ftp only account

1999-01-07 Thread Sibuyas Bombay
hello everyone !
  i have a few questions,

 1. how do i give users an ftp only account (no telnet, etc).
 2. im using default debian install (2.0) , how do i enable anonymous ftp 

thanks a lot

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Re: ftp only account

1999-01-07 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
-  1. how do i give users an ftp only account (no telnet, etc).

give them shell which doesn't work, but is listed in /etc/shells
for example /bin/false...

-  2. im using default debian install (2.0) , how do i enable anonymous ftp
-  sessions ?


 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz
 M$ Win's are shit, do not use it !

Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account...

1997-07-02 Thread Nils Rennebarth

On Thu, 26 Jun 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:
As a joke, I know one ISP that to prevent telnetting put to
everyone's account a .login file with logout line in there :)
Everyone just smart enough to ftp a better .login gained easy
shell access...
What if he had the homedirectory of said users owned by root, as well as
the .login file? 


- -- 
 \  /| Nils Rennebarth
--* WINDOWS 42 *--   | Schillerstr. 61 
 /  \| 37083 Göttingen
 | ++49-551-71626
   Micro$oft's final answer  | http://www.nus.de/~nils

Version: 2.6.3i
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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-07-01 Thread System Account

On Mon, 30 Jun 1997, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

 I have the same problem.  Could you email me any answers that you get by
 personal email?  Would greatly appreciate it.  I am on the mailing
 list.  So I would get to see the emails that come to the mailing list.

Hello Sudhakar, fellow debianers, :)

First thanx to everyone who helped me on this. The ftp web
accounts are all working great now. 

There really wasn't alot that really had to be done but this is exactly
what how i have it setup. You may wish to place things else where

cd /
mkdir webftp

drwxr-sr-x   7 root root 1024 Jun 29 22:58 webftp

Now copy the /home/ftp/bin lib and etc dir to /webftp

cp -ap /home/ftp/bin /webftp
cp -ap /home/ftp/lib /webftp
cp -ap /home/ftp/etc /webftp
  I also copied and changed the welcome.msg aswell.

I added another directory here where the user accounts go /webftp/web.
Change the group of the web dir to webusers

cd /webftp
mkdir web

drwxr-xr-x   4 root webusers 1024 Jun 29 21:48 web

Then add a group to /etc/group and place the users in that group. I'll use
webusers as the group and user1 and user2 as the users.   


And add this line to your /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file. This allows all users
in the group webusers to ftp in and saves you from having to add a
guestgroup for each user.

guestgroup  webusers 

Now just add your users and edit the /etc/passwd file (always using
caution when doing this. I'd recommend makeing a passwd.bak just in case)
You need to change the users home path to:

user1:passwd:5000:5000:Web User:/webftp/./web/user1:/bin/true
user2:passwd:5001:5001:Web User:/webftp/./web/user2:/bin/true 

*Make sure you add /bin/true to /etc/shells

Remember to move the users home directory to /webftp/web with the perms

drwxr-xr-x   2 user1   user1   1024 Jun 29 23:05 user1 
drwxr-xr-x   2 user2   user2   1024 Jun 29 23:05 user2

With these permissions all the users can cd to the other accounts and see
what they have. I really don't see this as a problem as everything there
will be accessable via the web anyways. change the permissions as you see

Now they can ftp in and put stuff in thier own directories (but not
others). I made the /webftp/web dir for the users home dirs and added a
index.html to /webftp/web to include a listing of all the system

One optional thing i did was to make a link:

ln -s /webftp/web /home/www-data/web
This was created so none of these users needed a public_html file. they
just need to put thier files in thier home directories. The url would then
be http://www.your.site/web/user1. No ~ is needed before user1.

Hope this helps you out. 


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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-30 Thread Marcelo
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997, System Account wrote:

# Any other suggestions??? 
# -Rob

Yes. Install Proftpd. It's very easy to setup such account with it
(no dir hierarchy for each account or passwd mess). It's in unstable
(or http://www.proftpd.org).


