On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 05:11:11AM -0500, Michael Janssen (CS/MATH stud.)  
generated a stream of 1s and 0s:
> Some of you probably have seem me asking about this in #debian: 
> I'm trying to setup NIS+ on Debian.. I have a number of machines which
> I would like to use NIS+ for authentication and also for autofs
> mapping..  Has anyone actually succeeded in using NIS+ with Debian? 
> I've currently taken nis-utils.tar.gz from ftp.kernel.org and hacked
> into it a bit.   It's half-working.. it asks for the password twice on
> login, and autofs doesn't see the auto_master table on NIS+..
> Also, if NIS+ is just plainly out of the question, are there any good
> alternatives to NIS+?  Keep in mind that it should provide security
> like NIS+ (column & row permissions), and work with sun and linux
> clients..  
> Michael Janssen - Jamuraa
> -- 
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NSSwitch and LDAP are much better than NIS. Don't use NIS unless you
have to. Check out www.rage.net.

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