josh wrote:

Look at my latest frustration:

I have downloaded 'wheezy' and created a CD from the Iso image. When I
attempt to boot from the CD the screen image comes up, I respond to a
few options, then the system reports unable to read from the CD - which
it has, of course, been doing.

[Snip record of getting same results after multiple downloads, re-burning CD, and trying CDs on multiple machines known to run other versions of Linux.]

I have so far spent two days trying to find some reference to this
problem in your lists.

Then don't _limit_ the search to the mailing lists. The posts will, by nature, be focused on a _unique expression_ of a problem class.

I tried . The 3rd hit was which leads off with: "Sometimes, especially with older CD-ROM drives, the installer may fail to boot from a CD-ROM. The installer may also — even after booting successfully from CD-ROM — fail to recognize the CD-ROM or return errors while reading from it
    during the installation."

It then details a trouble shooting methodology. HTH

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