No I do not work for Libranet, but thought all of you who are on the debian list, might want to check it out...I myself have been using Libranets CD's since they first came out...An easy install, plus a full year of on-line help, and libranets user list at [EMAIL PROTECTED], for those that still have questions that can be answered by another Libranet User...

Libranet has been trying to make there Debian setup more user friendly for 'new, and old Debian Users' :-) ...

If anyone is interested you can visit the Website at ;-)


73 de Larry/wd9esu

"Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 1.9.1 by Libranet"
This is 'Linux Country'
On a quiet night, you
can hear WINDOZE!
systems rebooting!!!...

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