Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-12-02 Thread berenger . morel

Le 27.11.2014 03:04, Serge a écrit :
Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there 
that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think 
standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden 
in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and 
that "this is wrong". They start searching how to "fix" this, find 

basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, 

If only rogues can put their configuration files in a subdirectory of a 
common directory, then every application is a rogue, since all 
applications put their configuration files in the $HOME directory or any 
of it's subdirectories.

The point is that, applications using $HOME instead of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME 
does not only put their configuration there, but all their files. So, 
thanks to those ones, you will have things like: .bashrc, .bash_history, 
.dmenu_cache, .prxAEIHar (try to guess what's this file? I myself have 
no idea... reading it, it seems it's related to xosview?) etc.
Ok, now, you only want to save your configuration files. Which ones 
will you take? Or, for a reason you want to use an application which is 
not installed on your system, but in a remote file system that you can't 
access everytime. If this application puts everything in $HOME, then 
you'll have useless things on your local machine, but if it uses XDG 
directories, you can mount/bind/whatever the distant directory to a 
point in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME.

Another nice thing:
Imagine I use several softwares which are not pieces of an existing 
monolithic DE.
Imagine I would like to write an application to manage configuration of 
those applications I am using.
I will probably have to use the strategy design pattern[1] because 
configuration formats will differ (key=value in INI-style way, 
xml-erk-style format...) and have plug-ins to manage those formats, but 
there are quite common ways, easy to parse, like good ol' INI (like 
gftp, but you'll probably find many others lying around on your own 
computer), or ugly (my opinion) XML.
Ok, so, we sometimes have common formats, which might be used by 
several applications I use. So, maybe we could find some which shares 
common features? Like, for example, binding a shorcut to open a file 
(pretty common, right?) or move your character in an FPS game?
For this, I could ask my plug-ins to extract, in all configuration 
files of $XDG_CONFIG_HOME, everything which looks like being able to 
open a file (some regexes on the key's name should do the work in many 
cases), and refer the folder's name which contains the files to identify 
which software uses it.
Then, I could ask the user if he want to define a new shortcut for some 
specified set of applications (or to all? Why not?).
Ok, then, now, the user can have a way to configure everything on his 
computer, without those applications having been written to be integrate 
in any DE. Of course, DEs can use it too, but, I made the choice to not 
use such things, because I think that there is too much bloat.

This would be harder, by far, if every application just puts things, 
sometimes in $HOME/.application, or $HOME/.application.conf, or 
$HOME/.application/config or $HOME/.application/application.config (not 
to speak about those nasty rc files!).

Last but not least, it means that one could write a library to manage 
configuration files, which could be reused, because things goes in some 
predefined places, in a predefined order. No need to learn that 
.bash_profile is read before .profile... oh, sorry, bash does not uses 
XDG dirs.

So, I can see advantages. Several ones.

I'll try to find the problems now: the application have to be made 
correctly enough to not trust the content of an environment variable, 
because it may try to trick the software, for buffer overflows, code 
injections, or less dangerous things like behavior changing depending on 
the moment, if the application re-read the environment variable.

That's all I can find.

They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG 

Well... honestly, I would not follow FHS blindlessly, obviously. 
Because, well... it does not works on Microsoft Windows, first, which is 
a widely used system, and I prefer to make things portable (so I would 
use a different mechanism on windows than on Debian to read default 
configuration files) plus, FHS is not followed in the same way 
everywhere: in *BSD, I think the softwares you will install through the 
package manager will not go into /usr/bin, but in /usr/local/bin. On 
some linux distro, it may go in /opt. How could I know? Even UNIX-style 
OSes disagree!
About other XDG standards, well... I do not have to use dbus stuff to 
know what directory I should use to store my specific user's 
configuration, right?

they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times m

Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-12-02 Thread berenger . morel

Le 28.11.2014 15:32, Rusi Mody a écrit :

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
each others'
toes across OSes.

Well... if configuration files are not both upward and downward 
compatible between different versions, which could be both major, minor, 
Ubuntuesque or googlesque (yes, I do think that Ubuntu and 
chrome/firefox version schemes are stupid) I do not see where is the 
After all, why, in the first time, do you need on the same computer 
different versions of the same software, if not for testing/development 
purposes? And in those purposes, you probably know how to change the 
default directory, right? On correct softwares, there is a command-line 
option for that, like -c, --config, or sometimes -C.

