Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-19 Thread Magossa'nyi A'rpa'd
On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Dima wrote:

 Assuming runlevel is roughly equivalent to state, the above model is
 a stack of states.  A state transition diagram would be a (potentially fully
 connected) graph of states.  (Potentially) what a mess. :)
I don't think so. Just because it's potentially fully connected, it's not
necessary for its handling to be messy.
 Next question is how to define a state -- 6 basic states is what we have
 now.  If we want more states (finer grain) our graph becomes messier.
No,no. When we are talking about runlevels being a state, we should consider
only the handling of state transitions. The actual graph depends on the
actual usage, not anything else.
And we have 9 states at least, read the init man page.

 Stack is a much simpler structure -- easier to implement, less bugs etc.
 Besides, it's almost there already.
But it can be messy if you want real state machine. And you will definitely
want real state machine in some cases. I myself want state machine because I
make a mission critical system consisting of two machines. The system itself
has to have more states, and the machines may also want to change role
should some failure occur.
In this state of affairs I have to link K scripts for every single service I
dont't want to every single runlevel. It _is_ messy.
And once more: the actual state machine has nothing to do with the init
scripts, they only make up a state, and define a state transition. The state
machine have to be implemented by the availability demon (coming soon to the
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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-15 Thread Donovan Baarda
On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Richard G. Roberto wrote:

 On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Donovan Baarda wrote:
  So excuse me if I have got this wrong, but does that mean going from run
  level 2 to run level 7 requires running all K* then S* in run level 3,
  then all K* then S* in run level 4, then all K* then S* in run level 5,
  . all the way up to run level 7? And going from run level 4 down to 2
  does the same in reverse?
 No.  The incremental behavior is only up to the default run
 level.  If there is none defined, you get prompted at
 startup for a run level and I'm not sure if the system
 should use the incremental method or jump right to it at
 that point.
There seems to be confusion as to how this works. I have received two
different answers from people about how this works;

1) The incremental behavior only applies up to the default run level. From
there, changing run levels only runs the K* then S* scripts for the run
level changed to.

2) The incremental behavior applies for all run levels and changes of run
level. However, *Nothing* has an S* in more than one level. A package is
meant to be at a certain run level and higher. A level 3 package is
started at run level 3, killed in run level 2, and at *no* other level.

Method 1 allows arbitary definitions of runlevels for different purposes,
allowing any runlevel to have any packages running independant of what is
running in any other runlevel *except up to the default runlevel*. 

For this to work properly for all runlevel transitions, every runlevel
must have K* scripts for all packages you don't want running at that
level, and S*scripts for all packages you do want running. This has the
problem of potentialy running S*'s for packages already running, and K*'s
for packages not running. It also begs the question; why bother with 
incremental running at all?

Method 2 requires a strict heirachy of runlevels, with increasing numbers
of packages and functionality as you go up runlevels. It ensures that S*
and K* are never run out of order. 

However, the strict heirachy has pretty severe limitations. It is not
possible to stop packages as you go up runlevels, or start them as you go
down. This seems to contradict having runlevel 5 as powerdown and 6 as
reboot (also, the incremental behavior would make it impossible to
reboot without powerdowning first). 

As someone else also pointed out, a clean heirachy of runlevels with
increasing functionality as you go up is not necisarily that simple. Which
is a higher runlevel, an x-terminal or a web server? Do you want xdm
running on your web server or apachie on your x-terminal?

 You only have K* scripts if you need to shut a process or
 server down for proper operation in the new run level (or
 make sure something's not running).  You only have S*
 scripts for the stuff you need started _for that run level_.
If you cock this up, you can end up having a totaly different
configuration at runlevel 4 if you go to it from runlevel 2, or runlevel
3. Messy.

 Run level 5 isn't implemented as power down yet, but it
 should be.  Obviously if you do an init 5, you should expect
 to go down.  If you set your default run level to 7, you're
 in for a very short session ;)  The 7, 8,  9 run levels are
 unique to linux AFAIK.  They shouldn't be used as defaults
 for the reason's you point out.
If the behavior is always incremental, then having runlevel 5 as powerdown
would make it impossible to go to runlevel 6 (shutdown).

