Question about startup script

1997-03-01 Thread cobal

The book I have says that the start up shell script (aka autoexec
billspeak) is called .profile or .login in the home directory.  When I
look (using ls -a) I don't see anything like this.  Any thoughts??

One other thing - how about some suggestions for an outstanding book - I
not very happy with the ones I've gotten.  Thanks.

Re: Question about startup script

1997-03-01 Thread Ralph Winslow
cobal wrote:
 The book I have says that the start up shell script (aka autoexec
 billspeak) is called .profile or .login in the home directory.  When I
 look (using ls -a) I don't see anything like this.  Any thoughts??

This depends (to some extent) on which shell you use. I use ksh or sh or
bash, depending on the machine that I'm on, and .profile is the file to
use for these. If you run cd with no argument to assure that you're in
your home directory (or cd $HOME on most systems), then run ls -l
.profile .login and get message(s) that there is no such file, then you
may 'echo echo $HOME; ls -la  .profile' and, to test, run
. ./.profile.  If you're running some other shell, I can only suggest
that you run man the_name_of_the_shell_you_use and carefully read
the fine manual. HTH.
 One other thing - how about some suggestions for an outstanding book - I
 not very happy with the ones I've gotten.  Thanks.

The Nutshell books from O'Reilly  Associates have served me well on any
of the specific subjects that they address.  You didn't provide a clue
on which subject that is, however, so you might like LINUX Unleashed
from SAMS Publishing. Or, you might not, it's a lot of material not
particularly well organized for the cookbook approach.  You could
profitably run ls /usr/doc | pg or ls /usr/doc | more and then pg
/usr/doc/subject_that_interests_you for a few years before you're
likely to need any other books. e-mail me if you need any further

BTW, these are clues that I'd have appreciated a lot, if they'd come
with the Debian CD that I purchased.

Someday soon I really  MUST find a way to
piss away a LOT of bandwidth on this .sig