No issue for me here but...

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

Here, you know, you could be smarter. XDG directories are defined by 
environment variables. So, why not using, for example, in you .profile, 
something like this:

$cat ~/.profile

case $( grep PRETTY_NAME /etc/os-release |cut -f2 -d'"' ) in
"Debian GNU/Linux jessie/sid")
echo "hey, I have no idea what distro this is?"

But, of course, it won't work with, for example, vim, bash, and plenty 
of softwares which... DO NOT respect XDG things. Oh, and I used 
/etc/os-release, which is not always present because... it's a part of 
XDG, AFAIK. But, you can do this by grepping/sedding in some mount on 
labels or whatever trick you want to identify the system on which you 
actually are.

This is clean, and efficient. Far better that what you could achieve 
*without* XDG.

Yes, I like xdg, between other reasons because it does not impose 
things: good softwares (for example, i3) allows the user to choose, if 
he want or not to use XDG.

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread seeker5528

On 11/28/2014 6:32 AM, Rusi Mody wrote:

I have a question along these lines:

Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
centrally administered.

Nowadays one person uses many machines
1. Simply multiple hardware
2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage

Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
idea to map the One-me <--> Many OSes to
One /home <--> Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on
sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
each others'
toes across OSes.

XDG is not relevant to that.

Database formats change. Software that use databases change formatting 
of information they store.

 Configuration options/formats change.

Software developers usually only plan for the upgrading of these things. 
If they do  plan for downgrades

 it would normally only be for rare special circumstances.

The Debian packaging system lets you downgrade packages, but there is a 
disclaimer for the same reason.

Allowing older versions of software access to newer databases, 
configuration files, etc... can get ugly.

Allowing older and newer the same increases the risk.

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

Depends on what you consider a down side.

Chrome and Firefox have solutions for bookmarks...

Assuming you don't just use webmail, and your email provider supports 
it, there is imap for email.

Pictures, music, etc... can all be kept on another partition, creating 
symlinks in your home directory
within each installation in place of the real Documents, Pictures, 
etc... that would normally be there.

As root you can do something like:

|groupadd sharedusers -g 2000

:to create a group in each installation:

|chown -R :sharedusers /location/of/shared/directory

:in one of the installations to change the group ownership of the 
directory where you put your pictures,

documents, etc... note the ':' before the group name.

To change group permissions on the shared files/directories you can do 
something like:

chmod -R g+rwX

:note capital X, execute/search only if the file is a directory or 
already has execute permission for some user.

Later, Seeker

Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread Kevin O'Gorman
I do this on my own machine.  The visible stuff I used to keep in my home
directory is now in a separate partition mounted on ~/Desktop.
I've noticed just one downside: cd no longer takes me to a useful place.
So I have an alias called cdd that takes me to Desktop and I'm trying to
remember to use it, and I've changed .bash_aliases to cd there as well, so
shells start in Desktop rather than the real home directory.

Other than that, I like this arrangement just fine.  My OSes can all share
the Desktop and have their own /home and ~/ directories.

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 6:32 AM, Rusi Mody  wrote:

