Re: ssh local port forwarding stopped working

2019-05-28 Thread Bruce Halco

I would test port status with

   nmap -P0 -p 22 

You want the response to be "open"


On 5/28/19 12:17 PM, Gary Dale wrote:

I'm running Debian/Testing on an AMD64 machine.

I follow what I believe is a fairly conventional way of connecting to 
remote machines. Firstly I establish an SSH tunnel using a command like:

  ssh  -L 5902:IP>:5900

where the remote server public IP is that of the router (DD-WRT) with 
port 22 forwarded to the local IP of a remote Debian/Stable server. 
The remote workstation IPs are in the 192.168.1.* range. The SSH 
connection works fine.

Then I connect to localhost:5902 using a VNC viewer (tried a few).  
I've been doing this for a decade with no significant problems.

However I haven't been able to do this since at least yesterday 
(previous remote login was a week ago. It worked). No matter which 
remote machine I try to connect to, I never get to the password 
prompt. Instead the connection attempt eventually attempt times out.

I can log onto a KVM virtual machine running on the remote server 
using the Virtual Machine Manager GUI. From there I can connect to the 
other (real) machines using the Tight VNC viewer.

Since I can connect to the remote workstations from the VM, the 
problem cannot be with their service setup. And since the problem 
isn't resolved by using a different VNC viewer from my local 
workstation, the problem can't be the VNC client. This just leaves the 
ssh tunnel - specifically the port forwarding - as the only common 

Re: ssh local port forwarding stopped working

2019-05-28 Thread Nicholas Geovanis
My first guess would be that port(s) 5900 and/or 5902 have been blocked.
Next possibility is that for those credentials a remote user/pwd lookup is
being done unexpectedly, the lookup needs to timeout because the
credentials are invalid. Is the ID really present locally?

On Tue, May 28, 2019, 12:38 PM Gary Dale  wrote:

> I'm running Debian/Testing on an AMD64 machine.
> I follow what I believe is a fairly conventional way of connecting to
> remote machines. Firstly I establish an SSH tunnel using a command like:
>ssh  -L 5902::5900
> where the remote server public IP is that of the router (DD-WRT) with
> port 22 forwarded to the local IP of a remote Debian/Stable server. The
> remote workstation IPs are in the 192.168.1.* range. The SSH connection
> works fine.
> Then I connect to localhost:5902 using a VNC viewer (tried a few).  I've
> been doing this for a decade with no significant problems.
> However I haven't been able to do this since at least yesterday
> (previous remote login was a week ago. It worked). No matter which
> remote machine I try to connect to, I never get to the password prompt.
> Instead the connection attempt eventually attempt times out.
> I can log onto a KVM virtual machine running on the remote server using
> the Virtual Machine Manager GUI. From there I can connect to the other
> (real) machines using the Tight VNC viewer.
> Since I can connect to the remote workstations from the VM, the problem
> cannot be with their service setup. And since the problem isn't resolved
> by using a different VNC viewer from my local workstation, the problem
> can't be the VNC client. This just leaves the ssh tunnel - specifically
> the port forwarding - as the only common element.

ssh local port forwarding stopped working

2019-05-28 Thread Gary Dale

I'm running Debian/Testing on an AMD64 machine.

I follow what I believe is a fairly conventional way of connecting to 
remote machines. Firstly I establish an SSH tunnel using a command like:

  ssh  -L 5902::5900

where the remote server public IP is that of the router (DD-WRT) with 
port 22 forwarded to the local IP of a remote Debian/Stable server. The 
remote workstation IPs are in the 192.168.1.* range. The SSH connection 
works fine.

Then I connect to localhost:5902 using a VNC viewer (tried a few).  I've 
been doing this for a decade with no significant problems.

However I haven't been able to do this since at least yesterday 
(previous remote login was a week ago. It worked). No matter which 
remote machine I try to connect to, I never get to the password prompt. 
Instead the connection attempt eventually attempt times out.

I can log onto a KVM virtual machine running on the remote server using 
the Virtual Machine Manager GUI. From there I can connect to the other 
(real) machines using the Tight VNC viewer.

Since I can connect to the remote workstations from the VM, the problem 
cannot be with their service setup. And since the problem isn't resolved 
by using a different VNC viewer from my local workstation, the problem 
can't be the VNC client. This just leaves the ssh tunnel - specifically 
the port forwarding - as the only common element.

Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-06-11 Thread berenger . morel

Le 29.05.2014 06:56, Igor Cicimov a écrit :

Maybe something like this?

- Kernel config

# sysctl -p
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1
 net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 60
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 20
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1
net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects = 0
 net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 0
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables = 0

- Network interfaces config

# This is the host interface
 auto eth0
allow hot-plug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
   search virtual.local

auto virbr1
iface virbr1 inet static
  bridge_ports eth0
  bridge_fd 0
  bridge_stp off
  bridge_maxwait 0

- Firewall simple config

# Set Default Policy to DROP
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP

# Allow loopback and localhost access
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A INPUT -s [6] -j ACCEPT

# Defense for SYN flood attacks
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn -m limit --limit 5/s -i eth0 -j ACCEPT

# Set Default Connection States - accept all already established
 iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

# Open DHCP and DNS for virbr1
iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m multiport --dports 67:68 -i virbr1 -m
state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport --dports 67:68 -i virbr1 -m
state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
 iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 53 -i virbr1 -m state --state NEW
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 53 -i virbr1 -m state --state NEW -j

# Masquerade
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -s [7] ! -d [8] -j MASQUERADE

# Forward chain
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o virbr1 -d [9] -m
iptables -A FORWARD -i virbr1 -o eth0 -s [10] -j
 iptables -A FORWARD -i virbr1 -o virbr1 -j ACCEPT

Now you can create VM's with their own virtual devices, ie vmdev0,
vmdev1 etc, and simply add those devices to the virbr1. Then
each of the VM's would have static config of their eth0 interface
with ip of [11] range and as default

If you want to have the VM's get their ip via DHCP then you can
install dnsmasq and attach a process to virbr1. Something like

/usr/sbin/dnsmasq -u dnsmasq --strict-order --bind-interfaces
 --pid-file=/var/run/dnsmasq/ --conf-file=
--except-interface lo --listen-address
--dhcp-lease-max=11 --dhcp-no-override

I will try this stuff to discover what it does and how it does it, but 
the previous reply from Pascal Hamburg work like a charm.

Thanks a lot anyway for your time.

The purpose of the VLAN you have created is not clear as they are
usually used to extend a virtual network to more than one host. You
will need 802.1Q kernel module enabled and 802.1Q VLAN enabled
switch(s) in your network for this to work. Anyway, you can try 
the VLAN in the above configuration as an exercise, ie attach the 

to eth0 and then include the vlan in the virbr1.

About the use of this network, the goal is to simulate the network 
infrastructure of a client for which we work, but without polluting the 
LAN we work on. I'll use it to deploy client's network twice ( on 
different VLANs, obviously, to avoid conflicts ) : one for development 
purposes, which won't be stable and probably will have to be 
automatically rebuild regularly, and an other one for release candidates 
of our work.
Since we do not do development tasks only for one client, it will 
probably contain other other VLANs for other clients at a point.
Why I do this is because, currently... erm... I'm ashamed to say that, 
especially on a public list, but truth is that we send development 
versions a server, same for release candidate, and same for final 
version. The problem being that the server is always the same. Ugly imo, 
so I try to improve the situation, but I'm not a sysadmin, and I do not 
have the control of our local LAN structure, but I can control the 
VLAN's structures since they run on a server that my colleagues on admin 
"gave" me.

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-06-11 Thread berenger . morel

Le 29.05.2014 01:00, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
On that network, I have some VMs with static IPs, and the one on 
I try to make the configuration for testing and learning purpose 
have an

apache2 server running and up ( I can query on it from my physical
computer ). It is using 2 network interfaces, a NAT one and a bridge
one, but for others I would like to remove the NAT one, since I need
them to simulate the production servers ( which are VMs too, but my
company does not control the system on which they are running. 
it would have be far easier: I would have read how it does to 

things ) which only have one interface ( eth0 ).

Both LANs ( the physical one and the virtual one ) works perfectly, 

now I would like to allow 2 things:
_ VMs to access the physical LAN, so that they could access the apt
proxy I have installed there for installing softwares and updates

- Enable IP forwarding on the host acting as a router.
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

- Presumably, you need to masquerade forwarded packets from VMs to 
physical LAN if the physical hosts or their router doesn't have a 

to your virtual LAN.
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

_ physical computers accessing VMs through some ports of my 
For example, redirecting "172.20.14.XX:80" to "". I 

do that port forwarding for ssh ( port 22 ), http ( port 80 ) and
postgresql ( port 5432 ) connections in a first time.

- You need port forwarding only if the physical hosts or their router
doesn't have a route to your virtual LAN.
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d 172.20.14.XX \
   -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
(and so on for each port)

And to add to the fun, I remember having discovered after several 

last week that the port forwarding rules I built did not allowed the
host computer to access the VM, at least, not when asking on host'IP 

aka 172.20.14.XX ).

- For this you need to do the port forwarding on locally generated 

# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d 172.20.14.XX -p tcp --dport 80 \
   -j DNAT --to

Sorry for the late reply, I did not had time to try this before. It 
works! Thanks a lot ( and thanks to other people which have replied too 

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 8:51 PM,   wrote:
>> Hoping to find something that you can do entirely under your own
>> control. :)
> You mean, be your own boss?

Heh, that's another way of interpreting that statement. But no, what I
meant was "some way you can get the test/dev systems you need without
needing to appeal to other members of the company". As long as you
have control of your own one computer, and as long as it has gobs of
RAM, you can run a pile of VMs on it without asking for actual
servers. That's a Layer 8 advantage, if you like. My hope was that, if
not VMs, there'd be some other way that equally needed no intervention
from your colleagues.


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-30 Thread berenger . morel

Humpf... finger mistake.

Also, there's fossil if you are in that situation: it's

It's a DVCS which integrate a wiki and a bugtracker.
Sounds really interesting, but I never took time to really play with 

So, in a situation where you are the only one to use real tools, and do 
not want to bother to deploy your own wikis and bugtrackers... sounds 

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-30 Thread berenger . morel

Le 30.05.2014 12:08, Chris Angelico a écrit :
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 7:04 PM,   

What I basically want to do, and I do not understand how they ( my
programmer colleagues ) can happily live without that, is a server 
source versionning, bug tracking, wikis, etc. This stuff does not 
need any

virtual system or network, and is relatively easy to deploy.

Thanks to distributed version control systems (the current 

with git and hg being the two most popular and full-featured), you
don't need a "source control server", so you can just start using git
on your own computer until someone else is convinced that it's

That's what I did in my last job, and that's what I'm doing in this 
But... it is only efficient for the projects I have control on, not for 
other ones...

And if you have a source repo, it's amazing how far you can get
without an explicit bug tracker - just keep a text file (or a
directoryful of text files, depending on how many bugs you're
responsible for) in your source tree. As you find and fix bugs, 

change code and also update the BUGS file or directory, so it's
automatically linked.

Sure, but it won't avoid me to have to parse those f** messy excel 
files first. *This* is a real pain in my... heh... I feel quite lonely 
sometimes: only real linux user, only guy using a really minimalistic 
system, only tiling window manager user ( with the problems it pulls: 
every one just do not mind using dirty tools. But I'm lucky --or 
tinkerer-- enough to often be able to find better tools that works :p ) 
and only guy who knows about recent ways to manage source code.
All that thanks to free software world and my small contributions here 
and there hehe.

