News and News reader

1997-03-19 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez
I have tried to install a news reader but it seems to require that I install
a nntp package. Is that so? Is there any way to get a news reader that will 
connect to a remote server instead of requiring that I run a server locally?

Luis Francisco Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP Fingerprint = F8 B1 13 DE 22 22 94 A1  14 BE 95 8E 49 39 78 76

Re: News and News reader

1997-03-19 Thread Larry Ayers
On Wed, Mar 19, 1997 at 12:19:40PM +, Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi,
> I have tried to install a news reader but it seems to require that I install
> a nntp package. Is that so? Is there any way to get a news reader that will 
> connect to a remote server instead of requiring that I run a server locally?
> Thanks,
> Luis.
> -- 
  Try slrn, available from in the
directory /pub/davis/slrn.  You will need the S-lang library
as well, which is in /pub/davis/slang.  Both are also
available in Debian format.  Great newsreader, very fast and



2005-10-12 Thread Reed Harden
Breaking news alert issue - big news coming.

Allixon International Corporation
A X C P . P K

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing
incredible things. They have cash and have made great 
strategic aquisitions. Current price is $4.70. 
Short term projection is $8. This company has dropped 
big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have 
another big one.

Do not envy a sinner; you don't know what disaster awaits him. 
Anything not worth doing is worth not doing well. Think about it. 
Take what you can use and let the rest go by.  
Music is essentially useless, as life is.  
Man is the artificer of his own happiness. 
The only reward for love is the experience of loving.   
Be not afraid of going slowly; be only afraid of standing still. 
Do not envy a sinner; you don't know what disaster awaits him. 
Enthusiasm is very good lubrication for the mind. 

Vote early and vote often.
PIRACY, n. Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it.  
When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading. 
It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy.
I may be a dumb blonde, but I'm not that blonde.  
Behold, my son, with what little wisdom the world is ruled.  
Every improvement in communication makes the bore more terrible.
Food is the most primitive form of comfort. 
The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.
ALIEN, n. An American sovereign in his probationary state.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1996-05-10 Thread Rob Ransbottom

With the installation of 1.1, I would like to
set up a news server to serve myself news which
which will be snagged by 'suck' or equivalent.

What package should I be installing?  Any
other tips appreciated.  (I've stretched my
knowledge of bnews far enough.)



2002-11-13 Thread Scorpion Pipes GmbH



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Interesting News.

2021-09-09 Thread harryweaver
I thought this was interesting:


 Sent with Tutanota, the secure & ad-free mailbox. 

help news

2000-11-23 Thread Russ Cook
I am trying to use Suck and Cnews to download articles from my ISP and
deliver to a local news server for offline reading with Netscape
Communicator.  I (think) I have Suck and Cnews properly configured - at
least, I can manually initiate a news dump with the command
"suck -U myusername -P mypasswd -dm

I can see that message get loaded to in.coming.  But, nothing happens from
there.  When using Netscape, it connects to my localhost, but the
newsgroups always show as empty.  The files don't get moved from in.coming
to the appropriate directories under /var/spool/news.

Are there additional programs or scripts that I need besides Suck and
Cnews to complete the process?  If so, could someone please point me to
them, or provide me some sample scripts?  I would like to have certain
newsgroups automatically downloaded periodically and available offline
to my browser.  I don't seem to have any cron scripts installed to do

Any help appreciated.



2001-12-19 Thread ComCAD
Title: Att




Att: Departamento de



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 programa NC e consultoria.


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  Entre em contato, previamente, com a ComCAD
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Some news

2000-01-09 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Has anyone seen this story posted on about pine and debian?

Also I just got a catalog from tigerdirect in the mail
and they are now selling computer systems with linux
pre-loaded.  Nowwhere do they say what distro is being
preloaded (probably redhat) but they are also selling
most of the popular distros as well.  They have
Redhat, slackware, corel, turbolinux, caldera, and
even freebsd (which they say is a version of linux!).

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Do You Yahoo!?
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Icedove news

2008-02-09 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
I recently started using Icedove for mail & news (until now, I 
only used Iceape or a hacked Fedora Seamonkey version).

I have some problems with "news". I have subscribed to a few
newsgroups offered by the news server at my ISP (

Each time I click on a newsgroup (say, alt.html) a window pops up
asking if I want to subscribe to this newsgroup (to which I am
already subscribed). If I say "yes", a side-effect is that in the
"newsrc" file (in my case ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/ a new line is created for this newsgroup.
The newsrc file therefore tends to grow without bounds, with many
duplicate lines.

Also, and because of this, it is impossible to unsubscribe from 
newsgroups. If I try to unsubscribe, the number of duplicate lines 
for this group in the newsrc is diminished by one. But as there 
are still many left, the next time I start icedove I am still 
subscribed to that group.

Do other list members also get these "do you want to subscribe" 
popups when using icedove for news?

Regards, Jan

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Adria News

2007-01-16 Thread CastelloMedia

Presse-Mitteilung 16.Januar 2007

Seit 7. Januar 2007 184.015 Zugriffe auf
Laut Alexa erreichen wir:

Reach per million users: (16. Januar 2007)

Today 1 wk. Avg. 3 mos. Avg. 3 mos. Change 
7.5  2.5 0.25 -- 

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Viel Spass bei Surfen! Ihre Adria-News Redaktion 
Luigi Castello

CONTACT INFO: CastelloMedia Itd.
Luigi Castello
Fax: 01805-323266-57393


Presse-Mitteilung 12.Januar 2007

Adria-News hat seit dem Relaunch am 7.Januar bereits über 70.000 Besucher.

Wir möchten Sie an unserem Erfolg teilhaben lassen und bieten Ihnen an einen 
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Wir freuen uns auf Sie

Mit Herzlichen Grüssen

Luigi Castello

CONTACT INFO: CastelloMedia Itd.
Luigi Castello
Fax: 01805-323266-57393


Presse-Mitteilung 11.Januar 2007

Überragender Erfolg bereits in der Beta-Phase

Mit mehr als 50.000 Anfragen  auf (siehe Statistik) 
innerhalb der
der ersten Tage des Relaunches, Adria-News ist noch in der Beta-Phase,hat der 
Erfolg alle 
unserer Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen.

Zugleich haben sich bereits bis heute (11. Januar 2007) 72 User neu registriert,
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nutzbar sind.

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 9. Jan 07: 16233: 29,64%:   785: 21,50%: 210,88: 37,04%: 
10. Jan 07: 13986: 25,54%:  1698: 46,51%: 188,80: 33,16%: 

Mit den besten Wünschen und herzlichen Dank

Luigi Castello

CONTACT INFO: CastelloMedia Itd.
Luigi Castello
Fax: 01805-323266-57393



RELEASE DATE: 10.01.2007

Adria-News s

News Flash

2007-02-06 Thread Baz

Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at


"...heart and soulone will burn."
- Joy Division

Hurennetzwerk News

2007-11-12 Thread Harald webmaster
Neue Einträge in:

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-01-08 Thread ComCAD
Title: Newscomcad 01




  Att: Departamento de




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Good News

2016-08-06 Thread Mr.Friedrich Mayrhofer
Good Day,
 This is the second time i am sending you this mail.
 I, Friedrich Mayrhofer Donate $ 1,000,000.00 to You, Email
 Me personally for more details.
 Friedrich Mayrhofer

Debian News

1998-07-30 Thread Nils Lohner

We are currently trying to add a section to our News on the web page that 
references articles that are published in which Debian is mentioned.  If you 
come across such an article, please drop the URL for it in an email to 

Thanks, Nils.

Nils Lohner E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Press Contact  Press:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null

Nautilus News

1998-01-28 Thread Nautilus news
i, in modo che non vengano loro strane idee tipo 
languorini improvvisi. In Sudafrica e Australia si può anche immergersi 
nell'Oceano dentro le gabbie per incontrare gli squali "in natura". Ma questa 
volta i ricercatori non sono d'accordo: "Questa trovata rischia di interferire!
 con le abitudini alimentari degli squali". Per attirarli si gettano infatti 
esche a base di sangue nell'acqua. Una specie di zoo al contrario: in gabbia 
c'è l'uomo, nella parte del cibo...
[26/01/98 : 17:15]


USA - Clinton nega relazione con la Lewinsky

Bill Clinton nega tutto. Con il volto teso
 da un accenno di rabbia, il presidente americano ha negato di avere mai avuto 
una relazione sessuale con Monica Lewinsky, 24enne ex stagista alla Casa 
Bianca, e di averle mai detto di giurare il falso sulla relazione. L'occasione 
per la smentita - fatta usando verbi al tempo passato, e non al presente, come 
quelle precedenti -
 e' stata l'annuncio alla Casa Bianca del varo di un programma doposcuola per 
tenere i ragazzi americani lontano dalle strade, presentazione ripetutamente 
interrotta da applausi di incoraggiamento della ''first lady'' Hillary Clinton, 
vestita di giallo ed elogiata dal marito per il contributo dato allo sviluppo 
del programma, del vicepresidente Al Gore e di tutto lo staff democratico. ''Ho 
una cosa da dire al
 popolo americano: non ho avuto una relazione sessuale con quella donna, la 
signorina Lewinsky, ne' ho mai detto a nessuno di mentire -ha dichiarato 
Clinton - Queste insinuazioni sono false ed io devo torn!
are a lavorare per il popolo
 americano''. Ovvero a dare gli ultimi ritocchi al Messaggio sullo Stato 
dell'Unione che dovra' pronunciare domani di fronte al Congresso di Washington. 
[26/01/98 : 17:07]


ITALIA - Carniti: "Orario di lavoro a 32 ore"

I Cristiano Sociali avanzano a governo e forze
 politiche e sindacali una proposta per la riduzione dell'orario di lavoro non 
a 35
 bensi' a 32 ore a parita' di salario. A presentare i caretteri della proposta 
di legge sara' il leader del movimento Pierre Carniti, gia' segretario della 
Cisl, in una conferenza stampa
 che si terra' domani nella sala stampa di Montecitorio. Interverranno i 
parlamentari dei Cristiano Sociali.
[26/01/98 : 17:01]


