Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-13 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 9:36 PM, Jason Heeris  wrote:
> On 5 April 2012 21:08, Tom H  wrote:
>> Re "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy": (It's
>> better to create a pkla file in
>> "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d" than edit a
>> "/usr/share/polkit-1/" file) Does pkaction display the changed values
>> for "org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount"?
> I was not aware of the pkaction command, that's quite useful! Anyway,
> pkaction does list org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount, but I
> still get the "Not authorized" error when trying to mount the
> filesystem via the serial line.

You have to use "pkaction --verbose --action-id
org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount" to check whether the settings
are active.

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Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-09 Thread Jason Heeris
On 5 April 2012 21:08, Tom H  wrote:
> Re "pkexec true": Is your user a member of the sudo group? sudo group
> members can use pkexec via
> "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-debian-sudo.conf". If you
> don't want that user in the sudo group, you can create a conf file in
> "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d" to allow it to use pkexec.

I've added the live user to the sudo group, but it didn't make a
difference (I confirmed that 51-debian-sudo.conf is there, too).

> Re "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy": (It's
> better to create a pkla file in
> "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d" than edit a
> "/usr/share/polkit-1/" file) Does pkaction display the changed values
> for "org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount"?

I was not aware of the pkaction command, that's quite useful! Anyway,
pkaction does list org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount, but I
still get the "Not authorized" error when trying to mount the
filesystem via the serial line.

— Jason

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Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-09 Thread Jason Heeris
On 5 April 2012 16:52, Andrei POPESCU  wrote:
> Maybe libpam-ck-connector helps?

Alas no :/

— Jason

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Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-05 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 5:05 AM, keith  wrote:
> Jason Heeris wrote:
>> user@my-live-usb:~$ pkexec true
>> Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
>> This incident has been reported.
> Do you need to be root?

pkexec is like sudo so you don't need to be root but you do need to be
authorized to use it.

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Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-05 Thread Tom H
On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Jason Heeris  wrote:

> I'm building a Debian Squeeze system with live-builder 3.0~a45 (from
> Ubuntu 11.10). I'm running into a problem where I can't use udisk to
> mount devices using a serial console on the live system (perhaps due
> to problems with consolekit or policykit).
> I configure a serial console using the boot line and some boot-time
> sedding to produce this line in /etc/inittab:
>  T0:23:respawn:/bin/login -f user /dev/ttyS0 2>&1
> My problem is this: when I try to use udisk to mount an image via a
> serial console, I get:
> user@my-live-usb:~$ udisks --mount /dev/disk/by-label/image-data
> --mount-options ro
> Mount failed: Not Authorized
> I read through a heap of forum postings and bug reports, and
> eventually figured to try:
> user@my-live-usb:~$ pkexec true
> Error executing command as another user: Not authorized
> This incident has been reported.
> Then I ran "ck-list-sessions" and saw that only Session 5, on
> /dev/tty1, has "active = TRUE" - the console I'm actually using
> (Session 1 on /dev/ttyS0) has "active = FALSE".
> Am I right in thinking that this is why udisk is failing to mount the
> device when run on a serial console? I checked that my udisks command
> worked with a video console, and it does. But unfortunately, this is
> not practical - I need to be able to run the command at a serial
> console OR a video console.
> It's worth pointing out that under this live system, the default user
> ("user") is automatically logged in on every video console and the
> serial console.
> If I look in "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy",
> there's a group of keys under " id="org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount">":
>  no
>  no
>  yes
> Changing the "allow_inactive" and "allow_any" keys to yes makes no
> difference. I figure that I somehow need to tell consolekit that the
> serial port is an active console. But how?

I haven't used polkit since Fedora 12 was released with weird package
installation defaults and I don't have access to the notes that I made
at the time so what follows is just from looking at a Sid VM that I
have running.

Re "pkexec true": Is your user a member of the sudo group? sudo group
members can use pkexec via
"/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d/51-debian-sudo.conf". If you
don't want that user in the sudo group, you can create a conf file in
"/etc/polkit-1/localauthority.conf.d" to allow it to use pkexec.

Re "/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy": (It's
better to create a pkla file in
"/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d" than edit a
"/usr/share/polkit-1/" file) Does pkaction display the changed values
for "org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount"?

No idea what to say or do about your "ck-list-sessions" output, sorry.

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Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-05 Thread keith

Jason Heeris wrote:

My problem is this: when I try to use udisk to mount an image via a
serial console, I get:

user@my-live-usb:~$ udisks --mount /dev/disk/by-label/image-data
--mount-options ro
Mount failed: Not Authorized

I read through a heap of forum postings and bug reports, and
eventually figured to try:

user@my-live-usb:~$ pkexec true
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized

This incident has been reported.

Do you need to be root?

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Debian GNU/Linux

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Re: Live Squeeze system: ConsoleKit does not see serial console as active, cannot mount with udisk

2012-04-05 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Jo, 05 apr 12, 09:30:17, Jason Heeris wrote:
> So how do I get ConsoleKit to either recognise the serial console as
> active, or let udisks mount the partition?

Maybe libpam-ck-connector helps?

Kind regards,
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