<< >> Off-topic spam_[debian-list]
spam/offending posts are spreading the world and are coming often from 
subscribers so ... (recording the posts/threads for the life is yet an offense).
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.
<< >> Off-topic squatter_[debian-list]

<< spam ? >>: Firefox Phishing Attack Uses Domains Identical to Known Safe Sites
Do a search for ‘punycode’ without quotes.
You should see a parameter titled: network.IDN_show_punycode
Change the value from false to true.
April 14, 2017 :
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< spam ? >>: Don't have poor etiquette when getting support!
When looking for support it's important to remember that Debian is a volunteer 
project : Research the issue on your own first, including reading documentation 
and using search engines.
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< spam ? >>: your gmail/hotmail/yahoo address
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< spam ? >>: a post is not labeled as *inappropriate/*irrelevant/*other when i 
click on 'report as spam' button : coward ! where is the spam-flag printed on 
the post ?
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< spam ? >>: u.s go home !
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< spam ? >>: The unauthorized user assumes all responsibility for damages 
resulting from the use of the [basics rights] freedom of speech, including, but 
not limited to, frustration, disgust, system abends, disk head-crashes, general 
malfeasance, floods, fires, shark attack, locust infestation, cyclones, 
hurricanes, tsunamis, local electromagnetic disruptions, hydraulic brake system 
failure, invasion, hashing collisions, normal wear and tear of friction 
surfaces, cosmic radiation, inadvertent destruction of sensitive electronic 
components, windstorms, the riders of nazgul, infuriated chickens, premature 
activation of a distant early warning system, peasant uprisings, halitosis, 
artillery bombardment, explosions, cave-ins, borg-assimilation and/or frogs 
falling from the sky.
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< spam ? >>: MY mailing-list (no-name ?), my self-promoting post (facebook 
profile), my opinion (i do not understand and it does not work but afaik ...) , 
my personality (nigger or female ?), my erdogan status (Why not just restrict 
it to people who have subscribed ?), my trump attitude (sexually ?), my gay 
french style (rogue-), my uk intelligence (oops !), my report to the police 
(noob masked) etc.
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.

<< >> In short, how many *post per day per mailing-list should you label:flag 
as spam ?
<< >> Off-topic spam_[debian-list]
spam/offending posts are spreading the world and are coming often from 
subscribers so ... (recording the posts/threads for the life is yet an offense).
Click on the "Report as SPAM" button pls.
<< >> Off-topic squatter_[debian-list]
<< >> Never reply to SPAM in the Debian MLs, just report it as SPAM using the 
web interface.

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