On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 08:08:22PM -0500, Tim Verry wrote:
> Yow!  I'm going to have to look into that.  If it's that easy...  I think I 
> can set up lilo so I can still boot to the old one?
> Will it try to preserve my current configuration to the point of not 
> installing the smbfs part?  And if not, how would it know what to change?

yes.  i'm not sure what the install process does for kernels that aren't
from previously installed packages, but i'd bet that it won't erase it.
it'll probably just move it to vmlinuz.old, and the full named 
vmlinuz-2.2.20 should probably not be touched at all.

now i'm not saying you shouldn't tar up /boot and /lib, but i wouldn't
worry too much about it.  basically, take your current lilo.conf, figure
out how it works for your current kernel, and add an entry pointing
to /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.20 or whatever and call it Linux.backup.  like i said
it may actually do that for you.   as far as configuration goes, the
only thing that it will change about your system is the kernel-compile
options, which is what you want in the first place.  it won't overwrite
anything in /etc or otherwise break anything.  at least, i can't imagine
the installer cd 2.2.20 image having anything compiled in that wouldn't
be shipped stock in the debian kernel-image.

anyway, tar up the dirs and give it a shot :)


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