Also, there's fossil if you are in that situation: it's

But I absolutely agree. Push for those kinds of features.

But, and it is why I need this virtual and iptables stuff, I would 
like to
simulate the production environment of our main client. Would you 
trust me
if I say that currently, testing ( beta ) and development ( alpha ) 
of softwares are directly sent on production servers? It hurt me a 
lot ( and
not only because it is bad and disgusting: it also makes everything 
a lot
more complex ), so I want to have a replica of that network in our 
network. 2 replicas, in fact, one for testing, and another for 
so that automated tests ( which are currently lacking, too ) could 
be made.

If you can't manage it with iptables, can you possibly do it with
virtualization? Build up an entire LAN on top of one computer - I'm
not sure about other systems, but recent versions of VirtualBox let
you easily connect multiple VMs together onto a virtual LAN, using 

between that and the rest of the host computer.

The internal, virtual lan works perfectly: the virtual computers can 
discuss together, it's damn easy to configure. Use a bridge network card 
( or something like that in virtualbox ), configure some static 
addresses without conflicts in their /etc/network/interfaces, and your 
done. But they won't be able to access things outside their LAN ( for 
this, you would need a router ).
Having the host communicating with them in that configuration is easy 
too: just create a new entry in your /etc/network/interfaces using vlan, 
give it a static address on the VLan which does not conflicts with 
others, and it's ok, you can now use ssh, http, and whatever you 
installed on your host from the guests, and vice versa. But VMs are 
still not able to reach the real LAN, nor the real LAN to access the 
VLAN, still need a router.

Since my host have a hardware ethernet card and a virtual one plugged 
into the hardware one, I suppose that the way to allow the LAN to 
communicate with the VLAN is to configure the host so that it will 
become a router.
There are new replies in the thread that I did not had time to try, but 
I have read them quickly, and I'm quite sure they'll push me on the good 
road. I'll try to find the time when I'll have finished my more urgent 
tasks (grumbl... urgent and boring tasks sigh).

It's not easy for a junior employee to make sweeping changes, even if
they are bringing the company in line with well-known best practices.

Yes, but I have some great advantages over most people:
_ I am really stubborn, and do not abandon my ideas without discussion 
with real arguments. Political correctness is not a real argument for 

_ I like to say what I think the way I think it.
_ I have a small knowledge about how free softwares works, that kind of 
projects where people are able to use one-shot contribution, from 
distant guys they'll never meet. Unlike people who only know how to work 
in the same open-space with phones ringing that often ( both have 
advantages and problems, indeed, but only knowing one of them is quite 
sad for someone which lives from dev ).

_ I'm lazy ( remember, I'm a dev :p )
_ I'm in a small enterprise, and my colleag

Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-30 Thread Chris Angelico
On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 7:04 PM,   wrote:
> What I basically want to do, and I do not understand how they ( my
> programmer colleagues ) can happily live without that, is a server for
> source versionning, bug tracking, wikis, etc. This stuff does not need any
> virtual system or network, and is relatively easy to deploy.

Thanks to distributed version control systems (the current generation,
with git and hg being the two most popular and full-featured), you
don't need a "source control server", so you can just start using git
on your own computer until someone else is convinced that it's
worthwhile. (That's what I did at my last job. Believe it or not, I
spent a couple of *years* using git solely on my own computer, before
the boss was willing to give it a shot. He did, however, maintain
constant backups, including weekly burn-to-optical; and once convinced
of the value of source control, he promised - not that this ever
happened, mind - to go through all the backups and import everything
into a new repository, so stuff could be found.)

And if you have a source repo, it's amazing how far you can get
without an explicit bug tracker - just keep a text file (or a
directoryful of text files, depending on how many bugs you're
responsible for) in your source tree. As you find and fix bugs, you'll
change code and also update the BUGS file or directory, so it's
automatically linked.

But I absolutely agree. Push for those kinds of features.

> But, and it is why I need this virtual and iptables stuff, I would like to
> simulate the production environment of our main client. Would you trust me
> if I say that currently, testing ( beta ) and development ( alpha ) versions
> of softwares are directly sent on production servers? It hurt me a lot ( and
> not only because it is bad and disgusting: it also makes everything a lot
> more complex ), so I want to have a replica of that network in our own
> network. 2 replicas, in fact, one for testing, and another for programming,
> so that automated tests ( which are currently lacking, too ) could be made.

If you can't manage it with iptables, can you possibly do it with
virtualization? Build up an entire LAN on top of one computer - I'm
not sure about other systems, but recent versions of VirtualBox let
you easily connect multiple VMs together onto a virtual LAN, using NAT
between that and the rest of the host computer.

It's not easy for a junior employee to make sweeping changes, even if
they are bringing the company in line with well-known best practices.
Hoping to find something that you can do entirely under your own
control. :)


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-30 Thread berenger . morel

Le 28.05.2014 18:05, Joe a écrit :

On Wed, 28 May 2014 21:25:23 +1000
Chris Angelico  wrote:

On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Joe  wrote:
> The point here is that all modern hardware is capable of IPv6, and
> even if you aren't using it, malware writers may be. And by
> default, a Debian machine is wide open to IPv6, and some of its
> software is listening to it. Run a netstat to see which.

On the other hand, internet connections generally don't offer IPv6
without loudly proclaiming it as an advertisable feature, so if your
computer is v6 accessible from the internet, you probably know.

The OP implied living in a network he didn't control completely, 

may have a mix of operating systems, and possibly local malware.


It is the LAN of my employers, I do not know if I can trust the network 
or not: I am the only linux users here ( modulo servers ), but except 
the boss and one administrative person, everyone have programming and/or 
networking knowledge.

Honestly, I do not really mind security for now, I just want to have 
the tools I consider essential for a professional programming activity. 
But if there are things to know about security, I will be very happy to 
learn and use those.

In short: I am a newly employed guy in an enterprise where a lot of 
income is from 1 client ( which is bad enough by itself but: ), with 
versionning system named cp.OLD, no automated testing at all, no 
bugtracking ( oh, yes, there is: some excel files... sigh ) and "send to 
client's servers to test your soft, man" politic.
I can not ( well, I can, but it's stupid and imply a lot of loss of 
time for everyone ) work like that, so I want to install all of those 
tools. I asked for a server to network guys, and finally have one now on 
which I can work. I obviously do not use it when I try to configure all 
this stuff, only to deploy what I achieved to make working on my own 
computer, and that VLan stuff is the last part ( but probably the most 
important one, too ).

With more details:
What I basically want to do, and I do not understand how they ( my 
programmer colleagues ) can happily live without that, is a server for 
source versionning, bug tracking, wikis, etc. This stuff does not need 
any virtual system or network, and is relatively easy to deploy.

But, and it is why I need this virtual and iptables stuff, I would like 
to simulate the production environment of our main client. Would you 
trust me if I say that currently, testing ( beta ) and development ( 
alpha ) versions of softwares are directly sent on production servers? 
It hurt me a lot ( and not only because it is bad and disgusting: it 
also makes everything a lot more complex ), so I want to have a replica 
of that network in our own network. 2 replicas, in fact, one for 
testing, and another for programming, so that automated tests ( which 
are currently lacking, too ) could be made.

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Igor Cicimov
I have some VMs with static IPs, and the one on which I
> try to make the configuration for testing and learning purpose have an
> apache2 server running and up ( I can query on it from my physical computer
> ). It is using 2 network interfaces, a NAT one and a bridge one, but for
> others I would like to remove the NAT one, since I need them to simulate
> the production servers ( which are VMs too, but my company does not control
> the system on which they are running. Otherwise it would have be far
> easier: I would have read how it does to understand things ) which only
> have one interface ( eth0 ).
> Both LANs ( the physical one and the virtual one ) works perfectly, but
> now I would like to allow 2 things:
> _ VMs to access the physical LAN, so that they could access the apt proxy
> I have installed there for installing softwares and updates
> _ physical computers accessing VMs through some ports of my computer. For
> example, redirecting "172.20.14.XX:80" to "". I will do
> that port forwarding for ssh ( port 22 ), http ( port 80 ) and postgresql (
> port 5432 ) connections in a first time.
> Thanks
> --
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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Pascal Hambourg
Hello, a écrit :
> I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible from 
> the LAN.
> So I ask for 2 things:
> _ help on this particular problem
> _ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how exactly 
> iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future

- Oskar Andreasson's iptables tutorial.
- netfilter and iptables articles in Wikipedia.

> For my particular problem.
> I have an eth0 interface, the real one, on ip
> I made a vlan in my /etc/network/interfaces, like this:
> ##
> auto eth0.1
> iface eth0.1 inet static
>   address
>   netmask
>   vlan-raw-device eth0
> ##

What is the purpose of this VLAN ?

> In fact, I used the package vlan and some configuration inside 
> /etc/network/interface of the host to have the host having a virtual 
> second ethernet connexion, on which the VMs are connected.
> In the facts, there are 2 LANs, with the host computer being the 
> router.

A VLAN interface is not a virtual ethernet interface for communicating
with VMs. It is a sub-interface which transmits and receives ethernet
frames with a given IEEE 802.1Q tag. Usually the VM managers such as
virtualbox create their own virtual interface(s) on the host to
communicate with the VMs.

> On that network, I have some VMs with static IPs, and the one on which 
> I try to make the configuration for testing and learning purpose have an 
> apache2 server running and up ( I can query on it from my physical 
> computer ). It is using 2 network interfaces, a NAT one and a bridge 
> one, but for others I would like to remove the NAT one, since I need 
> them to simulate the production servers ( which are VMs too, but my 
> company does not control the system on which they are running. Otherwise 
> it would have be far easier: I would have read how it does to understand 
> things ) which only have one interface ( eth0 ).
> Both LANs ( the physical one and the virtual one ) works perfectly, but 
> now I would like to allow 2 things:
> _ VMs to access the physical LAN, so that they could access the apt 
> proxy I have installed there for installing softwares and updates

- Enable IP forwarding on the host acting as a router.
# sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

- Presumably, you need to masquerade forwarded packets from VMs to the
physical LAN if the physical hosts or their router doesn't have a route
to your virtual LAN.
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

> _ physical computers accessing VMs through some ports of my computer. 
> For example, redirecting "172.20.14.XX:80" to "". I will 
> do that port forwarding for ssh ( port 22 ), http ( port 80 ) and 
> postgresql ( port 5432 ) connections in a first time.

- You need port forwarding only if the physical hosts or their router
doesn't have a route to your virtual LAN.
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -d 172.20.14.XX \
   -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
(and so on for each port)

> And to add to the fun, I remember having discovered after several hours 
> last week that the port forwarding rules I built did not allowed the 
> host computer to access the VM, at least, not when asking on host'IP ( 
> aka 172.20.14.XX ).

- For this you need to do the port forwarding on locally generated packets.
# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d 172.20.14.XX -p tcp --dport 80 \
   -j DNAT --to

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Joe
On Wed, 28 May 2014 21:25:23 +1000
Chris Angelico  wrote:

> On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Joe  wrote:
> > The point here is that all modern hardware is capable of IPv6, and
> > even if you aren't using it, malware writers may be. And by
> > default, a Debian machine is wide open to IPv6, and some of its
> > software is listening to it. Run a netstat to see which.
> On the other hand, internet connections generally don't offer IPv6
> without loudly proclaiming it as an advertisable feature, so if your
> computer is v6 accessible from the internet, you probably know.

