Crontab doesn't complete a script - was Re: Longstanding rsync script no longer excludes

2016-09-19 Thread Clive Menzies

On 17/09/16 17:12, Clive Menzies wrote:

WORKING version:
# Good rsync options for uhuru_backups.
rsync_opts="-av --exclude-from=exclude_list --delete 

The exclude_list is a file with one excluded directory per line with 
an asterisk at the end directory name.

 $rsync $rsync_opts $password Uhuru::rsync \
  /root/uhuru_backup/uhuru/home/ > /var/rsync/uhuru.$NOW.log

The daily backup script works fine when run manually as sudo but doesn't 
complete when run as a root cronjob. I know the script starts because it 
creates a log. When successful it gives a list of files copied but when 
run as a cronjob it's blank (0 bytes)

$ sudo crontab -l
20 21 1 * * /root/uhuru_backup/ > /dev/null
25 21 * * 7 /root/uhuru_backup/ > /dev/null
30 21 * * * /root/uhuru_backup/ > /dev/null

This should be impossible but I've got the same issue on two backup servers.



Clive Menzies

Re: Longstanding rsync script no longer excludes - SOLVED

2016-09-17 Thread Clive Menzies

On 17/09/16 13:32, Mike Bird wrote

  $rsync $rsync_opts $password FileServer::rsync \ 
/home/backup/home/ > /var/rsync/FileServer.$NOW.log

I don't see where the $excludes you built is actually used.

On 17/09/16 13:44, Clive Menzies wrote:
The script wasn't changed and I've always assumed the $rsync-opts took 
care of this. The script was copied from someone else and adapted.

# Good rsync options for FileServer_backups.
rsync_opts="-av --delete --delete-excluded"

Thanks to prompting by Mike, I've changed the way excludes are handled 
and it works :-)

OLD version:
# Good rsync options for uhuru_backups.
rsync_opts="-av --delete --delete-excluded"

# A list of files and directories that do not need to be backed up
 exclude_list="music funstuff cma/TransitStuff lost+found/"
 for exclude in $exclude_list; do
 excludes="$excludes --exclude=$exclude"

WORKING version:
# Good rsync options for uhuru_backups.
rsync_opts="-av --exclude-from=exclude_list --delete --delete-excluded"

The exclude_list is a file with one excluded directory per line with an 
asterisk at the end directory name.



Clive Menzies

Re: Longstanding rsync script no longer excludes

2016-09-17 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 17-09-2016 07:42, Clive Menzies wrote:
> Hi
> One of the issues we've encountered following a recent Jessie upgrade,
> (around 5th September) is an rsync script seems to have changed behaviour.
> We've been using rsync for a daily automated incremental backup and
> have three scripts to maintain an archive of daily snapshots for a
> week; weekly snapshots for a month; and 6 monthly snapshots (files are
> irretrievable 6months after they been deleted from the backed up server).
> We've two pairs of FileServer and BackupServer, rsyncd runs on
> FileServer and the following daily script on BackupServer
> #!/bin/bash
> # This script is called daily from cron to perform overnight backups
> # The full paths of the programs used in this script
> rm=/bin/rm
> mv=/bin/mv
> cp=/bin/cp
> rsync=/usr/bin/rsync
> # Good rsync options for FileServer_backups.
> rsync_opts="-av --delete --delete-excluded"
> # The name of the file containing the rsync connection password
> password="--password-file=/etc/.rs_pass"
> # A list of files and directories that do not need to be backed up
>  exclude_list="music funstuff cma/TransitStuff lost+found/"
>  excludes=""
>  for exclude in $exclude_list; do
>  excludes="$excludes --exclude=$exclude"
>  done
> # define NOW for adding date to rsync log filename eg.
> NOW=$(date +"%F.%H:%M")
> # Move all other backups up a level. Copy previous backup to
> /backup/daily.
> # Backup FileServer according to the [rsync] sections of the
> rsyncd.conf files
> # on FileServer. Use the password given in /etc/.rs_pass. Dump any
> output and
> # error messages to /var/rsync/FileServer
> mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.5 /home/backup/snapshot/day.6
> mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.4 /home/backup/snapshot/day.5
> mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.3 /home/backup/snapshot/day.4
> mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.2 /home/backup/snapshot/day.3
> mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.1 /home/backup/snapshot/day.2
> cp -al /home/backup/home /home/backup/snapshot/day.1
> $rsync $rsync_opts $password FileServer::rsync \
> /home/backup/home/ > /var/rsync/FileServer.$NOW.log
> The incremental backups have worked seamlessly for over 10 years but
> recently, possibly related to the upgrade of Debian Jessie, the
> exclude options have ceased to have effect.
> I've dug around the docs but haven't found anything relevant. Any
> suggestions as to what may be wrong?

You define $excludes, but you don't seem to use it anywhere.

BTW, your rotating backups are basically what rsnapshot does, you might
want to look at that.


Longstanding rsync script no longer excludes

2016-09-17 Thread Clive Menzies


One of the issues we've encountered following a recent Jessie upgrade, 
(around 5th September) is an rsync script seems to have changed behaviour.

We've been using rsync for a daily automated incremental backup and have 
three scripts to maintain an archive of daily snapshots for a week; 
weekly snapshots for a month; and 6 monthly snapshots (files are 
irretrievable 6months after they been deleted from the backed up server).

We've two pairs of FileServer and BackupServer, rsyncd runs on 
FileServer and the following daily script on BackupServer


# This script is called daily from cron to perform overnight backups
# The full paths of the programs used in this script

# Good rsync options for FileServer_backups.
rsync_opts="-av --delete --delete-excluded"

# The name of the file containing the rsync connection password

# A list of files and directories that do not need to be backed up
 exclude_list="music funstuff cma/TransitStuff lost+found/"
 for exclude in $exclude_list; do
 excludes="$excludes --exclude=$exclude"

# define NOW for adding date to rsync log filename eg.
NOW=$(date +"%F.%H:%M")

# Move all other backups up a level. Copy previous backup to /backup/daily.
# Backup FileServer according to the [rsync] sections of the rsyncd.conf 
# on FileServer. Use the password given in /etc/.rs_pass. Dump any 
output and

# error messages to /var/rsync/FileServer
mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.5 /home/backup/snapshot/day.6
mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.4 /home/backup/snapshot/day.5
mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.3 /home/backup/snapshot/day.4
mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.2 /home/backup/snapshot/day.3
mv /home/backup/snapshot/day.1 /home/backup/snapshot/day.2
cp -al /home/backup/home /home/backup/snapshot/day.1
$rsync $rsync_opts $password FileServer::rsync \
/home/backup/home/ > /var/rsync/FileServer.$NOW.log

The incremental backups have worked seamlessly for over 10 years but 
recently, possibly related to the upgrade of Debian Jessie, the exclude 
options have ceased to have effect.

I've dug around the docs but haven't found anything relevant. Any 
suggestions as to what may be wrong?



Clive Menzies