Moving this to the debian-user list and setting reply-to accordingly...

On Fri, Feb 09, 2024 at 12:25:15PM +0000, guido mezzalana wrote:
>First of all I wish to thank you all Debian's Team! To still enjoy a free OS:)
>I am running Ubuntu XFCE and I am using the Disk Image Write to get your lates
>Debian 12.4.1 XFCE on my USB. Unfortunately after a few try I get always an
>error and so I cannot get the job done. I do have a Lenovo X200 which comes
>without DVD writer.

Ummm. What image exactly are you trying to write, and how?

We don't have any images labelled with version 12.4.1. Where did you
get this image from?

What exact errors is the image writer program reporting? Without that
information it's very difficult to help you.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                      
< sladen> I actually stayed in a hotel and arrived to find a post-it
          note stuck to the mini-bar saying "Paul: This fridge and
          fittings are the correct way around and do not need altering"

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