Marcelo Zacarias - CIAGRI/USP // Finger for PGP public key and stuff
Love your enemies: they'll go crazy trying to figure out what you're up to.

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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-29 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
 Hi all


   regarding this subject...  I have used /bin/true for ftp-only
 accounts but i need to go one step farther. I have a /home/webusers
 directory where i have user accounts who with web space only. Right now
 they ftp in and put there html files there. But the thing is they still
 have access to the rest of the machine. So..
   How can i have /home/webusers setup as a root dir (chroot

Set up wu-ftpd as your ftp server. Then put all users into one group. This
doesn't need to be the only group they are in. Call this group 'ftponly'
just to be obvious. Then edit the ftpaccess file and place a line
guestgroup  ftponly
in it.

Then put files like bin/ls, etc/passwd and etc/group into their home
directories just as if they were the home directory for an anonymous ftp
account. If you forget this they won't be able to do 'ls'.

Now you should be all set up. Don't forget to read the right man
pages so you understand what I am talking about (ftpaccess has its own

   Also i'm not sure if i want then all grouped together in one
 group? Can anyone explain pros/cons for this?

I have no idea about really bad or really good things, but if they have
a umask 002 like in a standard Debian system, their primary group should
not be ftponly and their files should not be group-owned by this group. A
pro is of course that the thing with wu-ftpd actually works if they are in
one group.

Jean-Luc Picard: To baldly go where no man has gone before.

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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-29 Thread Craig Sanders
On Sat, 28 Jun 1997, System Account wrote:

 regarding this subject... I have used /bin/true for ftp-only accounts
 but i need to go one step farther. I have a /home/webusers directory
 where i have user accounts who with web space only. Right now they ftp
 in and put there html files there. But the thing is they still have
 access to the rest of the machine. So..

 How can i have /home/webusers setup as a root dir (chroot

 Also i'm not sure if i want then all grouped together in one group?
 Can anyone explain pros/cons for this?

have a look at proftpd which is a new ftp server package in the hamm
(aka unstable) distribution.

proftpd does virtual ftp hosting. It is possible to patch wu-ftpd to do
virtual hosting too, but it is a lot more work and IMO doesn't give as
good a result. proftpd is MUCH easier than messing about with patching

WARNING: you may have to upgrade several other packages to hamm - hamm
is in transition from libc5 to libc6. There are many significant changes
from libc5 to libc6, so doing this may cause you many headaches at the

Try installing proftpd, if it doesn't work without requiring new libs
etc then read docs about libc6 BEFORE you decide to upgrade everything

If you decide not to upgrade to hamm, then it should be fairly simple to
download the debianised sources for proftpd and make your own package -
rebuilding packages for debian is very easy.

BTW, I am running hamm at the moment, and haven't had any problems with


craig sanders
networking consultant  Available for casual or contract
temporary autonomous zone  system administration tasks.

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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-29 Thread System Account
On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  Hi all
  regarding this subject...  I have used /bin/true for ftp-only
  accounts but i need to go one step farther. I have a /home/webusers
  directory where i have user accounts who with web space only. Right now
  they ftp in and put there html files there. But the thing is they still
  have access to the rest of the machine. So..
  How can i have /home/webusers setup as a root dir (chroot
 Set up wu-ftpd as your ftp server. Then put all users into one group. This
 doesn't need to be the only group they are in. Call this group 'ftponly'
 just to be obvious. Then edit the ftpaccess file and place a line
 guestgroup  ftponly
 in it.
 Then put files like bin/ls, etc/passwd and etc/group into their home
 directories just as if they were the home directory for an anonymous ftp
 account. If you forget this they won't be able to do 'ls'.
 Now you should be all set up. Don't forget to read the right man
 pages so you understand what I am talking about (ftpaccess has its own
  Also i'm not sure if i want then all grouped together in one
  group? Can anyone explain pros/cons for this?
 I have no idea about really bad or really good things, but if they have
 a umask 002 like in a standard Debian system, their primary group should
 not be ftponly and their files should not be group-owned by this group. A
 pro is of course that the thing with wu-ftpd actually works if they are in
 one group.