USA - Compaq scala Digital Equipment

Maxifusione fra due delle maggiori manufatturiere di computer del mondo. La 
Compaq e' divenuta azionista di maggioranza della Digital Equipment dopo aver 
acquisito titoli per 9,6 miliardi di dollari. Il potenziale fatturato annuo 
della Compaq, che diviene cosi' la terza
 produttrice di PC, dopo IBM e Hewlett Packard, e' quindi di 37 miliardi di 
[26/01/98 : 15:07]


CANADA -  100 candeline per due gemelli

Murray e Muriel Legate, fratello e sorella, hanno festeggiato i loro cento anni 
con una grande festa organizzata dall'anministrazione della cittadina  di Fort 
Saskatchewan, ad Alberta. Sono i gemelli più longevi del Nord America e 
probabilmente del mondo. Secondo il"Guinness dei primati", esiste una 
probabilità su 50 milioni che due gemelli arrivino insieme all'invidiabile 
traguardo. Entrambi -hanno detto- fanno quotidianamente delle passeggiate. E' 
canadese anche la donna più anziana del mondo: è Marie Louise Meilleur,ha 117 
[26/01/98 : 12:43]


'NDRANGHETA - Picchiato perchè omosessuale

Lo hanno sequestrato, picchiato selvaggiamente fino quasi ad ucciderlo. Poi lo 
hanno legato ed appeso ad un ponte, minacciando di lasciarlo cadere nel vuoto. 
All'origine di tutto una relazione omosessuale che la vittima, un giovane di 20 
anni di Africo Nuovo, un paesino vicino a Reggio Calabria, aveva con il parente 
di un esponente della 'ndrangheta locale. Quella relazione era incompatibile 
con l'onore della famiglia e così è scattata la ritorsione.
[26/01/98 : 12:00]


Se volete cambiare il Vs.livello di News : 

 Attualmente il Vs.livello è il seguente :

Livello 4 : Le News del giorno. Trasmissione alle 21:00.


Questo servizio vi è offerto da :

Consorzio per la tutela del formaggio Asiago
*** ***

news & mail

1997-10-27 Thread Nagy Csaba
How can I email to news group ?
I'd want to configure my mail server to post every emails 
- according to a mail group - to a given news group.
Is it possible ? 


TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

using news

1998-01-03 Thread G. Crimp
I'd like to set up some kind of news system on my 
Debian 1.3.1 system.  I've been looking at the various *.deb 
packages that came on my InfoMagic CD.  I'd like to understand
how news works before I go about deciding what packages to
use.  I checked out the HOWTO's, but the news howto is 
not currently maintained and  around 2 years old.

If anyone can help me with the following questions, it
would be greatly appreciated.  I'm not so much interested in
specific packages at the moment.  I'd rather learn about the
generalities of news for now, and hear about packages later.

So far, this is what I understand.  There are readers
and servers.  Servers maintain a list of the various groups
(or a subset thereof), and bushels and bushels of posts (and
spam) to these groups.  The server sets a time to live after 
which an expired post is sent down a big pipe into oblivion.
Servers trade posts using NNTP.

Readers allow people to read the posts on the servers.
A user tells his reader where to get the news.  One downloads
a list of available groups, and tells the reader which ones 
are of interest.  The reader then goes and gets all the 
messages for those interesting groups.  When a post is read,
the reader marks it so that it won't show up again in a

How am I doing so far ?  Assuming that this is OK, I
press on to the questions arising out of the package 

Where does the news transport system fit into the 
greater scheme of things ? between reader and server ? between
post sharing servers ?  Is the NNTP protocol a transport ?

Is a news spool part of the reader's set up, or the
server's ?

Can anyone give me a clearer idea of how the pieces fit
together ?


Gerald Crimp

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

News reading

1999-01-05 Thread frleg

I am trying to install news reader on my computer.
I would like to be able to fetch news while online and then read them and 
answer while offline.

What do I need ? Cnews ?
Is there any good documentation about it ? I didn't found any HOWTO or things 
like that about it


Franck Le Gall 
147, rue basse - 14000 Caen
tél. : 02-31-93-29-09
mobile : 06-62-34-03-52

news errors

1997-06-28 Thread Randy Edwards
   I've been working on getting suck and inn to work.  Right now things are
going well and I can issue out a "get-news" command to grab my news

   However, at the end of the process (after it's downloaded the articles) I
get the following error messages:

441 Already got messageid
Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
441 Already got messageid
Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
441 Already got messageid
Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
240 article posted ok
Closing connection to
Error remote posting 

   Now, this 441/340/malfunction lines will repeate several times over and
over.  I've entered in test messages from my end, which appear to be okay
from my end, but given the above messages, I guess they're not getting

   Could someone with some experience with this combination tell me
exactly what those error messages mean -- and possibly what could be causing
them?  If so I'd greatly appreciate it.

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
 Regards, |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

News error

1997-07-03 Thread Randy Edwards
   I'm running suck and INN in a local news setup off from my ISP.  This all
seems to be working fine, with this one exception.

   After running suck's "get-news" command to fetch my news, the following
error message gets repeated over and over for about five minutes:

Malfunction, Unable to post Article!
340 send article to be posted. End with .
441 Already got messageid 

   During this time, the RD/SD modem lights blink and the same error
messages scroll by for literally minutes.  I can read what they say, but
I've got no idea what's causing them and/or how to fix them.

   As I said, it seems like everything on the system is working fine.  I
usually read news with "tin -r" and can post (interestingly, just using
"tin" give me an error message when I post) and have recieved some replies
to posts.

   Has anyone run into such an error message before and/or have any idea
what's causing it? 

  | Debian GNU/ __  o
 Regards, |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 .|   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 Randy|  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |  ...because lockups are for convicts...

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
Trouble?  e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .

Re: News

1996-05-11 Thread Christophe Le Bars
**Dans l'article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
**  Rob Ransbottom (Rob Ransbottom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) écrivait:
RR>With the installation of 1.1, I would like to
RR>set up a news server to serve myself news which
RR>which will be snagged by 'suck' or equivalent.
RR>What package should I be installing?  Any
RR>other tips appreciated.  (I've stretched my
RR>knowledge of bnews far enough.)

You must install inn debian package.
Suck is not yet debianized... but i think i'll make a package
soon because i still use inn+suck ( with no problem!)...

Christophe Le Bars - Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

news server

1996-10-23 Thread Fundamental
does debian have a news server software i could use?



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   "On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions 
at the dawn of victory, sat down to wait and waiting died."  
-G.W Cecil/Adlai 

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News setup?

1996-12-28 Thread bob
Hello all,

I am setting up my home computer with Debian 1.2 and so far so good. My
question concerns my desire to use Suck to pull down newsgroups that I am
interested in. What package do I need to be able to allow Tin to read the
articles that I have downloaded? I am a little confused by all that's
available, Cnews, inn, etc... I am setting up a simple single user system
so I really don't need anything elaborate.  I would appreciate any

Thank you


TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to

Industry News

2005-05-18 Thread Nadine S. Adams, Jr

Speed up your dialup connection 5 times!

Find out more:

Sam Hilton

red pair green grapefruit
That dentist is not enjoying writing near my home.. Until that day, he could not hear the language differences. He asked for the computer every day by pointing to it. He was allowed to spend time each day on the noun program. One year later he was talking in full sentences and was staffed into normal preschool..
brown apple black strawberry
Have you hated surfing lately?. That computer programmer isn't enjoying swimming behind the post office right at this time.

Reading news offline (Was: Using "suck" to transfer news....)

1997-07-20 Thread Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
>>>>> "JC" == Jason Costomiris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JC> innxmit is a part of the inn package.  However, it is almost
JC> *never* directly invoked.  It usually gets called by nntpsend,
JC> after it parses the nntpsend.ctl file.

Ok, I just follow the suck man page, but I must admit I haven't gotten
it to work yet.  Suck transfers some articles from the server, and
makes a batchfile for innxmit, but innxmit wants to read from
/var/spool/news/out.going, which seems to be for articles headed the
other way. (I have to work on that too, but first read, then post :)

Does anyone else use suck+inn to get news offline, in that case I
would be happy if anyone could drop me a hint on how.  (If anyone uses
something else to do that, I would be happy to hear about that as
well... :)

 SSM - Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
  Trust the Computer, the Computer is your Friend

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Re: Interesting News.

2021-09-17 Thread Eric S Fraga
Thank you for posting this.  Interesting article.
Eric S Fraga via Emacs 28.0.50 & org 9.4.6 on Debian 11.0

[NEWS]: Ludovic Courtès

2021-04-07 Thread Katarina Rostova

Home news server

2001-07-30 Thread Stephen J . Thompson
Hello all,

I am looking for suggestions of a news server for a home network. It will be 
used to serve windows and linux machines.




Debian desktop news

2012-08-10 Thread Ralf Mardorf
Is this [1] true? I welcome this.


 Forwarded Message 
To: linux-audio-user
Subject: [LAU] Debian desktop news
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2012 22:40:37 -1000

Debian is dropping GNOME3 as their default desktop environment, and 
going with XFCE. Why? Because they can't fit Debian+GNOME3 onto a single CD.

You may now return to your regularly-scheduled interruption.

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Re: help news

2000-11-23 Thread Colin Watson
>I am trying to use Suck and Cnews to download articles from my ISP and
>deliver to a local news server for offline reading with Netscape
>Communicator.  I (think) I have Suck and Cnews properly configured - at
>least, I can manually initiate a news dump with the command
>"suck -U myusername -P mypasswd -dm
>I can see that message get loaded to in.coming.  But, nothing happens from
>there.  When using Netscape, it connects to my localhost, but the
>newsgroups always show as empty.  The files don't get moved from in.coming
>to the appropriate directories under /var/spool/news.
>Are there additional programs or scripts that I need besides Suck and
>Cnews to complete the process?

