Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-06-03 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Amos == Amos Shapira [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Amos I'm still looking for this kernel-image package.  Can't find it
Amos in the ls-lR files.

It should appear in the mirrors soon, it was moved out of
incoming recently.

Amos Now what about support for multiple kernels?  Is it possible to
Amos have a rule to install the new kernel *near* (instead of over)
Amos other kernels, or even near other compiles of same kernel?  You
Amos must know the urge to keep at least one prooven kernel around in
Amos case the new one crashes.

The recent kernel packages (headers, sources, and image),
being build from the package kernel-package (or a close ancestor), do
not overwrite older versions. They allow you to keep as many versions
of images or sources on your system as you desire (you, then, have to
explicitly delete them to have them go away).  I always have tow
versions myself ...

Amos As it is now, it looks like ytou have to manually shift
Amos / and /vmlinuz and add entries to lilo.conf, or am I
Amos missing something? 

Yes, the newer kernel-image-X.X.XX packages (which handle all
these details for you).

Can you imagine what it would be like if there had been ``look and
feel'' lawsuits over automobiles?  -- Mark Diekhans ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Manoj Srivastava   Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-06-02 Thread Amos Shapira
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Brian == Brian C White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   There is indeed a Debian-ized version of the kernel. The package
  is  called kernel-image.

I'm still looking for this kernel-image package.  Can't find it in the ls-lR

  You could also grab the raw source and use kernel-package package
  to generate your new image package.  This is the recommended method
  for generating custom kernel images.

This sounds much more like it.

Now what about support for multiple kernels?  Is it possible to have a
rule to install the new kernel *near* (instead of over) other kernels, or
even near other compiles of same kernel?  You must know the urge to keep
at least one prooven kernel around in case the new one crashes.

As it is now, it looks like ytou have to manually shift / and
/vmlinuz and add entries to lilo.conf, or am I missing something?


--Amos Shapira  | Of course Australia was marked for
|  glory, for its people had been chosen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  by the finest judges in England.
| -- Anonymous

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-06-01 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Fri, 31 May 1996, Ian Jackson wrote:

 Manoj Srivastava writes [ SuperCite undone - iwj ]:
  Brian C White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   So...  Should there be a restriction against listing the
   kernel-image as a dependancy in another package?
  No, since if you follow the recommended method of generating
  kernel images, this will work.  
 On the contrary, we should not require people to follow this method,
 especially when it's easy not to make this requirement.
 Packages which need a particular kernel or kernel feature to run
 correctly should test for the kernel version of feature in the
 postinst (or in the preinst, if the package being broken is a serious
 problem for the whole syste, for example for a base package).

This fails to provide protection if the kernel is downgraded to a kernel
that never provided the desired feature, or upgrading to a kernel that
provides this feature in a different manner or with a different interface.

I would suggest that it is always inappropriate for a package to depend on
a particular kernel version. It is much better for the package in question
to depend on a version of libc that provides the desired interface to the
kernel. Then the kernel version can change without breaking the
application program. It was my understanding that this is exactly why
David E. began providing kernel headers with libc5.

I say: Use depends, but make it depend on the appropriate version of libc
and not on a particular kernel package.




aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (904) 877-0257
  Flexible Software  Fax: NONE 
  Black Creek Critters   e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 If you don't see what you want, just ask --

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-31 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Brian == Brian C White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  There is indeed a Debian-ized version of the kernel. The package
 is  called kernel-image.

 You could also grab the raw source and use kernel-package package
 to generate your new image package.  This is the recommended method
 for generating custom kernel images.

Brian Could you point me to exactly where this is recommended?

Umm, err, I don't think it is in any publically available
document yet.  It has been discussed on the developers list, though,
and I'll see what can be done about putting this into the
general documentation.

Brian In any case, though, I have no desire to follow this path.  I
Brian like building my kernel directly from the main sources.  I
Brian don't want to have to wait for a package to get built or apply
Brian patches to the debian sources.

This is what kernel-packages are designed for. You get the
main sources on your own (or patch 'em up, if you wish).  You get the
kernel-package package, which is kernel version independent, so you
don't have to wait for it, or download a new one per kernel
revision. You get it once. (barring upgrades for bug fixes, changing
specs, etc, but I hope that there ain't gonna be none, at least for a
resonable period). It is a small,  25K package.

No kernel files are patched.  No C code is provided.  The
kernel image is produced by a normal make boot/zimage. All the
package does is provide you a debian.rules debian.README (explaining
how to use debian.rules), and debian/* files, which arrange for you to
register and manage the kernel images using dpkg, and to satisfy
dependencies that other debian packages may have for the image.

You still can customize your images at will (I do, believe
me. I have not installed a standard image since 1.2.8, I think, and I
like being bleeding edge [1.99.9 at the moment]).

