Re: xdm config

2019-12-10 Thread Bob Bernstein

On Mon, 9 Dec 2019, wrote:

Perhaps wdm would be of interest for you:


This is exactly what I was looking for, and more. The install 
was like butter, even offering a selection of which display 
manager was to be default.

Thanks (and an honorable mention to tomas for also chiming in).


These are not the droids you are looking for.

Re: xdm config

2019-12-09 Thread didier . gaumet

Perhaps wdm would be of interest for you:

Re: xdm config

2019-12-08 Thread tomas
On Sun, Dec 08, 2019 at 05:10:06PM -0500, Bob Bernstein wrote:
> Can xdm be cajoled into displaying "Reboot" and/or "Shutdown"
> buttons on its welcome screen?
> (By which odd choice of words I mean the principal screen presented
> by xdm at X start-up time, e.g. the one which queries the user for
> credentials.)

The xdm manual page seems to imply so:

Under the Resources section:

  This specifies a program which is run (as root) before offering
  the Login window.  This may be used to change the appearance of
  the screen around the Login window or to put up other windows
  (e.g., you may want to run xconsole here).  By default, no program
  is run.  The conventional name for a file used here is Xsetup.
  See the section Setup Program.

So you'd have to write some program displaying your buttons (perhaps
Tcl/Tk would be a good match here) and implementing your desired
functionality) and read the "Setup Program" section of xdm's man

Note the detail that the program is run as root: perhaps you may want
to drop privileges early, to keep your box honest :-)

-- t

Description: Digital signature

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war, {hoe,dan}

2019-04-11 Thread Rutger van Sleen
On 4/11/19 8:50 PM, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 08:26:09PM +0200, Vincent Zweije wrote:
>> xterm is volledig te sturen via settings die in de display server
>> (Xorg/X11) worden bijgehouden; ook de character set die wordt gebruikt. Er
>> vanuit gaande dat je xterm gebruikt, vraag de volgende resultaten eens op:
>> appres XTerm xterm >appres-{xdm,startx}.txt

Vandaag leerde ik van `appres`, vond ik een coole ontdekking, dank je
wel Vincent!

> `appres` blijkt in het package  `x11-utils` te zitten.
> 'XTerm xterm' parameters voor appres
> Maar wat zou de '>appres-{xdm,startx}.txt' moeten doen?

Ik begreep wat Vincent bedoelde: de output van `appres` opslaan,
uitgevoerd in de omgevingen die via xdm en startx gestart waren.

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war, {hoe,dan}

2019-04-11 Thread Geert Stappers
On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 08:26:09PM +0200, Vincent Zweije wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 09:18:59PM +0200, Rutger van Sleen wrote:
> ||  On 10-04-2019 20:28, Vincent Zweije wrote:
> ||  > Ik proef toch een localization probleempje. Dat is vaak door de
> ||  > environment variabelen gestuurd. Dus probeer eens in de twee omgevingen:
> [...]
> ||  > en vergelijk de files. Misschien geeft dat een hint wat er anders is.
> ||
> ||  Helaas. Ter vermaak heb ik de bestanden bijgevoegd. :)
> Ik zie een XDG_SESSION_TYPE die anders is, maar ik zou niet weten hoe
> dat invloed zou hebben op je terminal emulator.
> Gekke vraag misschien, maar is het wel dezelfde terminal emulator? En
> zo ja, welke?
> Nog een andere optie: misschien dat er via dbus andere settings bij je
> terminal emulator uitkomen afhankelijk van je session type.
> Ah, ik bedenk juist: X resources!
> xterm is volledig te sturen via settings die in de display server
> (Xorg/X11) worden bijgehouden; ook de character set die wordt gebruikt. Er
> vanuit gaande dat je xterm gebruikt, vraag de volgende resultaten eens op:
> appres XTerm xterm >appres-{xdm,startx}.txt

`appres` blijkt in het package  `x11-utils` te zitten.

'XTerm xterm' parameters voor appres

Maar wat zou de '>appres-{xdm,startx}.txt' moeten doen?

Het zal ge-expandeerd worden tot

  appress XTerm xterm >appres...

ah, nu zie ik het.  Het zal ge-expandeerde worden tot

  appress XTerm xterm >appres-xdm.txt >appress-startx.txt

Nog steeds een vreemde command line regel.  Dan ook maar uitgeprobeerd

$ appres XTerm xterm >appres-{xdm,starx}.txt
bash: appres-{xdm,starx}.txt: omleiding is niet eenduidig
$ appres XTerm xterm >appres-xdm.txt >appres-startx.txt
$ ls -ltr appres*.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 stappers stappers0 apr 11 20:46 appres-xdm.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 stappers stappers 6763 apr 11 20:46 appres-startx.txt

> en vergelijk dat eens.

Leeg bestand en gevuld bestand, zo een vergelijk laat alleen maar
verschil zien.

Groeten Geert

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-11 Thread Vincent Zweije
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 09:18:59PM +0200, Rutger van Sleen wrote:

||  On 10-04-2019 20:28, Vincent Zweije wrote:
||  > Ik proef toch een localization probleempje. Dat is vaak door de
||  > environment variabelen gestuurd. Dus probeer eens in de twee omgevingen:
||  > en vergelijk de files. Misschien geeft dat een hint wat er anders is.
||  Helaas. Ter vermaak heb ik de bestanden bijgevoegd. :)

Ik zie een XDG_SESSION_TYPE die anders is, maar ik zou niet weten hoe
dat invloed zou hebben op je terminal emulator.

Gekke vraag misschien, maar is het wel dezelfde terminal emulator? En
zo ja, welke?

Nog een andere optie: misschien dat er via dbus andere settings bij je
terminal emulator uitkomen afhankelijk van je session type.

Ah, ik bedenk juist: X resources!

xterm is volledig te sturen via settings die in de display server
(Xorg/X11) worden bijgehouden; ook de character set die wordt gebruikt. Er
vanuit gaande dat je xterm gebruikt, vraag de volgende resultaten eens op:

appres XTerm xterm >appres-{xdm,startx}.txt

en vergelijk dat eens.

Vincent Zweije| "If you're flamed in a group you
  | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |-- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

Description: PGP signature

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-10 Thread Rutger van Sleen
On 10-04-2019 20:28, Vincent Zweije wrote:
> Ik proef toch een localization probleempje. Dat is vaak door de
> environment variabelen gestuurd. Dus probeer eens in de twee omgevingen:
> #startx
> printenv | sort -o env-startx.txt
> #xdm
> printenv | sort -o env-xdm.txt
> en vergelijk de files. Misschien geeft dat een hint wat er anders is.

Helaas. Ter vermaak heb ik de bestanden bijgevoegd. :)

Bij het starten van de X-sessie wordt in beide gevallen ~/.xsessionrc
geladen, waar ik ~/.xprofile in aanroep, die weer ~/.profile source'd,
waar ik de locales variabelen in heb staan.

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-10 Thread Vincent Zweije
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 11:11:36AM +0200, Rutger van Sleen wrote:

> Sinds kort ben ik XDM gaan gebruiken als display manager. Ik wil
> namelijk graag dat er meerdere Xservers gestart worden na het booten.
> Dat maakt het mogelijk dat mijn gezin simpel een andere VT kan pakken,
> zonder dat ik na hoef te denken over switch-user mogelijkheden.
> Deze setup draai ik op Debian testing (aka buster), zowel op mijn
> desktop-machine als op mijn laptop.
> Het probleem dat ik omschrijf in het subject, komt alleen voor op mijn
> laptop. Waarom ik denk dat het door XDM komt? Omdat het niet gebeurt als
> ik bijvoorbeeld de Xserver start met `startx`. Dit is belangrijk, omdat
> in theorie er geen verschil zou moeten zijn tussen de twee methodes en
> mijn eigen configuratie[1] dus in principe werkt. Ik gebruik i3wm als
> window manager.
> Het probleem is: als de sessie gestart is met XDM, en ik open dan een
> terminal (urxvt of xterm, maakt niet uit) om `man man` te lezen, zie ik
> op sommige plekken dat er letters of tekens er gek uit zien. Een andere
> ervaring is dat als ik `alsamixer` of `ncmpcpp` in deze terminal
> gebruik, het er goed uit ziet. Echter, ik heb meerdere cli dingen, zoals
> `ncmpcpp` en `lnav`, die ik in screen draai. Daar ziet het er niet goed
> uit. Daar waar lijntjes moeten zijn, staan allemaal â-tjes bijvoorbeeld
> (zie [2]). Echter toont een `weechat` dit gedrag niet, maar heeft ook
> een paar quirks zoals het niet goed weergeven van é-tjes (ook te zien in
> gelinkte screenshot).

Ik proef toch een localization probleempje. Dat is vaak door de
environment variabelen gestuurd. Dus probeer eens in de twee omgevingen:

printenv | sort -o env-startx.txt

printenv | sort -o env-xdm.txt

en vergelijk de files. Misschien geeft dat een hint wat er anders is.

Vincent Zweije| "If you're flamed in a group you
  | don't read, does anybody get burnt?"
[Xhost should be taken out and shot] |-- Paul Tomblin on a.s.r.

Description: PGP signature

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-10 Thread Rutger van Sleen
On 4/10/19 8:09 PM, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 12:40:48PM +0200, Rutger van Sleen wrote:
>> Ik ben juist van LightDM afgestapt, omdat het me totaal niet lukte om
>> daarmee te behalen wat ik wou.
> > Omschrijven wat je wilt kan vaak al een uitdaging opzich zijn. In

Ik wil graag dat als ik mijn X-sessie start via XDM, dat mijn
cli-weergave er 'normaal' uit ziet.

>> als ik ingelogd ben op VT7, dat mijn vrouw simpelweg naar VT8 kan
> lees ik "multi seat" als in 
> Maar of dat de bedoeling is, is me niet duidelijk.

Nee, ik schreef al, zelfde hardware.

1 stoel, 1 toetsenbord, 1 muis, 1 laptop-scherm (bij mijn
desktop-machine wel 2 monitoren). Maar dus wel meerdere
Xserver-instanties, zodat degene die in de stoel zit, gebruik kan maken
van een eigen instantie.

Het is dus *geen* multiseat- situatie.

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-10 Thread Geert Stappers
On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 12:40:48PM +0200, Rutger van Sleen wrote:
> On 4/10/19 12:04 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> > Op 10-04-19 om 11:11 schreef Rutger van Sleen:
> >> Hoi allemaal,
> >>
> >> Sinds kort ben ik XDM gaan gebruiken als display manager. Ik wil
> >> namelijk graag dat er meerdere Xservers gestart worden na het booten.
> >> Dat maakt het mogelijk dat mijn gezin simpel een andere VT kan pakken,
> >> zonder dat ik na hoef te denken over switch-user mogelijkheden.
> > 
> > Ik heb geen ervaring met XDM, maar heb in het verleden wel meerdere
> > Xservers gedraaid met GDM, volgens mij kan/kon dat dus wel. Dat was met
> > een multiseat configuratie, is dat ook wat jij doet?
> Nee, het gaat puur om meerdere Xserver-instanties die werken met
> dezelfde hardware en configuratie. Dit zodat als ik ingelogd ben op VT7,
> dat mijn vrouw simpelweg naar VT8 kan om daar een eigen sessie te starten.
> > Mijn ervaring is dat het echter nogal afhankelijk is van welke
> > videokaart(en) je gebruikt.
> In dit geval dus niet.
> > Wat ik je wil aanraden is eens te kijken naar LightDM als display manager.
> > 
> > Volgens mij gebruikt bijna niemand XDM en wordt het daarom niet zo
> > geweldig onderhouden. Maar ik kan me vergissen.
> Ik ben juist van LightDM afgestapt, omdat het me totaal niet lukte om
> daarmee te behalen wat ik wou.
Omschrijven wat je wilt kan vaak al een uitdaging opzich zijn. In
> als ik ingelogd ben op VT7, dat mijn vrouw simpelweg naar VT8 kan
lees ik "multi seat" als in
Maar of dat de bedoeling is, is me niet duidelijk.

Ik ben echter bang dat ik per ongeluk de gewenste setup heb ervaren.

VT7 reageerde niet snel genoeg, ik probeerde VT8, daar was wel wat.
Echter niet meer dan een "greeter" en heb nieuwe sessie gestart.
Later op de dag opnieuw vanuit screensaver naar VT8 en VT7 gezocht.
Toen vond ik de sessie van eerder op de dag. Ik herkende die aan
de namen van de terminal windows.

Hoe dat te reproduceren?Dat weet ik niet.

Waarmee was het?   XFCE   met zijn standaard DM. ( ik heb niets
extras ingestel tijdens de installatie )

> XDM heeft recentelijk weer een nieuwe versie uitgebracht[1] sinds een
> jaar of zeven. ;-) Zit alleen nog niet in Debian.
> [1]
> -- 
> Rutger van Sleen
> { Geen WhatsApp, wel Signal - }
> ~ ~ ~
> ~ Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep - ~
> ~ Bewonersorganisatie Oosterpark -

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-10 Thread Rutger van Sleen
On 4/10/19 12:04 PM, Paul van der Vlis wrote:
> Hoi Rutger,
> Op 10-04-19 om 11:11 schreef Rutger van Sleen:
>> Hoi allemaal,
>> Sinds kort ben ik XDM gaan gebruiken als display manager. Ik wil
>> namelijk graag dat er meerdere Xservers gestart worden na het booten.
>> Dat maakt het mogelijk dat mijn gezin simpel een andere VT kan pakken,
>> zonder dat ik na hoef te denken over switch-user mogelijkheden.
> Ik heb geen ervaring met XDM, maar heb in het verleden wel meerdere
> Xservers gedraaid met GDM, volgens mij kan/kon dat dus wel. Dat was met
> een multiseat configuratie, is dat ook wat jij doet?

Nee, het gaat puur om meerdere Xserver-instanties die werken met
dezelfde hardware en configuratie. Dit zodat als ik ingelogd ben op VT7,
dat mijn vrouw simpelweg naar VT8 kan om daar een eigen sessie te starten.

> Mijn ervaring is dat het echter nogal afhankelijk is van welke
> videokaart(en) je gebruikt.

In dit geval dus niet.

> Wat ik je wil aanraden is eens te kijken naar LightDM als display manager.
> Volgens mij gebruikt bijna niemand XDM en wordt het daarom niet zo
> geweldig onderhouden. Maar ik kan me vergissen.

Ik ben juist van LightDM afgestapt, omdat het me totaal niet lukte om
daarmee te behalen wat ik wou.

XDM heeft recentelijk weer een nieuwe versie uitgebracht[1] sinds een
jaar of zeven. ;-) Zit alleen nog niet in Debian.