Normally you need to use either innxmit (if you have it) or rnews (if
you don't) to post the downloaded articles locally.

Your best bet is probably to use get-news, which is a Debian wrapper for
suck. You'll find it in the suck package.



Re: help news

2000-11-23 Thread Russ Cook
Thanks for the reply.  I have set up the get-news.conf file with
server, username, and password.  What options must I use to get the news
downloaded and sent to Cnews?
And Happy Thanksgiving!


On Thu, 23 Nov 2000, Colin Watson wrote:

> >I am trying to use Suck and Cnews to download articles from my ISP and
> >deliver to a local news server for offline reading with Netscape
> >Communicator.  I (think) I have Suck and Cnews properly configured - at
> >least, I can manually initiate a news dump with the command
> >"suck -U myusername -P mypasswd -dm
> >/var/spool/news/in.coming"
> >
> >I can see that message get loaded to in.coming.  But, nothing happens from
> >there.  When using Netscape, it connects to my localhost, but the
> >newsgroups always show as empty.  The files don't get moved from in.coming
> >to the appropriate directories under /var/spool/news.
> >
> >Are there additional programs or scripts that I need besides Suck and
> >Cnews to complete the process?
> Normally you need to use either innxmit (if you have it) or rnews (if
> you don't) to post the downloaded articles locally.
> Your best bet is probably to use get-news, which is a Debian wrapper for
> suck. You'll find it in the suck package.
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: help news

2000-11-23 Thread Bud Rogers
On Thursday 23 November 2000 11:32, Russ Cook wrote:
> Colin,
>   Thanks for the reply.  I have set up the get-news.conf file with
> server, username, and password.  What options must I use to get the
> news downloaded and sent to Cnews?


Before you go to all that work, if you only have one or a small number 
newsreaders, have a look at leafnode.  It basically replaces both suck 
and cnews/inn.  It is trivial to set up and works pretty well for the 
case of a few readers and a fairly small number of subscribed groups.
You can be reading news with leafnode and your favorite news client 
literally in minutes.

All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

Re: help news

2000-11-23 Thread Colin Watson
On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 at 11:32:16 -0600, Russ Cook wrote:
>   Thanks for the reply.  I have set up the get-news.conf file with
> server, username, and password.  What options must I use to get the news
> downloaded and sent to Cnews?

On my machine it's just '/usr/sbin/get-news' in a cron job (well, it
would be if I didn't have various hacks around it to grab users'
.newsrcs and automatically add them to the sucknewsrc). I'm using INN
rather than cnews, but the procedure looks like it should be the same.

You may have a load of downloaded articles in /var/spool/suck, and batch
files for them in /var/state/suck; to post those without having to
download them again, something like 'rnews <
/var/state/suck/batch.whatever' should work (see the end of
/usr/sbin/get-news), followed by removing the batch files and

>   And Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, we're not having the turkey here in the UK, but the same to you!



Re: help news

2000-11-23 Thread Russ Cook
Ok.  Running rnews leaves me with a large batch file in
/var/spool/news/in.coming, but nothing in the various
/var/spool/news/ directories.  How do I get
the batch file processed by localhost and posted to the
appropriate subdirectories?

Thanks a lot for the help so far.


On Thu, 23 Nov 2000, Colin Watson wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 at 11:32:16 -0600, Russ Cook wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply.  I have set up the get-news.conf file with
> > server, username, and password.  What options must I use to get the news
> > downloaded and sent to Cnews?
> On my machine it's just '/usr/sbin/get-news' in a cron job (well, it
> would be if I didn't have various hacks around it to grab users'
> .newsrcs and automatically add them to the sucknewsrc). I'm using INN
> rather than cnews, but the procedure looks like it should be the same.
> You may have a load of downloaded articles in /var/spool/suck, and batch
> files for them in /var/state/suck; to post those without having to
> download them again, something like 'rnews <
> /var/state/suck/batch.whatever' should work (see the end of
> /usr/sbin/get-news), followed by removing the batch files and
> /var/spool/suck/
> > And Happy Thanksgiving!
> Well, we're not having the turkey here in the UK, but the same to you!
> Regards,
> -- 
> Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-09-05 Thread news


September 5, 2000, NO. 14
Welcome again to IT.NEWS - BlueCom's weekly 
newsletter for all players in the international IT Channel - vendors, 
distributors, resellers, dealers and brokers. Read about the latest trends in 
the IT market, products, prices, partnerships, major companies and much 
1. Intel Recall Its 1.13 GHz Pentium III Chip
2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux Lab
3. First Storage Product From IBM/Compaq 
Alliance4. Sony to Spend USD 940 Million on Chip Plant5. 
Hyundai Joins Anti-Rambus Legal Fight6. Handheld Makers Foresee 
Christmas Shortage
MESSAGEThis week's TOP-7 CRAZY prices at BlueCom Danmark A/S Intel Etherexpress Pro 
10/100 Mbit WOL   ONLY 
USD 35.50Click here for the next 6 
crazy prices** 1. Intel Recalls Its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
ChipLast week Intel Corp. recalled its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
processor on the very day that archrival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. announced that more than 10 PC makers are to produce models using its 1.1 GHz Athlon processor. Intel stated that it was recalling its processor 
because a lab test had highlighted malfunctions when using certain 
kernels of the Linux operating systems. The 
problem apparently results 
from the higher heat produced by the 
faster processor and some portion of the Linux code. Analysts say that AMD now has a clear lead in processors, and that Intel launched the 1.13 GHz Pentium III before it 
was completely ready in an attempt 
to remain competitive. Intel has announced that it will take 
several months to correct the problem, which 
gives AMD more time to ramp up its 1.1 GHz shipments. In the coming 
months AMD will introduce Athlon chips with even higher speed grains, aiming for 
1.5 GHz in the first quarter.Source: CNet News and Electronic Buyers 
News.2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux LabComputing 
heavyweights IBM, NEC, Intel, Dell Computer and Hewlett Packard are joining with 
Linux companies to coax the operating system into high-end, multiprocessor 
machines, the companies announced last week. The computing powerhouses are 
joining forces to create a laboratory where open-source programmers can improve 
the performance of Linux and associated software on these expensive servers. The 
new Open-Source Development Laboratories, due to receive multi-million dollar funding annually 
from the companies participating, 
will provide a way for independent programmers to push Linux into 
this high-prestige domain.Source: CNet News
3. First Storage Product From 
IBM/Compaq Alliance 
The first open storage product of the IBM 
and Compaq alliance has been announced as 
the Modular Storage Server. The alliance was made public on 6th July. Since then, IBM has undertaken full training of its storage sales 
force and storage networking architects, plus many of its business partners. Customers will now be able 
to deploy open storage networking solutions using both IBM and Compaq 
products. IBM has 
also announced the 
availability of 36 gigabyte 10,000 RPM disk drives for its "Shark" 
Enterprise Storage Server, which can result in a performance 
improvement of up to 30 percent. It also 
introduced the IBM FastT200 Storage Server, the industry leading entry 
level server for the NT marketplace, featuring two one gigabit per second 
Fibre Channel connections. The Modular Storage Server will be 
available on 29th September and the FastT200 will be 
available on the 12th September. Source: 
IBM4. Sony to Spend USD 
940 Million on Chip PlantSony 
stated last week that it will spend more than US$940 million over the 
next five years on a new plant to produce microchips used in mobile phones, 
digital cameras and other devices, as the company attempts to increase production of such 
goods. Sony will begin construction in November in the 
Kumamoto district on Japan's southern island of Kyushu. The factory is scheduled 
to begin production in October 2001.Source: Sony5. 
Hyundai Joins Anti-Rambus Legal FightThe 
company says its lawsuit is a pre-emptive strike against Rambus's pressure to license its synchronous 
technology. At stake is the validity of 
the patents protecting the technology for 
memory ICs, microprocessors, and core-logic chipsets - and therefore who gets to control the industry's 
future. Similarly, Hyundai has joined Micron 
Technology in a separate effort to invalidate patents held by memory 
intellectual property designer Rambus.Source: TechWeb 
6. Handheld 
Makers Foresee Christmas ShortagePalm, Handspring, 
Sony and other makers of handheld computers will have trouble filling 
orders for rhe Christmas 
period because of the ongoing parts shortage, according to 
executives and analysts. "We're 
in backlog on literally every single product in the line," Palm chief 