The OP implied living in a network he didn't control completely, which
may have a mix of operating systems, and possibly local malware.


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Tony van der Hoff
On 28/05/14 14:29, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
> On Mi, 28 mai 14, 21:39:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> It's off-topic for this list,
> CC: and Reply-To: -offtopic, this time for real :(
> Please disregard the other post
Followup to list just puts it straight back there.

>> but I would be very curious to know how
>> much extra, on average, people would pay in order to get an IPv6
>> netblock. Maybe it really isn't commercially important.
> ISP: You can get a whole network block for just $AMOUNT per $PERIOD
> Customer: I just want my internet to work, why would I need a whole 
> network block?
> ISP: We are switching to this new generation internet which means all 
> customers will receive entire network blocks instead of a single address
> Customer: Then, why do I need to pay extra?

Customer is quite right. IP v6 doesn't cost the ISP more; why should he
charge the customer more? It's just part of the service.

Coincidentally, I had experience of this (lack of) thinking earlier this
week. I was (still am) in the market for a new VPS supplier. On
recommendations (good support, good throughput, etc) I registered with
Heart Internet, a small UK VPS supplier. I went through the rigmarole of
installing wheezy, and got round to configuring it. I couldn't get IP v6
to work. Contacted support, and the first droid didn't seem to know what
IP v6 was all about. After I explained, he told me "we don't support
that, and are never likely to". I then cancelled my registration.
Another, more clueful support droid then contacted me to say "we're
planning it for 2015, and we'll give you 3 months free service if you
stay with us". I pointed out that IP v6 has been mainstream for at least
a decade, why would they expect me to wait another year. I have lots of
"things" connected to the network, and really need that net block.

So, they lost a customer. Apart from the IP v6 issue, they seemed well
set up, so I'm quite disappointed it didn't work out. Meanwhile, I've
wasted a significant amount of time and effort.

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 28 mai 14, 21:39:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
> It's off-topic for this list,

CC: and Reply-To: -offtopic, this time for real :(
Please disregard the other post

> but I would be very curious to know how
> much extra, on average, people would pay in order to get an IPv6
> netblock. Maybe it really isn't commercially important.

ISP: You can get a whole network block for just $AMOUNT per $PERIOD
Customer: I just want my internet to work, why would I need a whole 
network block?
ISP: We are switching to this new generation internet which means all 
customers will receive entire network blocks instead of a single address
Customer: Then, why do I need to pay extra?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 28 mai 14, 21:39:24, Chris Angelico wrote:
> It's off-topic for this list,

CC: and Reply-To: -offtopic

> but I would be very curious to know how
> much extra, on average, people would pay in order to get an IPv6
> netblock. Maybe it really isn't commercially important.

ISP: You can get a whole network block for just $AMOUNT per $PERIOD
Customer: I just want my internet to work, why would I need a whole 
network block?
ISP: We are switching to this new generation internet which means all 
customers will receive entire network blocks instead of a single address
Customer: Then, why do I need to pay extra?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:31 PM, Brad Rogers  wrote:
> On Wed, 28 May 2014 21:25:23 +1000
> Chris Angelico  wrote:
> Hello Chris,
>>still trying to convince his ISPs that IPv6 is worth supporting
> Hard, isn't it?
> Several (many?) ISPs in these parts seem to be doing the equivalent of
> sticking their fingers in their ears and humming loudly, when if
> customers even mention IPv6.
> In the end, I voted with my wallet.

Sadly, the contract is bound up in arrangements covering telephony as
well, so it would be quite expensive to change providers. There's only
one ISP in this area that has IPv6, and it's even owned by our current
ISP, but the parent company is in no rush to deploy v6. They do
acknowledge the importance, yes, but it's not considered commercially
important. (When will it? I don't know. Even when it's all in the
news, like with the IPv4 address exhaustion in Feb 2011, nobody seemed
too concerned.)

It's off-topic for this list, but I would be very curious to know how
much extra, on average, people would pay in order to get an IPv6
netblock. Maybe it really isn't commercially important.


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 28 May 2014 21:25:23 +1000
Chris Angelico  wrote:

Hello Chris,

>still trying to convince his ISPs that IPv6 is worth supporting

Hard, isn't it?

Several (many?) ISPs in these parts seem to be doing the equivalent of
sticking their fingers in their ears and humming loudly, when if
customers even mention IPv6.

In the end, I voted with my wallet.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Tell the dinosaurs they just won't survive
The History Of The World (Part 1) - The Damned

Description: PGP signature

Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Joe  wrote:
> The point here is that all modern hardware is capable of IPv6, and
> even if you aren't using it, malware writers may be. And by default, a
> Debian machine is wide open to IPv6, and some of its software is
> listening to it. Run a netstat to see which.

On the other hand, internet connections generally don't offer IPv6
without loudly proclaiming it as an advertisable feature, so if your
computer is v6 accessible from the internet, you probably know.

still trying to convince his ISPs that IPv6 is worth supporting

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread Joe
On Wed, 28 May 2014 11:36:03 +0200 wrote:

> I do not think I need ipv6 for now. I'll start with the probably
> easier ipv4, and maybe someday I'll experiment with the v6, if I have
> the opportunity to work in a v6 LAN.

The point here is that all modern hardware is capable of IPv6, and
even if you aren't using it, malware writers may be. And by default, a
Debian machine is wide open to IPv6, and some of its software is
listening to it. Run a netstat to see which.


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-28 Thread berenger . morel

Le 28.05.2014 00:13, Joe a écrit :

On Tue, 27 May 2014 18:24:41 +0200 wrote:

Hello list.

I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible
from the LAN.
I have done a lot of searches on the web and it worked last week, 
since then, I have restarted my computer and had the nice surprise 

learn that the iptables command does not save it's configuration.
I tried to retrieve my configuration, but am failing ( I tried to
understand what I did with the history command, but sadly I am 

working with tons of terminals and so, I suspect that it is not the
correct history... ), and same to find anew the articles which
actually make things working.

I had some network knowledge in the past, but never really practiced
it, so I have lost almost everything. I already have used some
firewalls, but those were some Windows ones ( I was not a linux user
at that time ) and so I have never played  with iptables.

So I ask for 2 things:
_ help on this particular problem
_ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how
exactly iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future

Google will provide you with many thousands. The usual question 
as to which of them are up to date, there have been a few small 

in iptables, and some may rely on the sysv init system, which is fast

Yes, and this is exactly the problem, I have spent a lot of time on 
search engines, which allowed me to have port forwarding working from 
172.20.14.XX:80 to
Problem is, rules vanished since then, and my memory about the exact 
configuration or search keywords too.
And to add to the fun, I remember having discovered after several hours 
last week that the port forwarding rules I built did not allowed the 
host computer to access the VM, at least, not when asking on host'IP ( 
aka 172.20.14.XX ).

So, maybe it did worked before I discovered that particular point.

Debian also has the package
iptables-persistent, which does just this.

Thanks for the hints, they will be useful.

For my particular problem.

Sorry about this, routing to VMs can offer unexpected challenges, and 

haven't used any with any routing complexity for a few years, so I
can't help much. The only VM I currently use does NAT.

As I recall, broadly, to avoid NAT, the VM must use a bridging 

connection (virtualbox does either easily) and the VMs must therefore
have IP addresses compatible with the TCP/IP settings of the real 
in other words they must be set up as if they are real machines on 
same network as the host. I vaguely recall setting up the real NIC as 
br0 interface rather than eth0, plus a bit more tweaking. I think. It 
some time since I did this, and there is no remaining evidence. 

disclaimers as required]. It is also possible that the virtualbox
system does more to help now.

In fact, I used the package vlan and some configuration inside 
/etc/network/interface of the host to have the host having a virtual 
second ethernet connexion, on which the VMs are connected.
In the facts, there are 2 LANs, with the host computer being the 

Oh, yes, if IPv6 is allowed into your network, there is also an
ip6tables, which is completely independent of the v4 system, and by
default allows anything anywhere. I currently have no use for v6, so
I've just added drop policies to my main ruleset, and that seems to


I do not think I need ipv6 for now. I'll start with the probably easier 
ipv4, and maybe someday I'll experiment with the v6, if I have the 
opportunity to work in a v6 LAN.

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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-27 Thread Chris Angelico
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 8:13 AM, Joe  wrote:
> This package is relatively recent, and when I needed to address this
> problem, I had just built a Linux-From-Scratch system, so I took their
> init script skeleton and made a pseudo-daemon, entering a set of
> iptables commands at boot. This is an alternative approach, and may be
> more flexible, but requires work. It allows the use of alternative
> iptables rulesets, written as shell scripts, and therefore allows
> offline editing of the scripts and on-the-fly selection of them.

This is more-or-less the approach I use, too. I have a script that
runs a bunch of iptables commands, setting up the rules the way I want
them. Advantage of that over iptables-save is that I can annotate the
script with comments (eg if an IP block is banned, I can say what the
block represents, why it's banned, and importantly, *when* it was
banned, so I know to review it). Also may be convenient is scripting
ip{,6}tables to use a lot of the same rules; again, it's easy enough
when you have your source code as a bash/Python/Pike/etc script rather
than just a series of commands. Plays nicely with source control, too.


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Re: iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-27 Thread Joe
On Tue, 27 May 2014 18:24:41 +0200 wrote:

> Hello list.
> I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible
> from the LAN.
> I have done a lot of searches on the web and it worked last week, but 
> since then, I have restarted my computer and had the nice surprise to 
> learn that the iptables command does not save it's configuration.
> I tried to retrieve my configuration, but am failing ( I tried to 
> understand what I did with the history command, but sadly I am always 
> working with tons of terminals and so, I suspect that it is not the 
> correct history... ), and same to find anew the articles which
> actually make things working.
> I had some network knowledge in the past, but never really practiced 
> it, so I have lost almost everything. I already have used some 
> firewalls, but those were some Windows ones ( I was not a linux user
> at that time ) and so I have never played  with iptables.
> So I ask for 2 things:
> _ help on this particular problem
> _ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how
> exactly iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future
Google will provide you with many thousands. The usual question arises
as to which of them are up to date, there have been a few small changes
in iptables, and some may rely on the sysv init system, which is fast

As to the particular point you raise here, 'iptables' is a system
command which adds (or subtracts or edits) one rule to the kernel
firewall ruleset. A set of rules created with this command is not
persistent, as you have found. There is a built-in iptables utility,
iptables-save, which will save the current ruleset, and a restore
command which can be run on boot. Debian also has the package
iptables-persistent, which does just this.

This package is relatively recent, and when I needed to address this
problem, I had just built a Linux-From-Scratch system, so I took their
init script skeleton and made a pseudo-daemon, entering a set of
iptables commands at boot. This is an alternative approach, and may be
more flexible, but requires work. It allows the use of alternative
iptables rulesets, written as shell scripts, and therefore allows
offline editing of the scripts and on-the-fly selection of them. On my
mobile systems, I have two rulesets depending on whether I am in a
(fairly) trusted network or a dodgy one, when I use a VPN to my home
network and a more restrictive local firewall.

There are also programs which will 'help' in setting up an iptables
firewall, such as firestarter, but having started out by making my own
iptables scripts, I found these programs too limited, and I think as
you are doing non-standard things, you might also. I've got used to
using iptables logging as a quicker and simpler way of solving (some)
networking problems than a packet analyser, and to do this requires
complete control over the ordering and construction of rules.