  What I thought would be more sensible is to know what needs to be running
  at each runlevel, and when you change runlevels, do a diff on the two
  runlevels, kill everything in the first but not in the second, and start
  everything in the second not in the first. This allows you to transition
  faster between arbitary runlevels, and avoids transitioning through
  runlevels you don't want to touch on the way.
This is compatible with the state model, is simple to implement, and
allows more flexibility than a stack of states as suggested by someone.

Note that the stack of states approach is similar to method 2 above, but
it could allow packages to be K*'ed on going up a level. This is more
flexible than only adding packages as you go up, but it still requires
you to step through each state in order. This means going through
powerdown on the way to reboot, and possibly toggling packages on and 
off as you go.

The diff method allows arbitary state transitions, without having to
explicity define all the actions to perform on every possible state
transition. Each runlevel defines a state, listing all the packages that
must be running at that level. The actions to perform on transitioning
from one state to another are determined by comparing the two states. Only
the minimum number of actions required are performed on any state 
transition, and undesirable states can be skipped.

 Again, changing run levels after the default has been
 reached just runs the K* then S* scripts for that run 

Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-15 Thread Donovan Baarda
On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Dima wrote:

  Manoj Srivastava writes:
   *Nothing* has an S* in more than one level. A package is meant to be at a
   certain run level and higher. A level 3 package is started at run level
   3, killed in run level 2, and at *no* other level. See how this works?
  Simple and elegant, but not very flexible.  How about a state machine
 Assuming runlevel is roughly equivalent to state, the above model is
 a stack of states.  A state transition diagram would be a (potentially fully
 connected) graph of states.  (Potentially) what a mess. :)
Depends on how you do it. A fully connected graph of states doesn't need
to have each possible state transition manually defined. All you need is
definitions of each state, and the state transition actions can be
automaticly determined by comparing the two states.

 Next question is how to define a state -- 6 basic states is what we have
 now.  If we want more states (finer grain) our graph becomes messier.
Why would you want more than 6? Even if you do, you only need to define
the additional states (specify what should be running in each state).

 Also, runlevels _are flexible.  Nobody can force me to start networking
 daemons at RL 2 -- I can bloody well start them from ip-up when I ring my
 ISP, at whatever runlevel I happen to be then.  (In practice I don't care: 
 when I don't need networking daemons, they waste about $0.5 worth of my 
 swap partition.  Big deal).
This is a different thing all together. What you are doing is saying that
runlevels are not flexible enough to handle your networking daemon
requirements, so you'r gonna do it manualy. You are just saying that they
are flexible because you don't have to use them.

 If you let user similarly customize the states, you _will end up with a 
 fully connected graph for STD -- definitely a mess.  
 (One program implementing a complex state machine is sendmail, BTW.)

 Stack is a much simpler structure -- easier to implement, less bugs etc.
 Besides, it's almost there already.
Yes, it is simpler, and it is almost there already, but;

1) is it the standard way of doing it, or are we inventing yet
another way of doing it?

2) regardless of whether it is a standard, it has limitations, and can we
live with those limitations?


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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-15 Thread Richard G. Roberto
On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

 Manoj Srivastava  wrote:
  You are hereby excused. *Nothing* has an S* in more than one
   level. A package is meant to be at a certain run level and higher. A
   level 3 package is started at run level 3, killed in run level 2, and
   at *no* other level. See how this works?
 There is one thing that I dont see yet.  There might be a necessity to
 introduce parallel routes, e.g. you would want to have a runlevel that
 starts xdm, and one that starts networking deamons for machines that
 actually are on a network.  But there is no intrinsic order between
 these things.  My machine at home is not connected to any network, which
 means that certain daemons are not necessary, even if I do want to run
 X.  Other people may want to connect to the network without having to
 go through a runlevel that starts xdm.  Now how is this tackled?
 Eric Meijer

True this would take some planning.  Agreed it has it
limitations.  However, it doesn't even work this well
currently, at least in Debian GNU/Linux.  Our current
approach is just plain broken.  Even if you go through the
trouble of fixing it, it re-breaks with every package
installation (that installs a start/stop script).  I would
just like it to work as expected and we can go from there.
Adding enhancements to the system while keeping it backward
compatable is attractive, but not as easy as it sounds.



Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-15 Thread Richard G. Roberto
On 14 Aug 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Manoj Srivastava writes:
  *Nothing* has an S* in more than one level. A package is meant to be at a
  certain run level and higher. A level 3 package is started at run level
  3, killed in run level 2, and at *no* other level. See how this works?
 Simple and elegant, but not very flexible.  How about a state machine

Considerably more flexable than rc.local, or anything else
to date.  The key is having explicit control -- no magic.
Having an optional package that replaced the sysvinit
startup with a state machine (whatever that is) is fine by
me.  But I still think we should fix what's broke.  In time,
I'm sure that Linuxconf will be able to handle multiple
running states with some kind of menu selectable state at
startup or something at some point.  Perhaps this would be
the alternative of choice.


 John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
 Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
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Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-15 Thread Dima
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED] you
On Fri, 15 Aug 1997, Dima wrote:

 Also, runlevels _are flexible.  Nobody can force me to start networking
 daemons at RL 2 -- I can bloody well start them from ip-up when I ring my
 ISP, at whatever runlevel I happen to be then.  (In practice I don't care: 
 when I don't need networking daemons, they waste about $0.5 worth of my 
 swap partition.  Big deal).
This is a different thing all together. What you are doing is saying that
runlevels are not flexible enough to handle your networking daemon
requirements, so you'r gonna do it manualy. You are just saying that they
are flexible because you don't have to use them.

What I meant was, let's say on my box I have runlevels 0 - 2 for powerdown
(you're quite right about that not belonging in rl 5, btw), halt and reboot,
rl 3 = single-user, 4 = multi-user and 5 = multi-user with xdm running.
I'm not concerned with, e.g. networking daemons.
A person configuring web/mail/newsserver would be concerned with the
order in which daemons are started, and s/he would edit rls 4 - 6 
accordingly.  S/he doesn't care about xdm.
On, say, a router programs running at rls 4 - 6 will be different again.  
What remains is the order in which various programs are started/killed;
I think that can easily fit into a stack-like thingy (or a state machine,
for that matter).
We don't know which exactly various programs they'll happen to be on a 
given machine; we can, however, provide a reasonable, easy to modify 

Anyway, I'd prefer any (open would be nice) standard, as long as it's 
supported by at least 3 - 4 different unices.  As long as it's not
a single program group called startup... :)

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread Donovan Baarda
On Wed, 13 Aug 1997, Richard G. Roberto wrote:

 On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
  There was a discussion about this recently... So I thought I'd mention this:
  This is posted on cola; looks neat to me:
 The premise is that a run level is _clearly defined_ and
 managed according to a schema.  Debian just shotguns links
 in everything that looks like a run control directory under
 /etc (practically).  A real sysr4 rc script should run all
 K* scripts in a run control directory, then all S* scripts,
 starting with rc1.d, incrementally up to the defined run
 level.  This means that having stuff in rc1.d and rc2.d is
 totally redundant.  Likewise for rc2.d and rc3.d, etc.
 After the defined default run level is achieved, changing
 run levels occurs by simply running the K* scripts in the
 new run level, then the S* scripts.

So excuse me if I have got this wrong, but does that mean going from run
level 2 to run level 7 requires running all K* then S* in run level 3,
then all K* then S* in run level 4, then all K* then S* in run level 5,
... all the way up to run level 7? And going from run level 4 down to 2
does the same in reverse?

Doesn't this mean that with something that has an S* in runlevel 3,5,7 and
a K* in 2,4,6, that it will be started, stopped, started, stopped... all
the way through? What about going through a runlevel 5 which is for power

What I thought would be more sensible is to know what needs to be running
at each runlevel, and when you change runlevels, do a diff on the two
runlevels, kill everything in the first but not in the second, and start
everything in the second not in the first. This allows you to transition
faster between arbitary runlevels, and avoids transitioning through
runlevels you don't want to touch on the way.

