color with tcsh

1999-03-31 Thread Fethi A. Okyar

I spent about 2-3 hours trying to figure out how to get color into
my xterm running tcsh.

I was previously using bash and had no problem with colors. I 
remember there used to be a file called DIR_COLORS in the /etc, in 
my previous SUSE installation, and it was pretty easy to manipulate
colors from there. 

Now I found all these .profile, .login, .cshrc, /etc/common.profile
and /etc/common.login in my mainfram unix account, and wanted to test
them in my linux box. But I am not getting the colors to work in tcsh.

Any suggestions to make tcsh work, or HOW TO change colors in bash would
greatly be appreciated, thanks..

Fethi Okyar
Reserach Assistant


Re: color with tcsh

1999-03-31 Thread scratch


You can find this in the xterm man pages:

   -ls This option  indicates  that  the  shell  that  is
   started  in the xterm window will be a login shell
   (i.e., the first character of argv[0]  will  be  a
   dash,  indicating to the shell that it should read
   the user's .login or .profile).

So using xterm -ls -e /bin/tcsh should do the trick.

-- nico

 Any suggestions to make tcsh work, or HOW TO change colors in bash would
 greatly be appreciated, thanks..

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

Re: color with tcsh

1999-03-31 Thread Mike Bucciarelli
Here is a piece of my .cshrc file:

set term=linux
eval 'dircolors'
alias ls 'ls --color=auto';
alias ll 'ls -l';
alias dir 'ls --color=auto --format=vertical';
alias v 'ls --color=auto --format=long';

This got me colors in tcsh...

-- Mike

Mike Bucciarelli