> For my particular problem.
Sorry about this, routing to VMs can offer unexpected challenges, and I
haven't used any with any routing complexity for a few years, so I
can't help much. The only VM I currently use does NAT.

As I recall, broadly, to avoid NAT, the VM must use a bridging network
connection (virtualbox does either easily) and the VMs must therefore
have IP addresses compatible with the TCP/IP settings of the real NIC,
in other words they must be set up as if they are real machines on the
same network as the host. I vaguely recall setting up the real NIC as a
br0 interface rather than eth0, plus a bit more tweaking. I think. It is
some time since I did this, and there is no remaining evidence. [Further
disclaimers as required]. It is also possible that the virtualbox
system does more to help now.

Oh, yes, if IPv6 is allowed into your network, there is also an
ip6tables, which is completely independent of the v4 system, and by
default allows anything anywhere. I currently have no use for v6, so
I've just added drop policies to my main ruleset, and that seems to


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iptables, virtualbox and port forwarding

2014-05-27 Thread berenger . morel

Hello list.

I am trying to build a virtual network exposing servers accessible from 
the LAN.
I have done a lot of searches on the web and it worked last week, but 
since then, I have restarted my computer and had the nice surprise to 
learn that the iptables command does not save it's configuration.
I tried to retrieve my configuration, but am failing ( I tried to 
understand what I did with the history command, but sadly I am always 
working with tons of terminals and so, I suspect that it is not the 
correct history... ), and same to find anew the articles which actually 
make things working.

I had some network knowledge in the past, but never really practiced 
it, so I have lost almost everything. I already have used some 
firewalls, but those were some Windows ones ( I was not a linux user at 
that time ) and so I have never played  with iptables.

So I ask for 2 things:
_ help on this particular problem
_ if someone knows about resources to learn and understand how exactly 
iptables work, this would help me a lot in the future

For my particular problem.

I have an eth0 interface, the real one, on ip
I made a vlan in my /etc/network/interfaces, like this:
auto eth0.1
iface eth0.1 inet static
vlan-raw-device eth0

On that network, I have some VMs with static IPs, and the one on which 
I try to make the configuration for testing and learning purpose have an 
apache2 server running and up ( I can query on it from my physical 
computer ). It is using 2 network interfaces, a NAT one and a bridge 
one, but for others I would like to remove the NAT one, since I need 
them to simulate the production servers ( which are VMs too, but my 
company does not control the system on which they are running. Otherwise 
it would have be far easier: I would have read how it does to understand 
things ) which only have one interface ( eth0 ).

Both LANs ( the physical one and the virtual one ) works perfectly, but 
now I would like to allow 2 things:
_ VMs to access the physical LAN, so that they could access the apt 
proxy I have installed there for installing softwares and updates
_ physical computers accessing VMs through some ports of my computer. 
For example, redirecting "172.20.14.XX:80" to "". I will 
do that port forwarding for ssh ( port 22 ), http ( port 80 ) and 
postgresql ( port 5432 ) connections in a first time.


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RE: More on port forwarding(ssh, netcat and amule!)

2012-10-11 Thread Pietro Paolini

A port number identifies a process running in your machine, then is implicit 
that a process must be running and listening on that port. When your netcat  
try to connect it will probably receives an ICMP packet advertising the 
"Connection Refused" or an TCP segment with the flags RST set on.

Hope this can help you.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf Of houkensjtu
Sent: giovedì 11 ottobre 2012 10:53
Subject: More on port forwarding(ssh, netcat and amule!)

Hi debianer!

I post a question about port forwarding yesterday and got quick reply, big 
Now I still have sth. not clear and it can be described as:

I have a laptop in my home, which is connected to my router. Yesterday, I 
succeeded in open a ssh port(22) on router, and start ssh server on my laptop. 
Now I can access my laptop from office by ssh USER@my_home_external_ip.

Also, scan port by using netcat from office:
nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
gives me:
Connection to my_home_external_ip port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!

Today, I tried to open another port on my router, let me call it 1234. And I 
set amule on my laptop to use port 1234 for both tcp and udp. Fortunatelly, I 
got a High ID as expected.

And then I got confused.
I tried to scan port 1234 from my office:
nc -vz my_home_external_ip 1234
it says:
nc: connect to my_home_external_ip port 1234 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

However, after I remote access my laptop, launch amule on it, netcat now can:
Connection to my_home_external_ip 1234 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

It seems that, not only on the router, but also I should open a specific port 
on my laptop, otherwise netcat will not be able to connect from outside my home.

I wonder why this happens and what is the mechanism behind it.
Is it possible to open a port in debian, without launch certain software so I 
can netcat from outside to my home laptop?


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Re: More on port forwarding(ssh, netcat and amule!)

2012-10-11 Thread Tom Grace
On 11/10/12 09:53, houkensjtu wrote:
> It seems that, not only on the router, but also I should open a specific port 
> on my laptop, otherwise netcat will not be able to connect from outside my 
> home.
> I wonder why this happens and what is the mechanism behind it.
> Is it possible to open a port in debian, without launch certain software so I 
> can netcat from outside to my home laptop?

You can have the port open in firewall terms, but if you don't have any
software listening on it you will receive "connection refused".

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More on port forwarding(ssh, netcat and amule!)

2012-10-11 Thread houkensjtu
Hi debianer!

I post a question about port forwarding yesterday and got quick reply, big 
Now I still have sth. not clear and it can be described as:

I have a laptop in my home, which is connected to my router. Yesterday, I 
succeeded in open a ssh port(22) on router, and start ssh server on my laptop. 
Now I can access my laptop from office by ssh USER@my_home_external_ip.

Also, scan port by using netcat from office:
nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
gives me:
Connection to my_home_external_ip port [tcp/ssh] succeeded!

Today, I tried to open another port on my router, let me call it 1234. And I 
set amule on my laptop to use port 1234 for both tcp and udp. Fortunatelly, I 
got a High ID as expected.

And then I got confused.
I tried to scan port 1234 from my office:
nc -vz my_home_external_ip 1234
it says:
nc: connect to my_home_external_ip port 1234 (tcp) failed: Connection refused

However, after I remote access my laptop, launch amule on it, netcat now can:
Connection to my_home_external_ip 1234 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

It seems that, not only on the router, but also I should open a specific port 
on my laptop, otherwise netcat will not be able to connect from outside my home.

I wonder why this happens and what is the mechanism behind it.
Is it possible to open a port in debian, without launch certain software so I 
can netcat from outside to my home laptop?


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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread Valery Mamonov
2012/10/11 houkensjtu 

> Thanks Joe, Brian, Murphy
> As I post above, I forgot to say all these experiments were done in my
> home on my laptop...
> Now I am in my office and re-do all this experiment.
> To be short, now all experiment which is done with ip address works well,
> while if I do ssh USER@DEBIAN, it will say:
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname debian: Name or service not known
> I am wondering, who(or what device,server) will resolve the hostname? Is
> it possible to resolve my laptop's name from my office??
> 2012年10月11日木曜日 1時00分03秒 UTC+9 houkensjtu:
> > Hi debianer!
> >
> > I am a newbie both of debian and networking...
> >
> > Recently I am trying to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my
> home) from office. I read several articles on port forwarding. And I
> succeeded in opening an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh server on
> my home laptop.
> >
> >
> >
> > (suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)
> >
> >
> >
> > I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.
> >
> >
> >
> > 1. ssh USER@DEBIAN
> >
> >
> >
> > works well!!
> >
> >
> >
> > 2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
> >
> > [my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused
> >
> >
> >
> > I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in test 1!
> >
> >
> >
> > 3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
> >
> > ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
> >
> > This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1, but
> things just dont work.
> >
> >
> >
> > Any one can explain this?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
> >
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> >
> > Archive:
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
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> Archive:
Hello. You can use such services as or to create a DNS
A-record for your home external IP-address. This DNS record will be
resolved everywhere.
Also you can modify the 'hosts' file on your work computer (/etc/hosts in
Linux and c:\windows]system32\drivers\etc\hosts in windows) and put the
name of your home computer there. With second approach you'll be able to
resolve the name on your work computer only.


Best regards,

Valery Mamonov.

Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread houkensjtu
Thanks Joe, Brian, Murphy

As I post above, I forgot to say all these experiments were done in my home on 
my laptop...
Now I am in my office and re-do all this experiment.
To be short, now all experiment which is done with ip address works well, while 
if I do ssh USER@DEBIAN, it will say:

ssh: Could not resolve hostname debian: Name or service not known

I am wondering, who(or what device,server) will resolve the hostname? Is it 
possible to resolve my laptop's name from my office?? 

2012年10月11日木曜日 1時00分03秒 UTC+9 houkensjtu:
> Hi debianer!
> I am a newbie both of debian and networking...
> Recently I am trying to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my home) 
> from office. I read several articles on port forwarding. And I succeeded in 
> opening an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh server on my home laptop.
> (suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)
> I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.
> 1. ssh USER@DEBIAN
> works well!!
> 2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
> [my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused
> I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in test 1!
> 3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
> ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
> This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1, but 
> things just dont work.
> Any one can explain this?
> -- 
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> Archive: 

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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread Neal Murphy
On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 08:19:25 PM houkensjtu wrote:
> Thanks for great reply!!
> I have to apologize for sth... I forgot to say that all these experiments
> were done in home on my laptop...omg So, now I solved the problem with
> echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> What is this file? Is there any other way to check or configure my laptop
> with out writing directly to this file?

That is exactly how you tell linux to forward traffic between NICs.

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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread houkensjtu
Brian於 2012年10月11日星期四UTC+9上午8時00分04秒寫道:
> On Wed 10 Oct 2012 at 08:35:13 -0700, houkensjtu wrote:
> > I am a newbie both of debian and networking...  Recently I am trying
> > to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my home) from office. I
> > read several articles on port forwarding. And I succeeded in opening
> > an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh server on my home laptop.
> > 
> > (suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)
> > 
> > I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.
> > 
> > 1. ssh USER@DEBIAN
> > 
> > works well!!
> We assume this means you were able to log in with your password, so it
> very much looks like you have set up port forwarding to the home machine
> correctly. Would you please say how your office machine resolves the IP
> number for DEBIAN.
> > 
> > 2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
> > [my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused
> > 
> > I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in test
> > 1!
> What do get with
>ssh USER@my_home_external_ip ?
> > 3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
> > ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
> > This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1,
> > but things just dont work.
> 'Connection refused' would indicate there is a route to the host but
> there is no daemon running on port 22.
> -- 
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> Archive:

Thanks for great reply!!
I have to apologize for sth... I forgot to say that all these experiments were 
done in home on my laptop...omg
So, now I solved the problem with
echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

What is this file? Is there any other way to check or configure my laptop with 
out writing directly to this file?

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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread houkensjtu
Hi Joe!
Thank you for detailed reply!
Actually I found a switch which solved my problem and now all my experiments 
works perfectly. The command is:

echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

but...What is it?! Is there any other way to check and configure my laptop's 
status without writing directly to this file?
...well I know, linux is all about file...

