Re: Netscape 4.75 packages? With 128-bit encryption?

2000-08-22 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Sun, Aug 20, 2000 at 08:57:00PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 In case anyone would find it useful, it's not very difficult to package
 the subject. I must assume a i386 libc6 system, since i have no others
 to test the instructions. If anyone else would, post an addendum. You'll
 need the approrpiate packages for building deb files installed
 (dpkg-dev, debhelper, that sort of thing).
 First, apt-get source netscape-base-473, and download the Netscape
 tarballs for Navigator/Communicator (or both, depending on what you
 want) from Go see a movie while all this downloads.  For
 reference, about 200M should be enough to hold all the files.
[...] etc.


I converted Brad recipe (only for communicator) to a script (attached at end).

set -e
set -x 


   tar xpzf communicator-v475-us.x86-unknown-linux2.2.tar.gz

   dpkg-source -x netscape4.73_4.73-19.dsc
   mv netscape4.73-4.73 $D

   cat EOF   ftmp
netscape4.75 (4.75-0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Strong crypto is good!

 -- You [EMAIL PROTECTED]  `date '+%a, %d %b %Y %T %z'`


   cat $D/debian/changelog  ftmp
   mv ftmp $D/debian/changelog 

   cat $D/debian/installer |
   sed -e 's/for LIBC in 5 6;do/for LIBC in 6;do/g' \
   -e 's/4.73/4.75/g' -e 's/473/475/g' -e 's/LIBC:-5/LIBC:-6/'  ftmp
   mv ftmp $D/debian/installer

   mkdir $Ds

   for x in \
 README.install  jae40.jar   joptio40.jar  resource.jar \
 ifc11.jar   java40.jar  jsd10.jar scd10.jar \
 iiop10.jar  jio40.jar   ldap40.jar ;
   do cp -a $DC/$x $Ds; done

   mkdir $Ds/{communicator,navigator,i386}
   mkdir $Ds/i386/{6,communicator,navigator}
   cp -a $DC/{nethelp-v475,spellchk-v475}.nif $Ds/communicator
#fake navigator
   cp -a $DC/nethelp-v475.nif $Ds/navigator 

   cp -a $DC/vreg $Ds/i386/6

   mkdir $Ds/i386/6/{communicator,navigator}
   cp -a $DC/netscape-v475.nif $Ds/i386/6/communicator
#fake navigator
   cp -a $DC/netscape-v475.nif $Ds/i386/6/navigator 

   cd $D
   debian/rules clean
   fakeroot debian/rules binary

#fake navigator
   rm navigator-*.deb

Re: Netscape 4.75 packages? With 128-bit encryption?

2000-08-22 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Mirek Kwasniak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I converted Brad recipe (only for communicator) to a script (attached at end).

Not needed any more. Netscape 4.75 is in incoming just now, and it
*has* 128-bit encryption.


Netscape 4.75 packages? With 128-bit encryption?

2000-08-20 Thread Brad
In case anyone would find it useful, it's not very difficult to package
the subject. I must assume a i386 libc6 system, since i have no others
to test the instructions. If anyone else would, post an addendum. You'll
need the approrpiate packages for building deb files installed
(dpkg-dev, debhelper, that sort of thing).

First, apt-get source netscape-base-473, and download the Netscape
tarballs for Navigator/Communicator (or both, depending on what you
want) from Go see a movie while all this downloads.  For
reference, about 200M should be enough to hold all the files.

In the netscape4.73-4.73 directory, edit debian/changelog to add an
entry at the top something like this:

=== start entry ===
netscape4.75 (4.75-0) unstable; urgency=low

  * Strong crypto is good!

 -- You [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu, 22 Jun 2000 22:46:14 -0500

 end entry 

Also, since we don't particularly want to build a libc5 version, edit
debian/installer and change all lines reading for LIBC in 5 6;do to
for LIBC in 6;do. While you're here, change all occurances of 4.73 or
473 to 4.75 or 475. Toss off a quick debian/rules clean to rebuild the
control file with the new version number.

Now, we turn to the netscape sources. Change into netscape4.73-4.73/src
and create a directory '4.75' (you can remove the 4.73 directory if
you'd like). Now, from either the Communicator or Navigator tarballs,
copy these files (they're the same in both):
  README.install  jae40.jar   joptio40.jar  resource.jar
  ifc11.jar   java40.jar  jsd10.jar scd10.jar
  iiop10.jar  jio40.jar   ldap40.jar

Create the directories 'communicator', 'navigator', and 'i386'. From the
Communicator tarball, copy nethelp-v475.nif and spellchk-v475.nif into
'communicator'. From the Navigator tarball, copy nethelp-v475.nif into
'navigator'. If you don't want one or the other, just copy the 4.73
versions and throw away the debs in the end.

In i386, create directories '6', 'communicator', and 'navigator'. In 6,
copy vreg from either tarball, and create directories 'communicator' and
'navigator'. From the appropriate tarballs, copy netscape-v475.nif into
these two directories. (For future reference, these seem to be the only
two files that differ between the 128-bit and 40-bit tarballs.)

Finally, mv the directory netscape4.73-4.73 to netscape4.75-4.75, cd in,
and fakeroot debian/rules binary. Install whichever set of the resulting
debs suits your system.


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