Rutger van Sleen

{ Geen WhatsApp, wel Signal - }

~ ~ ~
~ Nederlandse Linux Gebruikers Groep - ~
~ Bewonersorganisatie Oosterpark -

Re: XDM maakt cli-weergave in de war

2019-04-10 Thread Paul van der Vlis
Hoi Rutger,

Op 10-04-19 om 11:11 schreef Rutger van Sleen:
> Hoi allemaal,
> Sinds kort ben ik XDM gaan gebruiken als display manager. Ik wil
> namelijk graag dat er meerdere Xservers gestart worden na het booten.
> Dat maakt het mogelijk dat mijn gezin simpel een andere VT kan pakken,
> zonder dat ik na hoef te denken over switch-user mogelijkheden.

Ik heb geen ervaring met XDM, maar heb in het verleden wel meerdere
Xservers gedraaid met GDM, volgens mij kan/kon dat dus wel. Dat was met
een multiseat configuratie, is dat ook wat jij doet?

Mijn ervaring is dat het echter nogal afhankelijk is van welke
videokaart(en) je gebruikt.

Wat ik je wil aanraden is eens te kijken naar LightDM als display manager.

Volgens mij gebruikt bijna niemand XDM en wordt het daarom niet zo
geweldig onderhouden. Maar ik kan me vergissen.


Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

Re: xdm o gdm, ldap RESUELTO

2011-11-14 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

El 13/11/11 11:16, Camaleón escribió:
 El Fri, 11 Nov 2011 09:23:23 +0100, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:
 El 10/11/11 19:32, Camaleón escribió:
 Si desde gdm no se puede hacer. ¿hay alguna forma fácil (no soy
 programador, lo mio son los sistemas) de hacer un menú gráfico.

 ¿Qué es lo que quieres conseguir, exactamente, comunicarte con un
 servidor ldap que tengas en la red para pasar parámetros al gestor de
 sesiones y en base a esos datos (p. ej., el nombre de usuario) cargar
 unas opciones de inicio de sesión u otras?

 El tema es que estoy montando un sistema de ordenadores para aulas de
 informática, esta basado en un servidor con qemu-spice y clientes que
 inician la sesión y nada mas arrancar lanzan el clispice y se conectan a
 su maquina virtual, el problema es que cada alumno puede estar en mas de
 un curso, esto se controla como pertenencia a un grupo en un ldap, no
 tengo problema con la consulta (en modo texto) y no hay problema en
 hacerla antes del logeo porque el usuario que consulta no es el que
 inicia la sesión, el tema es que root debe de montar (con aufs) una capa
 sobre la maquina virtual para que la use el alumno sin afectar a los
 demás, y esta depende del curso en el que quiera entrar. Lo normal es
 crear un menú gráfico de selección para que después de logeado y antes
 de arrancar el cliente el usuario eligiera el curso al que va a entrar,
 pero visto que tanto gdm como kdm hacen muchas cosas, me plantee la
 posibilidad de unificar el arranque en un solo menú. Si no se puede,
 pues me tocara lidiar con algo como gtk (creo) o lo que me aconsegeis.
 Parece un entorno muy personalizado, pero esto que buscas entiendo que lo 
 debería proporcionar el propio spice que es el encargado de administrar 
 las sesiones de las máquina virtuales. El gestor de sesiones lo veo muy 
 limitado como para permitirte hacer desde ahí lo que buscas.
 La idea de crear un menú gráfico para permitir seleccionar al usuario el 
 curso al que quiere acceder una vez que ha iniciado la sesión me parece 
 más factible. Para GNOME tienes zenity como ya te han comentado y si 
 quieres algo más potente puedes mirar wxwidgets.
Probare con zenity

Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used.

Por favor, NO utilice formatos  de archivo  propietarios para el
intercambio de  documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante  concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: xdm o gdm, ldap

2011-11-13 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 11 Nov 2011 09:23:23 +0100, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 El 10/11/11 19:32, Camaleón escribió:


 Si desde gdm no se puede hacer. ¿hay alguna forma fácil (no soy
 programador, lo mio son los sistemas) de hacer un menú gráfico.
 ¿Qué es lo que quieres conseguir, exactamente, comunicarte con un
 servidor ldap que tengas en la red para pasar parámetros al gestor de
 sesiones y en base a esos datos (p. ej., el nombre de usuario) cargar
 unas opciones de inicio de sesión u otras?
 El tema es que estoy montando un sistema de ordenadores para aulas de
 informática, esta basado en un servidor con qemu-spice y clientes que
 inician la sesión y nada mas arrancar lanzan el clispice y se conectan a
 su maquina virtual, el problema es que cada alumno puede estar en mas de
 un curso, esto se controla como pertenencia a un grupo en un ldap, no
 tengo problema con la consulta (en modo texto) y no hay problema en
 hacerla antes del logeo porque el usuario que consulta no es el que
 inicia la sesión, el tema es que root debe de montar (con aufs) una capa
 sobre la maquina virtual para que la use el alumno sin afectar a los
 demás, y esta depende del curso en el que quiera entrar. Lo normal es
 crear un menú gráfico de selección para que después de logeado y antes
 de arrancar el cliente el usuario eligiera el curso al que va a entrar,
 pero visto que tanto gdm como kdm hacen muchas cosas, me plantee la
 posibilidad de unificar el arranque en un solo menú. Si no se puede,
 pues me tocara lidiar con algo como gtk (creo) o lo que me aconsegeis.

Parece un entorno muy personalizado, pero esto que buscas entiendo que lo 
debería proporcionar el propio spice que es el encargado de administrar 
las sesiones de las máquina virtuales. El gestor de sesiones lo veo muy 
limitado como para permitirte hacer desde ahí lo que buscas.

La idea de crear un menú gráfico para permitir seleccionar al usuario el 
curso al que quiere acceder una vez que ha iniciado la sesión me parece 
más factible. Para GNOME tienes zenity como ya te han comentado y si 
quieres algo más potente puedes mirar wxwidgets.



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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: xdm o gdm, ldap

2011-11-11 Thread Trujillo Carmona, Antonio

El 10/11/11 19:32, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 09 Nov 2011 14:21:10 +0100, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:
 Necesito hacer una interfaz gráfica personalizada, como no se pues me
 contento con un tema para xdm (si es que tiene) o gdm. ¿Alguien me puede
 dar alguna dirección con un buen manual? 
 ¿Para personalizar XDM o GDM?
 Quizá no sean las mejores opciones si se trata de modificar el tema y las 
 opciones de inicio de sesión (al menos gdm3 está un poco verde ahora 
 Yo le echaría un vistazo a LXDE, SLiM y LigtDM que son más modernicos y 
 tienen menor carga detrás (quiero decir que no están enfocados a 
 entornos gordotes como KDM o GDM3).
Slim lo he probado pero no funciona con sesiones remotas y se trata de
un sistema tipo clientes ligeros.
LXDE tambien lo probe, pero no me acuerdo porque lo descarte, LigtDM no
lo conocía, lo mirare.
 ¿Alguien sabe si desde gdm se puede hacer una consulta ldap (con
 ldapsearch) después del nombre de usuario? seria como soy Trujo - 
 ¿tienes disponibles estas xxx secciones ¿a cual quieres entrar?
 Opciones sí podrás añadir pero ejecutar una búsqueda de LDAP sin haber 
 iniciado sesión si quiera me parece un poco demasié para un gestor de 
 sesiones :-?
 (ojo, que no sé si es posible, pero a simple vista parece un poco 
 Si desde gdm no se puede hacer. ¿hay alguna forma fácil (no soy
 programador, lo mio son los sistemas) de hacer un menú gráfico.
 ¿Qué es lo que quieres conseguir, exactamente, comunicarte con un 
 servidor ldap que tengas en la red para pasar parámetros al gestor de 
 sesiones y en base a esos datos (p. ej., el nombre de usuario) cargar 
 unas opciones de inicio de sesión u otras?
El tema es que estoy montando un sistema de ordenadores para aulas de
informática, esta basado en un servidor con qemu-spice y clientes que
inician la sesión y nada mas arrancar lanzan el clispice y se conectan a
su maquina virtual, el problema es que cada alumno puede estar en mas de
un curso, esto se controla como pertenencia a un grupo en un ldap, no
tengo problema con la consulta (en modo texto) y no hay problema en
hacerla antes del logeo porque el usuario que consulta no es el que
inicia la sesión, el tema es que root debe de montar (con aufs) una capa
sobre la maquina virtual para que la use el alumno sin afectar a los
demás, y esta depende del curso en el que quiera entrar.
Lo normal es crear un menú gráfico de selección para que después de
logeado y antes de arrancar el cliente el usuario eligiera el curso al
que va a entrar, pero visto que tanto gdm como kdm hacen muchas cosas,
me plantee la posibilidad de unificar el arranque en un solo menú.
Si no se puede, pues me tocara lidiar con algo como gtk (creo) o lo que
me aconsegeis.

Lo triste no es ir al cementerio, sino quedarse.
-- Anónimo.

Por favor, NO utilice formatos  de archivo  propietarios para el
intercambio de  documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino HTML, RTF, TXT,CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante  concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: xdm o gdm, ldap

2011-11-10 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 09 Nov 2011 14:21:10 +0100, Trujillo Carmona, Antonio escribió:

 Necesito hacer una interfaz gráfica personalizada, como no se pues me
 contento con un tema para xdm (si es que tiene) o gdm. ¿Alguien me puede
 dar alguna dirección con un buen manual? 

¿Para personalizar XDM o GDM?

Quizá no sean las mejores opciones si se trata de modificar el tema y las 
opciones de inicio de sesión (al menos gdm3 está un poco verde ahora 

Yo le echaría un vistazo a LXDE, SLiM y LigtDM que son más modernicos y 
tienen menor carga detrás (quiero decir que no están enfocados a 
entornos gordotes como KDM o GDM3).

 ¿Alguien sabe si desde gdm se puede hacer una consulta ldap (con
 ldapsearch) después del nombre de usuario? seria como soy Trujo - 
 ¿tienes disponibles estas xxx secciones ¿a cual quieres entrar?

Opciones sí podrás añadir pero ejecutar una búsqueda de LDAP sin haber 
iniciado sesión si quiera me parece un poco demasié para un gestor de 
sesiones :-?

(ojo, que no sé si es posible, pero a simple vista parece un poco 

 Si desde gdm no se puede hacer. ¿hay alguna forma fácil (no soy
 programador, lo mio son los sistemas) de hacer un menú gráfico.

¿Qué es lo que quieres conseguir, exactamente, comunicarte con un 
servidor ldap que tengas en la red para pasar parámetros al gestor de 
sesiones y en base a esos datos (p. ej., el nombre de usuario) cargar 
unas opciones de inicio de sesión u otras?



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Re: xdm over xrdp

2011-03-22 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:54:39 +0100,
Gilles Mocellin a écrit :

 Le lundi 21 mars, JF Straeten écrivit :
  On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
 protocole en serveur : xrdp
  Oui, donc, comme je demandais : tu cherches à te loger sur une
  caisse Micromou, pas sur du *nix...
 Je ne pense pas, xrdp permet justement d'utiliser le protocol de MS
 sur du Linux, en redirigeant ensuite sur du VNC local par exemple.
 Et c'est là que Bernard voudrait que ça lance xdm dans le Xvnc local,
 plutôt que directement le bureau de l'utilisateur.
 Ma question de l'autre fois reste entière :
 Puisque l'utilisateiur a déjà eu un login/mot de masse par sesman (en
 tout cas chez moi, ça se passe comme ça), pourquoi vouloir encore un
 gestionaire de session pour se logguer à nouveau ?


merci pour la question et la réponse pertinente 

voici la situattion exacte :

le client étant un wt320 le (win ce)

donc il s'agit avec cette bouse de récupérer sessman comme fenêtre
de login ...

le reste n'est que litérature et bavardage ...


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Re: xdm over xrdp

2011-03-22 Thread Jean-Jacques Doti

On Tue, 22 Mar 2011 08:04:44 +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:

Le Tue, 22 Mar 2011 00:54:39 +0100,
Gilles Mocellin a écrit :

Le lundi 21 mars, JF Straeten écrivit :

Re, On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker
wrote: [...]

protocole en serveur : xrdp

Oui, donc, comme je demandais : tu cherches à te loger sur une
caisse Micromou, pas sur du *nix...

Je ne pense pas, xrdp permet justement d'utiliser le protocol de MS
sur du Linux, en redirigeant ensuite sur du VNC local par exemple. 

c'est là que Bernard voudrait que ça lance xdm dans le Xvnc local,
plutôt que directement le bureau de l'utilisateur. Ma question de
l'autre fois reste entière : Puisque l'utilisateiur a déjà eu un
login/mot de masse par sesman (en tout cas chez moi, ça se passe 
ça), pourquoi vouloir encore un gestionaire de session pour se 

à nouveau ? [...]
bonjour, merci pour la question et la réponse pertinente  voici 

situattion exacte :
[2] le client étant un wt320 le (win ce) donc il s'agit avec cette 

de récupérer sessman comme fenêtre de login ... le reste n'est que
litérature et bavardage ... slt bernard


J'essaie de bien comprendre la question et je ne pense pas qu'il 
s'agisse simplement de se connecter à UN serveur Linux depuis un client 
RDP Windows. Dans ce cas, un XRDP avec une configuration standard 
suffirait (après avoir éventuellement nettoyé le fichier xrdp.ini pour 
ne conserver que la session sesman-Xvnc).

Donc, si j'ai bien compris l'objectif, il s'agit d'avoir un serveur 
faisant office de passerelle RDP, avec une fenêtre de connexion XDMCP 
pour aller ouvrir des sessions sur des serveurs Linux/Unix divers. je 
n'ai pas testé (mais dès que j'ai un moment j'essaie de m'y mettre par 
pure curiosité), mais il semble bien que cela soit possible. Le principe 
est d'avoir xrdp + sesman-XVNC + serveur VNC (serveur X) faisant tourner 
un sélecteur XDMCP (xdm).
J'ai trouvé des éléments sur cette page : Il ne 
reste donc plus qu'à tester, en faisant attention au fait que toutes les 
versions de serveurs VNC ou de sélecteurs XDMCP (xdm, gdm, kdm, ...) ne 
fonctionnent pas de la même façon.
L'astuce principale semble être de lancer le serveur VNC via inetd de 
façon à pouvoir servir plusieurs clients simultanément.

Bernard, n'hésite pas à nous tenir informés si tu arrives à tes fins. 
De mon côté, je vais essayer de mettre aussi ce type de conf en place, 
mais je risque de manquer de temps (il faut aussi que je bosse un peu 
pour mon patron ;-))


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Re: xdm over xrdp

2011-03-21 Thread JF Straeten


On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:30:29PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:

   je souhaiterai configurer une session xdm via xrdp ...