This sort of scheme can be implemented in a variety of ways, including
config files, or S* symlinks in rcn.d directorys (no need for K* anymore).
I don't want to introduce yet another way of doing it, but it just seems
to make more sense to me.

 The issue arose when package maintainers had to classify
 their packages as to falling into one of the categories
 described.  Some client process are dependant on server
 processes, etc.  These would need to be sorted out.
 Obviously any local services required to make a machine fit
 the description multi-user network client would need to be
 started by the end of run level 2.  There were a couple of
 other gripes, but I don't remember what they were.
why not just have the postinst script ask the user what runlevels do you
want this package to run at? and provide sensible defaults. That frees
the package maintainer from deciding what to clasify the package as, and
allows the user to have his own customized runlevels.

 As for x86 vendors having a pow wow over how we should
 standardize differently than real unix systems do it,
 what's the point of this?  This is precisely why industry
 leaders get annoyed with us.  Would it really be so awful
 to just adopt the standards of current commercial
 practice?  And no, SCO doesn't count.  Industry leaders
 currently means Solaris, HP(Hitachi)/UX, AIX, Irix, and 
 maybe DU.

I agree that an x86 only view of the world is stupid. hardware platforms
are becoming more meaningless all the time. However, I do belive that it
is worth thinking of free standards independantly of comercial 
standards. Sure we can adopt the commercial standards if they are good
enough and we are free to do so, but if they suck we should go ahead and
make our own. The free software community is large enough now that we can
make our own standards, and even sometimes make the comercial world follow

This is becoming even more important now that the comercial guys are
making open standards in a way that ensures they have a technical edge
and is hard for the competition to implement.


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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread Jim Pick

 I agree that an x86 only view of the world is stupid. hardware platforms
 are becoming more meaningless all the time. However, I do belive that it
 is worth thinking of free standards independantly of comercial 
 standards. Sure we can adopt the commercial standards if they are good
 enough and we are free to do so, but if they suck we should go ahead and
 make our own. The free software community is large enough now that we can
 make our own standards, and even sometimes make the comercial world follow

I'd like to second this.  Standards are definitely worth having.  But not
when they consist of inferior technology handed down to us from
commercially-dominated organizations in which we have no representation.

The nice thing about standards is that you can pick and choose which
ones you are going to support.

(I have no opinion on the /etc/init.d stuff though)


 - Jim

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Donovan == Donovan Baarda [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Donovan So excuse me if I have got this wrong, but does that mean
Donovan going from run level 2 to run level 7 requires running all K*
Donovan then S* in run level 3, then all K* then S* in run level 4,
Donovan then all K* then S* in run level 5, ... all the way up to run
Donovan level 7? And going from run level 4 down to 2 does the same
Donovan in reverse?

Donovan Doesn't this mean that with something that has an S* in
Donovan runlevel 3,5,7 and a K* in 2,4,6, that it will be started,
Donovan stopped, started, stopped... all the way through? What about
Donovan going through a runlevel 5 which is for power down?

You are hereby excused. *Nothing* has an S* in more than one
 level. A package is meant to be at a certain run level and higher. A
 level 3 package is started at run level 3, killed in run level 2, and
 at *no* other level. See how this works?

Donovan why not just have the postinst script ask the user what
Donovan runlevels do you want this package to run at? and provide
Donovan sensible defaults. That frees the package maintainer from
Donovan deciding what to clasify the package as, and allows the user
Donovan to have his own customized runlevels.

I think that punting this decision on to the user is bad
 design. Firstly, installing a large number of packages may well
 overwhelm a novice, secondly, there are ordering requirements between
 packages (potentialy) that the user may not be aware of, and thirdly,
 debugging and customer support are going to be a nightmare, with
 every system different from every other system.

