as traffic is now 
being migrated to the new site of same domain name, traffic has been steadily 
climbing to an estimated 1200 page views per day.
Joyo96 would be happy to see you link to whichever parts you like the most. 
We written some sparse lines that you can cut-n-paste, or edit as you see fit. 
Hopefully your e-mail client will show the full code for cut-n-paste.
Of course we need to install a link to your site. I've tentatively written 
the following for your edit, comment, and approval:
A HREF=""COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 'Times New Roman'; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ansi-language: EN-GB; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"> 
.org/Packages/unstable/games/kdrill.html"Target Page/A - 
A vast resource of
Information related to Japanese with excellent graphics. Worth 
So, please:
1) Cut one or more of the codes below out and add it to your site, or your 
own modification of the code.
2) Notify us of the URL. You can contact me at FAT24 - 24 hours a day via 
live chat at or by e-mail.
3) If there are any questions, discuss them with me right now on live 
Thank you and best regards,

Manisha Gawde

and our Joyo96 team at FAT24
Ekta the wector
Beth Ogar
Dean Witter
Sandy Pentland

!-- Hopeful display code and not links: - the Home page:
A HREF=""Joyo'96/A - Written Japanese 
online tutorials. 144 page katakana tutorial, Japanese Ministry of Education's 
Joyo Kanji complete with etymology, stroke order, movies, and mood music. Links 
to books, software, and free stuff. Also see the Japanese Paper Maker online 
program to make your own calligraphy practice paper or posters. - The Katakana Tutorial
A HREF=""Katakana 
Tutorial/A -
144 pages - a complete online course covering the first written script of 
the Japanese language. Pages in Japanese are already "hard wired" into a proxy 
server for those who cannot afford Japanese processing software.
Based on READING JAPANESE, the famous textbook by Eleanor Jorden. - The Japanese Paper Maker
A HREF=""Paper Maker/A - make 
authentic calligraphy practice paper essential to proper rendering of written 
Japanese. Will print in your practice words in any configuration, vertical or 
horizontal, along with squares for writing Kanji and Katakana, and circles 
within squares for practicing the Hiragana. - The First Grade Kanji
A HREF=""Grade 1 Kanji/A - the 
most famous section of Joyo'96 which teaches the Japanese Ministry of 
Education's Joyo, or general use Kanji. Pages contain movies, stroke order 
diagrams, example compounds, etymology in both English and Spanish, 
cross-references to most of the major Kanji reference texts, and hyper linked 
references to other Kanji used in both the example compounds and in the 
etymologies. - Discussion Board
A HREF=""Japanese Discussion 
Board/A - Join the online exchange of information on Joyo'96, complete 
with graphics support and link posting. Ask a question, seek a pen pal, answer 
questions and help others use Paper Maker to answer their questions about 
Japanese text.