Joe於 2012年10月11日星期四UTC+9上午3時50分02秒寫道:
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 08:35:13 -0700 (PDT)
> houkensjtu  wrote:
> > Hi debianer!
> > I am a newbie both of debian and networking...
> > Recently I am trying to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my
> > home) from office. I read several articles on port forwarding. And I
> > succeeded in opening an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh
> > server on my home laptop.
> > 
> > (suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)
> > 
> > I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.
> > 
> > 1. ssh USER@DEBIAN
> > 
> > works well!!
> > 
> > 2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
> > [my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused
> > 
> > I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in
> > test 1!
> > 
> > 3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
> > ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
> > This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1,
> > but things just dont work.
> > 
> > Any one can explain this?
> > 
> > 
> Not yet. Many commercial networks operate firewalls affecting the
> connections leaving the network so as yet you don't know which end of
> the connection has an issue.
> Divide the problem into two parts: the simplest way to check port
> forwarding is to use an external website from home, that way you can
> change things without travelling from your office, and you know the
> other end will have no firewall problems.
> A simple and slightly alarming but fairly reliable site is
> Click on Shields Up!!, scroll down over halfway and
> click the heading Shields Up!, then Proceed, and Continue, then Common
> Ports (you can enter 22 manually, but the Common Ports is a quick test
> and just one click is needed).
> You're looking for 22 shown as Open, and probably all others as
> Stealth. Ignore all the dire warnings, this is a site for Windows users
> and they need to be scared.
> If 22 is not shown as Open, then you either haven't got the forwarding
> right, or sshd isn't running as you expect. If the router looks right,
> from your laptop try ssh . This isn't the same as
> ssh localhost, as the ssh server treats different interfaces separately.
> If all is well at this end, but there is still a problem from your
> office, then you need to ask about outgoing firewalling there.
> However you resolve the initial problem, the ssh server is very heavily
> targeted by the bad guys, using password checking bots. A quick and
> dirty security measure is to forward a non-standard high numbered
> external TCP port to :22 (nearly all routers should be able to
> do that) or to forward it to the same port of the laptop, and
> reconfigure the ssh server to listen on that port (the Port xxx line(s)
> in /etc/sshd_config). Remember to restart the ssh server if you need to
> do this.
> Six people will now leap in and say that's not going to improve
> security, all the bad guys have to do is run a portscan to find your
> server. However, scanning 65,000 ports of the same IP address across
> the Internet is no small undertaking, and will certainly attract
> attention, and I've never yet seen a bot attempt it. I don't get *any*
> connection attempts to my ssh port, while 22 gets 10-100 a day.
> The long-term solution is to disable passwords and use public-private
> key pairs for authentication, which is not really difficult, but is
> not for a complete beginner, and can certainly not be tried until you
> have the system working reliably on passwords. A quick Google for ssh
> public key tutorial turns up a vast number of sites to help with this.
> If you need to work from Windows, by the way, the puTTY progra

Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread Brian
On Wed 10 Oct 2012 at 19:44:27 +0100, Joe wrote:

[Some good advice snipped]

> However you resolve the initial problem, the ssh server is very heavily
> targeted by the bad guys, using password checking bots. A quick and
> dirty security measure is to forward a non-standard high numbered
> external TCP port to :22 (nearly all routers should be able to
> do that) or to forward it to the same port of the laptop, and
> reconfigure the ssh server to listen on that port (the Port xxx line(s)
> in /etc/sshd_config). Remember to restart the ssh server if you need to
> do this.
> Six people will now leap in and say that's not going to improve
> security, all the bad guys have to do is run a portscan to find your
> server. However, scanning 65,000 ports of the same IP address across
> the Internet is no small undertaking, and will certainly attract
> attention, and I've never yet seen a bot attempt it. I don't get *any*
> connection attempts to my ssh port, while 22 gets 10-100 a day.

What you say about putting sshd of a port other than 22 is undoubtfully
correct. It gives peace of mind, a sense of combating the baddies, less
cruft in the logs and a reason to proselytise. What it doesn't give is a
more secure sshd. Not a single iota of security is gained with the
technique you advocate.

Five to go.
> The long-term solution is to disable passwords and use public-private
> key pairs for authentication, which is not really difficult, but is
> not for a complete beginner, and can certainly not be tried until you
> have the system working reliably on passwords. A quick Google for ssh
> public key tutorial turns up a vast number of sites to help with this.

If there was a security problem key-based authentification might provide
a solution. There isn't, so it doesn't.

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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread Brian
On Wed 10 Oct 2012 at 08:35:13 -0700, houkensjtu wrote:

> I am a newbie both of debian and networking...  Recently I am trying
> to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my home) from office. I
> read several articles on port forwarding. And I succeeded in opening
> an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh server on my home laptop.
> (suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)
> I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.
> 1. ssh USER@DEBIAN
> works well!!

We assume this means you were able to log in with your password, so it
very much looks like you have set up port forwarding to the home machine
correctly. Would you please say how your office machine resolves the IP
number for DEBIAN.
> 2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
> [my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused
> I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in test
> 1!

What do get with

   ssh USER@my_home_external_ip ?

> 3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
> ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
> This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1,
> but things just dont work.

'Connection refused' would indicate there is a route to the host but
there is no daemon running on port 22.

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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread Joe
On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 08:35:13 -0700 (PDT)
houkensjtu  wrote:

> Hi debianer!
> I am a newbie both of debian and networking...
> Recently I am trying to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my
> home) from office. I read several articles on port forwarding. And I
> succeeded in opening an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh
> server on my home laptop.
> (suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)
> I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.
> 1. ssh USER@DEBIAN
> works well!!
> 2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
> [my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused
> I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in
> test 1!
> 3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
> ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
> This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1,
> but things just dont work.
> Any one can explain this?

Not yet. Many commercial networks operate firewalls affecting the
connections leaving the network so as yet you don't know which end of
the connection has an issue.

Divide the problem into two parts: the simplest way to check port
forwarding is to use an external website from home, that way you can
change things without travelling from your office, and you know the
other end will have no firewall problems.

A simple and slightly alarming but fairly reliable site is Click on Shields Up!!, scroll down over halfway and
click the heading Shields Up!, then Proceed, and Continue, then Common
Ports (you can enter 22 manually, but the Common Ports is a quick test
and just one click is needed).

You're looking for 22 shown as Open, and probably all others as
Stealth. Ignore all the dire warnings, this is a site for Windows users
and they need to be scared.

If 22 is not shown as Open, then you either haven't got the forwarding
right, or sshd isn't running as you expect. If the router looks right,
from your laptop try ssh . This isn't the same as
ssh localhost, as the ssh server treats different interfaces separately.

If all is well at this end, but there is still a problem from your
office, then you need to ask about outgoing firewalling there.

However you resolve the initial problem, the ssh server is very heavily
targeted by the bad guys, using password checking bots. A quick and
dirty security measure is to forward a non-standard high numbered
external TCP port to :22 (nearly all routers should be able to
do that) or to forward it to the same port of the laptop, and
reconfigure the ssh server to listen on that port (the Port xxx line(s)
in /etc/sshd_config). Remember to restart the ssh server if you need to
do this.

Six people will now leap in and say that's not going to improve
security, all the bad guys have to do is run a portscan to find your
server. However, scanning 65,000 ports of the same IP address across
the Internet is no small undertaking, and will certainly attract
attention, and I've never yet seen a bot attempt it. I don't get *any*
connection attempts to my ssh port, while 22 gets 10-100 a day.

The long-term solution is to disable passwords and use public-private
key pairs for authentication, which is not really difficult, but is
not for a complete beginner, and can certainly not be tried until you
have the system working reliably on passwords. A quick Google for ssh
public key tutorial turns up a vast number of sites to help with this.

If you need to work from Windows, by the way, the puTTY program is
pretty much the industry standard. There is also a Portable Apps
version of it, which does not write anything to the Windows machine.


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Re: newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread Nuno Magalhães

A bit of searching the net on port-forwarding oughta give you the answer.
You probably forgot to forward port 22 on the router to whichever ip
adress your DEBIAN has.
Search around for stuff on your router/ISP combo as they're almost
always blocked in one way or another.

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newbie question on port forwarding(and ssh, netcat)

2012-10-10 Thread houkensjtu
Hi debianer!
I am a newbie both of debian and networking...
Recently I am trying to connect my home laptop(I have a router in my home) from 
office. I read several articles on port forwarding. And I succeeded in opening 
an 22 port on my router, also I started ssh server on my home laptop.

(suppose my username at home is USER, and my laptop is called DEBIAN)

I did several experiment and I got confusing in some of its result.


works well!!

2. nc -vz my_home_external_ip 22
[my_home_external_ip] 22 (ssh) : Connection refused

I cant understand why is it. Because I have actually succeeded in test 1!

3. ssh -l USER my_home_external_ip
ssh: connect to host my_home_external_ip port 22: Connection refused
This also doesnt work! I thought it should be equivalent to test 1, but things 
just dont work.

Any one can explain this?

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vpn ipsec + port forwarding

2012-03-28 Thread lestoilfante
Dear all,
I would like to ask if someone could point me out to a solution for
problem that is fooling me from some days.
This is my situation:

| LAN   |
| --- VPN GW  |
| WAN  |
|   ETH1|
| --- SERVER ---   |
|   ETH0 + TAP0|
| ** |
| --- PC ---   |

On SERVER side I have a port forwarding on tcp 80 to, so from
eth1 I can reach PC on and this is working fine.
As a new upgrade to my server I added a vpn connection from SERVER to
NET behind VPN GW, this also is working fine and host on net can reach SERVER on and vice versa. The
problem is that port forwarding is not working on vpn, so if I try to
reach PC from 192.168.1.x to it fail.

The vpn client used on SERVER is ShrewSoft, he bring up tap0 interface
when vpn is established, anyway tcpdump show packet flowing only on
eth1 (type ESP).

This is my iptables, really stripped down:

# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.8 on Wed Mar 28 15:17:11 2012
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [2107490:2462265619]
:INPUT ACCEPT [2006646:2354121292]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [100696:108135052]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [1234102:150431085]
:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [1334795:258565885]
# Completed on Wed Mar 28 15:17:11 2012
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.8 on Wed Mar 28 15:17:11 2012
:PREROUTING ACCEPT [8148:633084]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [759:47902]
-A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
# Completed on Wed Mar 28 15:17:11 2012
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.8 on Wed Mar 28 15:17:11 2012
:INPUT ACCEPT [2006634:2354120173]
:FORWARD ACCEPT [100696:108135052]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [1234099:150430833]
# Completed on Wed Mar 28 15:17:11 2012

Any help will be very appreciated

Thank you

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Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Dotan Cohen a écrit :
> Assuming a LAN with a router and three machines:
> Router
> Computer1
> Computer2
> Computer3
> The router sits on an outside IP address of There is no
> DMZ or port forwarding assigned on the router to any of the other
> machines.
> Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
> resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
> knows Computer1's LAN IP address?

Yes, if the individual sits just outside the router (no other router
between them) and the router allows communication between computer1 and
the outside.

> Would this this be possible if he
> had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
> configuring the router)?

Yes, if the router allows communication between computer1 and the outside.

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Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread David Goodenough
On Sunday 03 April 2011, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Not a Debian-specific question, but I turn to the best brains that I know.
> Assuming a LAN with a router and three machines:
> Router
> Computer1
> Computer2
> Computer3
> The router sits on an outside IP address of There is no
> DMZ or port forwarding assigned on the router to any of the other
> machines.
> Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
> resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
> knows Computer1's LAN IP address? Would this this be possible if he
> had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
> configuring the router)?
If they could install vtun or openvpn (or another tunnel system) then
yes they they would have complete access to all three computers without
changing anything on the router.

> Thanks.