> On Thursday, November 27, 2014 8:00:05 AM UTC+5:30, Serge wrote:
> > 2014/11/16 Peter Nieman wrote:
> > > Has anyone ever wondered where all these funny directories like
> ~/.cache,
> > > ~/.config, ~/.local or even ~/Desktop (with a capital D) came from that
> > > appeared in Debian after upgrading to - was it Lenny? Here's an answer:
> > >
> >
> > People often misunderstand what XDG standards were created for.
> >
> > Imagine that you're writing some graphical application in those old days
> > before XDG standards appeared. And you want to put a link to it to the
> main
> > menu of your DE/WM. Where would you put it?
> ~/.gnome2/vfolders/applications?
> > ~/.kde/share/applnk? Maybe .icewm/menu? Or all of them? What if you want
> > to autostart it on login? ~/.kde/Autostart? ~/.kde/share/autostart?
> > ~/.gnome2/autostart?
> >
> > The problem arises when MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT apps need SAME files.
> > So they came together and created XDG standard. It looks like:
> >   [autostart-spec]
> >   system-wide autostart files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/
> >   user-specific overrides go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/
> >   "based on the desktop base directory specification".
> >   [menu-spec]
> >   .menu files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/
> >   .desktop files are placed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/
> >   user overrides go to $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/ and
> >   "according to the desktop base directory specification".
> > and so on.
> >
> > The "Base Directory Specification" itself is just html page to reference,
> > a base for other XDG specifications, that's why it's called "base".
> > As its original author said [1]:
> > > XDG Base Directory spec is intended for use by other specification.
> > > For example the XDG Menu specification and Autostart specification
> > > refer to the XDG Base Directory specification instead of reinventing
> > > their own filesystem locations / hierarchy.
> > It just gives the meaning to directories, used by *other XDG standards*,
> > which brought peace and clarity to the mess of desktop environments.
> >
> > Those XDG standards were created by "X Desktop Group" only to define
> > unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop environments,
> > not for some rogue applications to hide their own private files.
> > Each of files placed in those directories is extensively documented
> > by other XDG standards.
> >
> > Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there files,
> > that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about
> > standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden
> files
> > in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and
> think
> > that "this is wrong". They start searching how to "fix" this, find xdg
> > basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
> > ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, .cache...
> > They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG
> standards,
> > they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more work to find
> and
> > migrate settings of selected application to another machine, they just
> > don't want to see dotfiles.
> >
> > But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it
> > to reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory.
> >
> > [1]
> > --
> >   Serge
> I have a question along these lines:
> Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
> centrally administered.
> Nowadays one person uses many machines
> 1. Simply multiple hardware
> 2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
> 3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage
> Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
> idea to map the One-me <--> Many OSes to
> One /home <--> Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on
> sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)
> However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these
> dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on
> each others'
> toes across OSes.
> One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
> 1. Have one real My-home partition
> 2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
> each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG

Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-28 Thread Rusi Mody
On Thursday, November 27, 2014 8:00:05 AM UTC+5:30, Serge wrote:
> 2014/11/16 Peter Nieman wrote:
> > Has anyone ever wondered where all these funny directories like ~/.cache,
> > ~/.config, ~/.local or even ~/Desktop (with a capital D) came from that
> > appeared in Debian after upgrading to - was it Lenny? Here's an answer:
> >
> People often misunderstand what XDG standards were created for.
> Imagine that you're writing some graphical application in those old days
> before XDG standards appeared. And you want to put a link to it to the main
> menu of your DE/WM. Where would you put it? ~/.gnome2/vfolders/applications?
> ~/.kde/share/applnk? Maybe .icewm/menu? Or all of them? What if you want
> to autostart it on login? ~/.kde/Autostart? ~/.kde/share/autostart?
> ~/.gnome2/autostart?
> The problem arises when MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT apps need SAME files.
> So they came together and created XDG standard. It looks like:
>   [autostart-spec]
>   system-wide autostart files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/
>   user-specific overrides go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/
>   "based on the desktop base directory specification".
>   [menu-spec]
>   .menu files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/
>   .desktop files are placed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/
>   user overrides go to $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/ and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/menus
>   "according to the desktop base directory specification".
> and so on.
> The "Base Directory Specification" itself is just html page to reference,
> a base for other XDG specifications, that's why it's called "base".
> As its original author said [1]:
> > XDG Base Directory spec is intended for use by other specification.
> > For example the XDG Menu specification and Autostart specification
> > refer to the XDG Base Directory specification instead of reinventing
> > their own filesystem locations / hierarchy.
> It just gives the meaning to directories, used by *other XDG standards*,
> which brought peace and clarity to the mess of desktop environments.
> Those XDG standards were created by "X Desktop Group" only to define
> unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop environments,
> not for some rogue applications to hide their own private files.
> Each of files placed in those directories is extensively documented
> by other XDG standards.
> Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there files,
> that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about
> standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files
> in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and think
> that "this is wrong". They start searching how to "fix" this, find xdg
> basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
> ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, .cache...
> They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG standards,
> they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more work to find and
> migrate settings of selected application to another machine, they just
> don't want to see dotfiles.
> But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it
> to reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory.
> [1]
> -- 
>   Serge

I have a question along these lines:

Years ago when we used computers, many people used one machine --
centrally administered.