Brian But is there a self-compiled-kernel-image?  At least the new
Brian diald (in Incoming) depends on kernel-image.
  The self compiled kernel, if you do it using kernel-package
 package, will also Provide kernel-image.

Brian See above.


Brian If I recall, some other package used to depend on the image but
Brian was changed to check the kernel version in the preinst script.
  This is true about kernel version.

Brian So...  Should there be a restriction against listing the
Brian kernel-image as a dependancy in another package?
  No, since if you follow the recommended method of generating
 kernel images, this will work.

Brian But neither I nor some others install the Debian kernels.  We
Brian like building our own.

All you have to do is get a 22K package that adds a thin
veneer of information that dpkg needs.  The image is not changed, and
you use your own custom config file, and decide whatever you want as
modules. It just makes handling kernel images easier, since you now
can use dpkg. The raison de 'etre of this package is that I was sick
of the mechanical, routine things I had to do every other day
compiling yet another kernel. 


Everything is for sale; only the price is negotiable.  %%
Manoj Srivastava   Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-31 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Ian == Ian Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ian On the contrary, we should not require people to follow this
Ian method, especially when it's easy not to make this requirement.

Ian Packages which need a particular kernel or kernel feature to run
Ian correctly should test for the kernel version of feature in the
Ian postinst (or in the preinst, if the package being broken is a
Ian serious problem for the whole syste, for example for a base
Ian package).

Ian dpkg --compare-versions (implemented in dpkg recently) should
Ian work on kernel version numbers, provided that pre-2 does actually
Ian return 1.99 or whatever in uname.

Ok.  Since I'm temporarily managing diald, I'll remove the
dependency in a release I'll make tonight (I hope), and add a check in
the installation scripts if needed (I'm not sure it is needed).


I don't believe in sweeping social change being manifested by one
person, unless he has an atomic weapon.  -- Howard Chaykin %%
Manoj Srivastava   Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-31 Thread Ian Jackson
Manoj Srivastava writes [ SuperCite undone - iwj ]:
 Brian C White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  So...  Should there be a restriction against listing the
  kernel-image as a dependancy in another package?
   No, since if you follow the recommended method of generating
 kernel images, this will work.  

On the contrary, we should not require people to follow this method,
especially when it's easy not to make this requirement.

Packages which need a particular kernel or kernel feature to run
correctly should test for the kernel version of feature in the
postinst (or in the preinst, if the package being broken is a serious
problem for the whole syste, for example for a base package).

dpkg --compare-versions (implemented in dpkg recently) should work on
kernel version numbers, provided that pre-2 does actually return 1.99
or whatever in uname.


Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-30 Thread Brian C. White
  Is there a Debian-ized package of this kernel or are Debian testers
  expected to grab the raw source?
 There is indeed a Debian-ized version of the kernel. The package is called

But is there a self-compiled-kernel-image?  At least the new diald (in
Incoming) depends on kernel-image.

If I recall, some other package used to depend on the image but was changed
to check the kernel version in the preinst script.

So...  Should there be a restriction against listing the kernel-image as
a dependancy in another package?


In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-30 Thread Billy Chow
 Brian == Brian C White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brian But is there a self-compiled-kernel-image?  At least the new
Brian diald (in Incoming) depends on kernel-image.

Brian So...  Should there be a restriction against listing the
Brian kernel-image as a dependancy in another package?

I don't think packages should `depend' on kernel-image.  I don't have
kernel-image installed although it is listed as `essential'.  I boot
into Debian using loadlin and sometimes floppies.

Billy C.-M. Chow  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian Linux

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-30 Thread Manoj Srivastava

Brian == Brian C White [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Is there a Debian-ized package of this kernel or are Debian
 testers  expected to grab the raw source?

 There is indeed a Debian-ized version of the kernel. The package is
 called kernel-image.

You could also grab the raw source and use kernel-package
package to generate your new image package.  This is the recommended
method for generating custom kernel images.

Brian But is there a self-compiled-kernel-image?  At least the new
Brian diald (in Incoming) depends on kernel-image.

The self compiled kernel, if you do it using kernel-package
package, will also Provide kernel-image. 

Brian If I recall, some other package used to depend on the image but
Brian was changed to check the kernel version in the preinst script.

This is true about kernel version.

Brian So...  Should there be a restriction against listing the
Brian kernel-image as a dependancy in another package?

No, since if you follow the recommended method of generating
kernel images, this will work.  


Comparing information and knowledge is like asking whether the fatness
of a pig is more or less green than the designated hitter rule.  --
David Guaspari 
Manoj Srivastava   Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-29 Thread Gerry Jensen

On Tue, 28 May 1996, Nils Rennebarth wrote:

 Never compile PPP into the kernel. Always compile it as a module and load
 it via /etc/modules. This is because slhc.c says it needs to be compiled
 as a module and ppp relies on it.