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Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread shawn wilson
On Apr 3, 2011 8:25 AM, "Dotan Cohen"  wrote:
> Not a Debian-specific question, but I turn to the best brains that I know.
> Assuming a LAN with a router and three machines:
> Router
> Computer1
> Computer2
> Computer3
> The router sits on an outside IP address of There is no
> DMZ or port forwarding assigned on the router to any of the other
> machines.
> Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
> resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
> knows Computer1's LAN IP address? Would this this be possible if he
> had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
> configuring the router)?

Short answer: no
Longer answer:
You might look into a 'reverse tunnel' which means you'd have to initiate
the tunnel and then they could get in. I mean, you could setup something to
trigger initiating that tunnel - email with ip, Twitter, etc. The other bad
part is this is like shitty con config that don't work through nats. Which
means this probably isn't an option (directly). If you have access to a
public server, this still works.
You could also look into piloting around the connection. You'll have to read
up for more info but IIRC, its pretty much increasing the ttl, setting the
ip and a few other bits and hoping it gets through. This would be more for
initiating a connection and is still likely to fail if both nodes are behind

Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread Axel Freyn
Hi Dotan,
On Sun, Apr 03, 2011 at 03:25:29PM +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Not a Debian-specific question, but I turn to the best brains that I know.
> Assuming a LAN with a router and three machines:
> Router
> Computer1
> Computer2
> Computer3
> The router sits on an outside IP address of There is no
> DMZ or port forwarding assigned on the router to any of the other
> machines.
> Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
> resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
> knows Computer1's LAN IP address? Would this this be possible if he
> had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
> configuring the router)?
Not really. No matter what the individual does: it can only contact the
router on If the router then throws away the traffic,
you're finished.

However, there are some tricks -- depending on the way how the router is
exactly configured: Assuming the router allows computer1 to communicate
to the internet (e.g: computer1 can send data in the internet, and the
router forwards the answer back to computer1), than it is possible: You
have to "cheat" the router such that the router believes "computer1
wants to connect to the outsider" inѕtead of "outsider wants to connect
to computer1".

A first example for this concept are protocols like active ftp: There,
the CLIENT opens a first connection (the control connection), but the
SERVER opens the data-connection: In order to forward active ftp via an
router, the router has to listen & understand the first connection, such
that it knows to which client the data-connection has to be forwarded.
(e.g. the linux iptables-firewall has a special module to support active

A full implementation of such a "cheating" is done by Skype. in your
 - computer1 asks an external server, whether someone wants to connect
   to it.
 - the individual informs the external server. the external server can
   send this information to computer1, as the connection
   "computer1<->external server" was opened by computer1 ==> router
   allows it.
 - computer1 sends a packet to the individual. This packet does not
   contain any usefull data -- but is detected by the router as "computer1
   speaks with individual". In addition, the networking details of the
   packet (ip-adress, port,...) are sent to the external server, which
   forwards them to the individual.
 - now, the individual can ANSWER to this packet -- and from the point
   of view of the router this is a connection opened by computer1 (and
   NOT a connection opened by the individual) ==> probably allowed.

So in fact, when you do something in this lines, the router will not see
"individual from outside wants to connect to computer1" -- but:
"computer1 wants to connect to outside". Of course, the remaining
question is: does the router allow this connection?
And you need an external server to initiate the connection: somehow, the
individual has to learn the networking details of the initial packet...
The "external server" could be e.g. a mail server, which computer1
regularly checks for new mails...


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Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread Dotan Cohen
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 15:35, Steven  wrote:
> To my knowledge, no, there is not. Only if the traffic is part of an
> existing connection created by one of the machines inside your LAN.

Thanks, that is what I suspected.

> If he wants access to computer 1, your router would need to be
> compromised (or computer 1 using some kind of malware, then computer 1
> could initiate the traffic itself. The malware could be hosted on an
> external website you need to visit).

It doesn't need to be malware, that would fall under the idea of
configuring Computer1. But it would still require Computer1 to
initiate the connection.

My current solution is to have Computer1 cron to check an outside URL
to see if a connection request is pending, and from where.

Dotan Cohen

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Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread Steven
On Sun, 2011-04-03 at 15:25 +0300, Dotan Cohen wrote: 
> Not a Debian-specific question, but I turn to the best brains that I know.
> Assuming a LAN with a router and three machines:
> Router
> Computer1
> Computer2
> Computer3
> The router sits on an outside IP address of There is no
> DMZ or port forwarding assigned on the router to any of the other
> machines.
> Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
> resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
> knows Computer1's LAN IP address? Would this this be possible if he
> had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
> configuring the router)?
> Thanks.

To my knowledge, no, there is not. Only if the traffic is part of an
existing connection created by one of the machines inside your LAN.

If he wants access to computer 1, your router would need to be
compromised (or computer 1 using some kind of malware, then computer 1
could initiate the traffic itself. The malware could be hosted on an
external website you need to visit).

Kind regards,

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Re: Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread Nuno Magalhães
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 13:25, Dotan Cohen  wrote:
> Not a Debian-specific question, but I turn to the best brains that I know.
Then OT it.

> Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
> resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
> knows Computer1's LAN IP address? Would this this be possible if he
> had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
> configuring the router)?

Without any sort of config, the only apache you could access would be
the router's. There has to be some sort of router config.

STUN is used for this, but i think it just provides an internal client
with the external IP address, for messaging behind firewalls and what
not. Maybe it's tweakable? If your internal client initiates a
connection, maybe you can start from there.


Mars 2 Stay!

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Addressing a machine behind the router without port forwarding or DMZ

2011-04-03 Thread Dotan Cohen
Not a Debian-specific question, but I turn to the best brains that I know.

Assuming a LAN with a router and three machines: Router Computer1 Computer2 Computer3

The router sits on an outside IP address of There is no
DMZ or port forwarding assigned on the router to any of the other

Is there any way an individual from outside the LAN could access a
resource (Apache for instance, or SSH) on Computer1 assuming that he
knows Computer1's LAN IP address? Would this this be possible if he
had access to Computer1 and could configure it somehow (without
configuring the router)?


Dotan Cohen

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2010-09-13 Thread green
Zhang Weiwu wrote at 2010-09-13 02:23 -0500:
> Thank you! Now that I tried it, te apf-client package proved very useful
> in my case. I followed your advice almost a year later because I was too
> busy with daily business and kept your email as "marked for personal
> todo" for a year or so.

Excellent!  Now we can await global ipv6 as a better solution.

Description: Digital signature

Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2010-09-13 Thread Zhang Weiwu

On 2009年11月12日 07:53, green wrote:
> Zhang Weiwu wrote at 2009-11-10 20:36 -0600:
>> Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
>> masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
>> local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
>> remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:
>> On remote office server, in a screen session I run
>> $ ssh -R   local_server
>> On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.
>> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
>> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
>> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
>> remote server ssh -R, but should I?
> You might want to check out apf-server and apf-client packages.  I use these 
> to 
> provide access between masqueraded systems using an intermediary system.  
> Server runs on the intermediary and client on the system to be connected to.  
> System connected _from_ connects to client through a port on the server.
Thank you! Now that I tried it, te apf-client package proved very useful
in my case. I followed your advice almost a year later because I was too
busy with daily business and kept your email as "marked for personal
todo" for a year or so.

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-11 Thread green
Zhang Weiwu wrote at 2009-11-10 20:36 -0600:
> Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
> masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
> local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
> remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:
> On remote office server, in a screen session I run
> $ ssh -R   local_server
> On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.
> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
> remote server ssh -R, but should I?

You might want to check out apf-server and apf-client packages.  I use these to 
provide access between masqueraded systems using an intermediary system.  
Server runs on the intermediary and client on the system to be connected to.  
System connected _from_ connects to client through a port on the server.

Description: Digital signature

Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-11 Thread Todd A. Jacobs
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:36:20AM +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:

> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me
> to do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
> remote server ssh -R, but should I?

You don't have to grant the remote server shell access if you don't want
to. You can use the port-forward feature of ssh to just create ports
without a shell with the -fN flag.

Also, the -R and -L flags look the same, but define which end the
traffic originates from. So, it's hard to say if you're using -R
correctly, or if you should be using -L instead.

This is untested, but should work to tunnel SMTP from localserver to
remoteserver when the connection is opened from the remoteserver side:

remoteserver$ ssh -fN -R25:localhost:25 localserver

to make it work securely, though, you need to do a few more things.

1. Add the "no-pty" option to your authorized_keys file so that no
   shell is allowed for that key.

2. See whether you can limit the forwarded ports with "permitopen"
   in authorized_keys. This may or may not work with -R; the man
   page says it's for -L only.

3. Consider creating a non-root user for ports that don't require
   binding to privileged ports. For example, you could tunnel git on
   port 9418 as some other user rather than root.

If you want a real SSH-based VPN, and are willing to pay the encryption
overhead, you can investigate SSH + TUN forwardings. See these articles
as a starting point:

Hope that helps.

"Oh, look: rocks!"
-- Doctor Who, "Destiny of the Daleks"

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-11 Thread Mr. Wang Long
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:36, Zhang Weiwu  wrote:
> Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
> masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
> local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
> remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:
> On remote office server, in a screen session I run
> $ ssh -R   local_server
You may want to run ``$ ssh -N -R  _local_server'' instead.
Please refer to the manpage for further details.

> On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.
> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
> remote server ssh -R, but should I?

Wang Long

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-10 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Alex Samad wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:36:20AM +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
>> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
>> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
>> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
>> remote server ssh -R, but should I?
> have you thought about openvpn and iptables?
I am a clueless guy in regarding to both. Would be better if you are
more specific which feature of the two software are useful, then I can
be more specific when RTFM. Knowing it is possible with certain
technology makes better use of time as I have too much pressure at the
time to deal with all problems that try to make best use of learning
time.. Sorry...

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Re: port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-10 Thread Alex Samad
On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 10:36:20AM +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
> masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
> local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
> remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:
> On remote office server, in a screen session I run
> $ ssh -R   local_server
> On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.
> The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
> access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
> do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
> remote server ssh -R, but should I?

have you thought about openvpn and iptables ?


"A tax cut is really one of the anecdotes to coming out of an economic illness."

- George W. Bush
The Edge With Paula Zahn

Description: Digital signature

port forwarding without using ssh

2009-11-10 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. I have a remote server inside a remote office covered by NAT
masquerade where port forwarding not possible, and a local server in my
local office not covered by NAT masquerade. In order to access the
remote office and hosts in that office, I do this:

On remote office server, in a screen session I run
$ ssh -R   local_server

On my own office, I try to connect to mapped ports on local_server.

The problem of this solution is security. I do not want to grant shell
access of local_server to remote_server. What would you recommend me to
do in this case? I could try to limit access of the account used by
remote server ssh -R, but should I?

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Re: run ssh as service for port forwarding

2009-06-14 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 12:16:22AM +0800, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> Hello. We have a great firewall that scans keywords on tcp connections'
> raw data, thus I could not use my http proxy server outside of the
> firewall because both direct connection to the web server and in-direct
> connect to the http proxy are scanned by the firewall.
> My trick is to run 'ssh -L' and configure browser to use http proxy
> server that runs on localhost, which forwards to the real http proxy
> server. However runs ssh -L several times a day is against basic
> principle of using computer: let computer does the repeating task.
> autossh helps but it also occupies a console session which I don't like.