2000-09-05 Thread news


September 5, 2000, NO. 14
Welcome again to IT.NEWS - BlueCom's weekly 
newsletter for all players in the international IT Channel - vendors, 
distributors, resellers, dealers and brokers. Read about the latest trends in 
the IT market, products, prices, partnerships, major companies and much 
1. Intel Recall Its 1.13 GHz Pentium III Chip
2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux Lab
3. First Storage Product From IBM/Compaq 
Alliance4. Sony to Spend USD 940 Million on Chip Plant5. 
Hyundai Joins Anti-Rambus Legal Fight6. Handheld Makers Foresee 
Christmas Shortage
MESSAGEThis week's TOP-7 CRAZY prices at BlueCom Danmark A/S Intel Etherexpress Pro 
10/100 Mbit WOL   ONLY 
USD 35.50Click here for the next 6 
crazy prices** 1. Intel Recalls Its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
ChipLast week Intel Corp. recalled its 1.13 GHz Pentium III 
processor on the very day that archrival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. announced that more than 10 PC makers are to produce models using its 1.1 GHz Athlon processor. Intel stated that it was recalling its processor 
because a lab test had highlighted malfunctions when using certain 
kernels of the Linux operating systems. The 
problem apparently results 
from the higher heat produced by the 
faster processor and some portion of the Linux code. Analysts say that AMD now has a clear lead in processors, and that Intel launched the 1.13 GHz Pentium III before it 
was completely ready in an attempt 
to remain competitive. Intel has announced that it will take 
several months to correct the problem, which 
gives AMD more time to ramp up its 1.1 GHz shipments. In the coming 
months AMD will introduce Athlon chips with even higher speed grains, aiming for 
1.5 GHz in the first quarter.Source: CNet News and Electronic Buyers 
News.2. Dream Team Sponsors Linux LabComputing 
heavyweights IBM, NEC, Intel, Dell Computer and Hewlett Packard are joining with 
Linux companies to coax the operating system into high-end, multiprocessor 
machines, the companies announced last week. The computing powerhouses are 
joining forces to create a laboratory where open-source programmers can improve 
the performance of Linux and associated software on these expensive servers. The 
new Open-Source Development Laboratories, due to receive multi-million dollar funding annually 
from the companies participating, 
will provide a way for independent programmers to push Linux into 
this high-prestige domain.Source: CNet News
3. First Storage Product From 
IBM/Compaq Alliance 
The first open storage product of the IBM 
and Compaq alliance has been announced as 
the Modular Storage Server. The alliance was made public on 6th July. Since then, IBM has undertaken full training of its storage sales 
force and storage networking architects, plus many of its business partners. Customers will now be able 
to deploy open storage networking solutions using both IBM and Compaq 
products. IBM has 
also announced the 
availability of 36 gigabyte 10,000 RPM disk drives for its "Shark" 
Enterprise Storage Server, which can result in a performance 
improvement of up to 30 percent. It also 
introduced the IBM FastT200 Storage Server, the industry leading entry 
level server for the NT marketplace, featuring two one gigabit per second 
Fibre Channel connections. The Modular Storage Server will be 
available on 29th September and the FastT200 will be 
available on the 12th September. Source: 
IBM4. Sony to Spend USD 
940 Million on Chip PlantSony 
stated last week that it will spend more than US$940 million over the 
next five years on a new plant to produce microchips used in mobile phones, 
digital cameras and other devices, as the company attempts to increase production of such 
goods. Sony will begin construction in November in the 
Kumamoto district on Japan's southern island of Kyushu. The factory is scheduled 
to begin production in October 2001.Source: Sony5. 
Hyundai Joins Anti-Rambus Legal FightThe 
company says its lawsuit is a pre-emptive strike against Rambus's pressure to license its synchronous 
technology. At stake is the validity of 
the patents protecting the technology for 
memory ICs, microprocessors, and core-logic chipsets - and therefore who gets to control the industry's 
future. Similarly, Hyundai has joined Micron 
Technology in a separate effort to invalidate patents held by memory 
intellectual property designer Rambus.Source: TechWeb 
6. Handheld 
Makers Foresee Christmas ShortagePalm, Handspring, 
Sony and other makers of handheld computers will have trouble filling 
orders for rhe Christmas 
period because of the ongoing parts shortage, according to 
executives and analysts. "We're 
in backlog on literally every single product in the line," Palm chief 

Some refreshing news

2001-01-03 Thread csnyder
I thought that everyone could use to hear something a bit refreshing.  I 
upgraded my motherboard and CPU last night (from a Pentium 75 to a Celeron 
500).  The system is a dual boot system (Debian Linux, and Windows 95).  I have 
been unable to boot into Windows (lots of errors, graphics look horrible, and 
finally kills me with a fatal error), but I have had no problems with getting 
back into Linux!  I will have to reinstall Windows to see if I can get it 
working again (if they had kids learning games for Linux I would get rid of 
Windows entirely, but until then I am stuck with it), and after which I will 
have to mess around with a few settings in Linux (sound, and modem).  Just 
thought that everyone would be interested to hear a major success story for 


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Linux FREE Mail is 100% FREE, 100% Linux, and 100% yours!

news server setup

2001-02-17 Thread John S. J. Anderson
Hash: SHA1

Greetings --

My ISP is once again changing Usenet providers, meaning that I'm going
to have to deal with the whole article renumbering mess. Grrr. (Did I
mention that this has happened before?)

I've decided that enough is enough, and it's time to bite the bullet
and set up a local news server, so that I can pull in my own feeds,
and not have to deal with this in the future.

Is there any relatively-newbie-level guide to setting up a Usenet
server under Debian (or under Linux, period)? I'm looking for
something that discusses the pros and cons of the available options
(inn vs. inn2 vs. leafnode vs. ...)  and how to set each of them up to
support local reading and posting. I'll be pulling in a fairly small
feed (20 to 50 groups, mostly low traffic but a few biggies (rasfw,
clpm, etc.), and the ability to easily post as well as read is a must.

Thanks for any help,

- -- 
Tcl long ago fell into the Forth trap, and is now trying desperately to
extricate itself (with some help from Sun's marketing department).
 -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Mailcrypt 3.5.5 and Gnu Privacy Guard


Minimal news server

2001-02-22 Thread Brian McGroarty
Which of the packaged news servers would be a good choice for a purely
internal server? I don't need to link to outside newsgroups. I just
want something that I can install on minimal hardware and walk away

Mail/news software

2000-04-29 Thread Kovacs Istvan

What mail and news software do you recommend?
The ideal software would be able to handle both mail and news in an
integrated manner, place incoming and outgoing messages into folders
automatically using header info, integrate with PGP/GPG, handle UU/MIME
attachments, thread messages, fetch using POP3 and send via SMTP, would
have a GUI that allows multiple windows to be open for composing and
reading mail/articles, and would be easy to use and free of charge.

YARN, when used in combination with a SOUP package handler, is much
like that (except for the GUI/multi-window part), but I haven't seen a
Linux version.


Homepage at - For PGP public key: send mail
with the subject PGP Public Key Request or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

virtual news server

2000-05-17 Thread Philippe MICHEL

I have configured a Debian Linux server, to make IP-masquerating for a
private network. This Debian box has also a second network card with an
official IP, and connected to ADSL. Everythink works well.

But we have a news-server (DNews) in the private network, and I heard
about the possibility of configuring the Linux box so that
news-quering/delievering on the Linux box comes in fact on the
news-server of the private network.

Does anybody know how to do this ??



- Philippe MICHEL

"Penser ne suffit pas : il faut penser à quelque chose." Jules Renard

=> Dispensé de Politesse envers la PUB Sauvage !!!

-Pour répondre, supprimer eventuellement "no_spam_" de mon adresse.
-Wenn Sie antworten, bitte "no_spam_" von der Adresse löschen.
-If you respond to my mail, please remove the eventual "no_spam_".

video news site

2007-06-02 Thread Mark Grieveson
Hello.  I cannot get the following video news site working:

I use Etch, with epiphany.  I have w32codecs, mplayer, and mozplugger
installed.  Epiphany has both javascript and java enabled.  Can anyone
else view videos here, or is this site a lost cause for Linux computers?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

enlightenment news server

2007-02-21 Thread Jakub Narojczyk

Hi All!
I'm having trouble customizing a theme in the enlightenment under etch. holds a couple of mailing lists on developing and using 
enlightenment. I'd like to view and post to those lists via thunderbird 
(...sory, I ment icedove ;) ) but I can't find what news server holds 
them. I don't know what server name I have to put in the newsgroup 
account configuration in icedove.
Does anybody know the address of such server or any other server that 
holds lists of subject of interest?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Paul Johnson
David E. Fox wrote:

> On Wed, 7 Feb 2007 12:02:48 +0100
> Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It seems to me that Steve Jobs likes DRM very much, as long as it makes
>> it difficult for competitors to interoperate smoothly with iTunes and/or
>> the iPod. (I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
> As an entrepreneur, DRM must be seen as a "good thing" (tm). Any
> technology that would force users to buy new copies of their favorite
> songs when they change devices means more $$ to the record companies.
> We've seen it before with cassettes and 8 track tapes, and the record
> industry saying you couldn't tape your record collection for use in
> your car.

Fortunately, at least in the US, they lost on that argument.  The movie and
TV industries lost twice on this as well:  The first time trying to prevent
people from timeshifting using VCRs, and again later with DVRs.

> Now as a (presently) ipod-less user, I don't have to buy a new cd for
> each portable device, car stereo, component or computer cd-rom, at least
> not yet. But the drm makes me think that if I had bought stuff from
> itunes and my ipod broke, and I bought another similar device, I'd just
> have to go to that similar device's store and download and purchas the
> same songs again :(.

Get a PalmOS PDA like the PalmOne Tungsten E2, and a copy of AeroPlayer. 
It's freebeer, but comes with an Ogg Vorbis plugin.  Since the author is
under the impression that MP3 decoders must also pay royalties, it costs
$10 for MP3 support.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Paul Johnson
Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:31:18AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Well, how would you describe someone who is so eager to dispose of your
>> country's founding rights just to make a buck?
> You seem confused.  He was simply acting to *secure* the rights of
> corporations.

Copyright is a constitutional privlege, not a right.  Sonny Bono fought to
extend copyright further overextend beyond the limitations required by the
constitution, thus denying the public the right to it's own culture in a
reasonable timeframe.  Attempting to force society against it's values for
your own benefit (let's not forget Bono was for quite some time quite
deeply embedded in the entertainment industry's pockets) is terrorism.

> Don't forget that both the liberals *and* the conservatives are beholden 
> to business interests now instead of the people. 

I think you're confusing liberals and conservatives with the much more
narrowly defined Democrats and Republicans.  I'm a Democratic Socialist. 
My party has little to do with the Demublicans.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Mike McCarty

Paul Johnson wrote:

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:31:18AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:

Well, how would you describe someone who is so eager to dispose of your
country's founding rights just to make a buck?