C'est xrdp ou... XDMCP ?

Si c'est le premier, tu cherches à te loger sur une caisse Windows
alors ?

   le soucis provient du client léger du fait que j'ai essayé de
   le paramétrer en direct mais j'obtien alors le bureau d'un
   utilisateur, alors que je souhaite obtenir xdm 

Si c'est bien xdm, ceci devrait t'aider :

Configuring XDM requires editing 3 files:
/etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config, /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers,

In xdm-config, comment out the line where it says
DisplayManager.requestPort: 0

In Xservers, comment out the line :0 local /usr/bin/X :0
vt7' (this starts a local X server, which will fail)

In Xaccess, uncomment the line with * #any host can get
a login window (Please keep in mind the security
implications by the above line. Read the comments found
in the file and set it appropriately)

(source le Wiki OpenVZ)

J'ai déjà suivi cela et ça marche, en principe.

N.B. bis repetita, mais la couche LTSP devrait aussi faire ce que tu
 veux... Ça vaut vraiment la peine d'y jeter un œil.




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Re: xdm over xrdp

2011-03-21 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Mon, 21 Mar 2011 12:46:12 +0100,
JF Straeten a écrit :

 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 12:30:29PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
  je souhaiterai configurer une session xdm via xrdp ...
 C'est xrdp ou... XDMCP ?
 Si c'est le premier, tu cherches à te loger sur une caisse Windows
 alors ?
  le soucis provient du client léger du fait que j'ai essayé
  de le paramétrer en direct mais j'obtien alors le bureau d'un
  utilisateur, alors que je souhaite obtenir xdm 
 Si c'est bien xdm, ceci devrait t'aider :
 Configuring XDM requires editing 3 files:

 In xdm-config, comment out the line where it says
 DisplayManager.requestPort: 0
 In Xservers, comment out the line :0 local /usr/bin/X :0
 vt7' (this starts a local X server, which will fail)
 In Xaccess, uncomment the line with * #any host can get
 a login window (Please keep in mind the security
 implications by the above line. Read the comments found
 in the file and set it appropriately)
 (source le Wiki OpenVZ)
 J'ai déjà suivi cela et ça marche, en principe.
 N.B. bis repetita, mais la couche LTSP devrait aussi faire ce que tu
  veux... Ça vaut vraiment la peine d'y jeter un œil.


si je me suis mal fait comprendre 

protocole en serveur : xrdp
gestionnaire de session : xdm

ce que je fait en ce moment :

poste de travail linux :

rdesktop -u user -k fr -g 1024x768 -a 16 -z -x -b -5 -p passwd 

inconvénient de la méthode : pas de xdm 

maintenant si je transpose la même chose sur le client léger
j'ai le même pâté ...

remarque :

je n'ai pas parlé de xdcmp du fait que c'est en clair et qu'il 
faille passer par ssh  ( doc en profusion ) ...

je n'ai pas parlé de virtualisation (OpenVZ)  co

annotation : dsfg : non-free

j'ai ouver le fichier et vérifie l'ensemble :


et j'ai 11 lignes vides ( header )

tail -n 4 /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config

! SECURITY: do not listen for XDMCP or Chooser requests
! Comment out this line if you want to manage X terminals with xdm
DisplayManager.requestPort: 0

grep vt7  /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers
:0 local /usr/bin/X :0 vt7 -nolisten tcp

état actuel :
grep 'any host'   /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess
#*  #any host can get a login window

 remarque :
 pour /etc/X11/xdm/Xaccess

 je suis actuellement dessus sans avoir décommenté la ligne ...

 ensuite, j'ai relu et c'est prévu pour xdcmp 

 la preuve :

 has de plift, ich brauche xrdp et pas XDCMP 

 ce qui restez à faire pour moi :

 trouver la doc pour :

- sesman
- sesrun

en détail, j'ai essayé d'obtenir une session avec xdm sur 
le client léger et je me retrouve au point de départ de 
ma première question ayant trait à ce fil ...

ensuite trouver le moyen que le login manager embarqué veuille
bien se plier à ce que je souhaite obtenir ...

pour info, ma question a 1 an d'âge et je reste très 
tenace (13 mars 2010) ...

la preuve :
comme j'en ai besoin, je relance le sujet ...


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Re: xdm over xrdp

2011-03-21 Thread JF Straeten


On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:


   protocole en serveur : xrdp

Oui, donc, comme je demandais : tu cherches à te loger sur une caisse
Micromou, pas sur du *nix...

   gestionnaire de session : xdm

... c'est important, parce que je crains que tu n'y arrives pas avec

Extrait de sa manpage : 

« Xdm manages a collection of X displays [...] »

Rien n'y dit que tu pourrais t'en servir pour repartir en RDP sur une

(Sous LTSP, d'ailleurs, ce cas de figure est géré par un appel à
rdesktop après la séquence de démarrage du client léger, et *à la
place* du login manager habituel sous *nix.)

   inconvénient de la méthode : pas de xdm 

On ne saurait pas... Mais un truc approchant que tu peux avoir, c'est
l'invite de login graphique de l'OS Micromou qui est derrière,
présentée par rdesktop.

   je n'ai pas parlé de xdcmp du fait que c'est en clair et qu'il
   faille passer par ssh ( doc en profusion ) ...

Justement, moi je te le demande parce que xdm tourne sur XDMCP, pas
   je n'ai pas parlé de virtualisation (OpenVZ)  co

(C'est pas parce que je crédite le wiki OpenVZ en citant un truc que
je te parle de virtualisation... La doc vient de là, c'est tout.)




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Re: xdm over xrdp

2011-03-21 Thread Gilles Mocellin
Le lundi 21 mars, JF Straeten écrivit :

 On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 02:19:16PM +0100, Bernard Schoenacker wrote:
  protocole en serveur : xrdp
 Oui, donc, comme je demandais : tu cherches à te loger sur une caisse
 Micromou, pas sur du *nix...

Je ne pense pas, xrdp permet justement d'utiliser le protocol de MS sur
du Linux, en redirigeant ensuite sur du VNC local par exemple.
Et c'est là que Bernard voudrait que ça lance xdm dans le Xvnc local,
plutôt que directement le bureau de l'utilisateur.

Ma question de l'autre fois reste entière :
Puisque l'utilisateiur a déjà eu un login/mot de masse par sesman (en
tout cas chez moi, ça se passe comme ça), pourquoi vouloir encore un
gestionaire de session pour se logguer à nouveau ?


Description: Digital signature

Re: xdm shutting down

2010-12-18 Thread joseph lockhart
Yes, it is quite possible, use the same format and replace the desired key. for 
instance, i had a machine that rebooted on ctrl+alt+del (shutdown -r now) and 
shutdown on ctrl+alt+h (shutdown -h now) iirc, on that machine i had to switch 
to a tty first but might be a setting error on my part

Sent from ATT's Wireless network using Mobile Email

--Original Message--
From: Sthu Deus
Date: Saturday, December 18, 2010 3:36:22 PM GMT+0700
Subject: xdm shutting down

Good day.

I use xdm on one of my machines and therefore have no shutdown button
in it. Can I specify some other combination of keys in inittab instead
of the 3 standard ones for the purpose - so that w/ those I still be
able to restart the OS, and w/ others I might shutdown it?

Thank You for Your time.

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Re: xdm autologin important for tiny devices

2010-06-01 Thread Roberto De Oliveira

 That is half the way to full automatic login!
 Every day for the last 10 years I've had to type in username and
 password. Can somebody tell me how to get some relief without having to
 switch display managers, for heavens sake.

Maybe, the problem is that _there is_ a display manager. If you are
the only user and you want autologin... Why to use a DM? You can make
a script with su and startx and use it like a system service.

Roberto De Oliveira

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Re: xdm autologin important for tiny devices

2010-06-01 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 01 Jun 2010 10:58:36 -0430, Roberto De Oliveira wrote:

 That is half the way to full automatic login! Every day for the last 10
 years I've had to type in username and password. Can somebody tell me
 how to get some relief without having to switch display managers, for
 heavens sake.
 Maybe, the problem is that _there is_ a display manager. If you are the
 only user and you want autologin... Why to use a DM? You can make a
 script with su and startx and use it like a system service.

Autologin is a feature that is available in other DM (kdm/gdm) so 
people miss having that option on another display managers.

BTW, I also use autologin in GNOME/gdm and still need a DM :-)



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Re: xdm autologin important for tiny devices

2010-06-01 Thread Jaime Di Cristina
On Tue, Jun 01, 2010 at 02:34:00PM +0800, wrote:
 T on my openmoko freerunner I modified /etc/pam.d/xdm by replacing
 T @include common-auth
 T with
 T so that I only need to type the username of the user I want to
 T use. This is not as good as automated login after preconfigured
 T timeout but usable still. (Automatic login without timeout would not
 T be usable in my case since I really want to use different users.)
 That is half the way to full automatic login!
 Every day for the last 10 years I've had to type in username and
 password. Can somebody tell me how to get some relief without having to
 switch display managers, for heavens sake.
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For automatic login as the same user every time try nodm.  From the man page:
nodm  is a minimal display manager that simply logs in as a given user and 
starts an X session, without asking for username or password.  I use it on a 
mobile device with no problems.  This package is not in  Lenny but it is in
backports.  Of course, this violates your requirement of not changing
DM, but xdm seems to have no such feature.

Take Care,

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Re: xdm autologin important for tiny devices

2010-06-01 Thread jidanni
 JDC == Jaime Di Cristina writes:
JDC For automatic login as the same user every time try nodm.
Works perfectly!
Ah, sure wish it was hinted to on the xdm man page!

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Re: xdm login infinite loop

2009-07-20 Thread Javier Barroso
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:22 PM, wrote:
 I can't login in graphically.  My password is
 accepted, the screen goes blank and flickers like
 when it is starting up a session, then just
 returns me to the login display.

 I'm using xfce and xdm on a thinkpad i series

 I know my password is being accepted because
 the screen behaviour is different for a wrong

 /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /var/log/xdm.log and /var/log/auth.log
 are all being touched without any input being added
 to the files.  In fact, xdm.log and Xorg.0.log are
 both zero length files (nothing has been written
 to them.

 The only messages are in .xsession-errors, but
 googling seems to indicate that they are innocuous:

 - .xsession-errors excerpt --
 ** (x-session-manager:2398): WARNING **: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:134:
 Failed to contact HAL: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules;
 type=method_call, sender=:1.6 (uid=1000 pid=2398
 comm=x-session-manager )
 member=ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal error name=(unset)
 requested_reply=0 destination=org.freedesktop.Hal (uid=0 pid=2175
 comm=/usr/sbin/hald ))
 ** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:215: HAL not available or does not
 permit to shutdown/reboot the computer, trying sudo fallback instead.
 xfce4-tips: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
 server :0.0.
 xfce-mcs-manager: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
 on X server :0.0.
 - end excerpt -

It is likely hal is not working for you. What does /etc/init.d/hal status say ?


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Solved, re: xdm login infinite loop

2009-07-20 Thread whollygoat
On Mon, 20 Jul 2009 23:35 +0200, Javier Barroso wrote:
 On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 11:22 PM, wrote:
  I can't login in graphically.  My password is
  accepted, the screen goes blank and flickers like
  when it is starting up a session, then just
  returns me to the login display.
  I'm using xfce and xdm on a thinkpad i series
  I know my password is being accepted because
  the screen behaviour is different for a wrong
  /var/log/Xorg.0.log, /var/log/xdm.log and /var/log/auth.log
  are all being touched without any input being added
  to the files.  In fact, xdm.log and Xorg.0.log are
  both zero length files (nothing has been written
  to them.
  The only messages are in .xsession-errors, but
  googling seems to indicate that they are innocuous:
  - .xsession-errors excerpt --
  ** (x-session-manager:2398): WARNING **: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:134:
  Failed to contact HAL: Rejected send message, 3 matched rules;
  type=method_call, sender=:1.6 (uid=1000 pid=2398
  comm=x-session-manager )
  member=ThisMethodMustNotExistInHal error name=(unset)
  requested_reply=0 destination=org.freedesktop.Hal (uid=0 pid=2175
  comm=/usr/sbin/hald ))
  ** Message: xfsm-shutdown-helper.c:215: HAL not available or does not
  permit to shutdown/reboot the computer, trying sudo fallback instead.
  xfce4-tips: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X
  server :0.0.
  xfce-mcs-manager: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable)
  on X server :0.0.
  - end excerpt -
 It is likely hal is not working for you. What does /etc/init.d/hal status
 say ?

hald is running.  The problem, it turns out,
was related to the zero length xdm.log and Xorg.0.log
files.  They were zero lenth because the partition
they were on was full.  As soon as I fixed the 
space problem, the xdm login loop was broken.  I guess
something wanted absolutely to write to the logs before 
it would create a session.

Thanks.  Sorry I didn't terminate the thread.


Now, if only I could figure out why the vt's all go black
after starting X


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Re: xdm et wdm: problème de clavier inopérant

2009-06-26 Thread Frédéric Boiteux
Le Fri, 26 Jun 2009 08:15:37 +0200,
didier gaumet a écrit :

 xdm et wdm: problème de clavier inopérant
 Sous Debian Lenny, avec entre autres les daemons hal, dbus, fam et
 powersaved démarrés:
 - lors du premier login avec xdm ou wdm: pas de problème, ma
 session Window Maker se déroule sans anicroche.
 - lorsque je quitte Window Maker, je reviens sur l'écran de login de
 xdm ou wdm: problème de clavier inopérant: je ne peux saisir mon
 couple login et mot de passe (le problème semble plus accentué sous
 wdm (clavier totalement bloqué) que sous xdm (grosso-modo je saisis
 difficilement le user mais ne peux saisir le mot de passe)). Comme
 sous les Xorg récents, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace ne fonctionne plus, je suis
 obligé d'éteindre le PC.
 Pour info, afin que mon clavier français soit reconnu par Xorg malgré
 hal, j'ai un fichier /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-x11-input.fdi dont le
 contenu figure plus bas.
 Le Lenny installé n'est pas trop bricolé: dépôts proposed-updates,
 security-updates, multimedia, volatile, volatile-sloppy. Backports
 n'est pris en compte que pour installer wicd.
 Voilà: j'aimerais bien résoudre le problème mais je ne sais pas
 vraiment par quel bout le prendre :-(
 Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.

Tu es sûr que le driver « evdev » fonctionne sur une Lenny ?


