Re: Installing Wi-Fi card driver ( completing informations)

2022-09-09 Thread Haines Brown
On Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 12:39:36PM +, Mansour zermello wrote:

> Hi, I'm a new user in the Linux world especially debian, but i was 
> interested by debian since very long time but one day I decided to 
> install it and start to use it, i had difficulties to install it but 
> with a lot of effort and searches i succeeded, BUT the problem where 
> I'm stucked is the WIFI card model : Intel 8256NGW ( i don't know at 
> all how to do ) to be honest, i really need your help I'm sure I'll 
> can to do it if you explain to me how to do step by step and I'll 
> transfer this knowledge to other user who is in my case.

> I'm waiting for your response impatientely to start using debian 
> certainly the best OS ever made. Have a nice day,Cordially

> Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Mansour, I don't see that you are getting a reponse to your query, and 
so I'll jump in. This offers an opportunity to find out if my sense of 
the matter raises objection.

You must prepare a USB key to hold firmware files pare a USB key so 
that when the installer prompts you for firmware you can insert it. 
The firmware files must be in a FAT32 partition ane the partition on 
the key of sufficient size to hold them.  

1. Go to a root command prompt by entering the su - command and 
   providing root's pasword:  

   $ su -

2. Plug in the key. Find out the name of its device interface:

  # fdisk -l

  This lists all devices. Look for a  line that is the size and name 
  of the of the key. Note its interface name. It will be something like 

Disk /dev/sdb: 14.41 GiB, 15472047104 bytes, 30218842 sectors 
Disk model: DataTraveler 3.0
Device Boot Start  End  Sectors  Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1  *   63 30217823 30217761 14.4G  b W95 FAT32

  In this example the key is a Datatraveller. Its device interface 
  name is /dev/sdb and  its sole partition has the /dev/sdb1
3. I assume abritrariy that you don't want to use the etire to hold 
  the firmwaer files but to have multiple partitions for multi0le 
  Use fdisk to create a partition on the umounted key, /dev/sdb in 
  this example:

  # fdisk /dev/sdb

  The utililty fdisk has a variety of commands. One is m to see that 
  the commands are. Make a partition of sufficient size to hold the 
  firmware.  I'm assuming here that it wil be a second partition on 
  device /dev/sdb and thus /dev/sdb2

4. A new partition has to be formatted, and to hold firware it must be 
  FAT 32: In this example, the partition is #2 on and so is /dev/sdb2

  # mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb2   

5. Now mount he key so that the firmare can be loaded onto it (recall 
  that /dev/sdb device and partition /dev/sdb2 is only an example):

  # mkdir /media/tmp
  # mount /dev/sdb2 /media/tmp 
6. Download the firmware. CD to /media/sdb2 for example and run the  
  following command. Replace "VERSION" with the version of your 
  Debian  such as Bullseye 

  # wget -qO-
 | tar xz -C /media/tmp

7. During Debian installation iInsert the kehy when propted for firmware. If
 fails to grabe the firmwre file drop to a command 


  and mount the the key on /media/tmp

Haines Brown

Re: Installing Wi-Fi card driver ( completing informations)

2022-09-09 Thread Peter Ehlert

On 9/9/22 05:39, Mansour zermello wrote:
Hi, I'm a new user in the Linux world especially debian, but i was 
interested by debian since very long time but one day I decided to 
install it and start to use it, i had difficulties to install it but 
with a lot of effort and searches i succeeded, BUT the problem where 
I'm stucked is the WIFI card model : Intel 8256NGW ( i don't know at 
all how to do ) to be honest, i really need your help I'm sure I'll 
can to do it if you explain to me how to do step by step and I'll 
transfer this knowledge to other user who is in my case.

good morning.
You need to provide more information.

specifically, which ISO did you use?

I suspect you need to use a non-free aka firmware "un-offical" ISO. 
Those include the "drivers" that permit your computer to communicate 
with yous wifi card.

if you need to find them, tell us what desktop environment you wish and 
a link to the proper directory can be provided.

I'm waiting for your response impatientely to start using debian 
certainly the best OS ever made.

Have a nice day,

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 

Re: Installing Wi-Fi card driver ( completing informations)

2022-09-09 Thread Dan Ritter
Mansour zermello wrote: 
> Hi, I'm a new user in the Linux world especially debian, but i was interested 
> by debian since very long time but one day I decided to install it and start 
> to use it, i had difficulties to install it but with a lot of effort and 
> searches i succeeded, BUT the problem where I'm stucked is the WIFI card 
> model : Intel 8256NGW ( i don't know at all how to do ) to be honest, i 
> really need your help I'm sure I'll can to do it if you explain to me how to 
> do step by step and I'll transfer this knowledge to other user who is in my 
> case.

Intel made an 8265NGW. I suspect you have a typo.

>From a terminal:

lspci | NGW

This is to make sure your computer sees the card. It should give
one line of output similar to:

29:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265NGW 
[Windstorm Peak]

If you don't get something close to that, it is not properly

Next is to install firmware. You need the non-free repository
enabled. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list to make sure that this line
has non-free at the end of it:

deb bullseye main contrib non-free


sudo apt update
sudo apt install firmware-iwlwifi

You may need to reboot after this.

ip link 

will show you the new wifi card.
