Re: Newbie made a boo boo surprise surprise

2000-02-20 Thread Lane Lester

On 20 Feb 2000, wrote:
> Suggestion:  wipe your install, install a base system, add packages
> a
> few at a time, and get used to your system.  You'll have a much
> better
> understanding, and a much more stable system, this way.

I'm a Linux fairly-newbie, and your advice surprises me. My
conclusion thus far with a little experience with Red Hat, Corel
Linux, and Debian is that the only road to happiness in Linux is to
install every blasted library you can think of, and then maybe you
can start to install new stuff without dependencies stopping your
every effort.

But maybe with apt-get that isn't necessary, although my few attempts
to use that system have not been very successful. I do the apt-get
update and then apt-get install [package], and then it proceeds to
tell me why it didn't do what I asked it to.

OTOH, my only experience with real Debian has been with the CD that
came with the Learning Debian book, and I'm not sure that CD is OK. I
mean, what kind of Linux distro would come without ppp support... and
in spite of following all kinds of guru advice, I was never able to
get that system online.

When potato becomes stable (or however you say that), I'm going to
give Debian another look, and I hope apt-get will actually do for me
what it does for others: not only install the requested packages, but
also fetch any dependencies.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

Re: Newbie made a boo boo surprise surprise

2000-02-20 Thread kmself
On Sat, Feb 19, 2000 at 04:41:55PM -0600, Ian Timshel wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've been lurking for a bit but can't keep the pace on this most active
> list.  I get nasty messages from the postmaster so I'm not subscribed
> regularly.  Please reply privately if you would.

Many people consider requests for off-list responses to be bad
nettiquette.  Collective brain, etc.  I'll generally honor a request
for cc: as reasonable.

> I've been pounding away at an "Essential Debian 2.1 for the past two
> weeks.  Cheapbytes coughed up what turns out to be a very usable pile of
> packages.  I'm grateful to have the cd.  However after getting the drive
> split up (dual boot with Windoz) and the rules half figured out, I went
> ahead and put too many things on the partition.  While I was investigating
> my troubles with the X config I looked to see what space I had left.  When I
> looked first it was 1K and then promptly dropped to zero.  Opps.  dselect
> wouldn't work without a little room so I gassed (read deleted) a few things
> out of the games directory until I had enough to spool the deselect.  I'll
> get to the point sometime I'm almost sure!

Not clear what problems you're running into, how you want to mitigate
them, or what problems you'd have with a reinstall.

Please post your partition table(s) (fdisk -l for each of your physical
drives, usually /dev/hd[abcd...] and/or /dev/sd[abcd...]), and your
/etc/fstab table to indicate what partitions are what.

The best advice I can give with a Debian install, especially for a
newbie, is to take it slowly.  Install just the base system, then add
packages and support as you need them.  Remember that the advantage of
Debian is its package management system.  It's very easy to add (or
remove) packages from a Debian system, without requiring a reboot, or
even taking the system to single user mode -- I run on-the-fly updates
all the time.

Suggestion:  wipe your install, install a base system, add packages a
few at a time, and get used to your system.  You'll have a much better
understanding, and a much more stable system, this way.

Karsten M. Self (
What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

SAS for Linux:
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Newbie made a boo boo surprise surprise

2000-02-19 Thread Ian Timshel
Hi all.
I've been lurking for a bit but can't keep the pace on this most active
list.  I get nasty messages from the postmaster so I'm not subscribed
regularly.  Please reply privately if you would.
I've been pounding away at an "Essential Debian 2.1 for the past two
weeks.  Cheapbytes coughed up what turns out to be a very usable pile of
packages.  I'm grateful to have the cd.  However after getting the drive
split up (dual boot with Windoz) and the rules half figured out, I went
ahead and put too many things on the partition.  While I was investigating
my troubles with the X config I looked to see what space I had left.  When I
looked first it was 1K and then promptly dropped to zero.  Opps.  dselect
wouldn't work without a little room so I gassed (read deleted) a few things
out of the games directory until I had enough to spool the deselect.  I'll
get to the point sometime I'm almost sure!
I have problems with the xserverrc file.  /usr/lib/X11/xinit/@xinitrc
and !xserverrc It is marked red with a ! and has nothing in it and seems not
to be stable.  I've tried to make dselect take things off and put things
back hoping to have it repaired but I'll need to sleep soon.  Please throw
me a line someone.
"failed to open config file /etc/exim.conf"  In
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11?doc/XFree86_FAQ.gz there is a statement about xinit and
xserverrc being modified but the learning curve has turned into a slide and
like I say, I'll need sleep soon.  I think I should have XF86_SVGA in the
xsereverrc file...Help!  I'm drowning.
Please drop me a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you would.