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Re: xdm et wdm: problème de clavier inopérant

2009-06-26 Thread didier gaumet
Le Fri, 26 Jun 2009 13:23:29 +0200,
Frédéric Boiteux a écrit :

 Tu es sûr que le driver « evdev » fonctionne sur une Lenny ?

Ben... euh... il est présent et il doit fonctionner un minimum puisque
mon xorg.conf est un fichier vide: avant la mise en place du fichier
.fdi j'étais en clavier américain sous X.


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Re: xdm et wdm: problème de clavier inopérant

2009-06-26 Thread didier gaumet
Le Fri, 26 Jun 2009 13:23:29 +0200,
Frédéric Boiteux a écrit :

 Tu es sûr que le driver « evdev » fonctionne sur une Lenny ?

A priori, tu as raison: il y a un problème à ce niveau-là.
Bien que la règle fdi que j'avais spécifiée pour hal m'apporte un
clavier français, elle ne semble pas fonctionner sans heurt,
probablement à cause d'une version de Xorg trop ancienne.

Enfin bref, pour vérifier j'ai supprimé tous les fichiers
dans /etc/hal/fdi/policy et j'ai créé un fichier /etc/X11/xorg.conf
avec juste ça dedans: 
 Section InputDevice
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd
Option  XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbModel  inspiron
Option  XkbLayout fr
Option  XkbVariantoss
Option  XkbOptionseurosign
j'ai maintenant un clavier français et mon problème a disparu avec xdm,
même si il reste présent avec wdm (mais j'ai déjà rencontré ce
comportement de wdm avec Debian et FreeBSD, bien qu'il marche
correctement sous Archlinux et NetBSD, sans que je comprenne pourquoi).

Encore Merci :-)

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Re: xdm support for UTF-8 text in Xresources

2009-01-04 Thread Eugene V. Lyubimkin
Ionel Mugurel Ciobica wrote:
 I recently installed lenny on a new computer and, like all other times I
 installed Debian before, I had to customise the xdm files to suit my
 needs. Nothing wrong so far.
 Every time I input some UTF-8 text in Xresources and change the default
 font from iso8859-1 to iso10646-1 (btw, why iso8859-1 is hardcoded in
 the Xresources file?). Still OK so far. But when I restart xdm I get
 ugly stuff instead of all non-ascii glyphs. 2 or 3 glyphs instead of one
 and some of them empty squares. It is like xmd tries to broke down the
 UTF-8 glyphs back into their 8-bits components and display them using
 the iso8859-1 font.
Hello Ionel, it seems there is no some wide problem in Debian, but in 
particular package
(xdm this time). Please just file a bug against it using reportbug, so xdm 
maintainers can
judge better what to do with this.

Eugene V. Lyubimkin aka JackYF, JID: jackyf.devel(maildog)
Ukrainian C++ developer, Debian Maintainer, APT contributor

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: XDM et résolution éc ran

2008-08-09 Thread Philippe Pepiot
Tu peux peut être regarder comment xdm lance la session X dans
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers et changer quelques arguments (-dpi VALUE par

Bonne journée !

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Re: xdm suddenly stopped

2007-03-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
Arvind Marathe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I had a debian etch running on my system for the past few months.
 Today the system was working fine, i was out for a while for tea,
 when i came back, it had hanged and when i force-rebooted it after
 everything else failed, x-window-system does not start at all. I had
 put runlevel 5, but it cannot go to that. Attached below is
 the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file on startx command. Can somebody point
 out what suddenly went wrong after running smoothly for several


 (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice
   No such file or directory.
 (EE) Configured Mouse: cannot open input device
 (EE) PreInit failed for input device Configured Mouse
 (II) UnloadModule: mouse
 (WW) No core pointer registered
 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device Generic Keyboard (type:
 KEYBOARD) xkb_keycodes { include
 xfree86+aliases(qwerty) }; xkb_types{ include
 complete }; xkb_compatibility{ include complete };
 xkb_symbols  { include pc(pc105)+us };
 xkb_geometry { include pc(pc104) };
 No core pointer
 Fatal server error:
 failed to initialize core devices

It seems like something happened to your mouse (do you have a
cat? :) ). Check cables and try replacing it with a known good mouse.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Solved] Re: xdm suddenly stopped

2007-03-28 Thread Andrei Popescu
Arvind Marathe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  It seems like something happened to your mouse (do you have a
  cat? :) ). Check cables and try replacing it with a known good
 Couldn't figure out why the usb mouse suddenly died (must be a stray
 cat, took 6 lng months to find the mouse though!!!) finally
 i filched a psaux/PS2 scroll wheel mouse from another machine in my
 lab, did 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and now it works. Thanks for
 your help.

Glad to help :)

P.S. Putting this back on list so others will know it's solved
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm suddenly stopped

2007-03-28 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Andrei Popescu wrote:
 (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice
  No such file or directory.
 (EE) Configured Mouse: cannot open input device
 (EE) PreInit failed for input device Configured Mouse
 (II) UnloadModule: mouse
 (WW) No core pointer registered
 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device Generic Keyboard (type:
 KEYBOARD) xkb_keycodes { include
 xfree86+aliases(qwerty) }; xkb_types{ include
 complete }; xkb_compatibility{ include complete };
 xkb_symbols  { include pc(pc105)+us };
 xkb_geometry { include pc(pc104) };
 No core pointer

 Fatal server error:
 failed to initialize core devices
 It seems like something happened to your mouse (do you have a
 cat? :) ). Check cables and try replacing it with a known good mouse.


For archive purposes.  If your X suddenly fails, always check the xorg
log file with:

cat /var/log/xorg.0.log | grep EE

to find out why xorg crashed.


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm suddenly stopped

2007-03-28 Thread Frank McCormick
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 20:19:03 +0530 (IST)
Arvind Marathe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I had a debian etch running on my system for the past few months.
 Today the system was working fine, i was out for a while for tea,
 when i came back, it had hanged and when i force-rebooted it after
 everything else failed, x-window-system does not start at all. I had
 put runlevel 5, but it cannot go to that. Attached below is
 the /var/log/Xorg.0.log file on startx command. Can somebody point
 out what suddenly went wrong after running smoothly for several
 X Window System Version 7.1.1
 Release Date: 12 May 2006
 X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1
 Build Operating System: UNKNOWN
 Current Operating System: Linux orion 2.6.17-2-686-bigmem #1 SMP Wed
 Sep 13 17:57:21 UTC 2006 i686

///huge snip

 (**) Configured Mouse: Device: /dev/input/mice
 (**) Configured Mouse: Protocol: ImPS/2
 (**) Option CorePointer
 (**) Configured Mouse: Core Pointer
 (**) Option Device /dev/input/mice
 (EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice
   No such file or directory.
 (EE) Configured Mouse: cannot open input device
 (EE) PreInit failed for input device Configured Mouse
 (II) UnloadModule: mouse
 (WW) No core pointer registered
 (II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device Generic Keyboard (type:
 KEYBOARD) xkb_keycodes { include xfree86+aliases
 (qwerty) }; xkb_types{ include complete };
 xkb_compatibility{ include complete };
 xkb_symbols  { include pc(pc105)+us };
 xkb_geometry { include pc(pc104) };
 No core pointer
 Fatal server error:
 failed to initialize core devices

   Looks like some sort of mouse problem ?? Bad mouse?? Bad connection??


- -- 
Change the world one loan at a time - visit to find out how

Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm doesn't run thru the gdm??

2007-03-04 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sun, Mar 04, 2007 at 12:52:25PM +0100, abdelkader belahcene wrote:
 The following doesn't exit at all on previous version, on sarge
 (debian) I used last year, but it on the current version etch
 the problem is:
 I have a serveur running the standard etch (debian ) with gnome, I
 configured the Login window and check (activate) the XDMCP.  My server
 is not visible from a remote client.
 Is there a new thing in gdm or gnome ( or in debian ???) which can
 stop the Xdmcp protocol ??
 I did same procedure on previous release, without problem!
 I don't know if it is a gnome problem ( because I noticed same problem
 with Fedora 5)  or debian problem.
Without error messages it is hard to tell.  However, by default GDM does
not listen for TCP connections, since XDMCP is an infrequently-used
protocol.  Check the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file and make sure that you have
DisallowTCP=false instead of the default DisallowTCP=true.



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: xdm en double ? [RESOLU]

2007-02-10 Thread François TOURDE
Le 13554ième jour après Epoch,
Michel MOUNIER écrivait:

 François TOURDE a écrit :
 Le 13553ième jour après Epoch,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] écrivait:

 Merci pour ce début de réponse.
 Je vais attendre avant de faire un rapport de bogue.

 Ah? C'est quoi ton souci?

 Sinon, essaye gdm ^^

 pareil ...

 robertino:~# ps -A | grep gdm
 4252 ?00:00:00 gdm
 4257 ?00:00:00 gdm

Euh... C'était de l'humour. En quoi ça pose un souci le fait que
[x|k|g]dm soit présent deux fois dans ton ps?

Re: xdm en double ?

2007-02-09 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le vendredi 09 février 2007, blourret a écrit...

 Merci de taper 'ps -A | grep xdm' et me dire si vous avez une
 ligne ou deux.

J'ai deux wdm également. Ce n'est donc pas propre à xdm


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm en double ? [RESOLU]

2007-02-09 Thread blourret
Merci pour ce début de réponse.
Je vais attendre avant de faire un rapport de bogue.


Envoyez vos cartes de voeux depuis
Elles seront ensuite distribuées par le facteur : pratique et malin !

Re: xdm en double ? [RESOLU]

2007-02-09 Thread François TOURDE
Le 13553ième jour après Epoch,

 Merci pour ce début de réponse.
 Je vais attendre avant de faire un rapport de bogue.

Ah? C'est quoi ton souci?

Sinon, essaye gdm ^^

Re: xdm en double ? [RESOLU]

2007-02-09 Thread Michel MOUNIER

François TOURDE a écrit :

Le 13553ième jour après Epoch,


Merci pour ce début de réponse.
Je vais attendre avant de faire un rapport de bogue.

Ah? C'est quoi ton souci?

Sinon, essaye gdm ^^


pareil ...

robertino:~# ps -A | grep gdm
4252 ?00:00:00 gdm
4257 ?00:00:00 gdm

faut se pencher sur le problème ?

Michel Mounier
44°55'37N 04°53'50E
37°06'N 08°40'W

Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm i twm

2007-01-17 Thread Orestes Mas
A Dimarts 16 Gener 2007 21:01, Dani va escriure:

 Ja fa temps que em vaig passar a gnome i encara trobo a faltar el poder
 passar d'un escriptori a un altre amb la rodeta del mouse sobre la
 pantalla :(

 Per casualitat (i perdó pel segrest del fil) algú no sabrà com fer-ho
 amb gnome això ?
 Sobre els escriptoris virtuals de la barra inferior si que es pot fer,
 però no des de qualsevol lloc.

Per si et serveix de res, en KDE es fa amb Ctrl-Tab. També hi ha una opció al 
centre de control per fer-ho usant la roda del ratolí sobre el fons 
d'escriptori, com tu dius.

Re: xdm + fluxbox (i altres possibles)

2007-01-17 Thread xavi

Quoting Josep Molero i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Diria que el que has de fer és el següent:

editar o crear el fitxer .xsession a la /home de l'usuari que vols que  
executi el fluxbox. llavors afegir la línia següent:

exec startfluxbox

i diria que amb això tires milles.

(I ep, de bon rotllo, però això ho he trobat en una cerca al google  
posant  xdm .xsession fluxbox:*%3AIE-SearchBoxrlz=1I7RNWEq=xdm+.xsession+fluxboxlr= ...a la primera entrada tens la resposta :) Vull dir que de vegades és perd més temps preguntant i esperant la resposta que cercant una miqueta pel google. De bon rotllo,  

Gràcies a tots per a les respostes anteriors sobre quin seria l'escriptori
més lleuger
Crec que probaré el fluxbox i potser windowmaker.

La veritat és que estic fent proves per mostrar les capacitats de Linux a
gent que no l'ha vist mai.
No és que la màquina on estic fent aquests invents siguin un petard, però
estic intentant simular que es pot fer i que no amb un petard.

Ara us bombardejo un altre cop.
Em sembla que amb xdm també es pot configurar amb quin entorn d'escriptori o
gestor de finestres es vol treballar, no ?
Diria que en algun lloc ho he llegit i que es tracta de modificar un fitxer
de configuració on es diu què s'ha d'executar.
Almenys, és el que permet fer el gdm, oi ? Pots seleccionar amb quin entorn
treballaràs un cop validat.

Bé... us ho pregunto perquè donat que el tema d'espai en disc no serà
problema, que us sembla tenir el següent ?

xdm com a login gràfic que permeti seleccionar un twm o un fluxbox o un

Factible ?
Coneixeu el fitxer del què us parlo ?

He estat mirant tots els scripts i fitxers possible :  Xstartup, Xsession
Xoptions, xdm, S99xdm
Tenint en compte que inicio la sessió amb xdm i és l'xdm qui engega tot el
tema (i no pas startx ni X ni xinit ni el xinu ni ningú més), on puc veure
que el programa que rebi el fil de la sessió és el twm ?

(Si he dit alguna bestiessa, corregiu-me sense pietat)

Gràcies de nou !!!



RE: xdm + fluxbox (i altres possibles)

2007-01-17 Thread Josep Molero i Puig
Gràcies Xavi !!!

Porto estones buscant al Google i arreu; però clar, de link en link perds el

De fet, ja entenc la manera que em proposes.
Jo ja tinc un fitxer /home/josep/.xsession (re-anomentat .xsessio per tal de
que no el trobi l'xdm) que engega 4 cosetes i entre elles el twm.

La qüestió és que ara com ara l'xdm deu engegar el twm i no sé on ho fa, en
quin fitxer de configuració ho troba !!! I és que em pica molt no trobar-ho.

M'agadaria que l'opció de triar un o altre entorn (fluxbox o twm o
windowmaker) estigui disponible a l'entrada (login) i per a qualsevol

Ara faré un cop d'ull al teu link...

També tinc al meu /home/josep/.twmrc per gestionar el comportament del twm
He canviat algun nom de menú (posant-lo en català) i m'ha funcionat.
He intentat 2345 cops canviar la mida de les fonts (és veu petitíssim),
seguint algun article trobat al Google (fins i tot al man) i no hi ha
Algú ho ha fet mai ?


-Mensaje original-
De: xavi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: dimecres, 17 / gener / 2007 11:07
Asunto: Re: xdm + fluxbox (i altres possibles)

Quoting Josep Molero i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Diria que el que has de fer és el següent:

editar o crear el fitxer .xsession a la /home de l'usuari que vols que  
executi el fluxbox. llavors afegir la línia següent:

exec startfluxbox

i diria que amb això tires milles.

