On Wed, Sep 06, 2000 at 04:29:17PM -0700, Jeff Partin wrote:

> This is what I need to do..
> With a cron script once every 15min dialup
> and connect.. Then send a command that starts
> a download and sends it to my home dir. or ftps it
> to a location on another server.
> Anyone ever set something up like this?

Take a look to the attached file. It connects with 'pon' and waits
until the connection is done. You can add at the end of it a line like

  wget -c ftp://file-you-want-to-get

And if you want to disconnect after the download, add "poff" at the
end of the script.

Add the contrab entry in your user's home directory ~/.crontab file
and then run "crontab" from it, so the file will be saved directly in
your home directory. If you want, you can "cd" to the wanted directory
before the wget command.

Hope this helps, Bye!

> -- 
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Juli-Manel Merino Vidal

Homepage: http://jmmv.cjb.net

#echo -n "Connecting..."
while [ "$ok" == "" ]; do
    ok=`/sbin/route | grep "ppp"`
    sleep 1
#echo " PPP connection ok"

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