I have ppp compiled into my kernel (not as a module) and it's working fine
for me.  I believe you have to answer 'No' to 'Set version information on
all symbols for modules' in order for ppp to work correctly this way


Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-29 Thread Amos Shapira
Bruce Perens wrote:
 Linus released pre2.0.7 and then went to the Linux Kongress in Germany
 for a week. Please test this on pre2.0.7 if you can, and report it if
 it is still broken. He urged us to put a lot of testing into pre2.0.7 .

Is there a Debian-ized package of this kernel or are Debian testers
expected to grab the raw source?

(BTW, thanks for the help with 1.3.100 - I recompiled 1.3.100 again, and
this time I commented all the relevant entries in the modules file and
things startted working).

--Amos Shapira  | Of course Australia was marked for
|  glory, for its people had been chosen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  by the finest judges in England.
| -- Anonymous

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-29 Thread Christian Hudon
On Wed, 29 May 1996, Amos Shapira wrote:

 Bruce Perens wrote:
  Linus released pre2.0.7 and then went to the Linux Kongress in Germany
  for a week. Please test this on pre2.0.7 if you can, and report it if
  it is still broken. He urged us to put a lot of testing into pre2.0.7 .
 Is there a Debian-ized package of this kernel or are Debian testers
 expected to grab the raw source?

There is indeed a Debian-ized version of the kernel. The package is called


Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-28 Thread Bruce Perens
 For now, I run 'pppd' without the 'connect' option once after a reboot. It
 will fail, of course, but it puts the ttyS* device into the correct state,
 'pppd' works fine after that.

 I gave it a try, and yes, this works.

Linus released pre2.0.7 and then went to the Linux Kongress in Germany
for a week. Please test this on pre2.0.7 if you can, and report it if
it is still broken. He urged us to put a lot of testing into pre2.0.7 .


   *** Re-elect Clinton ***


Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-28 Thread Michael Callahan

 Michael Callahan said:
  I just grabbed the latest disks from (in
  /pub/debian/unstable/disks-i386/current, the 1440 series), and
  proceded to do the installation.  It mostly works, but I'm
  having trouble with PPP.  I recompiled the kernel (using 1.3.100-1 now)
  with PPP support, but when I try to run pppd, it says the kernel
  does not support PPP.  I believe it has something to do with
  the lack of ppp devices in the /dev directory.  Has anyone
  else had trouble with this latest build?
 I had this same problem. I finally tracked it to a problem with the ttyS*
 drivers in the kernel. However, I don't know exactly where in the drivers the
 problem is.
 For now, I run 'pppd' without the 'connect' option once after a reboot. It
 will fail, of course, but it puts the ttyS* device into the correct state, an
 'pppd' works fine after that.

I gave it a try, and yes, this works.  It's somewhat of a nuisance though,
hopefully someone can fix it soon.

Thanks for the help.


Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-28 Thread Scott Barker
Michael Callahan said:
 I just grabbed the latest disks from (in
 /pub/debian/unstable/disks-i386/current, the 1440 series), and
 proceded to do the installation.  It mostly works, but I'm
 having trouble with PPP.  I recompiled the kernel (using 1.3.100-1 now)
 with PPP support, but when I try to run pppd, it says the kernel
 does not support PPP.  I believe it has something to do with
 the lack of ppp devices in the /dev directory.  Has anyone
 else had trouble with this latest build?

I had this same problem. I finally tracked it to a problem with the ttyS*
drivers in the kernel. However, I don't know exactly where in the drivers the
problem is.

For now, I run 'pppd' without the 'connect' option once after a reboot. It
will fail, of course, but it puts the ttyS* device into the correct state, and
'pppd' works fine after that.

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (under construction)

[ I try to reply to all e-mail within 5 days. If you don't  ]
[ get a response by then, I probably didn't get your e-mail ]
[ (we have a sometimes sporadic connection to the internet) ]

As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn't as
   easy to get programs right as we had thought.  Debugging had to be
   discovered.  I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large
   part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in
   my own programs.
   - Maurice Wilkes discovers debugging, 1949

Re: PPP problem w/ 1.1 install

1996-05-28 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Mon, 27 May 1996, Michael Callahan wrote:

 I just grabbed the latest disks from (in
 /pub/debian/unstable/disks-i386/current, the 1440 series), and
 proceded to do the installation.  It mostly works, but I'm
 having trouble with PPP.  I recompiled the kernel (using 1.3.100-1 now)
 with PPP support
Never compile PPP into the kernel. Always compile it as a module and load
it via /etc/modules. This is because slhc.c says it needs to be compiled
as a module and ppp relies on it.

 but when I try to run pppd, it says the kernel
 does not support PPP.
Make sure you run a recent version of pppd (2.2.*) 
  I believe it has something to do with
 the lack of ppp devices in the /dev directory.
You won't need them. pppd uses the standard serial devices.


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