You seem confused.  He was simply acting to *secure* the rights of

Copyright is a constitutional privlege, not a right.  Sonny Bono fought to

The Copyright clause gives Congress authority to create Copyright,
with the restriction of "limited Times". Every single line of the
Constitution strips either the States or the People of a Right. The
People and the States ceded their own rights/authorities to the newly
created Government. The possession of a Copyright is indeed a privilege,
and one which was not without controversy at the time.

extend copyright further overextend beyond the limitations required by the
constitution, thus denying the public the right to it's own culture in a
reasonable timeframe.  Attempting to force society against it's values for
your own benefit (let's not forget Bono was for quite some time quite
deeply embedded in the entertainment industry's pockets) is terrorism.

This is a bogus definition of "terrorism".

terrorism n. 1 The act of terrorizing. 2 A system of government that
seeks to rule by intimidation. 3 Unlawful acts of violence committed
in an organized attempt to overthrow a government.

terrorize v.t. -ized, -izing 1. To reduce to a state of terror; terrify.
2 To coerce through intimidation. Also Brit. terrorise - terrorization
n. - terrorizer n.

Don't forget that both the liberals *and* the conservatives are beholden 
to business interests now instead of the people. 

I think you're confusing liberals and conservatives with the much more
narrowly defined Democrats and Republicans.  I'm a Democratic Socialist. 
My party has little to do with the Demublicans.

I have no party affiliations, as none represents my point of view.

Oppose globalization and One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 05:59:13PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> > On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:31:18AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> >> 
> >> Well, how would you describe someone who is so eager to dispose of your
> >> country's founding rights just to make a buck?
> >
> > You seem confused.  He was simply acting to *secure* the rights of
> > corporations.
> Copyright is a constitutional privlege, not a right.  Sonny Bono fought to
> extend copyright further overextend beyond the limitations required by the
> constitution, thus denying the public the right to it's own culture in a
> reasonable timeframe.  Attempting to force society against it's values for
> your own benefit (let's not forget Bono was for quite some time quite
> deeply embedded in the entertainment industry's pockets) is terrorism.

I was being sarcastic.

> > Don't forget that both the liberals *and* the conservatives are beholden 
> > to business interests now instead of the people. 
> I think you're confusing liberals and conservatives with the much more
> narrowly defined Democrats and Republicans.  I'm a Democratic Socialist. 
> My party has little to do with the Demublicans.
Point taken.



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Paul Johnson
Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:44:04PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
>> Article I, Section 8.
>> The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall
>> have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
>> by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
>> Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"
>> Note the word "limited."
> Arguably, since corporations are legal *persons* but have a potentially
> indefinite lifespan, 125 years (or life + 50 years) *is* a limited time.

I would argue that this violates the spirit of what the framers of the
constitution intended given copyright lengths in England of the same era as
the constitution's writing.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Miles Fidelman

Paul Johnson wrote:

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:44:04PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:

Article I, Section 8.

The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall
have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"

Note the word "limited."


Arguably, since corporations are legal *persons* but have a potentially
indefinite lifespan, 125 years (or life + 50 years) *is* a limited time.

I would argue that this violates the spirit of what the framers of the
constitution intended given copyright lengths in England of the same era as
the constitution's writing.
Good point - especially since, in those days, corporate charters were 
difficult to come  by and typically had limited lifetimes.  The American 
Revolution was as much a revolution against corporations (e.g., the 
British East India Company) as against the British Crown.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 02/22/07 15:37, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:44:04PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
>>> Article I, Section 8.
>>> The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall
>>> have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
>>> by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
>>> Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"
>>> Note the word "limited."
>> Arguably, since corporations are legal *persons* but have a potentially
>> indefinite lifespan, 125 years (or life + 50 years) *is* a limited time.
> I would argue that this violates the spirit of what the framers of the
> constitution intended given copyright lengths in England of the same era as
> the constitution's writing.

Why does it matter to you, since you want to move to Canada?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-22 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why does it matter to you, since you want to move to Canada?

Holy fucking flamebait Ron!

Don't think for one second that Canadians aren't affected by, or interested
in, American politics. We'd rather not be, but we have no choice, living
right next door to big brother. Remember that it was a canadian and a
european which came up with cphack, the cyberpatrol circumventor, but the
american DMCA still managed to flex its muscle to bring them down.

- Tyler

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-23 Thread Paul Johnson
Ron Johnson wrote:

> On 02/22/07 15:37, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
>>> On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:44:04PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
 Article I, Section 8.

 The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall
 have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
 by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
 Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"

 Note the word "limited."

>>> Arguably, since corporations are legal *persons* but have a potentially
>>> indefinite lifespan, 125 years (or life + 50 years) *is* a limited time.
>> I would argue that this violates the spirit of what the framers of the
>> constitution intended given copyright lengths in England of the same era
>> as the constitution's writing.
> Why does it matter to you, since you want to move to Canada?

Just because I dislike the current system and would be better off in Canada,
I also have respect enough to emigrate to Canada legally.  It also doesn't
mean I respect the US less, just that it could do much better.  Canada's a
little bit more ambitious when it comes to maintaining a high standard of
living than we are and it's kind of a shame that we don't try to catch up
and give 'em a run for their money.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

:: News Formação Solidária ::

2007-03-10 Thread news

• Fundação Estudar inscreve para bolsas até dia 16;
• Brasil faz parceria na educação profissional
• SP: Governador defende “memorex” e prova
• Professores podem ser formados pela Capes
• Fórum reúne reitores do Brasil e da China


news for debian

2007-09-28 Thread roberto
is the mailing list of debian-news still active ?

thank you ...
OS: GNU/Linux, Debian

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Icedove news

2008-02-09 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
I recently started using Icedove for mail & news (until now, I only used 
Iceape or a hacked Fedora Seamonkey version).

I have some problems with "news". I have subscribed to a few
newsgroups offered by the news server at my ISP (

Each time I click on a newsgroup (say, alt.html) a window pops up
asking if I want to subscribe to this newsgroup (to which I am
already subscribed). If I say "yes", a side-effect is that in the
"newsrc" file (in my case ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/ a new line is created for this newsgroup.
The newsrc file therefore tends to grow without bounds, with many
duplicate lines.

Also, and because of this, it is impossible to unsubscribe from 
newsgroups. If I try to unsubscribe, the number of duplicate lines for 
this group in the newsrc is diminished by one. But as there are still 
many left, the next time I start icedove I am still subscribed to that 

Do other list members also get these "do you want to subscribe" popups 
when using icedove for news?

I have that behavior with the qt-interest mailing list to which I am 
already subscribed. But every time I open that it asks me if I want to 


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Icedove news

2008-02-09 Thread Ralph Katz
On 02/09/2008 07:31 AM, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
> I recently started using Icedove for mail & news (until now, I only used
> Iceape or a hacked Fedora Seamonkey version).
> I have some problems with "news". I have subscribed to a few
> newsgroups offered by the news server at my ISP (
> Each time I click on a newsgroup (say, alt.html) a window pops up
> asking if I want to subscribe to this newsgroup (to which I am
> already subscribed). If I say "yes", a side-effect is that in the
> "newsrc" file (in my case ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/
> a new line is created for this newsgroup.
> The newsrc file therefore tends to grow without bounds, with many
> duplicate lines.
> Also, and because of this, it is impossible to unsubscribe from
> newsgroups. If I try to unsubscribe, the number of duplicate lines for
> this group in the newsrc is diminished by one. But as there are still
> many left, the next time I start icedove I am still subscribed to that
> group.
> Do other list members also get these "do you want to subscribe" popups
> when using icedove for news?
> Regards, Jan

Hi Jan -- No.  On up-to-date Etch, using icedove version
(20071018), there is no problem here.  You could close icedove, move
your ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/ out of the way, and let
icedove rebuild it upon restart.  Then re-subscribe to your groups.
I've never had your particular problem, but this solution has worked for
re-setting subscriptions and message-read data for me before on earlier
versions of thunderbird.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Icedove news

2008-02-09 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel

On Sat, 09 Feb 2008 09:30:41 Ralph Katz wrote:

Hi Jan -- No.  On up-to-date Etch, using icedove version
 (20071018), there is no problem here.  You could close icedove, move
 your ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/default.lgh/News/ out of the way, and
let icedove rebuild it upon restart.  Then re-subscribe to your
groups. I've never had your particular problem, but this solution has
worked for re-setting subscriptions and message-read data for me
before on earlier versions of thunderbird.

Thanks. This seems to have done it. I renamed the whole
~/.mozilla-thunderbird to ~/.mozilla-thunderbird-old, then dpkg
 --purge'd mozilla-thunderbird, thunderbird, and icedove, then
re-installed icedove. It proceeded to import settings (from where, I
cannot guess); but anyway it works now, and the pop-ups no longer occur.
Only the font of the messages had changed, but that could be fixed easily.

Thanks again, Jan

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2007-01-03 Thread Gary Roach

Check out a couple of not so on topic entries.

exacting Schooolgirls doinng splendiferous suckiing. susan  12/30/2006 


YOUR INHERITANCE FUNDS OF $15.5MMike Dana Will  01/02/2007  4:30AM

Im not exactly a prude but it does clutter up the group. The advertising 
just drives me crazy.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-06 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 03:19:17PM -0800, Baz wrote:
> Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at
Here is the original essay:

I'd say that "promote" is a bit of a strong word.  In particular, he
said that Apple would embrace DRM-free music.  He said nothing that
implied promition, other than saying that users/customers of the big
music comapnies can convince them to change.

Don't forget, if Apple themselves are preceived as promoting something
the music companies perceive as a threat to their revenue stream, they
could decide to take their toys and go home.

It is still a bold step, though.



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: News Flash

2007-02-07 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 18:53:01 -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 03:19:17PM -0800, Baz wrote:
> > Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at
> >
> > 
> Here is the original essay:
> I'd say that "promote" is a bit of a strong word.  In particular, he
> said that Apple would embrace DRM-free music.  He said nothing that
> implied promition, other than saying that users/customers of the big
> music comapnies can convince them to change.
> Don't forget, if Apple themselves are preceived as promoting something
> the music companies perceive as a threat to their revenue stream, they
> could decide to take their toys and go home.
> It is still a bold step, though.