(I ep, de bon rotllo, però això ho he trobat en una cerca al google  
posant  xdm .xsession fluxbox:*%3AIE-SearchBoxrlz=
1I7RNWEq=xdm+.xsession+fluxboxlr= ...a la primera entrada tens la resposta :) Vull dir
que de vegades és perd més temps preguntant i esperant la resposta que
cercant una miqueta pel google. De bon rotllo,  

 Gràcies a tots per a les respostes anteriors sobre quin seria l'escriptori
 més lleuger
 Crec que probaré el fluxbox i potser windowmaker.

 La veritat és que estic fent proves per mostrar les capacitats de Linux a
 gent que no l'ha vist mai.
 No és que la màquina on estic fent aquests invents siguin un petard, però
 estic intentant simular que es pot fer i que no amb un petard.

 Ara us bombardejo un altre cop.
 Em sembla que amb xdm també es pot configurar amb quin entorn d'escriptori
 gestor de finestres es vol treballar, no ?
 Diria que en algun lloc ho he llegit i que es tracta de modificar un
 de configuració on es diu què s'ha d'executar.
 Almenys, és el que permet fer el gdm, oi ? Pots seleccionar amb quin
 treballaràs un cop validat.

 Bé... us ho pregunto perquè donat que el tema d'espai en disc no serà
 problema, que us sembla tenir el següent ?

 xdm com a login gràfic que permeti seleccionar un twm o un fluxbox o un

 Factible ?
 Coneixeu el fitxer del què us parlo ?

 He estat mirant tots els scripts i fitxers possible :  Xstartup, Xsession
 Xoptions, xdm, S99xdm
 Tenint en compte que inicio la sessió amb xdm i és l'xdm qui engega tot el
 tema (i no pas startx ni X ni xinit ni el xinu ni ningú més), on puc veure
 que el programa que rebi el fil de la sessió és el twm ?

 (Si he dit alguna bestiessa, corregiu-me sense pietat)

 Gràcies de nou !!!



RE: xdm + fluxbox (i altres possibles)

2007-01-17 Thread xavi

Quoting Josep Molero i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Jo la veritat faria servir la segona solució enlloc de lo de  
l'rc.conf, la veritat. Passaria d'.xsessió i de coses així: .xsession  
canònic i exec startfluxbox.

EPS !!!
El primer link trobar al Google semblava que ho havia d'arreglar
Parla d'un fitxer /etc/rc.conf on podria canviar el nom del programa a
Pos aquest fitxer jo no el tinc...

Pregunto jo ?!
Pot ser que el binari x-window-manager sigui el binari del twm ?
He vist en algun fitxer (Xsession o Xstartup) que quest tal x-window-manager
es busca per executar-lo.
Si no el troba, executaria un xterm, crec.
Potser és això ?

-Mensaje original-
De: xavi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: dimecres, 17 / gener / 2007 11:07
Asunto: Re: xdm + fluxbox (i altres possibles)

Quoting Josep Molero i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Diria que el que has de fer és el següent:

editar o crear el fitxer .xsession a la /home de l'usuari que vols que
executi el fluxbox. llavors afegir la línia següent:

exec startfluxbox

i diria que amb això tires milles.

(I ep, de bon rotllo, però això ho he trobat en una cerca al google
posant  xdm .xsession fluxbox:*%3AIE-SearchBoxrlz=
1I7RNWEq=xdm+.xsession+fluxboxlr= ...a la primera entrada tens la resposta :) Vull dir
que de vegades és perd més temps preguntant i esperant la resposta que
cercant una miqueta pel google. De bon rotllo,

Gràcies a tots per a les respostes anteriors sobre quin seria l'escriptori
més lleuger
Crec que probaré el fluxbox i potser windowmaker.

La veritat és que estic fent proves per mostrar les capacitats de Linux a
gent que no l'ha vist mai.
No és que la màquina on estic fent aquests invents siguin un petard, però
estic intentant simular que es pot fer i que no amb un petard.

Ara us bombardejo un altre cop.
Em sembla que amb xdm també es pot configurar amb quin entorn d'escriptori


gestor de finestres es vol treballar, no ?
Diria que en algun lloc ho he llegit i que es tracta de modificar un


de configuració on es diu què s'ha d'executar.
Almenys, és el que permet fer el gdm, oi ? Pots seleccionar amb quin


treballaràs un cop validat.

Bé... us ho pregunto perquè donat que el tema d'espai en disc no serà
problema, que us sembla tenir el següent ?

xdm com a login gràfic que permeti seleccionar un twm o un fluxbox o un

Factible ?
Coneixeu el fitxer del què us parlo ?

He estat mirant tots els scripts i fitxers possible :  Xstartup, Xsession
Xoptions, xdm, S99xdm
Tenint en compte que inicio la sessió amb xdm i és l'xdm qui engega tot el
tema (i no pas startx ni X ni xinit ni el xinu ni ningú més), on puc veure
que el programa que rebi el fil de la sessió és el twm ?

(Si he dit alguna bestiessa, corregiu-me sense pietat)

Gràcies de nou !!!




Re: xdm i twm

2007-01-16 Thread Miquel
On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:18:12 +0100
Josep Molero i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 La pregunta és : 
 Puc tenir xdm + twm + un entorn d'escriptori lleuger ?
 Quin recomaneu ?
Com a escriptori el més lleuger és el xfce (jo el tenia fa un parell
d'anys a un thinkpad P100 amb 48MB de RAM). 

Com a gestor de finestres icewm, fluxbox o enlightenment són
lleugerissims i va a gustos (icewm és més estil windows i els altres
van a la seva bola).
 O potser m'estic liant i amb el twm no hi pot haver cap escriptori a
 sota ?
No se si es pot canviar el gestor de finestres de xfce (diria que no).
I amb KDE i GNOME suposo que passará el matexi...o no
De res home


LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.

Re: xdm i twm

2007-01-16 Thread xavi
Aquí ara podem començar una guerra de gestors de finestres frikis,  
però per mi la veritat el millor amb diferència és fluxbox.  
Enlightenment al cap i a la fí no pesa tant com xfce (o gnome/kde)  
però no pesa realment *tan* poc. I icewm el trobo horrible :-)

Fluxbox + fluxconf per configurar-lo i fer-te unes quantes hotkeys per  
llençar les aplicacions és una bomba, ràpid com el vent. Vaig estar  
anys fent-lo servir i realment era molt i molt còmode, el que passa és  
que ens tornem uns pijos i acabem passant-nos a gnome - kde. Potser  
les fonts de les aplicacions gnome / kde no es veien amb antialiasing  
però t'asseguro que ara que hi penso estic per tornar-hi!!

Un únic consell, si el proves, estigue't un parell o tres de dies,  
juga amb el fluxconf, busca't un tema molón, mira't com va lo de  
juntar les finestres en una de sola... A la primera impressió no mola  
tant, però amb una mica de guerra, MQTC!

Quoting Miquel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Tue, 16 Jan 2007 12:18:12 +0100
Josep Molero i Puig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

La pregunta és :
Puc tenir xdm + twm + un entorn d'escriptori lleuger ?
Quin recomaneu ?

Com a escriptori el més lleuger és el xfce (jo el tenia fa un parell
d'anys a un thinkpad P100 amb 48MB de RAM).

Com a gestor de finestres icewm, fluxbox o enlightenment són
lleugerissims i va a gustos (icewm és més estil windows i els altres
van a la seva bola).

O potser m'estic liant i amb el twm no hi pot haver cap escriptori a
sota ?

No se si es pot canviar el gestor de finestres de xfce (diria que no).
I amb KDE i GNOME suposo que passará el matexi...o no


De res home



LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo.
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.


Re: xdm i twm

2007-01-16 Thread Dani
Jo també voto per fluxbox, i si no WindowMaker peladet, això si que és 
velocitat (i austeritat).

- apt-get install wmaker

Ja fa temps que em vaig passar a gnome i encara trobo a faltar el poder 
passar d'un escriptori a un altre amb la rodeta del mouse sobre la 
pantalla :(

Per casualitat (i perdó pel segrest del fil) algú no sabrà com fer-ho 
amb gnome això ?
Sobre els escriptoris virtuals de la barra inferior si que es pot fer, 
però no des de qualsevol lloc.

xavi wrote:
Aquí ara podem començar una guerra de gestors de finestres frikis, 
però per mi la veritat el millor amb diferència és fluxbox. 
Enlightenment al cap i a la fí no pesa tant com xfce (o gnome/kde) 
però no pesa realment *tan* poc. I icewm el trobo horrible :-) 

Today is Sweetmorn, the 16th day of Chaos in the YOLD 3173

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm i twm

2007-01-16 Thread Benjamí Villoslada
El Dimarts 16 Gener 2007 17:33, xavi va escriure:
 Aquí ara podem començar una guerra de gestors de finestres frikis,  
 però per mi la veritat el millor amb diferència és fluxbox.  

També m'agrada molt, i el tenc a un ThinkPad del 97, amb només 96 MB de RAM i 
sense possibilitat d'ampliació.  Tira prou bé.



Re: XDM et l'accélérati on metérielle

2006-10-30 Thread rixed
Peut être une histoire d'ordre de chargement de module kernel ?
J'ai déjà eu un comportement de ce genre lorsque le driver radeon
se chargeait avait le module agpgart. Si c'est ça le problème,
ajouter une belle dépendance dans modules.conf, ou charger
de force agpgart au démarrage (/etc/modules).

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Re: XDM et l'accélération metérielle

2006-10-27 Thread CoolFox
Hash: RIPEMD160

 Bonjour à toute la liste,
 Hier j'ai mis à jour ma debian etch, X a été mis à jour.
 Après, j'ai mis à jour mes drivers de carte graphique (une ATI Radeon 9600) 
 les pilotes de ATI. Une fois cela fait, X ne redémarre plus (je m'y 
 Je cherche un peu sur le web pour trouver que les pilotes ATI ne sont pas
 compatibles avec AIGLX, je modifie mon xorg.conf afin de demander à Xorg de ne
 plus utiliser AIGLX, startx et ensuite fglrxinfo, ca marche l'accélération est
 là, tout fonctionne.
 Cependant après un reboot, xdm se lance sans problèmes, j'ouvre ma session et
 par précaution je regarde encore un fois afin de voir si l'accélération est
 toujours là et là, surprise, plus d'acceleration, l'OpenGl est géré par 
 je stoppe xdm et un startx me relance X cette fois ci AVEC l'accélération de 
 pilotes ATI !!!
 J'avoue ne pas comprendre pourquoi quand X est lancé par XDM je n'ai pas
 d'accélération tandis que lorsqu'il est lancé avec startx elle est présente.
 Je vous remercie à l'avance de vos réponses.
Vas donc faire un tour dans le fichier /etc/xdm/xdm.conf (ou quelque
chose approchant niveau syntaxe).
C'est probablement l'origine de ton pbm et la raison pour laquelle
startx ne pose pas de souci.
- --
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Re: xdm and su xauth problem

2006-08-13 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 15:16:16 +0200, Lubos Vrbka wrote:
 hi guys,
 this is probably some stupid mistake or omission i made...
 so far, i was starting X using the startx command (i.e., under ordinary 
 user). recently i installed xdm to handle my logins (so X is now started 
 under root, i guess). everything works fine except that after login as 
 an ordinary user...
 $ su
 # xeyes
 Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
 Xlib: No protocol specified
 Error: Can't open display: :0.0
 surely, running
 xhost +
 remedies this problem, but that doesn't seem to me as a good solution... 
 so what should i do to get it back working?

One possibility is

xauth -f /home/user/.Xauthority extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -

where user is the user that logged on to xdm. This will extract the
user's authorization cookie for the current display and merge it into
root's authority file. Then root should be able to access the display
until user logs out again. (I tested this with kdm, but I assume it
works for xdm as well.)


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Re: xdm and su xauth problem

2006-08-13 Thread Lubos Vrbka


One possibility is

xauth -f /home/user/.Xauthority extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -

where user is the user that logged on to xdm. This will extract the
user's authorization cookie for the current display and merge it into
root's authority file. Then root should be able to access the display
until user logs out again. (I tested this with kdm, but I assume it
works for xdm as well.)
ok, this works. after su, i enter this command and then X apps work 
again. is there any way how this could be 'automated'?



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Re: xdm and su xauth problem

2006-08-13 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 16:19:50 +0200, Lubos Vrbka wrote:
 One possibility is
 xauth -f /home/user/.Xauthority extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -
 where user is the user that logged on to xdm. This will extract the
 user's authorization cookie for the current display and merge it into
 root's authority file. Then root should be able to access the display
 until user logs out again. (I tested this with kdm, but I assume it
 works for xdm as well.)
 ok, this works. after su, i enter this command and then X apps work 
 again. is there any way how this could be 'automated'?

You can put the command into /root/.bashrc, then it is executed whenever
you do su.


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Re: xdm and su xauth problem

2006-08-13 Thread Lubos Vrbka


xauth -f /home/user/.Xauthority extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -

where user is the user that logged on to xdm. This will extract the
user's authorization cookie for the current display and merge it into
root's authority file. Then root should be able to access the display
until user logs out again. (I tested this with kdm, but I assume it
works for xdm as well.)
ok, this works. after su, i enter this command and then X apps work 
again. is there any way how this could be 'automated'?

You can put the command into /root/.bashrc, then it is executed whenever
you do su.
that's true, however is there any way how to get the information which 
user is running the current X session? since it is needed for the xauth 
command... with single user machines this is not problem, but with 
machines shared by many people...



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Re: xdm and su xauth problem

2006-08-13 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 20:15:23 +0200, Lubos Vrbka wrote:
 xauth -f /home/user/.Xauthority extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -
 where user is the user that logged on to xdm. This will extract the
 user's authorization cookie for the current display and merge it into
 root's authority file. Then root should be able to access the display
 until user logs out again. (I tested this with kdm, but I assume it
 works for xdm as well.)
 ok, this works. after su, i enter this command and then X apps work 
 again. is there any way how this could be 'automated'?
 You can put the command into /root/.bashrc, then it is executed whenever
 you do su.
 that's true, however is there any way how to get the information which 
 user is running the current X session? since it is needed for the xauth 
 command... with single user machines this is not problem, but with 
 machines shared by many people...

You could use the information in /var/log/auth.log. With kdm you get an
entry like this for every log-on:

Aug 13 18:09:23 localhost kdm: :0[5049]: (pam_unix) session opened for user 
florian by (uid=0)

Assuming that xdm and gdm produce similar messages, the following should

XUSER=$(awk '/[xkg]dm.*opened/{print $12}' /var/log/auth.log | tail -n 1)
xauth -f /home/$XUSER/.Xauthority extract - $DISPLAY | xauth merge -

I am not sure about the security implications of what you want to do,
though. If you use su in an X session that was started by somebody else,
then I would be worried that the other user might be able to grab the
keyboard beforehand and capture the root password as you type it.


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Re: xdm source .bash_profile

2006-06-26 Thread Matus UHLAR - fantomas
On 24.06.06 00:00, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
 I have been trying to make my X to source the .bash_profile in order to
 set my $PATH variable.
 Looking around Debian reference document and googling about it, the trick
 was to add in my ~/.bashrc the $PATH and export it.
 Since ~/.bashrc is invoked by no login shell I don't really mind to use
 this trick. But, I do mind that fact that I have duplicate information,
 $PATH is set in two files.
 Thus, I was trying to fine a way to overcome this and use only the
 ~/.bash_profile by creating a executable file with name ~/.xession and put
 in that file only . ~/.bash_profile. This didn't work and I tried to put
 #!/bin/bash --login at the beginning of the file but it didn't work
 Any idea where should I look to get this done?

Some time ago I solved this problem by sourcing /etc/profile and
$HOME/.profile from /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession (I was using xdm).

the $HOME/.profile is being sourced by bourne-compatible shells at user
login and should contain seting of environment variables like $PATH. It is
also common for dash, ksh and bash (unless their own specific rc files
exist, they may source it too) so I thought all common things like this
could be in ~/.profile.

I don't know if there is any official way how to set up enviroment variables
in common place. Some linux distributions use things like /etc/profile.env,
but that sucks too much (every fscking package sets up its own useless
variables and users don't have any power to tell which to use, which not).

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;
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Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. 

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Re: xdm source .bash_profile

2006-06-26 Thread Cameron Hutchison
Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

On 24.06.06 00:00, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
 I have been trying to make my X to source the .bash_profile in order to
 set my $PATH variable.
 Any idea where should I look to get this done?

Some time ago I solved this problem by sourcing /etc/profile and
$HOME/.profile from /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession (I was using xdm).

I have the following snippet as /etc/X11/Xsession.d/75local-profile :

# Source a users .profile, etc
PROFILES=/etc/profile $HOME/.profile /etc/xprofile $HOME/.xprofile

  [ -f $PROFILE ]  . $PROFILE


I added the xprofile bit just in case there was going to be something
that I may want set up only when logging in via X. So far I dont have
such a file (3 years laters) so it's probably unnecessary.

the $HOME/.profile is being sourced by bourne-compatible shells at user
login and should contain seting of environment variables like $PATH. 

That's an important point, as /etc/X11/Xsession runs under /bin/sh, not
necessarily bash so you should make sure you split up your bourne shell
compatible init and your bash (or other shell) specific init and possibly
source ~/.profile from your .bash_profile.

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Re: xdm source .bash_profile[SOLVED]

2006-06-24 Thread Pavlos Parissis
I followed the Derek's suggestion and now my $PATH is set inside X.


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Re: xdm source .bash_profile

2006-06-23 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jun 24, 2006 at 12:00:03AM +0200, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
 Hello all,
 I have been trying to make my X to source the .bash_profile in order
 to set my $PATH variable.

.xsession is the best place to deal with this, but you need to start
your X session in this file, or else it will just end.  For example,
my .xsession file looks like this:


# start my X session

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
xrdb -merge .Xdefaults
ssh-agent gnome-session

This starts gnome, and runs it from ssh-agent.  That's a neat trick
which makes your ssh agent accessible to all xterms started from
within your X session.  If you use KDE, replace that with startkde.

The key is, once this script ends, so does your X session.  If you
just source your .bashrc file, your X session will end before it has a
chance to start.  ;-)

 Since ~/.bashrc is invoked by no login shell I don't really mind to
 use this trick.  But, I do mind that fact that I have duplicate
 information, $PATH is set in two files.

The usual way to handle this is to put environment initialization
commands only in .bashrc, and source .bashrc from .profile (or
.bash_profile).  Note that you don't want to put commands which
generate output in .bashrc -- if you do this, it can cause problems
for your ssh sessions (particularly using scp, etc.) which will
receive the output of the .bashrc script, and corrupt the data stream.
To counteract that problem, only put commands which generate output in
.profile (or .bash_profile).


Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: xdm source .bash_profile

2006-06-23 Thread Pavlos Parissis
On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 18:46:16 -0400
Derek Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sat, Jun 24, 2006 at 12:00:03AM +0200, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
  Hello all,
  I have been trying to make my X to source the .bash_profile in order
  to set my $PATH variable.
 .xsession is the best place to deal with this, but you need to start
 your X session in this file, or else it will just end.  For example,
 my .xsession file looks like this:
 # start my X session
 if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
   . ~/.bashrc
 xrdb -merge .Xdefaults
 ssh-agent gnome-session
 This starts gnome, and runs it from ssh-agent.  That's a neat trick
 which makes your ssh agent accessible to all xterms started from
 within your X session.  If you use KDE, replace that with startkde.

Side effect of that approach is that you have to use only one Desktop 
I was trying to avoid to set my Desktop Environment from ~/.xsession because
I like the option to change the D.E. from the xdm/gdm/kdm when I login.
Thus, I didn't follow this approach which is documented in Debian reference.
It seams that I have to take this path anyways.

 The key is, once this script ends, so does your X session.  If you
 just source your .bashrc file, your X session will end before it has a
 chance to start.  ;-)

That's explain why it was not working for me the trick to just source the 
~/.bash_profile from ~/.xsession
without starting a window manager/D.E..

  Since ~/.bashrc is invoked by no login shell I don't really mind to
  use this trick.  But, I do mind that fact that I have duplicate
  information, $PATH is set in two files.
 The usual way to handle this is to put environment initialization
 commands only in .bashrc, and source .bashrc from .profile (or
 .bash_profile).  Note that you don't want to put commands which
 generate output in .bashrc -- if you do this, it can cause problems
 for your ssh sessions (particularly using scp, etc.) which will
 receive the output of the .bashrc script, and corrupt the data stream.
 To counteract that problem, only put commands which generate output in
 .profile (or .bash_profile).

It sounds a good a idea and practice to move my environment variables to 

Thank you very much,

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Re: xdm source .bash_profile

2006-06-23 Thread Derek Martin
On Sat, Jun 24, 2006 at 01:22:04AM +0200, Pavlos Parissis wrote:
  This starts gnome, and runs it from ssh-agent.  That's a neat trick
  which makes your ssh agent accessible to all xterms started from
  within your X session.  If you use KDE, replace that with startkde.
 Side effect of that approach is that you have to use only one Desktop 

Well, not necessarily.  instead of starting a desktop environment, you
could just start an xterm, by itself, and DON'T run it in the
background.  From that xterm, you can start your desktop environment
on the command line.  It's a little bit yucky, but it gets you what
you want...  But, you have to be really careful.  If you close that
xterm, your X session will die.

  The key is, once this script ends, so does your X session.  If you
  just source your .bashrc file, your X session will end before it has a
  chance to start.  ;-)
 That's explain why it was not working for me the trick to just
 source the ~/.bash_profile from ~/.xsession without starting a
 window manager/D.E..

Yup. :(

 Thank you very much,

You're welcome!

Derek D. Martin
GPG Key ID: 0x81CFE75D

Description: PGP signature

Re: Re: xdm/gdm failure after dist-upgrade

2006-06-08 Thread Autumn Lansing
Simply delete or rename your current xorg.conf file,
then run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again.  That
worked for me.

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Re: xdm/gdm failure after dist-upgrade

2006-06-06 Thread Thomas H. George
On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 01:16:09PM -0700, Derek wrote:
 Try running dexconf first,then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.That should do

No, dexconf - whatever it is - had no effect.  There is no man page,
dpkg and apt-cache search know nothing about it but it is in /usr/bin so
I just entered the bare command dexconf.  The command prompt came back
immediately and I ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with the same result
previously reported.

Tom George

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Re: xdm/gdm failure after dist-upgrade

2006-06-05 Thread Liam O'Toole
On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:03:22 -0400
Thomas H. George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My box is testing with a 2.6.15 kernel complied from
 After the dist-upgrade this morning (Monday, June 5) X Windows failed
 to start with the message no keyboard module found.
 I ran dpkg-configure xserver-xorg.  This did not help.
 I replaced /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a pre dist-upgrade version.  This
 did not help.
 I went to the kernel source file and ran make menuconfig. Device
 Drivers/Input Device Support/Keboards offers 4 keyboard modules but
 all are to connect keyboards to a serial port, none for a keyboard
 connected to a standard PC keyboard port.
 Tom George

Testing underwent the transition to Xorg 7 recently. The first thing
to check is that the new meta-package 'xorg' is installed. This
should pull in the necessary drivers as dependencies. See for further troubleshooting tips.



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Re: xdm/gdm failure after dist-upgrade

2006-06-05 Thread Thomas H. George
On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 05:57:50PM +0100, Liam O'Toole wrote:
 On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:03:22 -0400
 Thomas H. George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My box is testing with a 2.6.15 kernel complied from
  After the dist-upgrade this morning (Monday, June 5) X Windows failed
  to start with the message no keyboard module found.
  I ran dpkg-configure xserver-xorg.  This did not help.
  I replaced /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a pre dist-upgrade version.  This
  did not help.
  I went to the kernel source file and ran make menuconfig. Device
  Drivers/Input Device Support/Keboards offers 4 keyboard modules but
  all are to connect keyboards to a serial port, none for a keyboard
  connected to a standard PC keyboard port.
  Tom George
 Testing underwent the transition to Xorg 7 recently. The first thing
 to check is that the new meta-package 'xorg' is installed. This
 should pull in the necessary drivers as dependencies. See for further troubleshooting tips.
 Please reply to the list only.
xorg is installed.  I went to the wiki and as instructed installed


Now gdm restart fails with

EE Can't find valid framebuffer

When I run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it finishes with a message that
/etc/X11/X not updated since xorg.conf has been customised.  I have
followed the instructions in xorg.conf for removing the customisation
but even after this dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg finishes with the
message that it is not updating /etc/X11/X as xorg.conf has been

Tom George
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Re: xdm/gdm failure after dist-upgrade

2006-06-05 Thread Derek
Try running dexconf first,then dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.That should do itOn 6/5/06, Thomas H. George [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:On Mon, Jun 05, 2006 at 05:57:50PM +0100, Liam O'Toole wrote: On Mon, 05 Jun 2006 12:03:22 -0400
 Thomas H. George [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  My box is testing with a 2.6.15 kernel complied from  linux-source-2.6.15.
   After the dist-upgrade this morning (Monday, June 5) X Windows failed  to start with the message no keyboard module found.   I ran dpkg-configure xserver-xorg.This did not help.
   I replaced /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a pre dist-upgrade version.This  did not help.   I went to the kernel source file and ran make menuconfig. Device  Drivers/Input Device Support/Keboards offers 4 keyboard modules but
  all are to connect keyboards to a serial port, none for a keyboard  connected to a standard PC keyboard port.   Tom George   Testing underwent the transition to Xorg 7 recently. The first thing
 to check is that the new meta-package 'xorg' is installed. This should pull in the necessary drivers as dependencies. See
 for further troubleshooting tips. -- Liam Please reply to the list only.xorg is installed.I went to the wiki and as instructed installedxserver-xorg-input-kbd
xserver-xorg-input-evdevxserver-xorg-video-atiNow gdm restart fails withEE Can't find valid framebufferWhen I run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it finishes with a message that
/etc/X11/X not updated since xorg.conf has been customised.I havefollowed the instructions in xorg.conf for removing the customisationbut even after this dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg finishes with themessage that it is not updating /etc/X11/X as 
xorg.conf has beencustomised.Tom George -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 
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Re: xdm ctrl+alt+backspase

2006-01-16 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Mon, 16 Jan 2006 23:34:44 +0200
Egor Tur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi folk.
 When I do several times ctrl+alt+backspase in X (I want ot restart X 
 session), than xdm kill.
 How can I solve this problem. Or how can I manage it is working xdm or not? 
 If xdm not works,
 then restart it.
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Usually a single c-a-backspace should be enough to kill the X server...

To start kdm do run: /etc/init.d/kdm start


If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. (Albert 

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Re: xdm

2005-07-04 Thread Amaury Amblard-Ladurantie

 ça fait X temps que je pratique debian, mais il y a encore des trous

 1. comment changer de desktop avec xdm, j'ai toujours gnome et je ne vois
 pas comment en changer en, par exemple, ion3?

 2. comment halter le système, ou le rebooter, sans passer par une

Cela ne répond pas vraiment à votre question, mais puisque vous utilisez 
Gnome, je ne saurai trop vous recommander d'installer GDM et de l'utiliser à 
la place d'XDM. GDM propose ces fonctionnalités et est -à mon avis- beaucoup 
plus joli et agréable à utiliser.


Description: PGP signature

Re: xdm

2005-07-03 Thread Francois
Le Sun, Jul 03, 2005 à 06:49:27PM +0200, Eric Reinbold a écrit
 ave tatousse,
 ça fait X temps que je pratique debian, mais il y a encore des trous
 1. comment changer de desktop avec xdm, j'ai toujours gnome et je ne vois pas
 comment en changer en, par exemple, ion3?

à la fin de ~/.xsession remplacer gnome par ion3

 2. comment halter le système, ou le rebooter, sans passer par une console?

sudo halt
sudo reboot

 Francois Mescam

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Re: xdm

2005-07-03 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 3 Jul 2005 18:49:27 +0200
Eric Reinbold [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 2. comment halter le système, ou le rebooter, sans passer par une
 si qqun a un reponse..

Si tu utilises lilo + xdm, j'ai fait un paquet tout bête qui affiche une
boite (Tk) avec un bouton pour chaque label lilo et un bouton stop qui
permet de rebouter la machine sur le système choisi ou d'arrêter la
machine. Ca marche très bien et je m'en sers avec succès sur plus de 50

Paquet choixreboute

deb ./


deb ./

Source sur 
deb-src ./

François Boisson

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Re: xdm

2005-07-03 Thread François Boisson
Le Sun, 3 Jul 2005 21:59:43 +0200
François Boisson [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit:

 Si tu utilises lilo + xdm, j'ai fait un paquet tout bête qui affiche
 une boite (Tk) avec un bouton pour chaque label lilo et un bouton stop

Oubli: La bopite est affichée avec la banière de login de xdm...

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Re: xdm + fluxbox

2005-06-15 Thread Philippe Merlin
Merci pour ta réponse, mais j'ai déjà cherché à cet endroit :
~./fluxbox/menu chez moi la taille  de ce fichier est de 0.
Je repose la question ou peut être le fichier contenant ces paramètres 
Blackbox Menu ou Dlackbox Menu ce n'est pas sur.
A l'avance merci pour votre aide.

