Refund on Marketplace Charge

2023-12-04 Thread Kevin Truong

It looks like I was charged for your Marketplace service: Debian GNU/Linux 9 

I think this may be some sort of mistake because I believe this was not 
supposed to have a charge. I think I received notification there was no charge 
for this. Can you please cancel this charge and provide me with a refund?

This is my account email:

Thank you,
Kevin Truong

Windows Refund Day II

2003-06-28 Thread Daniel Cristian Cruz


  Li uma chamada para a notícia (1) que informa sobre a organização do 
Windows Refund Day II. Até onde entendi as coisas estão mais nos EUA do 
que no mundo, mas acho que é válido organizar um grupo aqui.
  Infelizmente (ou melhor, felizmente) meu computador é montado por mim 
e não veio com Windows pré instalado, mas deve ter muita gente por aqui 
que está nesta situação, e se pudessem se unir e fazer a mesma coisa no 
mesmo dia, ia ser um baita fuzuê. Quem sabe até aparecia um pessoal 
vendendo Notebook sem Windows aqui no Brasil...





2000-04-28 Thread mcaudle

If you have received this message in error, please 
reply with the word CANCEL in the subject line. 

Hundreds of millions of dollars in utility/telecommunication errors are being 
refunded each year.

Recently released government studies revealed that 85% of 
utility/telecommunication billing has errors.  It?s true!  At CDG we find 
errors, refunds, credits and/or savings for 98% of our clients.  Just a small 
error in your gas, electric, water, data and/or telecommunication services can 
easily add up to a sizable refund, not to mention future savings by having the 
errors corrected. By making the simple decision to let CDG review their 
utility/telecommunication services,  we?ve shown our clients how to save 
significant dollars by identifying unnecessary service costs RISK FREE!  

Put our knowledge to work so you can obtain your refunds, credits and/or 
savings TODAY.  

Don?t put it off while errors mount up.  Call 404-688-7171 TODAY for a free 
consultation.  There is NO FEE unless we locate a refund, credit and/or 
savings.  Call us TODAY 404-688-7171.

If you would like additional information, please call or
reply with the word INFO in the subject line.

Off Topic -- M$ Refund

1999-01-19 Thread Mig

El siguiente mensaje tiene que ver con Debian de forma indirecta. 

Espero que no os parezca mal que envie un mensaje como este a la lista, si
es asi, hacedmelo saber y no se volverá a repetir.

Es posible que alguno de entre vosotros halla eliminado completamente
W95/W98/NT de su ordenador, o mejor aún, piensa comprarse uno nuevo SIN
pensar utilizar el software de M$. En este caso, esto os interesa.

Se ha dado el caso de un usuario de Linux que compró un Portatil con 
sin ninguna posibilidad de comprarlo sin sistema operativo. Reclamó y ha
recibido un cheque por el precio del W95 como reembolso, al no aceptar el
Contrato de Usuario Final.
Es posible que podais recuperar el dinero pagado a M$ ...

He aqui el documento:

Mas Info:

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
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|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
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