Remember when men were men and wrote their own init scripts? =)

2014-10-20 Thread Martinx - ジェームズ

I really do NOT want to start a flame war, I know that you guys are tired
about this init subject appearing over and over... But, my turn...:-P

*First things first: Why I'm with Debian / Ubuntu?*

A.: Because *I like the work of Debian Maintainers* (you guys and gals,
sirs and madams), about how Debian *compiles and packages* *every single
piece of open source software out there* (i.e., its `configure ; make ;
make install` from `debian/rules`, I love it).

I really don't care that much about what init system I have (I'm using
upstart and sysvinit these days, never used systemd - it IS too unstable (I
tried it without success, lots of bugs popped everywhere when with
systemd), invasive and dangerous to our comunity project (a.k.a. Debian))...


I mean, when I read that infamous guy, Poettering, talking about things
like this:

It creeps the hell outta me! Specially this:

...This greatly simplifies application installation, as there's no
dependency hell... - Poettring.

So, this guy uses a RPM-based distro, called RedHat/CentOS/Fedora, right?!
I feel sorry for him... Poor guy...

Only that crap-distro(s) have a dependency hell, not our shiny Debian. I
don't know what that guy is talking about, honestly (well, no, I know -
rpm+yum sucks).   =P

Anyway, I see that there is room for improvements on software installing
and updating (binary diffs, cow and etc?) but, wait, systemd instead of
dpkg/apt?! I thought this thing was supposed to replace ONLY the init
system, nothing more, neither udev (already engulfed)...

So, is systemd even trying to replace dpkg+apt too? Come guys... For real?!

*Please, do not let this to happen here! Do not lose Debian Compilation,
and packaging, do not lose [dpkg / apt] / debian/rules, for systemd!*

*Also, do not lose `dpkg-buildpackage` for systemd-buildpackage!!*

This systemd thing *has already gone too far*. Keep systemd at its bare
minimum level... Do not let it take over the whole distro.

Honestly, I don't fear systemd itself, or binary logs... I fear things like

Linux Kernel Developers Fed Up With Ridiculous Bugs In Systemd:

Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community 'awful':

So, lets move on over this systemd thing, *keep it at its bare minimum

I'm fine with a new init system, our current state of technology allows us
to do that, something like systemd (I like its ideas, but don't like its
Mr. Knowitall implementation, *it looks really ugly and bloated*),
nevertheless, I'll try it later, maybe on 2016~2020, if it proves itself
really stable (i.e., a nonissue in the near future) AND upstream developers
change their attitude / behavior on bug handling, etc...

Please guys, don't take me wrong (no flame wars okay?!)... I'm just
concerned about the preservation of our amazing Linux/kFreeBSD distro!
Keeping `sysvinit-core` in Debian 8 (9, 10...) *at a reliable level* *is a
wise thing to do*. Just in case... (I don't trust RedHat neither the

So! Let the men write their own init scripts powered by `sysvinit-core` for
a long time ahead! Don't throw this away! Also, keep kfreebsd flavor for
how long as possible (*without systemd things*, of course)! On Linux, it is
fine to have systemd installed and around (like systemd-udev, logind0 and
etc) but, sysvinit is important (even upstart is), do not lose it...

BTW, *during Debian 8 installation, please, provide a (d-i, tasksel,
alternatives, whatever) interface for selecting the initsystem*, *this is
important!* I know that it seems pretty easy to just run apt-get install
sysvinit-core (or preseed it) (to get rid of systemd as init) after the
installation but, if that [initsystem selection] option appear (during the
installation), *this will make Debian even stronger*, as the only distro
that provides, at least, two (sysvinit|systemd) reliable init systems. *How
cool is that?!*

Also, without an interface for selecting an init system on Jessie, *the
popularity contest becomes unfair*.

Honestly, I would like to wake up from this systemd nightmare.

I'm seeing that there is demand for a brand new Linux distribution, that
will sit right in the middle of Debian and Slackware... Something like a
Debian fork without DBus, systemd and PAM, but still with dpkg/apt d-i
and lots of packages. Lets do it?! Lets fork Debian and remove systemd,
dbus and pam out from it?! The fork `uselessd` (or a new udev) becomes more
and more a necessity.

