i fear, we could annoy some people if we continue to discuss a
non-debian-specific matter on a debian mailinglist. shouldn´t we go back
to pm?

Ed Cogburn wrote:

> A)  I made up the MIMEtypes when I added those
> Preferences->Navigator->Applications entries, Hartmut.  The
> important things are the suffix and which option you selected in
> the 'handled by' section.

i was confused by the fact, that peter and you had _exactly_ the same
MIMIEType for the gz case. there seemed to be a known source of that
types, which i was not aware of.
my own formely experiments couldn´t work, because i used ´.gz´ instead
of ´gz´. blush.

i´ve now finished my customization of communicator and done as follows
(all tested)

excerpt from ~.mime.types:
#mime types added by Netscape Helper
type=application/x-gzip-compressed  \
desc="Gzip archive file"  \
#mime types added by Netscape Helper
type=application/x-compress  \
desc="Compress archive file"  \

excerpt from Netscape.ad:
!*encodingFilters:                                \
!       x-compress :  : .Z     : uncompress -c  \n\
!       compress   :  : .Z     : uncompress -c  \n
!       x-gzip     :  : .z,.gz : gzip -cdq      \n\
!       gzip       :  : .z,.gz : gzip -cdq      \n

and the link 
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults/Netscape ->

of course, if you´re using another netscape, eg. 4.07, then this link
probably would point to another directory.

> B)  I'm glad you got it working for you Hartmut, but guess what, I
> don't need to comment out those lines in Netscape.ad, nor do I
> need the link to app-defaults/Netscape.  In fact, I don't even
> *have* a .../app-defaults/netscape file!  Nor does NS strip the
> suffix on me, as reported by someone else.

my experiments have shown, that in the absence of the mentioned link
netscape uses its own - probably compiled in - Netscape.ad.
therefore i would bet, that in one of your configuration files - xinit,
xressources et alia - is a reference to netscape, which causes such
i recommend a grep ´etscape´ over such files.
maybe also, that preferences.js is guilty.

> C) For everyone elses benifit:  I'm using NS Communicator 4.6.  My
> first version was 4.05.  I had these reported problems then.  In
> the process of trying to fix things, I added the
> Preferences->Navigator->Applications entries for files with *.gz
> and many other suffixes.  At one point I was manually editing

> .mime.types because the entries I made were becoming corrupted for
> some reason.  I never did get things working as I wanted, but now
> I can't remember the specifics, besides the corrupted .mime.types
> entries.  When I upgraded to 4.5 the problems disappeared, and I
> never gave it any more thought.  The upgrades preserved these
> entries I had made so they are still with me.

well, quite recently i had to play with different versions of the
communicator and wanted not to be disturbed by errors perhaps contained
in the recent version.
i´ve done this:
since i started with communicator 4.6, i created a directory ~/ns46 and
copied all netscape related directories and files of ~ to ~/ns46. then i
purged the old communicator, looked, if all files had gone - don´t
remember exactly if all was automatically deleted - and installed
communicator 4.61.

´twas no problem, to get back my bookmarks and the addressbook.


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