There _is_ a way of doing this style of rc right (though it
 would generate *lots* of debate on debian-devel [yummy]), and I think
 the devopers *can* get to a consensus on what belongs at each run
 level -- (we did get to agree on the required, important, optional
 and extra categories, didn't we?)

 who would be interested in hearing more about how other unices got
 rc.? right.
 In Western terms, love is like an extended software Q.A. suite.
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Manoj Srivastava   url:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Manoj Srivastava  wrote:
   You are hereby excused. *Nothing* has an S* in more than one
  level. A package is meant to be at a certain run level and higher. A
  level 3 package is started at run level 3, killed in run level 2, and
  at *no* other level. See how this works?

There is one thing that I dont see yet.  There might be a necessity to
introduce parallel routes, e.g. you would want to have a runlevel that
starts xdm, and one that starts networking deamons for machines that
actually are on a network.  But there is no intrinsic order between
these things.  My machine at home is not connected to any network, which
means that certain daemons are not necessary, even if I do want to run
X.  Other people may want to connect to the network without having to
go through a runlevel that starts xdm.  Now how is this tackled?

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread Richard G. Roberto
On Thu, 14 Aug 1997, Donovan Baarda wrote:
 So excuse me if I have got this wrong, but does that mean going from run
 level 2 to run level 7 requires running all K* then S* in run level 3,
 then all K* then S* in run level 4, then all K* then S* in run level 5,
 . all the way up to run level 7? And going from run level 4 down to 2
 does the same in reverse?

No.  The incremental behavior is only up to the default run
level.  If there is none defined, you get prompted at
startup for a run level and I'm not sure if the system
should use the incremental method or jump right to it at
that point.

 Doesn't this mean that with something that has an S* in runlevel 3,5,7 and
 a K* in 2,4,6, that it will be started, stopped, started, stopped... all
 the way through? What about going through a runlevel 5 which is for power

You only have K* scripts if you need to shut a process or
server down for proper operation in the new run level (or
make sure something's not running).  You only have S*
scripts for the stuff you need started _for that run level_.

Run level 5 isn't implemented as power down yet, but it
should be.  Obviously if you do an init 5, you should expect
to go down.  If you set your default run level to 7, you're
in for a very short session ;)  The 7, 8,  9 run levels are
unique to linux AFAIK.  They shouldn't be used as defaults
for the reason's you point out.

 What I thought would be more sensible is to know what needs to be running
 at each runlevel, and when you change runlevels, do a diff on the two
 runlevels, kill everything in the first but not in the second, and start
 everything in the second not in the first. This allows you to transition
 faster between arbitary runlevels, and avoids transitioning through
 runlevels you don't want to touch on the way.

Again, changing run levels after the default has been
reached just runs the K* then S* scripts for that run level.
We do that part right already.  We just don't define the run
levels correctly.  Until we do, its pointless to consider a
functional rc script since the run levels will be identicle.

 This sort of scheme can be implemented in a variety of ways, including
 config files, or S* symlinks in rcn.d directorys (no need for K* anymore).
 I don't want to introduce yet another way of doing it, but it just seems
 to make more sense to me.

Well, if I run something in run level 3 that conflicts with
something in run level 4, I need to stop the service in
conflict before the run level 4 process tries to start.
That's why I can define K* scripts.  This works like the
diff you mentioned.

  The issue arose when package maintainers had to classify
  their packages as to falling into one of the categories
  described.  Some client process are dependant on server
  processes, etc.  These would need to be sorted out.
  Obviously any local services required to make a machine fit
  the description multi-user network client would need to be
  started by the end of run level 2.  There were a couple of
  other gripes, but I don't remember what they were.
 why not just have the postinst script ask the user what runlevels do you
 want this package to run at? and provide sensible defaults. That frees
 the package maintainer from deciding what to clasify the package as, and
 allows the user to have his own customized runlevels.

Flexibility is always good, and I support having a mechanism
to allow users to customize this easily (admintool? package
configuration tool?), but there should be functional
defaults shipped with the system (for everything IMHO) so
that users don't _have_ to muck around with that if they
don't want to.