Le Mercredi 15 Juin 2005 00:29, manioul a écrit :
 Le mardi 14 juin 2005 à 21:16 +0200, Philippe Merlin a écrit :


  J'ai installé sur une debian woody xdm et fluxbox .
  J'obtiens après l'identification dans xdm un Deskstop 1 écran gris, si
  je clique droit avec la souris sur cet écran gris, j'ai cette fenêtre
  pop-up qui s'affiche :
  Blackbox Menu (peut être Dlackbox Menu)
  Voilà mon problème j'ai beau recherché, partout google et dans les man,
  je ne vois pas ou est défini le Menu, car j'aimerai le modifier.


 man fluxbox est ton ami ;)

  Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.

 ++ ;)


Re: xdm + fluxbox

2005-06-15 Thread CoolFox

Philippe Merlin a écrit :

J'ai installé sur une debian woody xdm et fluxbox .
J'obtiens après l'identification dans xdm un Deskstop 1 écran gris, si je 
clique droit avec la souris sur cet écran gris, j'ai cette fenêtre pop-up qui 
s'affiche :

Blackbox Menu (peut être Dlackbox Menu)
Voilà mon problème j'ai beau recherché, partout google et dans les man, je ne 
vois pas ou est défini le Menu, car j'aimerai le modifier.

Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.


Normalement par defaut le fichier de config du menu de fluxbox se trouve la:


Attention à la syntaxe lorsque tu le modifie !

@ ++

Faire reagir les cons, c ce ki demande le + d'intelligence!

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Re: xdm + fluxbox

2005-06-15 Thread Francois
Le Wed, Jun 15, 2005 à 09:32:31AM +0200, CoolFox a écrit
 Philippe Merlin a écrit :
 J'ai installé sur une debian woody xdm et fluxbox .
 J'obtiens après l'identification dans xdm un Deskstop 1 écran gris, si 
 je clique droit avec la souris sur cet écran gris, j'ai cette fenêtre 
 pop-up qui s'affiche :
 Blackbox Menu (peut être Dlackbox Menu)
 Voilà mon problème j'ai beau recherché, partout google et dans les man, je 
 ne vois pas ou est défini le Menu, car j'aimerai le modifier.
 Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.
 Normalement par defaut le fichier de config du menu de fluxbox se trouve la:
 Attention à la syntaxe lorsque tu le modifie !

Il existe aussi un fichier au niveau utilisateur qui est ~/.fluxbox/menu dont 
le nom se trouve dans ~/.fluxbox/init. Je préfère modifier celui-ciet ne pas 
toucher à celui dans /etc/ qui est system-wide.

 Francois Mescam

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Re: xdm + fluxbox

2005-06-15 Thread NaiosKAE{FR}


regarde dans le rpertoire /usr/lib/menu

cr tes entres




M : J'ai invent la merde en tube !
P : Quel intrt ?
M : C'est plus facile  taler sur le balais  chiottes !

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Re: xdm + fluxbox

2005-06-14 Thread manioul
Le mardi 14 juin 2005 à 21:16 +0200, Philippe Merlin a écrit :
 J'ai installé sur une debian woody xdm et fluxbox .
 J'obtiens après l'identification dans xdm un Deskstop 1 écran gris, si je 
 clique droit avec la souris sur cet écran gris, j'ai cette fenêtre pop-up qui 
 s'affiche :
 Blackbox Menu (peut être Dlackbox Menu)
 Voilà mon problème j'ai beau recherché, partout google et dans les man, je ne 
 vois pas ou est défini le Menu, car j'aimerai le modifier.

man fluxbox est ton ami ;)

 Merci d'avance pour vos lumières.

++ ;)
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Re: Xdm , Kdm ,Gdm .

2005-05-17 Thread Adam Victor Nazareth Brandizzi
Em Ter, 2005-05-17 às 17:49 -0300, Hélio Oliveira escreveu:
 Olá lista,
 Como faço para mudar o Gdm para o Kdm ou Xdm ?

# dpkg-reconfigure kdm 

# dpkg-reconfigure xdm 


# dpkg-reconfigure kdm 

Pode chamar *qualquer um destes três comandos*: ele vai apresentar um
menu para mudar o DM.

 E o login automático ?

Isto depende de cada DM. Como eu uso o GDM e você parece interessado em
migrar para outro, deixo esta resposta aos mais preparados.

Adam Victor Nazareth Brandizzi
Estudante de Ciência da Computação - UnB

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm background with qiv

2005-05-09 Thread Andras Lorincz
I can see

default visual id:  0x23
 visual id:0x23
 depth:24 planes

when I run xdpyinfo. So that is not the problem. Any other idea?

On 5/9/05, Almut Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 03:00:57PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
  I'm trying to set the background for xdm by typing in Xsetup this:
  if [ -r /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg -a -x /usr/bin/qiv ]; then
  /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
  /usr/bin/X11/xsetroot -solid DarkBlue
  it doesn't work altough the condition in the if statement is true. If I 
  /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
  in a terminal in X, get this message:
  qiv: Your root window's visual is not the visual Imlib chose;
   qiv cannot set the background currently.
  What is the problem?
 Not sure, but it looks like Imlib (used by qiv) is requesting a
 visual class that's not available for some reason...
 What's your X-server running at?  These days (with modern graphics
 cards) this is usually TrueColor, which should be fine to display jpgs.
 But who knows... there's still a tiny chance it's not TrueColor, which
 might explain the problem.
 If unsure, look in the output of 'xdpyinfo'.  You'll find a section
 similar to (among lots of other stuff):
   default visual id:  0x23
 visual id:0x23
 depth:24 planes
 Don't know whether qiv would do automatic conversions (e.g. from
 TrueColor to Indexed, etc.) -- apparently not...(?)   Have you tried
 other image viewers like xli, display (from ImageMagick), xv, ...?
 My personal favorite for setting desktop background images is good ol'
 xli.  It's lightweight and fast, and IIRC it also does conversions to
 the target visual as required (can't verify right now, because of
 running a TrueColor visual...).
 The command would typically be something like
 $ xli -onroot your_image.jpg
 or, if the image is smaller than the whole screen:
 $ xli -onroot -center -border black your_image.jpg
 (It doesn't do automatic resizing, though -- but I'm sure you'll dig up
 yet another viewer that does.  Or use 'convert' from ImageMagick for
 that task...)
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm background with qiv

2005-05-09 Thread Andras Lorincz
But I also can see from xdpyinfo this:

root window id:0x49

Should that be 0x23?

On 5/9/05, Andras Lorincz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can see
 default visual id:  0x23
  visual id:0x23
  depth:24 planes
 when I run xdpyinfo. So that is not the problem. Any other idea?
 On 5/9/05, Almut Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 03:00:57PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
   I'm trying to set the background for xdm by typing in Xsetup this:
   if [ -r /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg -a -x /usr/bin/qiv ]; 
   /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
   /usr/bin/X11/xsetroot -solid DarkBlue
   it doesn't work altough the condition in the if statement is true. If I 
   /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
   in a terminal in X, get this message:
   qiv: Your root window's visual is not the visual Imlib chose;
qiv cannot set the background currently.
   What is the problem?
  Not sure, but it looks like Imlib (used by qiv) is requesting a
  visual class that's not available for some reason...
  What's your X-server running at?  These days (with modern graphics
  cards) this is usually TrueColor, which should be fine to display jpgs.
  But who knows... there's still a tiny chance it's not TrueColor, which
  might explain the problem.
  If unsure, look in the output of 'xdpyinfo'.  You'll find a section
  similar to (among lots of other stuff):
default visual id:  0x23
  visual id:0x23
  depth:24 planes
  Don't know whether qiv would do automatic conversions (e.g. from
  TrueColor to Indexed, etc.) -- apparently not...(?)   Have you tried
  other image viewers like xli, display (from ImageMagick), xv, ...?
  My personal favorite for setting desktop background images is good ol'
  xli.  It's lightweight and fast, and IIRC it also does conversions to
  the target visual as required (can't verify right now, because of
  running a TrueColor visual...).
  The command would typically be something like
  $ xli -onroot your_image.jpg
  or, if the image is smaller than the whole screen:
  $ xli -onroot -center -border black your_image.jpg
  (It doesn't do automatic resizing, though -- but I'm sure you'll dig up
  yet another viewer that does.  Or use 'convert' from ImageMagick for
  that task...)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm background with qiv

2005-05-09 Thread Almut Behrens
On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 06:48:34PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
 But I also can see from xdpyinfo this:
 root window id:0x49
 Should that be 0x23?

don't think so...  visual id and window id refer to different

 On 5/9/05, Andras Lorincz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I can see
  default visual id:  0x23
   visual id:0x23
   depth:24 planes
  when I run xdpyinfo. So that is not the problem. Any other idea?

Does qiv work in general with normal (non-root) windows?
Have you tried other viewers?

You could also try 'xwininfo' to query info specifically about the root
window / background (just type 'xwininfo' and then click somewhere on
the desktop background).
But I guess it'll tell you Visual Class: TrueColor as well...
Even worse, if this should reveal that your root window has some other
weird class, I wouldn't really know from the top of my head which part
of the configs you might want to change ;)

Anyhow, good luck,

  On 5/9/05, Almut Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 03:00:57PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
I'm trying to set the background for xdm by typing in Xsetup this:
if [ -r /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg -a -x /usr/bin/qiv ]; 
/usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
/usr/bin/X11/xsetroot -solid DarkBlue
it doesn't work altough the condition in the if statement is true. If I 
/usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
in a terminal in X, get this message:
qiv: Your root window's visual is not the visual Imlib chose;
 qiv cannot set the background currently.
What is the problem?
   Not sure, but it looks like Imlib (used by qiv) is requesting a
   visual class that's not available for some reason...
   What's your X-server running at?  These days (with modern graphics
   cards) this is usually TrueColor, which should be fine to display jpgs.
   But who knows... there's still a tiny chance it's not TrueColor, which
   might explain the problem.
   If unsure, look in the output of 'xdpyinfo'.  You'll find a section
   similar to (among lots of other stuff):
 default visual id:  0x23
   visual id:0x23
   depth:24 planes
   Don't know whether qiv would do automatic conversions (e.g. from
   TrueColor to Indexed, etc.) -- apparently not...(?)   Have you tried
   other image viewers like xli, display (from ImageMagick), xv, ...?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm background with qiv

2005-05-09 Thread Andras Lorincz
Well, I don't know what's the problem. When trying 

qiv image.jpeg

get this

Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
  serial 115 error_code 8 request_code 2 minor_code 0

Anyway, I tried xli and it works.

On 5/9/05, Almut Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 06:48:34PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
  But I also can see from xdpyinfo this:
  root window id:0x49
  Should that be 0x23?
 don't think so...  visual id and window id refer to different
  On 5/9/05, Andras Lorincz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I can see
   default visual id:  0x23
visual id:0x23
depth:24 planes
   when I run xdpyinfo. So that is not the problem. Any other idea?
 Does qiv work in general with normal (non-root) windows?
 Have you tried other viewers?
 You could also try 'xwininfo' to query info specifically about the root
 window / background (just type 'xwininfo' and then click somewhere on
 the desktop background).
 But I guess it'll tell you Visual Class: TrueColor as well...
 Even worse, if this should reveal that your root window has some other
 weird class, I wouldn't really know from the top of my head which part
 of the configs you might want to change ;)
 Anyhow, good luck,
   On 5/9/05, Almut Behrens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 03:00:57PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
 I'm trying to set the background for xdm by typing in Xsetup this:

 if [ -r /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg -a -x /usr/bin/qiv 
 ]; then
 /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
 /usr/bin/X11/xsetroot -solid DarkBlue

 it doesn't work altough the condition in the if statement is true. If 
 I execute

 /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg

 in a terminal in X, get this message:

 qiv: Your root window's visual is not the visual Imlib chose;
  qiv cannot set the background currently.

 What is the problem?
Not sure, but it looks like Imlib (used by qiv) is requesting a
visual class that's not available for some reason...
What's your X-server running at?  These days (with modern graphics
cards) this is usually TrueColor, which should be fine to display jpgs.
But who knows... there's still a tiny chance it's not TrueColor, which
might explain the problem.
If unsure, look in the output of 'xdpyinfo'.  You'll find a section
similar to (among lots of other stuff):
  default visual id:  0x23
visual id:0x23
depth:24 planes
Don't know whether qiv would do automatic conversions (e.g. from
TrueColor to Indexed, etc.) -- apparently not...(?)   Have you tried
other image viewers like xli, display (from ImageMagick), xv, ...?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm background with qiv

2005-05-08 Thread Almut Behrens
On Sun, May 08, 2005 at 03:00:57PM +0300, Andras Lorincz wrote:
 I'm trying to set the background for xdm by typing in Xsetup this:
 if [ -r /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg -a -x /usr/bin/qiv ]; then
 /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
 /usr/bin/X11/xsetroot -solid DarkBlue
 it doesn't work altough the condition in the if statement is true. If I 
 /usr/bin/qiv -z /home/lorand/Wallpaper1024/download3.jpeg
 in a terminal in X, get this message:
 qiv: Your root window's visual is not the visual Imlib chose;
  qiv cannot set the background currently.
 What is the problem?

Not sure, but it looks like Imlib (used by qiv) is requesting a
visual class that's not available for some reason...

What's your X-server running at?  These days (with modern graphics
cards) this is usually TrueColor, which should be fine to display jpgs.
But who knows... there's still a tiny chance it's not TrueColor, which
might explain the problem.
If unsure, look in the output of 'xdpyinfo'.  You'll find a section
similar to (among lots of other stuff):

  default visual id:  0x23
visual id:0x23
depth:24 planes

Don't know whether qiv would do automatic conversions (e.g. from
TrueColor to Indexed, etc.) -- apparently not...(?)   Have you tried
other image viewers like xli, display (from ImageMagick), xv, ...?

My personal favorite for setting desktop background images is good ol'
xli.  It's lightweight and fast, and IIRC it also does conversions to
the target visual as required (can't verify right now, because of
running a TrueColor visual...).
The command would typically be something like

$ xli -onroot your_image.jpg

or, if the image is smaller than the whole screen:

$ xli -onroot -center -border black your_image.jpg 

(It doesn't do automatic resizing, though -- but I'm sure you'll dig up
yet another viewer that does.  Or use 'convert' from ImageMagick for
that task...)


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aw: Re: XDM Paket und dessen Probleme

2005-02-03 Thread tophoven
Hallo Martin,

habe ich gemacht, jetzt geht leider gar nichts mehr, XDM läßt sich nun nicht 
mehr starten.

Was nun?