Just for the record, today is the first day that I tested systemd, then,
systemd-journal consumed 100% of my CPU (plus rsyslog), something related
to GPM and, ecryptfs does not umount my home dir anymore, after logout...
Is it a systemd problem? How can I 

Re: Remember when men were men and wrote their own init scripts? =)

2014-10-20 Thread Martinx - ジェームズ
Sorry man... English isn't my native language, is hard for me to express
myself in another language... But yes, those sources aren't the best but,
there are more, you know.   :-P


On 20 October 2014 15:55, Axel Wagner wrote:


 Martinx - ジェームズ writes:
  I really do NOT want to start a flame war

 This statement is evidently false or misguided.

 I'd love to leave it at that (see?), but:

  Linux Kernel Developers Fed Up With Ridiculous Bugs In Systemd:
  Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community 'awful':

 Seriously? You are quoting phoronix and theregister as sources?


 Axel Wagner

Re: Remember when men were men and wrote their own init scripts? =)

2014-10-20 Thread Steve Litt
On Mon, 20 Oct 2014 15:34:43 -0200
Martinx - ジェームズ wrote:

 I mean, when I read that infamous guy, Poettering, talking about
 things like this:
 It creeps the hell outta me! 


 So, is systemd even trying to replace dpkg+apt too? Come guys... For


 Honestly, I don't fear systemd itself, or binary logs... I fear
 things like this:
 Linux Kernel Developers Fed Up With Ridiculous Bugs In Systemd:
 Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community


Sadly, you ask the exact right question. Do we want Debian (and Linux)
ruled by a megalomaniac who hates Linux, is determined to make it into
something un-Linux, and wants all distros to be the same (copies of his
employer's distro, no doubt).

Systemd's architecture, which I personally find unwise, is nevertheless
something that, from a technical standpoint, *could* be disentangled at
a later date if it turns out to be as problematic as I think it will be.

The real problem, which you put your finger square on, is that the
architecture is simply a tool of monopolization. And, in fact, the
megalomaniac is a proxy for his employer, Red Hat.

Anybody who reads Poetterings writings, listens to his interviews, and
doesn't come away with the idea that he wants to destroy what is
currently Linux, and make sure it can never regenerate itself, isn't
paying attention.

Red Hat already had OpenSuSE, Fedora, CentOS, Mand* and all its
descendants, and several others on its team already. Somehow, Arch and
Sabayon fell for it too. If they conquer Debian, then Ubuntu and all the
Debian and Ubuntu descendants fall, and Red Hat controls all of Linux.
From there it's a simple matter to weld more and more onto their
systemd (such as the packaging system), until regenerating the real
Linux is no longer practical. Once they have a monopoly, they'll show
much less regard for us than the CTTE ever did.

Right now, this minute, Debian has the last clear chance to avoid the
Poettering Vision, which is really the Red Hat strategy for Linux
monopolization, which means destruction of the operating system we
currently use.

At this point, the technical issues are a minor thing. The big news is
how humans are going to use those technical issues to replace our
wonderful, almost POSIX OS with a Windows wannabe.


Steve Litt*
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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Re: Remember when men were men and wrote their own init scripts? =)

2014-10-20 Thread Ondřej Surý
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014, at 19:34, Martinx - ジェームズ wrote:

 I really do NOT want to start a flame war, I know that you
guys are tired about this init subject appearing over and

No, you wanted to add more oil on existing flamewars and you
know it. If you don't want to start the flamewars, you should
refrain sending such emails, please.

 But, my turn...:-P

No, please don't. It's neither useful, productive nor funny.



Re: Remember when men were men and wrote their own init scripts? =)

2014-10-20 Thread Don Armstrong
On Mon, 20 Oct 2014, Martinx - ジェームズ wrote:
 I really do NOT want to start a flame war, I know that you guys are tired
 about this init subject appearing over and over... But, my turn...:-P

This thread is off-topic for -user. is for
Debian support.

If you want more information about systemd, see

If you want to avoid using systemd, simply don't install the
systemd-sysv package. If something requires systemd-sysv and doesn't
have an alternative dependency on systemd-shim, please file a bug using
reportbug if one hasn't already been filed.

If you want to discuss this further, please use

Further responses to this thread may be discarded.

Don Armstrong

If god is always watching over us
who's driving?
 -- a softer world #487

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