Merry Christmas to all that it applies.
I want to keep a running total of the time I am online, with MY ISP. Is
there an easy way to do this? I want to see how much time I actually am
online, and see if there is any way I can trim it down. In my local area,
ISDN PPP accounts are only $19.95 a month, but Bell South charges 53.15 a
month, plus $0.01 a minute after 200 hours. If i'm online for a straight
week, there goes most of my time right there.. :) (which happens
sometimes) I wanted to see how much time I use before I sign up for ISDN
phone service. I figured $300 a month for the PHONE LINE per month if I
average 20 hours a day. Which obvisouly, I won't be doing if I have to
pay by the minute. :)
Also, transfers and what not will be faster, so it will take less time
online for many things... :) Like keeping a fresh local copy of
Daniel Stringfield
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