- Original Nachricht 
Von: Martin Reising [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Datum:   03.02.2005 08:26
Betreff: Re: XDM Paket und dessen Probleme

 On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:29:58AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  ich möchte via einem PC X-Server auf einen Debian Woddy Server zugreifen.
  Hierzu habe ich das Paket xdm installiert. Weitere Xserver oderXFonts
  pakete sind nicht vorhanden.
  Leider erhalte ich im xdm.log folgende Fehlermeldungen:
  xdm error (pid 1594): server /usr/X11R6/bin/X cannot be executed
  xdm error (pid 1585): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1
  xdm error (pid 1596): server /usr/X11R6/bin/X cannot be executed
  xdm error (pid 1585): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1
  xdm error (pid 1585): Display :0 is being disabled
 Alles in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers auskommentieren.

Re: Re: XDM Paket und dessen Probleme

2005-02-03 Thread Martin Reising
On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:05:22PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote:
  On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:29:58AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   xdm error (pid 1594): server /usr/X11R6/bin/X cannot be executed
   xdm error (pid 1585): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1
   xdm error (pid 1596): server /usr/X11R6/bin/X cannot be executed
   xdm error (pid 1585): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1
   xdm error (pid 1585): Display :0 is being disabled
  Alles in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers auskommentieren.
 habe ich gemacht, jetzt geht leider gar nichts mehr, XDM läßt sich nun nicht 
 mehr starten.

Wie äußert sich denn das nicht mehr starten?

Ich bezeifel das nicht mehr starten, denn es wird nun kein Xserver mehr
gestartet, allerdings solltest du in /etc/X11/Xaccess dafür sorgen das die

*#any host can get a login window

nicht auskommentiert ist. Desweiteren muß in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config die
Zeile (so wie hier): 


auskommentiert sein. Ist das nicht der Fall reagiert xdm nicht auf Anfragen
von Außen.

PS: Bitte keine TOFU, oder legst du auch in jeden Brief eine Fotokopie des
bisherigen Schriftwechsel? AW: gibt es nur in der Einbildung von
Übersetzungswahnsinnigen die technische Fachbegriffe und Konventionen
nicht verstehen oder bewusst ignorieren.

Description: Digital signature

Re: XDM Paket und dessen Probleme

2005-02-02 Thread Martin Reising
On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 07:29:58AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ich möchte via einem PC X-Server auf einen Debian Woddy Server zugreifen.
 Hierzu habe ich das Paket xdm installiert. Weitere Xserver oderXFonts
 pakete sind nicht vorhanden.
 Leider erhalte ich im xdm.log folgende Fehlermeldungen:
 xdm error (pid 1594): server /usr/X11R6/bin/X cannot be executed
 xdm error (pid 1585): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1
 xdm error (pid 1596): server /usr/X11R6/bin/X cannot be executed
 xdm error (pid 1585): Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly: 1
 xdm error (pid 1585): Display :0 is being disabled

Alles in /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers auskommentieren.

Description: Digital signature

Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-31 Thread jose isaias cabrera
2. How do I fix this error message above?
13 charInput core
 0 = /dev/input/js0First joystick
 1 = /dev/input/js1Second joystick
32 = /dev/input/mouse0 First mouse
33 = /dev/input/mouse1 Second mouse
63 = /dev/input/mice   Unified mouse
64 = /dev/input/event0 First event queue
65 = /dev/input/event1 Second event queue
   Each device type has 5 bits (32 minors).
It would seem rather obvious that something is looking for a mouse.

That maybe the case, (though, I don't think so) but I am able to login and
click on the xdm login screen and move the mouse around... Perhaps, after
the login, which is when the error happens, some application is looking for
the mouse and can't find it.  Nonetheless, if the starting xdm 
can see and use the mouse, shouldn't every other application called from
within xdm also be able to recognize and utilize the mouse?

Let's stop this one here.  I already uninstalled it. :-)  But I am finding
that kdm is, perhaps, having the same problem.  I can't see the error, but
after the login screen, the same sequence of events which xdm followed 
the login are also being executed by kdm.  Or is it kde?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-31 Thread jose isaias cabrera

2. How do I fix this error message above?
13 charInput core
 0 = /dev/input/js0First joystick
 1 = /dev/input/js1Second joystick
32 = /dev/input/mouse0 First mouse
33 = /dev/input/mouse1 Second mouse
63 = /dev/input/mice   Unified mouse
64 = /dev/input/event0 First event queue
65 = /dev/input/event1 Second event queue
   Each device type has 5 bits (32 minors).
It would seem rather obvious that something is looking for a mouse.

That maybe the case, (though, I don't think so) but I am able to login and 
click on the xdm login screen and move the mouse around... Perhaps, after 
the login, which is when the error happens, some application is looking for 
the mouse and can't find it.  Nonetheless, if the starting xdm screen/window 
can see and use the mouse, shouldn't every other application called from 
within xdm also be able to recognize and utilize the mouse?

Let's stop this one here.  I already uninstalled it. :-)  But I am finding 
that kdm is, perhaps, having the same problem.  I can't see the error, but 
after the login screen, the same sequence of events which xdm followed after 
the login are also being executed by kdm.  Or is it kde?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-30 Thread Andrea Vettorello
On Thu, 30 Dec 2004 15:12:14 -0500, jose isaias cabrera
 I just installed Debian on a Dell Inspiron 7500.  It's running pretty good,
 but I loaded xdm and now it goes right into xdm and fails with the
 modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13 and I can't go back to the
 xterm.  It's at the xdm logon screen.
 Two questions:
 1. How do I stop xdm from loading at boot?

Comment the line with xdm in /etc/X11/default-display-manager

 2. How do I fix this error message above?

IIRC you put an alias to a module in your /etc/modutils/aliases file...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-30 Thread Jeremy Melanson
Hello Jose.

I would love to tell you to just uninstall XDM, but unfortunately, some
X Windows components depend on the package (blah!). I like my
text-console login, so I just rename /etc/init.d/xdm
to /etc/init.d/xdm.disabled. This is sufficient enough to break the
symbolic links in the /etc/rc[x].d directories that point to it, so no
matter what runlevel you find yourself in, XDM will not start.

As for the module error, I'm not sure about it. Perhaps it has something
to do with PTY access and XDM?
What kernel version are you running? Is it a custom-built kernel?
Debian-prepackaged kernel? Popcorn kernel?


On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 15:12 -0500, jose isaias cabrera wrote:
 I just installed Debian on a Dell Inspiron 7500.  It's running pretty good, 
 but I loaded xdm and now it goes right into xdm and fails with the 
 modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13 and I can't go back to the 
 xterm.  It's at the xdm logon screen.
 Two questions:
 1. How do I stop xdm from loading at boot?
 2. How do I fix this error message above?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-30 Thread Marc Wilson
On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 04:22:28PM -0500, Jeremy Melanson wrote:
 I would love to tell you to just uninstall XDM, but unfortunately, some
 X Windows components depend on the package (blah!).

No, there are no X components that depend on xdm:

rei $ sudo apt-get remove --purge xdm
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
The following packages will be REMOVED:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 1 to remove and 7 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives.
After unpacking 946kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

As you can plainly see.

 Marc Wilson | And so it was, later, As the miller told his tale,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | That her face, at first just ghostly, Turned a whiter
 | shade of pale.  -- Procol Harum

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm modprobe: Can't locate module char-major-13

2004-12-30 Thread Marc Wilson
On Thu, Dec 30, 2004 at 03:12:14PM -0500, jose isaias cabrera wrote:
 1. How do I stop xdm from loading at boot?

Don't install it.
 2. How do I fix this error message above?

 13 charInput core
  0 = /dev/input/js0First joystick
  1 = /dev/input/js1Second joystick
 32 = /dev/input/mouse0 First mouse
 33 = /dev/input/mouse1 Second mouse
 63 = /dev/input/mice   Unified mouse
 64 = /dev/input/event0 First event queue
 65 = /dev/input/event1 Second event queue

Each device type has 5 bits (32 minors).

It would seem rather obvious that something is looking for a mouse.

 Marc Wilson | WHO sees a BEACH BUNNY sobbing on a SHAG RUG?!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: xdm y .profile

2004-12-03 Thread Fernando Poza Saura


(o con el bash)

se le añade la opción -ls, creo que era esta (ahora estoy con las 
güindous y no puedo mirarlo), el shell lee el .profile del usuario. O 
sea, quedando asi:

#!/bin/sh -ls

Y ya esta.

...mmm... y nos podrías de paso indicar para que sirve esa opción?

¡¡Oops!, por supuesto, (ya pensé que no llegaban mis correos), en 
realidad era la opción -l, o --login, (no -ls) para el bash, que hace lo 
siguiente (sacado del man del bash):

When  bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-inter-
active shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes  com-
mands  from  the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading 
that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile,

in  that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that
exists and is readable. The --noprofile option may be  used  when  the
shell is started to inhibit this behavior.

y para los que no sepan inglés, dice, en resumen, que con esa opción, 
busca, y si los encuentra, ejecuta, los siguientes ficheros:
/etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login y por último ~/.profile. de 
forma que ya tiene ahí todo el entorno del usuario que entra en la máquina.

Despues de instalar el xdm, el fichero este viene con la invocación del 
shell sin esta opción, lo cual a mi me parece que no tiene mucha lógica, 
porque al fin y al cabo, lo que tienes es a cierto usuario entrando en 
una máquina, por tanto parece lógico que se cargue su entorno, ¿no?


Re: xdm y .profile

2004-12-03 Thread Fernando
Fernando Poza Saura wrote:
 Para el que le interese, me sigo contestando a mi mismo.

Lo da hablar solos es una costumbre muy extendida

 He encontrado una solución más elegante, pero que sigue sin gustarme
 aunque no sabría decir bien por que.

No se cual era tu pregunta, pero me imagino...

Cuando se entra en una sesion X con un usuario normal no se ejecuta
el contenido del .profile .bashrc, etc.. por lo que el entorno no 
es el que tu quieres.

Para eso tienes un archivo, el /etc/environment donde puedes poner las
variables de entorno que quieras por defecto en el entorno gráfico.

A parte de esto yo que utilizo fvwm tengo en mi .xsession entre otras
lineas para abrirme unos terminalillos al arrancar...

xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry
xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry
xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry
xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry

y en mi .bashrc un alias para el xterm...

alias xterm='xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black'

Asi me aseguro con el -ls que se lean los archivos de inicializacion...

Un saludo.

 Si en el .Xsession general, que suele vivir en /etc/X11/xdm, y que xdm
 ejecuta cuando se hace el login, se coje la primera línea:
 (o con el bash)
 se le añade la opción -ls, creo que era esta (ahora estoy con las
 güindous y no puedo mirarlo), el shell lee el .profile del usuario. O
 sea, quedando asi:
 #!/bin/sh -ls
 Y ya esta.
 PD: dado el tiempo medio de respuesta de los asuntos tratados en la
 lista, y teniendo en cuenta que nadie me ha contestado, y que escribí
 hace 2 dias, sospecho que igual mis mensajes no han llegado a la lista.
 O que nadie me quiere.  ;-(
 gnuino angeles wrote:
  Hola he leido articulos de ubuntu y quisiera que me den los que pueden
  su punto de vista, algo que entendi es que este distro esta mas
  orientado a usuarios de escritorio y que es mas estable que debian.
  Espero sus respuestas.
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   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: xdm y .profile

2004-12-03 Thread Pato Valarezo

Fernando Poza Saura wrote:


(o con el bash)

se le añade la opción -ls, creo que era esta (ahora estoy con las 
güindous y no puedo mirarlo), el shell lee el .profile del usuario. O 
sea, quedando asi:

#!/bin/sh -ls

Y ya esta.

...mmm... y nos podrías de paso indicar para que sirve esa opción?

¡¡Oops!, por supuesto, (ya pensé que no llegaban mis correos), en 
realidad era la opción -l, o --login, (no -ls) para el bash, que hace lo 
siguiente (sacado del man del bash):

When  bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as a non-inter-
active shell with the --login option, it first reads and executes  com-
mands  from  the file /etc/profile, if that file exists. After reading 
that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile,

in  that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that
exists and is readable.The --noprofile option may be  used  when  the
shell is started to inhibit this behavior.

Gracias por la información, alguna vez tuve un problema tratando de 
hacer que una aplicación se ejecute al iniciarse el X, ahora creo que 
todo el problema venia de lo que acabas de comentar ... voy a ver si 
concluyo con mi experimento.


Linux User#280504
It is by the fortune of God that, in this country, we have three 
benefits: freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and the wisdom never to 
use either. -- Mark Twain

Re: xdm y .profile

2004-12-03 Thread Fernando Poza Saura

No se cual era tu pregunta, pero me imagino...

si, era eso, ;-)

Cuando se entra en una sesion X con un usuario normal no se ejecuta
el contenido del .profile .bashrc, etc.. por lo que el entorno no 
es el que tu quieres.

Para eso tienes un archivo, el /etc/environment donde puedes poner las
variables de entorno que quieras por defecto en el entorno gráfico.

Si, ya descubrí eso. Pero esa solución es la que no me gusta, porque, 
con este fichero se carga un entorno que es el mismo para todos los 
usuarios, y eso es un poco malo, ¿no crees?. A no ser que cada usuario 
pueda tener un fichero environment en su directorio home y que el xdm lo 
lea. ¿Si?

A parte de esto yo que utilizo fvwm tengo en mi .xsession entre otras
lineas para abrirme unos terminalillos al arrancar...

xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry
xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry
xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry
xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black -geometry

y en mi .bashrc un alias para el xterm...

alias xterm='xterm -sb -sl 500 -j -ls -fn 7x14  -bg lightgray -fg black'

Asi me aseguro con el -ls que se lean los archivos de inicializacion...

Si, yo tambien tengo fvwm (debemos ser muy pocos. ¿A que has currado 
hace mucho con máquinas unix?.) y tengo algo parecido, y de esa forma 
solo los procesos xterm cargan el entorno, pero el window manager no. Y 
esto desbarata cosas como los PATH para los programas que tienes en 
forma de iconos, el reloj (por si necesita leer TZ), etc).

De todas formas la modificación que dije en el .Xsession parece que va bien.

Un saludo y gracias por contestar

Re: xdm y .profile

2004-12-02 Thread Pato Valarezo

Fernando Poza Saura wrote:


(o con el bash)

se le añade la opción -ls, creo que era esta (ahora estoy con las 
güindous y no puedo mirarlo), el shell lee el .profile del usuario. O 
sea, quedando asi:

#!/bin/sh -ls

Y ya esta.

...mmm... y nos podrías de paso indicar para que sirve esa opción?

Linux User#280504
Un revolcón no es caída.

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