It seems to me that Steve Jobs likes DRM very much, as long as it makes
it difficult for competitors to interoperate smoothly with iTunes and/or
the iPod. (I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
these restrictions, but this is still not as convenient as using the
100% Apple solution.) However, Steve Jobs also knows that DRM tends to
annoy customers and that locking together different products is frowned
upon by many regulatory authorities. The insistence of the big record
companies on DRM simply provides him with a convenient scapegoat. He is
still laughing all the way to the bank, but he is probably getting
worried that certain countries might force him to fully unlock the iPod
for competing online music stores and/or to license his DRM-format to
the manufacturers of other portable music players.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-07 Thread Wackojacko

Florian Kulzer wrote:

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 18:53:01 -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 03:19:17PM -0800, Baz wrote:

Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at

Here is the original essay:

I'd say that "promote" is a bit of a strong word.  In particular, he
said that Apple would embrace DRM-free music.  He said nothing that
implied promition, other than saying that users/customers of the big
music comapnies can convince them to change.

Don't forget, if Apple themselves are preceived as promoting something
the music companies perceive as a threat to their revenue stream, they
could decide to take their toys and go home.

It is still a bold step, though.

It seems to me that Steve Jobs likes DRM very much, as long as it makes
it difficult for competitors to interoperate smoothly with iTunes and/or
the iPod. (I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
these restrictions, but this is still not as convenient as using the
100% Apple solution.) However, Steve Jobs also knows that DRM tends to
annoy customers and that locking together different products is frowned
upon by many regulatory authorities. The insistence of the big record
companies on DRM simply provides him with a convenient scapegoat. He is
still laughing all the way to the bank, but he is probably getting
worried that certain countries might force him to fully unlock the iPod
for competing online music stores and/or to license his DRM-format to
the manufacturers of other portable music players.

Maybe this has something to do with it


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-07 Thread Baz

On 2/7/07, Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 18:53:01 -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2007 at 03:19:17PM -0800, Baz wrote:
> > Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at
> >
> >
> Here is the original essay:
> I'd say that "promote" is a bit of a strong word.  In particular, he
> said that Apple would embrace DRM-free music.  He said nothing that
> implied promition, other than saying that users/customers of the big
> music comapnies can convince them to change.
> Don't forget, if Apple themselves are preceived as promoting something
> the music companies perceive as a threat to their revenue stream, they
> could decide to take their toys and go home.
> It is still a bold step, though.

It seems to me that Steve Jobs likes DRM very much, as long as it makes
it difficult for competitors to interoperate smoothly with iTunes and/or
the iPod. (I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
these restrictions, but this is still not as convenient as using the
100% Apple solution.) However, Steve Jobs also knows that DRM tends to
annoy customers and that locking together different products is frowned
upon by many regulatory authorities. The insistence of the big record
companies on DRM simply provides him with a convenient scapegoat. He is
still laughing all the way to the bank, but he is probably getting
worried that certain countries might force him to fully unlock the iPod
for competing online music stores and/or to license his DRM-format to
the manufacturers of other portable music players.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

"I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
these restrictions"

Care to expand on this?  I posted an inquiry on this new list back in
December regarding work-arounds for iTune/iPod-dependent music.  The word,
"easy" was nowhere in the realm of that discussion.  Please enlighten me.


"...heart and soulone will burn."
- Joy Division

Re: News Flash

2007-02-07 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Wed, 2007-02-07 at 08:27 -0800, Baz wrote:
> "I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
> these restrictions"
> Care to expand on this?  I posted an inquiry on this new list back in
> December regarding work-arounds for iTune/iPod-dependent music.  The
> word, "easy" was nowhere in the realm of that discussion.  Please
> enlighten me.

I guess he refers to Apple being so generous as to allow you to burn the
music as an audio cd. You can later rip the cd and convert it to an
"unprotected" file.

Keep in mind that doing so will damage the sound quality of the song, as
you are compressing it a second time. (Unless you rip it to FLAC or a
similar nondestructive format of course).

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: News Flash

2007-02-07 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Tue, 2007-02-06 at 15:19 -0800, Baz wrote:
> Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at

I recommend reading Ed Felten's take on this,

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: News Flash

2007-02-07 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Wed, Feb 07, 2007 at 08:27:13 -0800, Baz wrote:
> On 2/7/07, Florian Kulzer wrote:


> >It seems to me that Steve Jobs likes DRM very much, as long as it makes
> >it difficult for competitors to interoperate smoothly with iTunes and/or
> >the iPod. (I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
> >these restrictions, but this is still not as convenient as using the
> >100% Apple solution.) 


> "I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around
> these restrictions"
> Care to expand on this?  I posted an inquiry on this new list back in
> December regarding work-arounds for iTune/iPod-dependent music.  The word,
> "easy" was nowhere in the realm of that discussion.  Please enlighten me.

I do not remember anything about the discussion in December, so we may
be talking about different things entirely. Furthermore, I probably
should have said "relatively easy ways around _some of_ these
restrictions". What I meant was that users on Windows and OSX can burn
playlists to a CDRW and thus obtain their iTunes songs in a DRM-free
format with the same audio quality. I believe there are also programs
available to remove the DRM directly. I did not, for example, mean that
it is easy for a Linux user to access iTunes (which might be closer to
what you are after).

The only reason for making the statement that you quoted was to avoid
being side-tracked into a discussion about whether the Apple-DRM is
acceptable because it is "relatively mild".


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-08 Thread Mike McCarty

Wackojacko wrote:

Maybe this has something to do with it

Could be. OTOH, The entire population of Norway is less than
that of most of the larger cities in the USA. If France and
Germany join in, then maybe things will heat up. The whole
fight of the entertainment industries' against digital technology
is very reminiscent of the fight back in the 1920s when the
RIAA fought vehemently against radio stations being able to
play music over the air. This was perceived to be an imminent
and pernicious threat to the recording industry, and the RIAA
fought tooth and nail to try to prevent it. Today, every new
recording is immediately provided to radio stations in the
hopes that they will be played on air.

What I want to see happen is removing the restrictions of
making backup copies of my DVDs and prohibiting me from
playing them outside of my own "region". To me, this is
clearly not what copyright is or should be about. If I buy
a single copy of something, I should be able to protect my
investment in that one copy by making a single backup.
Law allows that, but then allows the manufacturer to
prevent it.

Oppose globalization and other One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-08 Thread Paul Johnson
Mike McCarty wrote:

> If I buy a single copy of something, I should be able to protect my
> investment in that one copy by making a single backup.
> Law allows that, but then allows the manufacturer to
> prevent it.

Along those same lines, I'm sick of corporations arguing against the
constitutional requirement of limited copyright.  I have a hard time having
much respect for copyrights in general given their present unconstitutional
state.  Sonny Bono was a terrorist for arguing against limited copyright,
and for that, I'm glad his death was painful.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-08 Thread Paul Johnson
Baz wrote:

> Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at

I'll wait until he practices what he preaches and stops hocking DRM music on

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-08 Thread Stephen
On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 03:38:14PM -0800 or thereabouts, Paul Johnson wrote:

[ ...]

>   Sonny Bono was a terrorist for arguing against limited copyright,
> and for that, I'm glad his death was painful.

Geezus that's pretty harsh Paul.
Stephen A.
Encrypted/Signed e-mail accepted (GPG or PGP) -- Key ID: 978BA045
It is often the case that the man who can't tell a lie thinks he is the best
judge of one.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

Description: Digital signature

Re: News Flash

2007-02-08 Thread Baz

On 2/8/07, Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Baz wrote:

> Steve Jobs is promoting the idea of ending DRM.  Read at

I'll wait until he practices what he preaches and stops hocking DRM music

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact

Yea - I agree - but, it certainly was a surprise.  At least it's a move in
the right direction.

"...heart and soulone will burn."
- Joy Division

Re: News Flash

2007-02-09 Thread Paul Johnson
Stephen wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 03:38:14PM -0800 or thereabouts, Paul Johnson
> wrote:
> [ ...]
>>   Sonny Bono was a terrorist for arguing against limited copyright,
>> and for that, I'm glad his death was painful.
> Geezus that's pretty harsh Paul.

Well, how would you describe someone who is so eager to dispose of your
country's founding rights just to make a buck?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-09 Thread Mike McCarty

Paul Johnson wrote:

Well, how would you describe someone who is so eager to dispose of your
country's founding rights just to make a buck?

I don't wish a painful death on anyone.

BTW, where in the Constitution of these USA does it state that Copyright
must be limited?

Oppose globalization and other One World Governments like the UN.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-09 Thread Miles Fidelman

Mike McCarty wrote:

BTW, where in the Constitution of these USA does it state that Copyright
must be limited?

Well, this is getting WAY off topic, but...

Article I, Section 8.

The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall 
have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, 
by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive 
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"

Note the word "limited." 

Also note that arguably, if the "exclusive Right" doesn't "promote the 
Progress of Science and useful Arts" then Congress might not actually 
have the right to grant a copyright or patent (e.g., when someone uses 
ownership of a patent to prevent release of new technology, that sure 
doesn't promote progress).

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-09 Thread ChadDavis

The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall
have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts,
by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"

Interestingly, I've read that this legal logic here was to give the
authors reason to publish their ideas.  They figured that early in the
birth of our country everyone was out to make money via hard work and
entrepenurial sorts of endeavors.  In order to prevent the arts and
sciences from being neglected they tried to create a legal stance upon
which they could make a living.  Note, this is close on the heals of
the enlightenment where most of the arts and sciences progressed at
the largesse of church and monarchy.  Being America, we wanted to
provide a living for these artists and scientists, other wise or
country would suffer.  Now, its come full circle and the very thing
meant to help nurture the scientific and artistic community has become
soley a matter of economis and clearly hurts the communal aspect of
information sharing.