Ok this is what i have setup right now


the /bin/true is in /etc/shells


should this be webusers:*:109:miller and all other users?

now i made a /home/ftp/webusers dir
drwxr-xr-x   3 root webusers 1024 Jun 29 14:50 web

and then /home/ftp/webusers/miller dir
drwxr-xr-x   2 miller   webusers 1024 Jun 29 14:50 miller

guestgroup  webusers 
guestgroup  miller

Now after doing this i try to ftp in:

ftp timberwolf.provision.net
Connected to timberwolf.provision.net.
220 timberwolf FTP server (Version wu-2.4(14) Wed Jan 8 21:17:19 MET 1997)
Name (timberwolf.provision.net:adren): miller
331 Password required for miller.
550 Can't set guest privileges.
Login failed.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp bye
221 Goodbye.

I do not want users logging in with a group login. Each user
should have thier own login and passwd. Because of this i don't see a
reason for the group. I have read the manpages for ftpaccess and i'm still
not sure why this isn't working. Is there something i'm over looking as
the error 550 Can't set guest privileges. leads me to believe that i'm

Also if i remove guestgroup miller (or both) from the ftpaccess file it
does log me in but cann't find a home directory: 

331 Password required for miller.
230-No directory! Logging in with home=/
230 User miller logged in.  

Any other suggestions??? 


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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-29 Thread J . R . Blaakmeer
Please do not Cc: to my e-mail address. I will only get the same message twice.

On Sun, 29 Jun 1997 15:50:25 -0400 (EDT) , System Account wrote:
 Ok this is what i have setup right now
 the /bin/true is in /etc/shells

This seems to be good at first sight.

 should this be webusers:*:109:miller and all other users?

Yes, it should. Or you would have to add a 'guestgroup' entry in ftpaccess
for each web user.

 now i made a /home/ftp/webusers dir
 drwxr-xr-x   3 root webusers 1024 Jun 29 14:50 web
 and then /home/ftp/webusers/miller dir
 drwxr-xr-x   2 miller   webusers 1024 Jun 29 14:50 miller

And this would be miller's home directory? Then you should change the home
directory in /etc/passwd from /ftp/./web/miller to

About the permissions: I would make each directory like
/home/ftp/webusers/miller like this:
drwxr-x--x   2 miller   miller   1024 Jun 29 14:50 miller

This way only the user himself (and root) would be able to read his home
directory. If his web pages are stored in $HOME/pub_html or something like
that, this directory should be like:
drwxr-xr-x   2 miller   miller   1024 Jun 29 14:5 pub_html

The home directory should have execute permission for all users or nobody
would be able to view the web pages. Read permission is not necessary,
because the www server already knows the name of the pub_html dir.

 guestgroup  webusers 

If all users are in the 'webusers' group, you only need the entry for that
group. This means you have one file less to maintain if you add or remove
a user.

 Now after doing this i try to ftp in:
 ftp timberwolf.provision.net
 Connected to timberwolf.provision.net.
 220 timberwolf FTP server (Version wu-2.4(14) Wed Jan 8 21:17:19 MET 1997)
 Name (timberwolf.provision.net:adren): miller
 331 Password required for miller.
 550 Can't set guest privileges.
 Login failed.
 Remote system type is UNIX.
 Using binary mode to transfer files.
 ftp bye
 221 Goodbye.

   I do not want users logging in with a group login. Each user
 should have thier own login and passwd. Because of this i don't see a
 reason for the group. I have read the manpages for ftpaccess and i'm still
 not sure why this isn't working. Is there something i'm over looking as
 the error 550 Can't set guest privileges. leads me to believe that i'm

The only reason for the group is that you don;t have to add each user's
personal group to the ftpaccess file. If you want to do that, fine. Drop
the webusers group and put a 'guestgroup username' line in ftpaccess for
each web user.