Are you aware of the -D option of ssh? It creates a socks proxy. Now
configure your browser to use that port as sock proxy and, well, things
should work :-)

> I thought about wrapping the proxy server with stunnel, but then I could
> not configure Firefox to connect to http proxy using https protocol.
> Then I think running autossh -L as a system service (not possible
> because it doesn't detach from console).
> What would you recommend then? (TOR is already being used but hardly
> acceptable for very low bandwidth it offers)

We have a package that does something similar with ssh -R .

Feel free to borrow the daemonizing part of

Tzafrir Cohen | | VIM is || a Mutt's ||  best
ICQ# 16849754 || friend

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run ssh as service for port forwarding

2009-06-14 Thread Zhang Weiwu
Hello. We have a great firewall that scans keywords on tcp connections'
raw data, thus I could not use my http proxy server outside of the
firewall because both direct connection to the web server and in-direct
connect to the http proxy are scanned by the firewall.

My trick is to run 'ssh -L' and configure browser to use http proxy
server that runs on localhost, which forwards to the real http proxy
server. However runs ssh -L several times a day is against basic
principle of using computer: let computer does the repeating task.
autossh helps but it also occupies a console session which I don't like.

I thought about wrapping the proxy server with stunnel, but then I could
not configure Firefox to connect to http proxy using https protocol.
Then I think running autossh -L as a system service (not possible
because it doesn't detach from console).

What would you recommend then? (TOR is already being used but hardly
acceptable for very low bandwidth it offers)

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Re: IPTables Port Forwarding

2007-03-07 Thread Giacomo Montagner
On Wed, 2007-03-07 at 16:24 +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Giacomo Montagner wrote:
> > On 3/3/07, John L Fjellstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Johnno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>
> >> > Hello
> >> >
> >> > Need a little bit of help here...  eth1 = Internet, eth0 = LAN, will
> >> > this work?
> >> >
> >> > iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
> >> >
> >> > iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i eth1 -j

I worked it out... I googled around a little, and found this:

I tried with a virtual machine, my pc and another machine, let me point out
the situation: "internet" (of course this is only another dmz) "dmz"

http server:
gateway (my pc): on the dmz (eth0) on "the internet" (eth1)

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 

http server must use as default gateway

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -p tcp 
--dport 80 -i eth1 -j DNAT --to-destination

Once the packets get modified by the PREROUTING chain, they get into FORWARD 
iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
(of course if you have an ACCEPT FORWARD policy this is not needed)

I tried also this: 
iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -d -j 
but I also had to specify:
iptables -I FORWARD -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -s -j 
or the connection failed. 

Hope this helps. 



Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: IPTables Port Forwarding

2007-03-07 Thread Joe Hart
Hash: SHA1

Giacomo Montagner wrote:
> On 3/3/07, John L Fjellstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Johnno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > Hello
>> >
>> > Need a little bit of help here...  eth1 = Internet, eth0 = LAN, will
>> > this work?
>> >
>> > iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
>> >
>> > iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i eth1 -j
>> >
>> > Anything on port 80 to goto a internal server on ip
>> Been awhile since I played with forwarding.  One thing to remember
>> is to turn on forwarding in the kernel (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward,
>> if you have ipv6, you need to do something similar).
>> Also, I'm not sure you need the second rule. I think it gets rerouted
>> before it gets to the INPUT chain if you route it in the PREROUTING
>> chain.  But if you do need the INPUT chain, then the rule should
>> probably not have the state directive (otherwise, all packages not set
>> to NEW, which is basically all packages after the first one, will be
>> dropped or whatever the policy is)
> Hi,
> if you have a policy which discards incoming packets from eth1, then you
> have to use the INPUT rule, but basically you need to allow also
> ESTABLISHED and RELATED connections:
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED
> --dport 80 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> should work.
> But I'm not sure this is enough: when you do DNAT towards your http
> server, it will then send answers directly to the client (I assume
> packets will go back through your firewall).
> Then the client gets an answer from "", which is not the public
> IP the client was connecting to, so I expect it to discard the packet.
> You should also do SNAT on returning packets:
> iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -s -p tcp --sport
> 80 -j SNAT --to-source 
> so the client get the answer from your-public-ip
> Please let me know if this helps, it's been a while for me too, since my
> last
> handmade firewall.
> Cheers!
> Giacomo
Here's my port forwarding firewall...eth0 is wan, eth1 lan.  I'm not
positive that it's real secure, but it works, and it's behind yet
another firewall built into my router.  It runs when the network comes up.

- --


# delete all existing rules.
iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -X

# Always accept loopback traffic
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# Allow established connections, and those not coming from the outside
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -i ! eth1 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED

# Allow outgoing connections from the LAN side.
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

# Masquerade.
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

# Don't forward from the outside to the inside.
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth0 -j REJECT

# Enable routing.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

- --
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Re: IPTables Port Forwarding

2007-03-07 Thread Giacomo Montagner

On 3/3/07, John L Fjellstad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Johnno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello
> Need a little bit of help here...  eth1 = Internet, eth0 = LAN, will
> this work?
> iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> Anything on port 80 to goto a internal server on ip

Been awhile since I played with forwarding.  One thing to remember
is to turn on forwarding in the kernel (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward,
if you have ipv6, you need to do something similar).

Also, I'm not sure you need the second rule. I think it gets rerouted
before it gets to the INPUT chain if you route it in the PREROUTING
chain.  But if you do need the INPUT chain, then the rule should
probably not have the state directive (otherwise, all packages not set
to NEW, which is basically all packages after the first one, will be
dropped or whatever the policy is)

if you have a policy which discards incoming packets from eth1, then you
have to use the INPUT rule, but basically you need to allow also
ESTABLISHED and RELATED connections:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED
--dport 80 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT

should work.

But I'm not sure this is enough: when you do DNAT towards your http
server, it will then send answers directly to the client (I assume
packets will go back through your firewall).
Then the client gets an answer from "", which is not the public
IP the client was connecting to, so I expect it to discard the packet.
You should also do SNAT on returning packets:

iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -i eth0 -s -p tcp --sport
80 -j SNAT --to-source 

so the client get the answer from your-public-ip

Please let me know if this helps, it's been a while for me too, since my last
handmade firewall.



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Re: IPTables Port Forwarding

2007-03-02 Thread John L Fjellstad
Johnno <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello
> Need a little bit of help here...  eth1 = Internet, eth0 = LAN, will
> this work?
> iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
> iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT
> Anything on port 80 to goto a internal server on ip

Been awhile since I played with forwarding.  One thing to remember
is to turn on forwarding in the kernel (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward,
if you have ipv6, you need to do something similar).

Also, I'm not sure you need the second rule. I think it gets rerouted
before it gets to the INPUT chain if you route it in the PREROUTING
chain.  But if you do need the INPUT chain, then the rule should
probably not have the state directive (otherwise, all packages not set
to NEW, which is basically all packages after the first one, will be
dropped or whatever the policy is)

John L. Fjellstad
web:  Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IPTables Port Forwarding

2007-03-01 Thread Johnno

Need a little bit of help here...  eth1 = Internet, eth0 = LAN,   will this

iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 80 -i eth1 -j ACCEPT

Anything on port 80 to goto a internal server on ip

Many Thanks,


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-25 Thread Gilberto Villani Brito

I think is better you use just:
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
-j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
-j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

I holp your ppp0 have ip


On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 09:27:21 -0400

> I'm running sarge on a vintage Pentium as a gateway machine for a home 
> network.
> My machine was cracked last December and I reinstalled everything
> from scratch using a sarge netinstall CD. (I checked all scripts I 
> resurrect from the old system,  and recompiled all my *own* binaries 
> from original source code.  The script I mention below hasn't been 
> molested.)
> I run the same script for port-forwarding and masquerading that I used 
> before the reinstall.
> But it doesn't work.
> Lines like
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol udp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol tcp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> have no effect at all (as checked by iptables --list)
> but the line
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
> works like a charm.
> I suspect there's probably a missing kernel module.  But which one?
> And where do I find it?  The docs for iptables way that it will attampt 
> to load any necessary modules, so I presume a simple modprobe isn't 
> enough.  Or else that it doesn't try hard enough.
> -- hendrik
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-25 Thread Gilberto Villani Brito

I think is better you use just:
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
-j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
# iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
-j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
# iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

I holp your ppp0 have ip


On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 09:27:21 -0400

> I'm running sarge on a vintage Pentium as a gateway machine for a home 
> network.
> My machine was cracked last December and I reinstalled everything
> from scratch using a sarge netinstall CD. (I checked all scripts I 
> resurrect from the old system,  and recompiled all my *own* binaries 
> from original source code.  The script I mention below hasn't been 
> molested.)
> I run the same script for port-forwarding and masquerading that I used 
> before the reinstall.
> But it doesn't work.
> Lines like
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol udp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol tcp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> have no effect at all (as checked by iptables --list)
> but the line
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
> works like a charm.
> I suspect there's probably a missing kernel module.  But which one?
> And where do I find it?  The docs for iptables way that it will attampt 
> to load any necessary modules, so I presume a simple modprobe isn't 
> enough.  Or else that it doesn't try hard enough.
> -- hendrik
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-24 Thread Jon Dowland
At 1145804173 past the epoch, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 09:11:14AM -0500, Forrest Smith
> wrote:
> > The folks on the Shorewall project have done all this
> > for you:
> Does shorewall find and install the missing kernel
> modules. wherever they are?  Or does it just use iptables,
> whose docs say it tries to load them (but it is evidently
> not succeeding).
> I *have* the set of iptables commands I need.  They *used*
> to work.  They *don't* work now.

What makes you think it is a kernel module issue? Usually
with iptables, if the relevant kernel module is not loaded
and can't be probed automatically, the command you utter
will fail to the terminal as you type it, not just silently
not work. Or perhaps it has done, and you just haven't
provided us with the messages.

Jon Dowland

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-24 Thread George Borisov
> But it doesn't work.
> Lines like
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol udp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol tcp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> have no effect at all (as checked by iptables --list)

You also need some "FORWARD" rules (don't know if you have them, on not).


/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport 27012 -d -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p udp --dport 27012 -d -j ACCEPT

> I suspect there's probably a missing kernel module.  But which one?
> And where do I find it?  The docs for iptables way that it will attampt 
> to load any necessary modules, so I presume a simple modprobe isn't 
> enough.  Or else that it doesn't try hard enough.

This is a very useful example:

Here is what I have in my script:


# Enable forwarding
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

# Load some required (and a few optional) kernel modules
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_tables | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE ip_tables
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_conntrack | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE ip_conntrack
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_conntrack_ftp | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE ip_conntrack_ftp
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_conntrack_irc | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE ip_conntrack_irc
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP iptable_nat | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE iptable_nat
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_nat_ftp | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE ip_nat_ftp
if [ -z "` $LSMOD | $GREP ip_nat_irc | $AWK {'print $1'} `" ]; then
   $MODPROBE ip_nat_irc


Hope this helps,

George Borisov

DXSolutions Ltd

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-24 Thread hendrik
On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 08:36:15PM -0700, charles norwood wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 14:56 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 09:11:14AM -0500, Forrest Smith wrote:
> > > The folks on the Shorewall project have done all this for you:
> > > 
> > >   apt-get install shorewall
> > > 
> > > F.S
> > 
> > Does shorewall find and install the missing kernel modules. wherever 
> > they are?  Or does it just use iptables, whose docs say it tries to
> > load them (but it is evidently not succeeding).
> > 
> > I *have* the set of iptables commands I need.
> > They *used* to work.
> > They *don't* work now.
> > 
> > -- hendrik
> > 
> > 
> Here are the modules I load.  Pre-routing works on this box
> kernel is 2.6.8-3-686
> iptables is 1.2.11-10
> /sbin/modprobe ip_tables 
> /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack 
> /sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
> /sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
> /sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp
> /sbin/modprobe ip_nat_irc
> /sbin/modprobe ip_nat_snmp_basic
> C.