Nowadays one person uses many machines
1. Simply multiple hardware
2. Multiple OSes on the same h/w
3. Other more fancy (cloud) usage

Just staying with 2. for now and that too only Linux, its a good
idea to map the One-me <--> Many OSes to 
One /home <--> Many 'slashes' (eg Debian on sda5, Debian 32 on 
sda7 ubuntu on sda6 etc)

However there are some issues: if the software-versions in these 
dont match up then its precisely these XDG files that tread on 
each others' 
toes across OSes.

One solution that Ive been toying with is as follows:
1. Have one real My-home partition
2. Keep /home as part of the OS-file system, so that
each OS can mess around with its own 'XDG's'

I wonder if people have tried this (or something similar) and
any downsides

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Re: XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-26 Thread seeker5528

On 11/26/2014 6:04 PM, Serge wrote:
Those XDG standards were created by "X Desktop Group" only to define 
unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop 
environments, not for some rogue applications to hide their own 
private files. Each of files placed in those directories is 
extensively documented by other XDG standards. Later some people 
started to abuse those directories and put there files, that never 
supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about standards 
or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files in 
their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and 
think that "this is wrong". They start searching how to "fix" this, 
find xdg basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname 
files, to ~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, 
.local, .cache... They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS 
or other XDG standards, they don't care about people who have to do 
2-4 times more work to find and migrate settings of selected 
application to another machine, they just don't want to see dotfiles. 
But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it to 
reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory. [1] 

 Are you saying you think it's a bad thing that .config files got moved 
in to a .config directory instead of multiple other locations?

The /etc/xdg location would be for the defaults, not the user specific 
stuff. Looking at /etc/xdg it does appear it could be used more.

It's not 2010 anymore so specs are adhered to better than they were when was posted, at 
least for the user specific stuff, .config, .local, etc

Later, Seeker

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XDG Standard is not evil (was: Re: Why focus on systemd?)

2014-11-26 Thread Serge
2014/11/16 Peter Nieman wrote:
> Has anyone ever wondered where all these funny directories like ~/.cache,
> ~/.config, ~/.local or even ~/Desktop (with a capital D) came from that
> appeared in Debian after upgrading to - was it Lenny? Here's an answer:

People often misunderstand what XDG standards were created for.

Imagine that you're writing some graphical application in those old days
before XDG standards appeared. And you want to put a link to it to the main
menu of your DE/WM. Where would you put it? ~/.gnome2/vfolders/applications?
~/.kde/share/applnk? Maybe .icewm/menu? Or all of them? What if you want
to autostart it on login? ~/.kde/Autostart? ~/.kde/share/autostart?

The problem arises when MULTIPLE INDEPENDENT apps need SAME files.
So they came together and created XDG standard. It looks like:
  system-wide autostart files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/autostart/
  user-specific overrides go to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart/
  "based on the desktop base directory specification".
  .menu files are placed in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/
  .desktop files are placed in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/
  user overrides go to $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/ and $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/menus
  "according to the desktop base directory specification".
and so on.

The "Base Directory Specification" itself is just html page to reference,
a base for other XDG specifications, that's why it's called "base".
As its original author said [1]:
> XDG Base Directory spec is intended for use by other specification.
> For example the XDG Menu specification and Autostart specification
> refer to the XDG Base Directory specification instead of reinventing
> their own filesystem locations / hierarchy.
It just gives the meaning to directories, used by *other XDG standards*,
which brought peace and clarity to the mess of desktop environments.

Those XDG standards were created by "X Desktop Group" only to define
unified directories for COMMON files of multiple X desktop environments,
not for some rogue applications to hide their own private files.
Each of files placed in those directories is extensively documented
by other XDG standards.

Later some people started to abuse those directories and put there files,
that never supposed to be there. Those people don't really think about
standards or unification. Usually they just enable displaying hidden files
in their file manager, see a lot of dotfiles in a home directory and think
that "this is wrong". They start searching how to "fix" this, find xdg
basedir-spec, and use it as an excuse for moving ~/.appname files, to
~/.config/appname, or worse, split them among .config, .local, .cache...
They don't think about /etc/xdg, they don't read FHS or other XDG standards,
they don't care about people who have to do 2-4 times more work to find and
migrate settings of selected application to another machine, they just
don't want to see dotfiles.

But don't blame XDG standard for that, blame people abusing it
to reduce the number of dotfiles in their home directory.


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