 Also if i remove guestgroup miller (or both) from the ftpaccess file it
 does log me in but cann't find a home directory: 
 331 Password required for miller.
 230-No directory! Logging in with home=/
 230 User miller logged in.  

This looks like a message you would get if your home directory doesn't
exist. Are you sure that /ftp/web/miller exists or is this an error in


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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account...

1997-06-28 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
Alex Yukhimets wrote:

  How do I create a FTP only account in my machine?  I do not want this
  account to be telnettable (ie. a shell account).  Iam running wu_ftp on
  my linux machine.  I also have to do this on a machine running Solaris.
  This other machine is running Solaris' built-in ftpd.  Would I be able
  to achieve the same there?
  Help would be greatly appreciated.
 This user should just have /bin/true as a shell.

That works perfectly for denying telnet connections.  But attempts to
login for ftp fail with the following message -

530 User iflash access denied...

I checked my /etc/shells and noticed that /bin/true was not listed
there.  Inserted a line for it and BOOM!  Worked like clockwork.

Thanks a lot!

 As a joke, I know one ISP that to prevent telnetting put to
 everyone's account a .login file with logout line in there :)
 Everyone just smart enough to ftp a better .login gained easy
 shell access...



An elephant is a mouse running an Operating System. -- Donald Knuth
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan(415) 937-2354 (O)
International Web Engineer Type of Guy  (415) 940-1896 (H)

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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account...

1997-06-28 Thread Alex Yukhimets
 How do I create a FTP only account in my machine?  I do not want this
 account to be telnettable (ie. a shell account).  Iam running wu_ftp on
 my linux machine.  I also have to do this on a machine running Solaris. 
 This other machine is running Solaris' built-in ftpd.  Would I be able
 to achieve the same there?
 Help would be greatly appreciated.

This user should just have /bin/true as a shell.

As a joke, I know one ISP that to prevent telnetting put to
everyone's account a .login file with logout line in there :)
Everyone just smart enough to ftp a better .login gained easy
shell access...

Alex Y.

 An elephant is a mouse running an Operating System. -- Donald Knuth
 Sudhakar Chandrasekharan(415) 937-2354 (O)
 International Web Engineer Type of Guy  (415) 940-1896 (H)
 _( )_
( (o___
 |  _ 7  '''
  \()  (O O)
  / \ \ +---oOO--(_)+
 |\ __/   --   | Alexander Yukhimets   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 || |   http://pages.nyu.edu/~aqy6633/  |
 (   /  +-oOO---+
  \ /  |__|__|
   )   /(_  || ||
   |  (___)ooO Ooo

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[Q] How to create a FTP only account...

1997-06-28 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
How do I create a FTP only account in my machine?  I do not want this
account to be telnettable (ie. a shell account).  Iam running wu_ftp on
my linux machine.  I also have to do this on a machine running Solaris. 
This other machine is running Solaris' built-in ftpd.  Would I be able
to achieve the same there?

Help would be greatly appreciated.

An elephant is a mouse running an Operating System. -- Donald Knuth
Sudhakar Chandrasekharan(415) 937-2354 (O)
International Web Engineer Type of Guy  (415) 940-1896 (H)

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Re: [Q] How to create a FTP only account.. for...

1997-06-28 Thread System Account

Hi all

regarding this subject...  I have used /bin/true for ftp-only
accounts but i need to go one step farther. I have a /home/webusers
directory where i have user accounts who with web space only. Right now
they ftp in and put there html files there. But the thing is they still
have access to the rest of the machine. So..

How can i have /home/webusers setup as a root dir (chroot

Also i'm not sure if i want then all grouped together in one
group? Can anyone explain pros/cons for this?


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