This is a trivial matter, but I was trying to figure out a way to have
the screen run xlock after a certain period of inactivity, then the
"xset power" saver if there was a longer period of inactivity.  It
looks like using xautolock and "xlock -nolock" with the enablesaver
option, I can get close to what I want, but I think with this approach
xlock would still be active after the monitor shuts off.  Is there
some other approach I'm overlooking?

It would be really nice if the built in X server's saver had a hook
(notification) script it would call when it entered various states:

  xset timeout-script ~/.bin/somescript

to which it passed the states it was leaving and entering as arguments
to the script.

Alternatively, it would be nice to be able to have something like
"x-await-wake" which would block until the x saver wakes up iff it's


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