Re: xfstt and xfs-xtt

2000-01-31 Thread Shao Zhang
Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:
>  : Hi,
>  :Can someone please explain the difference between the two??
> xfstt is a hack; it runs on a different port than xfs.
> xfs-xtt is intended to replace xfs and serve up TrueType fonts as well
> as the standard X fonts.

Then shouldn't xfs-xtt replace both xfs-tt and xfs rather than
just xfs-tt??


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: xfstt and xfs-xtt

2000-01-28 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:

 : Hi,
 :  Can someone please explain the difference between the two??

xfstt is a hack; it runs on a different port than xfs.

xfs-xtt is intended to replace xfs and serve up TrueType fonts as well
as the standard X fonts.

xfstt is pretty easy to set up.

xfs-xtt is somewhat difficult to set up, mostly due to lack of
documentation in a language I can read (it's written in Japan).  It
works well though!

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: xfstt and xfs-xtt

2000-01-27 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Some what recently, Shao Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote about xfstt and xfs-xtt

>:) Hi,
>:) Can someone please explain the difference between the two??
>:) Thanks.
>:) Shao.
I have to use xfs-xtt inorfor to use tis620 encoding

| Chanop Silpa-Anan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Australian National University  |
| got sparetime ? |
|   Debian GNU/Hurd   ICQ uin 11366301|

Re: xfstt and xfs-xtt

2000-01-27 Thread Henrique M Holschuh
Hi Shao!

On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, Shao Zhang wrote:
>   Can someone please explain the difference between the two??
>   Thanks.

xfs-xtt is better for dealing with CJK fonts, and can also do some
transformations (such as bold, slant...)

For western fonts, xfstt is probably enough. I personally use xfs-xtt.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh