I want to shrink my linux-swap partition, to give some to my ext2,
because I am out of space already, and buying a new hard drive is not an
option now. Running potato, 2.2.15. If someone could tell me the exact
way for parted options would be great, I don't want to experiment at
this point. Next are the results from "parted /dev/hdb print", stored in
file `resultado' and from "df"; /dev/hda6 is where I have my local

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb2             1.3G  1.3G  4.5M 100% /
proc                     0     0     0   -  /proc
devpts                   0     0     0   -  /dev/pts
automount(pid167)        0     0     0   -  /var/autofs/misc
/dev/hda6             2.0G  438M  1.6G  21% /mnt/drE
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cat resultado
Disk geometry: 1-787, 2016k cylinders
Minor    Start    End      Type            Filesystem     Flags
1        1        76       primary         linux-swap
2        77       787      primary         ext2           boot

As you can see, I need to to do it! Thanks,

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