Re: Please Help: Changed Permissions!?!?

1999-03-29 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Wild guess, but check your lost+found directory &&|| fsck the system.
It could be that your drive is dying.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   <--Little things for Linux.

Please Help: Changed Permissions!?!?

1999-03-29 Thread homega
Somehow /usr/bin/pager permissions have changed (or *have been changed*),
and it wasn't me who changed them ... how is this possible?

This is how I realized:

homega:/tmp$ man man
sh: /usr/bin/pager: Permission denied
sh: exec: /usr/bin/pager: cannot execute: Permission denied
man: la orden terminó y retornó 32256: /bin/gzip -dc
'/var/catman/cat1/man.1.gz' | { export MAN_PN LESS; MAN_PN='man(1)';
LESS="$LESS\$-Pm\:\$ix8mPm Página de Manual $MAN_PN ?ltlínea %lt?L/%L.:byte
%bB?s/%s..?e (FIN):?pB %pB\\%.."; exec /usr/bin/pager -s; }

... meaning?  well, I had a look at /usr/bin/pager and:

2139127680 ?r-S--S--T 65280 65280652804278255360 jun 21  1969 pager

What's going on here?  why are permissions so strange?  and, why is the file
so big?  ok, call me a paranoid, but ...  have I been hacked?  on a stand
alone / dial-on-demand machine?

Deeply concerned,


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