  As for x86 vendors having a pow wow over how we should
  standardize differently than real unix systems do it,
  what's the point of this?  This is precisely why industry
  leaders get annoyed with us.  Would it really be so awful
  to just adopt the standards of current commercial
  practice?  And no, SCO doesn't count.  Industry leaders
  currently means Solaris, HP(Hitachi)/UX, AIX, Irix, and 
  maybe DU.
 I agree that an x86 only view of the world is stupid. hardware platforms
 are becoming more meaningless all the time. However, I do belive that it
 is worth thinking of free standards independantly of comercial 
 standards. Sure we can adopt the commercial standards if they are good
 enough and we are free to do so, but if they suck we should go ahead and
 make our own. The free software community is large enough now that we can
 make our own standards, and even sometimes make the comercial world follow
 This is becoming even more important now that the comercial guys are
 making open standards in a way that ensures they have a technical edge
 and is hard for the competition to implement.

This argument is only viable about 4% of the time its used.
The rest of the time its just another artificial obstacle to
progress.  I can remember working for a DEC var a few years
ago when 

Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread jghasler
Manoj Srivastava writes:
 *Nothing* has an S* in more than one level. A package is meant to be at a
 certain run level and higher. A level 3 package is started at run level
 3, killed in run level 2, and at *no* other level. See how this works?

Simple and elegant, but not very flexible.  How about a state machine
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-14 Thread Dima
 Manoj Srivastava writes:
  *Nothing* has an S* in more than one level. A package is meant to be at a
  certain run level and higher. A level 3 package is started at run level
  3, killed in run level 2, and at *no* other level. See how this works?
 Simple and elegant, but not very flexible.  How about a state machine

Assuming runlevel is roughly equivalent to state, the above model is
a stack of states.  A state transition diagram would be a (potentially fully
connected) graph of states.  (Potentially) what a mess. :)

Next question is how to define a state -- 6 basic states is what we have
now.  If we want more states (finer grain) our graph becomes messier.

Also, runlevels _are flexible.  Nobody can force me to start networking
daemons at RL 2 -- I can bloody well start them from ip-up when I ring my
ISP, at whatever runlevel I happen to be then.  (In practice I don't care: 
when I don't need networking daemons, they waste about $0.5 worth of my 
swap partition.  Big deal).

If you let user similarly customize the states, you _will end up with a 
fully connected graph for STD -- definitely a mess.  
(One program implementing a complex state machine is sendmail, BTW.)

Stack is a much simpler structure -- easier to implement, less bugs etc.
Besides, it's almost there already.

emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au, if you're replying to
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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-13 Thread Richard G. Roberto
On Tue, 12 Aug 1997, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 There was a discussion about this recently... So I thought I'd mention this:
 This is posted on cola; looks neat to me:
rant off
This is rediculous.  Just don't install the sysv-init stuff
and run a bsd init + rc.local.  By the by, BSD systems do a
very sysvr4 kind of modular startup these days anyway --
because its better.  As far as easy to tell what's going on,
just look in the run control directory for whatever run
level you want to examin!  You don't even need a friggin'
editor!  Just because linux distributions have done a piss
poor job of implementing the sysvr4 startup configuration,
it doesn't mean its a bad idea.  We should just do it right
instead of hacking sysvinit to work like an rc.local
monolothic startup.

If you want to see how its supposed to work, look at
Solaris 2.x, Irix 6.x, etc.

I've rewritten rc to do just that somewhere, but I wound up
having to undo whatever debian does _every time I added a
package_!  It became too much work, so I bagged it.

The premise is that a run level is _clearly defined_ and
managed according to a schema.  Debian just shotguns links
in everything that looks like a run control directory under
/etc (practically).  A real sysr4 rc script should run all
K* scripts in a run control directory, then all S* scripts,
starting with rc1.d, incrementally up to the defined run
level.  This means that having stuff in rc1.d and rc2.d is
totally redundant.  Likewise for rc2.d and rc3.d, etc.
After the defined default run level is achieved, changing
run levels occurs by simply running the K* scripts in the
new run level, then the S* scripts.