I actually wrote a article about this in the CACM a couple of years back.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-09 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:31:18AM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Well, how would you describe someone who is so eager to dispose of your
> country's founding rights just to make a buck?

You seem confused.  He was simply acting to *secure* the rights of
corporations.  Don't forget that both the liberals *and* the
conservatives are beholden to business interests now instead of the



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: News Flash

2007-02-09 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 04:44:04PM -0500, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Article I, Section 8.
> The actual language in the constitution states that "The Congress shall 
> have the power to ...  promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, 
> by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive 
> Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"
> Note the word "limited." 
Arguably, since corporations are legal *persons* but have a potentially
indefinite lifespan, 125 years (or life + 50 years) *is* a limited time.



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: News Flash

2007-02-10 Thread David E. Fox
On Wed, 7 Feb 2007 12:02:48 +0100
Florian Kulzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It seems to me that Steve Jobs likes DRM very much, as long as it makes
> it difficult for competitors to interoperate smoothly with iTunes and/or
> the iPod. (I know that the end user has relatively easy ways around

As an entrepreneur, DRM must be seen as a "good thing" (tm). Any
technology that would force users to buy new copies of their favorite
songs when they change devices means more $$ to the record companies.
We've seen it before with cassettes and 8 track tapes, and the record
industry saying you couldn't tape your record collection for use in
your car.

Now as a (presently) ipod-less user, I don't have to buy a new cd for
each portable device, car stereo, component or computer cd-rom, at least
not yet. But the drm makes me think that if I had bought stuff from
itunes and my ipod broke, and I bought another similar device, I'd just
have to go to that similar device's store and download and purchas the
same songs again :(.

>   Florian


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-10 Thread David E. Fox
On Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:29:16 -0600
Mike McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What I want to see happen is removing the restrictions of
> making backup copies of my DVDs and prohibiting me from
> playing them outside of my own "region". To me, this is

IMO, we really caved into the less-than-free governments when
we agreed to that crap.

> Law allows that, but then allows the manufacturer to
> prevent it.

ISTR some record executive or someone saying that "your backup 
is at the store".

> Mike


David E. Fox  Thanks for letting me
[EMAIL PROTECTED]change magnetic patterns
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   on your hard disk.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: News Flash

2007-02-12 Thread Stephen R Laniel
On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 07:01:16PM -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
> Arguably, since corporations are legal *persons* but have a potentially
> indefinite lifespan, 125 years (or life + 50 years) *is* a limited time.

With all due respect, this is why I've stopped accepting
thoughts on copyrights or patents from anyone but lawyers.

Stephen R. Laniel
Cell: +(617) 308-5571
PGP key:

Description: Digital signature

offline news reader

2007-10-13 Thread Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

I normally use knode for reading debian mailing lists via gmane. However
there is one feature missing in this - reading the news offline. Normally
this is not a problem. However recently my net speed has reduced to couple
of kB and it is difficult to wait for 5 seconds for each message to load.
So is there any way to overcome this problem in knode? If not, is there any
news reader which offers offline functionality and works well with KDE? I
don't have particular preference for graphical or commandline. It is fine
if it consumes quite a bit of memory. I am looking for something which has
lots of features and at the same time gives finer control over them. Any

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

free news servers

2007-12-29 Thread Frank

Please tell me good and free news servers, where can I read the
debian lists.   (linux.debian.user)

The is now dead. also unreliable.

Html version is not good, only news format.



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Brazilian Soccer News

2006-02-20 Thread Brazilian Soccer News





TetraBrazil offers International Coaches the unique opportunity to travel to Brazil and get the Brazilian National Soccer Association Professional Coaches’ License ("A" License). Brazilian National Soccer Coaches Association - ABTF - is  the only organization in Brazil that certifies the Professional Soccer Coach. Recognized by FIFA, CBF, and other established soccer organizations. ABTF has been developing educational programs for coaches for the last 25 years.  


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Re: News Readers

2006-05-02 Thread Christopher Nelson
On Tue, May 02, 2006 at 06:39:46PM -0500, Daniel L. McGrew wrote:
>   Am I doing a better job of pruning??? 
>   That newsgroup address didn't work either... says that it can't find
> the server... 
>   What would I type into the address bar to get to it, the url???
>   So far I'm using 'Outlook Express'... and I've tried;
>   gmane.linux.debian.user
>   linux.debian.user

Sorry, I mis-understood the question.  The server you want is

And yes, your .sig is much better.

Christopher Nelson -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Besides, REAL computers have a rename() system call.:-)
-- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2001-10-08 Thread Petre Daniel

ok.i tried to mess a little with setserial,since 
wvdialconf tells me that "perhaps i didn't set it with setserial"
here are my attempts:

setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 5 port 0x0170 autoconfig
nothing.wvdialconf finds only ttys0 and ttys1
setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 5 port 0x0110 uart 16450 baud_base 14400
now,the modem you know..makes a small click sound..wvdialconf 
finds ttys2 and it clicks that sound..
in windows,i found it on irq 5,com3,16550uart,flow control hardware 
what can i do,now?
THX for patience with me,Dani.

My modem news!!

2001-10-08 Thread Petre Daniel

Ok,i played a little more and look where i 
setserial /dev/ttyS2 shows irq 2,port 0x0110 and uart 
16450..till now it was uart unknown.This is set with:
setserial /dev/ttyS2 irq 9 port 0x0110 uart 
if i start minicom it says initializing modem,then stays 
like this 3,4 seconds then it prints out a long line of 
"yy".After i Ctrl+a x for exit it 
wvdialconf searches through ttyS0,ttyS1 and ttyS2 without 
finding something,
wvdial finally doesn't say i/o error anymore and it prints 
-> Initializing modem
-> Sending: ATZ
-> Modem not responding
Now,once again i have an internal isa US Robotics modem at 
 What next?
Could it be the uart type? or the initialization 
where can i search and modify these?

Good News Reader?

1999-10-21 Thread Brian May
Hello All,

I have been looking for a excellent newsreader. Currently I have yet
to find a excellent one.

I have made comparisons here to non-Debian programs that
(slrn and gnus) that may be out-of-date or wrong for Debian.
Please tell me if you think anything I have said is wrong.

Currently I use mutt for all my mail. It has a number of good
- excellent support for PGP
- adequate support for GPG (could be better IMHO).
- excellent support for MIME:
   - can forward messages as MIME attachments
   - can attach any number of messages.
- can reply to a number of messages at the same time
(saves time replying to each one individually - especially
if messages are from the same thread).
- fast. small. emacs not required or supported (I consider this
a feature ;-) )
- supports threading, but perhaps not as good as trn.
- doesn't die after period of inactive use and/or while entering
- ability to flag messages as high priority.

However, mutt doesn't support newsgroups :-(

Things I like about trn:
- easy to navigate threads.

Things I hate about trn:
- connection times out while I am writing a message, and crashes
whole program without saving list of read messages. There
is a long standing bug about this. This only occurs with the
Debian version().

- if too many headers are displayed, top headers will scroll of top
of screen. There is another long standing bug against this. A
maintainer told me fixing this would require majore redesign of
the program (from memory).

- Messages marked as read are removed immediately. If I accidently
mark a message as read that was important, it is very difficult
to find again, even if I realize immediately after making the mistake.

- poor support for MIME, and no support for PGP.

- doesn't support one way newsgroups that mirror mailing lists
(in only one direction) very well.  I have a number of these.

- no way to flag messages as important.

Things I like about slrn:
- messages marked as read are not immediately removed.
- supports threading, but perhaps not as good as trn.
- no timeouts.
- can save an entire thread to disk. Although I prefer the cache
feature under gnus.

Things I dislike about slrn:
- poor support for MIME, and no support for PGP.
- no way to flag messages as important.
- doesn't support one way newsgroups that mirror mailing lists
(in only one direction) very well.  I have a number of these.

- while messages that are marked are not immediately removed, I
constantly get mixed up between the keystrokes required for mutt and
slrn, and push q, intending the index of messages to fill the entire
screen. Wrong! q in slrn goes back to the index of newgroups, hence I
have to try and relocate articles that I accidently marked as read.

Things I like about gnus:
- ability to cache messages by marking them.
- ability to mark messages as important.
- supports one mailing list --> newsgroup gateways (one direction)
but I haven't tested it yet.

Things I dislike about gnus:
- last 10 times I tried running it, it always crashed on startup,
without giving any indication of a problem. xemacs completely died (no
response from anything) and I had to kill it. There have been problems
with the news server (ie currupted overview files), so perhaps it caused
my local files to become currupted (not sure).

- can't get PGP support to work. Haven't even tried GPG.

- requires xemacs, and xemacs is huge and slow (I don't have enough
hard disk space to install it on this computer).

- not really sure about MIME support. I read somewhere that it
was limited to processing mail with metamail (which I didn't like
about trn and slrn), but the admit the documentation could be wrong.

- requires memorizing complicated sequence of keystrokes.
- can't forward mail as MIME attachments (not that I have seen anyway).
- can't reply to multiple messages at the same time.
- don't know how to find all child articles for a given parent.

I have seen another package for xemacs, mews. Anyone tried it???

Not strictly related, but:
Things I like about mail --> news gateways:
- automated expiry of articles.

Things I dislike about mail --> news gateways:
- some I use have been configured for one way operation only.
- I can't get cross posts to work.
- removes To: header. Hence, when replying to a message, I am
not always sure who received the original.


news binaries upload

1999-12-19 Thread Remco van 't Veer
Pan is fine for downloading binaries from news servers but is there
any package which can upload binaries?  Something to batch maybe?


security hashish Noriega Khaddafi alarm North Korea genetic serbian Patijn
grenade CD Marxist Honduras MDMA ammunition Desi Bouterse KFOR confidential

Mail & News Reader

2001-04-02 Thread Axel Schlicht
Hi everyone.

Sorry for using high priority, but for me the matter is very urgent.

