Internet Connection Performance Log Daemon
is a nice solution.
I found no Debian package that logs when internet connections
cease working, although this may be included as a minor aspect
of some Debian package having broader purposes.

I found this package at
Now I can tell when and for how long my ADSL service fails,
so I can better infer internet drop causes (me or Verizon).

Here is an icpld response for one of 8 drops in my ADSL connection last night,
elicited with "icpld -log -m" or from /var/log/icpld.log,
   IPv4: Connection down: Wed Jun  9 22:30:03 2004
   IPv4: connection up:   Wed Jun  9 22:41:09 2004
        Down for: 00:11:06
           IPv4 Total: 00:26:30
        IPv4 connection dropped 6 times.
This particular drop was down for 11 minutes, 
while my connection has been down 6 times 
for a total of 26 minutes since this daemon started yesterday.

This icpld requires me to choose 2 IP addresses
on the network I want to check -- 
I chose 2 IP addresses of my IP service provider, Verizon.
The default was to attempt an ICMP connection every 8 seconds,
which I changed to 127 seconds in the configuration file 
I added my own /etc/init.d/icpld to run icpld as a daemon
with each boot, essentially
   if [ -z $(/bin/pidof icpld) ]; then     #if icpld not running.
      # "icpld -quit"  would not remove file missing a running icpld process;
      # so if process is not running (as when system crashes),
      # then I remove any
      /bin/rm -f  ~/.icpld/     #created by icpld on each startup.
      echo -n  "Starting Internet Connection Performance Logging Daemon: icpld"
      /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec $DAEMON  >/dev/null

In the configuration file, I set
   cmd4dn=play /usr/share/games/frozen-bubble/snd/stick.wav
   cmd4up=play /usr/share/games/frozen-bubble/snd/rebound.wav
so I hear a decreasing tone or an increasing tone 
when my ADSL connection goes down or up, respectively.
This helps the mind-meld between my computer and myself.

On Thu, Jun 03, 2004 at 04:26:32PM -0400, Jameson C. Burt wrote:
> I look for a command/daemon that will keep a history of my
> DSL-connection downtime. 
> My Verizon ADSL connection has been down about 60% of the 
> time for 3 weeks, so I want to log the actual downtimes.
> For example, in a file like /var/log/eth1-downtime 
> I would like to see lines like
>    June 2  10:14am to  7:33pm
>    June 2   8:45pm to 10:04pm
>    June 3   2:31am to  7:14am
> -- 
> Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
> (202) 690-0380 (work)

Jameson C. Burt, NJ9L   Fairfax, Virginia, USA
(202) 690-0380 (work)

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