Debian currently only correctly defines rc.boot, rc0.d,
rc6.d and rc1.d.  the multi-user run levels are all
defined the same.  This is absurd.  Having run levels
defined for a specific purpose is what they're there for.
Why it is we don't do that is beyond me.  I can remmber
having this discussion before and the conclusion was that it
would be too complex to actually define run level 2 as a
multi-user network client configuration, run level 3 as
multi-user network server configuration and level 4 as
some variation of run level 2.  That would leave run level 5
for power down once more hardware supports it, and 7, 8,
and 9 as possible variations on multi-user run levels, or
failover run levels assuming responsabilities for a failed
server somewhere else on the lan.

The issue arose when package maintainers had to classify
their packages as to falling into one of the categories
described.  Some client process are dependant on server
processes, etc.  These would need to be sorted out.
Obviously any local services required to make a machine fit
the description multi-user network client would need to be
started by the end of run level 2.  There were a couple of
other gripes, but I don't remember what they were.

This capability -- to define multiple possible running
states -- has been around for a while, and its much better
than MS's dynamic profiling.  I used to have a laptop with
run levels defined for standalone, docked, no xdm,
NY, HK.  Using debian's scheme, I needed to have
everything defined in every run level (2,3,4,7,8).  In
reality, I should have been able to define run level two as
the default, and the others as diffs from that state.

Show me how to do that with rc.local -- without hacking it
to work like sysvinit.

As for x86 vendors having a pow wow over how we should
standardize differently than real unix systems do it,
what's the point of this?  This is precisely why industry
leaders get annoyed with us.  Would it really be so awful
to just adopt the standards of current commercial
practice?  And no, SCO doesn't count.  Industry leaders
currently means Solaris, HP(Hitachi)/UX, AIX, Irix, and 
maybe DU.
rant off

Until we extend the circle of our compassion to all living 
things, we will not ourselves find peace -Albert Schweitzer

Richard G. Roberto

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-13 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
[ ... ]

 If you want to see how its supposed to work, look at
 Solaris 2.x, Irix 6.x, etc.
 I've rewritten rc to do just that somewhere, but I wound up
 having to undo whatever debian does _every time I added a
 package_!  It became too much work, so I bagged it.
 The premise is that a run level is _clearly defined_ and
 managed according to a schema.  Debian just shotguns links
 in everything that looks like a run control directory under
 /etc (practically).  A real sysr4 rc script should run all
 K* scripts in a run control directory, then all S* scripts,
 starting with rc1.d, incrementally up to the defined run
 level.  This means that having stuff in rc1.d and rc2.d is
 totally redundant.  Likewise for rc2.d and rc3.d, etc.
 After the defined default run level is achieved, changing
 run levels occurs by simply running the K* scripts in the
 new run level, then the S* scripts.

I always used to think it was me who didn't get it.  I customized one
runlevel to run without xdm.  I used this runlevel to upgrade XFree86,
so that if anything screwed up, I would not have xdm continously
restarting a bogus X setup.  This can be very annoying and very hard to
escape, I know from experience.  However, after the configuration
script is done, it starts xdm as if no runlevels exist (I guess it only
checks /etc/X11/config).  I agree fully that a proper implementation of
sysvr4 would be a Good Thing.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-13 Thread Dima
E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
 [ ... ]
 I always used to think it was me who didn't get it.  I customized one
 runlevel to run without xdm.  I used this runlevel to upgrade XFree86,
 so that if anything screwed up, I would not have xdm continously
 restarting a bogus X setup.  This can be very annoying and very hard to
 escape, I know from experience.  However, after the configuration
 script is done, it starts xdm as if no runlevels exist (I guess it only
 checks /etc/X11/config).  I agree fully that a proper implementation of
 sysvr4 would be a Good Thing.

I always wandered why there are all those redundant links in rc?.d
dirs, and why I can't easily make a runlevel for xdm I used to have in

emaziuk at curtin dot edu dot au, if you're replying to
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Re: /etc/init.d structure [long rant]

1997-08-13 Thread Brandon Mitchell
Please note, the current unstable distribution is planning on changing 
the runlevel setup.  To the best of my knowledge, the actual runlevel 
setup has not been decided upon yet.  Unstable will not be released as 
stable for quite some time though, so don't hold your breath (last guess 
I heard was around december or january).


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