I hope this question has not been asked ad nauseam before, if yes,
please except my apology and direct me to the place this list's storage

So far I have been using a Windows 3.x based newsreader (OUI) but it has
a tendency to keep crashing way too often with disastrous results like
deleting ALL postings saved so far.
As I urgently need those newsgroups I have to switch as fast as

With a new ISDN card installed I can now - finally - switch over to
Linux for email and news retrieval.

I need a program / programs able to to the following:
- retrieve email / newsgroups automatically or (definitely preferred)
whenever I fell like retrieving them.
- consecutively contact serveral mail servers and news servers, some of
them requiring autentification.
- sort incoming e-mail (and , hopefully) usenet news into several
directories according to the mailing list / sublist they came from,
sender or any other ciriterion.
- keep Japanese, Korean and other asian emails on the respective server
as I don't know how to read AND answer them using Linux. If anybody
knows a solution to this, please share it with me.

I do not want to use netscape or any other monster with severely limited

As far as I know I should have the following to receive and send emails
and participate in usenet newsgroups:
- ISDN for Linux
- a mail retrieval program : fetchmail ?
- a mail transport agent (MTA) : procmail ? exim ?
- a mail reader : tin, mutt ?
- a news reader ?

Am I correct so far. Would you accept the suggestions above (suggestions
I once received from unix users).

As far as I know, Debian prefers exim as an MTA. Should I stick to this
or use procmail?

What else do I need.

Any help will be gratefully accepted.
If you prefer not to answer in English pleae feel free to use any of the
following languages (alphabetical order): Danish / Norwegian, Dutch,
French, German, Italian, Japanese.

Many thanks in advance.

Please try to answer to the list

Axel Schlicht

evolution and news

2005-12-15 Thread kangja
i am trying out evolution2.0 w 'testing'. can't set-up to read news. i
set up a mail account with nntp protocol and my subscribed news server.
but can't load the newsgroup subscription list. it stayed at
"loading..." forever. i have tried to email [EMAIL PROTECTED] but the
mail bounced back. when i tried to visit or .org, i ended
in Novell's page.

anyone here can help or suggest where i can find help?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian Weekly News?

2006-10-13 Thread Wulfy
I haven't had the last two edition of Debian Weekly News.  I thought 
that I'd somehow become unsubscribed from the list, but when I went to 
the site, it seems I have all of them and the October editions that I'm 
missing haven't been sent.

Any idea what's wrong?  The only thing I can think of is pressure from 
the upcoming release of Etch...

I really enjoy reading about what's going on and miss my DWN... 



Wulf Credo:
Respect the elders. Teach the young. Co-operate with the pack. 
Play when you can. Hunt when you must. Rest in between.

Share your affections. Voice your opinion. Leave your Mark.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: News

2005-10-12 Thread Barbara Goodwin
Breaking news alert issue - big news coming.

Allixon International Corporation
A X C P . P K

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing
incredible things. They have cash and have made great 
strategic aquisitions. Current price is $4.70. 
Short term projection is $8. This company has dropped 
big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have 
another big one.

Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.   
You can't be truly rude until you understand good manners.   
HERMIT, n. A person whose vices and follies are not sociable.  

In the long run, we are all dead. 
Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house. 
Never fight an inanimate object.
Do we really deserve top billing?   
Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.  
All men's misfortunes spring from their hatred of being alone.   
My mother buried three husbands, and two of them were just napping. 
Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.   
Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.   
All generalizations are dangerous, even this one.  
I could prove God statistically.
A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away. 
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.  
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth.
Different taste in jokes is a great strain on the affections.  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: News

2005-10-12 Thread Peg Little
Breaking news alert issue - big news coming.

Allixon International Corporation
A X C P . P K

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing
incredible things. They have cash and have made great 
strategic aquisitions. Current price is $4.70. 
Short term projection is $8. This company has dropped 
big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have 
another big one.

We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience.  
After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is 
Expect everything, and anything seems nothing. Expect nothing, and anything 
seems everything. 
Partying is such sweet sorrow.
He who hesitates is a damned fool.  
Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge.
Coincidences are spiritual puns. 
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. 
Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. 
A single fact can spoil a good argument. 
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. 
We seldom attribute common sense except to those who agree with us. 
Why isn't there a special name for the tops of your feet? 
It is the confession, not the priest, that gives us absolution.  
Men who never get carried away should be. 
If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. 
[Spring is] a true reconstructionist.

America has been discovered before, but it has always been hushed up. 
How many husbands have I had? You mean apart from my own? 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re[2]: News

2005-10-12 Thread Rico Ratliff
Breaking news alert issue - big news coming.

Allixon International Corporation
A X C P . P K

We give it to you again as a gift. This company is doing
incredible things. They have cash and have made great 
strategic aquisitions. Current price is $4.70. 
Short term projection is $8. This company has dropped 
big new's in the past. Who's to say they don't have 
another big one.

Logic merely enables one to be wrong with authority.
Real glory springs from the silent conquest of ourselves.
The essence of intelligence is skill in extracting meaning from everyday 
Blame someone else and get on with your life.
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.   
Prejudice is the child of ignorance.   

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.   
Go away. I'm all right.
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.  
Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.
What's another word for Thesaurus?
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk. 
A friend is a gift you give yourself. 
The mind's direction is more important than its progress.
Hitch your wagon to a star.   
If a word in the dictionary were mispelled, how would we know? 
Life would be tolerable but for its amusements. 
If I had only known, I would have been a locksmith.  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Strange "news" problem

2008-12-03 Thread Jan Willem Stumpel
Icedove, which I use for mail and news, does not download headers
from subscribed newsgroups anymore. On the 29th of November it
still worked fine; I received some message headers (only a
handful) dated November 30; nothing since then.

The news server belongs to my ISP, but they say nothing has
changed and they got no other complaints about this. In fact when
I try another newsreader (pan), new message headers continue to be
retrieved normally.

So it really seems to be an Icedove problem. Even deleting the
news account and setting it up afresh does not produce any
messages after November 30.

I update/upgrade Sid regularly, but Icedove has not been upgraded
since October.

Any suggestions?

Regards, Jan

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

offline news reader

2002-02-14 Thread Ian Balchin

Time to get news going on my machine.  I want an offline mail
reading system that can dial in via my isp to collect news from
local server ( i think).

I have been looking thru dselect for in packages opt-news and see
quite a variety. It seems that I should install packages to get,
send, and read mail.

The system runs in console mode.

On my W98 m/c I am used to FreeAgent which allows me to easily
select and change newsgroups of interest. Generally I have specific
ones that I always read, some that I occasionally read, and some
that I have a quick look at and then discard. I am used to
downloading the headers at one go and then reconnecting to download
selected messages and sending my own posts. Local calls cost here so
the aim is to operate offline as much as possible and I do not want to
download unecessary messages that may never be read.

If I am offline then I need to spool the news, and slrn with
slrnpull looks like a likely choice.

Should I go ahead and install these packages or is there a better

Gnus looks like it needs XEmacs so that is out.

newsx looks like it will download articles to a local mail spool,
but what does that 'x' mean?

inn seems to be the preferred Debian choice, so perhaps I should go
for that, but it mentions trn which is not on my distribution, and
looks like it is perhaps intended for providing for the needs of
more than a single user.

 and then I see leafnode, which is also probably also for a
multi-user network.

Can someone please cut through the fog and talk me into a sensible
selection please.


-- Ian Balchin This
machine is running Debian GNU/Linux ...

RE: pleasant news

2016-12-21 Thread Samuel Thibault
I've just  read the latest news  and I was pleasantly surprised,  please  read 
it here  <>

Looking forward, Samuel Thibault

From: personal []
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 4:13 PM
Subject: Roe v Wade.

As I  lay me down to  sleep
I hear her speak to  me
Hello  Omari, how you  doing?
I think the storm  ran out of rain, the clouds are moving
I know you're happy,  cause  I can see it
So tell the voice inside your head to believe it
I talked to God about  you
He  said he sent you  an angel
Look at  all that he  gave  you
You asked for  one  and you got two
You know I never  left you
Cause every road that  leads  to heaven is right beside you
So I  can say

Hello my only one
Just like the morning sun
You keep on  rising till the sky  knows your name
Hello my only one
Remember who you are
Know  you're not perfect but you're not your mistakes

Hey, hey, hey,  hey
Oh the  good outweighs the  bad even on your worst day
Remember I'd say
Hey  hey hey one day
You'll  be the man you  know you  always knew you could  be
And if you knew,  how proud  I was
You'd never shed  a tear,  have a fear
No you wouldn't do that
And no I didn't  pick the day  to  turn  a  page
I know  it's not  the  end every time I see her face
And I hear you say

Hello my only  one
Remember who you are
You got the  world cause you got the  love in your  hands
And you're still my  chosen one
So  can you understand
One day you'll  understand

So hear me out, hear me out
I won't go, I won't go
No goodbyes, no  goodbyes
Just hello, just hello
And when  you cry, I  will cry
And when you smile,  I will smile
And next  time when I  look in your eyes
We'll have wings and we'll  fly

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Tell Nori about  my,  tell Nori about me
I just want you to do  me a favor
Tell  Nori about me, tell Nori  about me
Tell Nori  about me, tell Nori about me
Tell Nori about me,  tell Nori about me
Tell Nori  about me, tell  Nori about me
Tell  Nori about me, tell Nori about me
Tell Nori about me, tell Nori about me
Tell Nori  about me, tell Nori about me
Tell Nori about me, tell Nori about me
Tell Nori  about me,  tell Nori about me

Some Flash news

2016-05-16 Thread Frank McCormick

For those still using Flash and/or Chrome

Local News Server

1998-09-03 Thread Hank Fay

Is INN what I would use to set up a news server for my personal use 
clients coming over the net to use it, of course), with no usenets groups,
sucking, feeding, etc?  Or is there something else I should look at?  Oh --
and how much of a bear is it to set up?



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