Thanks.  I'll start trying it out tomorrow (when I not tired and 
suttering from insomnia)

-- hendrik

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-23 Thread charles norwood
On Sun, 2006-04-23 at 14:56 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 09:11:14AM -0500, Forrest Smith wrote:
> > The folks on the Shorewall project have done all this for you:
> > 
> >   apt-get install shorewall
> > 
> > F.S
> Does shorewall find and install the missing kernel modules. wherever 
> they are?  Or does it just use iptables, whose docs say it tries to
> load them (but it is evidently not succeeding).
> I *have* the set of iptables commands I need.
> They *used* to work.
> They *don't* work now.
> -- hendrik
Here are the modules I load.  Pre-routing works on this box
kernel is 2.6.8-3-686
iptables is 1.2.11-10

/sbin/modprobe ip_tables 
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack 
/sbin/modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
/sbin/modprobe iptable_nat
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_ftp
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_irc
/sbin/modprobe ip_nat_snmp_basic

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-23 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 14:56:13 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


> Does shorewall find and install the missing kernel modules. wherever 
> they are?  Or does it just use iptables, whose docs say it tries to
> load them (but it is evidently not succeeding).
> I *have* the set of iptables commands I need.
> They *used* to work.
> They *don't* work now.

A brute-force approach to your problem would be to just modprobe every
single netfilter module that you have:

ls -1 /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter | grep '\.ko$' | sed 
's/\.ko$//' | modprobe $(cat)

If that works you could find the unused modules with lsmod and remove
them until you end up with only the ones which you really need. 


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-23 Thread hendrik
On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 09:11:14AM -0500, Forrest Smith wrote:
> The folks on the Shorewall project have done all this for you:
>   apt-get install shorewall
> F.S

Does shorewall find and install the missing kernel modules. wherever 
they are?  Or does it just use iptables, whose docs say it tries to
load them (but it is evidently not succeeding).

I *have* the set of iptables commands I need.
They *used* to work.
They *don't* work now.

-- hendrik

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-23 Thread Forrest Smith
The folks on the Shorewall project have done all this for you:

  apt-get install shorewall


On Sun, Apr 23, 2006 at 09:27:21AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm running sarge on a vintage Pentium as a gateway machine for a home 
> network.
> My machine was cracked last December and I reinstalled everything
> from scratch using a sarge netinstall CD. (I checked all scripts I 
> resurrect from the old system,  and recompiled all my *own* binaries 
> from original source code.  The script I mention below hasn't been 
> molested.)
> I run the same script for port-forwarding and masquerading that I used 
> before the reinstall.
> But it doesn't work.
> Lines like
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
> -j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol udp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol tcp -s --sport 27012 -j 
> SNAT --to-source --verbose
> have no effect at all (as checked by iptables --list)
> but the line
> iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE
> works like a charm.
> I suspect there's probably a missing kernel module.  But which one?
> And where do I find it?  The docs for iptables way that it will attampt 
> to load any necessary modules, so I presume a simple modprobe isn't 
> enough.  Or else that it doesn't try hard enough.
> -- hendrik
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hundreds of years in the future
  there could be computers
looking for life on earth


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

port forwarding problem. Probably easy if you know how.

2006-04-23 Thread hendrik
I'm running sarge on a vintage Pentium as a gateway machine for a home 

My machine was cracked last December and I reinstalled everything
from scratch using a sarge netinstall CD. (I checked all scripts I 
resurrect from the old system,  and recompiled all my *own* binaries 
from original source code.  The script I mention below hasn't been 

I run the same script for port-forwarding and masquerading that I used 
before the reinstall.

But it doesn't work.

Lines like

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol tcp -d --dport 27012 
-j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING --protocol udp -d --dport 27012 
-j DNAT --to-destination --verbose
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol udp -s --sport 27012 -j 
SNAT --to-source --verbose
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --protocol tcp -s --sport 27012 -j 
SNAT --to-source --verbose

have no effect at all (as checked by iptables --list)

but the line

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ppp0 -j MASQUERADE

works like a charm.

I suspect there's probably a missing kernel module.  But which one?
And where do I find it?  The docs for iptables way that it will attampt 
to load any necessary modules, so I presume a simple modprobe isn't 
enough.  Or else that it doesn't try hard enough.

-- hendrik

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: How to enable X port forwarding with ssh

2006-01-23 Thread Greg Norris
On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 05:25:39AM -0800, Leonid Grinberg wrote:
> Yeah, you need to enable it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> Then, use ssh -X host.domain -l username
> (note: it has to be enabled on both sides, and you actually have to
> have X on both sides.)

More specifically, you need to ensure that xauth (from the xbase-clients 
package) is installed on the ssh server.  It doesn't require a complete 
X installation.

Description: Digital signature

Re: How to enable X port forwarding with ssh

2006-01-23 Thread Leonid Grinberg
Yeah, you need to enable it in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Then, use ssh -X host.domain -l username
(note: it has to be enabled on both sides, and you actually have to
have X on both sides.)

On 1/23/06, Edward Shornock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 01:49:52AM +0100, Juraj Fedel wrote:
> > While using ssh on local network (actualy qemu virtual machine)
> > I have hard time starting X application on virtual machine and
> > let it show window on host X window. Starting
> >
> > ssh -X
> >
> > does not help, nor does following content of ~/.ssh/config on local
> > computer make any difference:
> >
> > Host *
> > ForwardX11 yes
> >
> > In both cases I can see this message when passing -v option
> > debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
> > and when I try to start xclock I get error:
> >
> > Error: Can't open display:
> >
> > So how do I enable X port forwarding?
> Have you added
>   X11Forwarding yes
> to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, then restart the ssh service?  That works for
> me...

Re: How to enable X port forwarding with ssh

2006-01-23 Thread Edward Shornock
On Mon, Jan 23, 2006 at 01:49:52AM +0100, Juraj Fedel wrote:
> While using ssh on local network (actualy qemu virtual machine)
> I have hard time starting X application on virtual machine and
> let it show window on host X window. Starting
> ssh -X
> does not help, nor does following content of ~/.ssh/config on local
> computer make any difference:
> Host *
>   ForwardX11 yes
> In both cases I can see this message when passing -v option
> debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
> and when I try to start xclock I get error:
> Error: Can't open display:
> So how do I enable X port forwarding?

Have you added
X11Forwarding yes
to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, then restart the ssh service?  That works for

Description: Digital signature

How to enable X port forwarding with ssh

2006-01-23 Thread Juraj Fedel
While using ssh on local network (actualy qemu virtual machine)
I have hard time starting X application on virtual machine and
let it show window on host X window. Starting

ssh -X

does not help, nor does following content of ~/.ssh/config on local
computer make any difference:

Host *
ForwardX11 yes

In both cases I can see this message when passing -v option
debug1: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
and when I try to start xclock I get error:

Error: Can't open display:

So how do I enable X port forwarding?

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-08 Thread Roel Schroeven

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 12:52:14PM +0200, Roel Schroeven wrote:

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:33:28AM -0700, James Vahn wrote:

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

Dear list,
I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.

Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.

By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
Relay your forwarded messages through him.

No, let me make it clear.

The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded

The computer you ssh to is not blocked by the smarthost, I presume?

There's something strange in your explanation, and I'm not sure if it is 
because I misunderstand you or because you did something wrong. You 
should forward the SMTP's port to your computer, it should be the other 
way around: forward port 10025 on your computer to port 25 on the SMTP 

ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -L 10025:smarthost:25

This is exactly what I am doing. Sorry if I didn't state it properly.

Now, how do I tell exim4 to relay my mail through localhost:10025?

OK, sorry, I misunderstood.

In that case, I can't help you other that with my other suggestion: 
configure exim to use the other computer as smarthost, if you can find a 
port that's not filtered by the firewall, and forward from there to port 
25 on the real smarthost.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-08 Thread James Vahn
Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:54:38PM -0700, James Vahn wrote:
>> Meaning that this command does not produce a response?
>> telnet smarthost 25
> Exactly.

So what happens if you run exim on another port, and then do your port
forwarding on that very same computer?


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-08 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 12:52:14PM +0200, Roel Schroeven wrote:
> Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> >On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:33:28AM -0700, James Vahn wrote:
> >
> >>Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> >>
> >>>Dear list,
> >>>I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
> >>>have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
> >>>copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.
> >>>
> >>>Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
> >>>to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
> >>>vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
> >>>for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.
> >>
> >>By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
> >>to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
> >>Relay your forwarded messages through him.
> >
> >
> >No, let me make it clear.
> >
> >The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
> >blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
> >that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
> >localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
> >relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded
> >port.
> The computer you ssh to is not blocked by the smarthost, I presume?
> There's something strange in your explanation, and I'm not sure if it is 
> because I misunderstand you or because you did something wrong. You 
> should forward the SMTP's port to your computer, it should be the other 
> way around: forward port 10025 on your computer to port 25 on the SMTP 
> server:
> ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -L 10025:smarthost:25

This is exactly what I am doing. Sorry if I didn't state it properly.

Now, how do I tell exim4 to relay my mail through localhost:10025?


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-08 Thread Roel Schroeven

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:33:28AM -0700, James Vahn wrote:

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

Dear list,
I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.

Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.

By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
Relay your forwarded messages through him.

No, let me make it clear.

The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded

Can you connect to port 25 or 10025 on that remote computer you ssh to? 
If so, you can use that as smarthost in exim and instruct that computer 
to forward to the SMTP-server.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-08 Thread Roel Schroeven

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:33:28AM -0700, James Vahn wrote:

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

Dear list,
I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.

Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.

By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
Relay your forwarded messages through him.

No, let me make it clear.

The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded

The computer you ssh to is not blocked by the smarthost, I presume?

There's something strange in your explanation, and I'm not sure if it is 
because I misunderstand you or because you did something wrong. You 
should forward the SMTP's port to your computer, it should be the other 
way around: forward port 10025 on your computer to port 25 on the SMTP 

ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] -L 10025:smarthost:25

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> Thanks for patiently anwering my query, hope it's clear now. Now, can
> you think of a solution?

How attached are you to Exim?  Personally when it comes to smarthost
relaying I found nullmailer to be a much better alternative.  Smaller,
specially designed to forward to a smart host, capable of handling different
ports and might just be willing to mail to the local machine.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 07:08:01PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
>>Do you control that other machine?  What is preventing you from opening up
>>another port for Exim (presuming it is running Exim) to listen to?

> 1.I do not control the other machine.
> 2.How would making exim4 on my machine listen on another port help? It
> still doesn't want me to send relay messages to localhost (another
> port).

The second statement was a continuation of the first.  IE, "If you control
the remote machine what is preventing you from opening up another port for
Exim?"  I had the same problem and for a time configured Exim to listen to
port 2525 as well as 25.  But I controlled the remote machine and was able to
do so.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: PGP signature

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Steve Lamb
James Vahn wrote:
> Meaning that this command does not produce a response?

James, you're way off base.  Look, his ISP has blocked him from outbound
port 25 connections.  He did not every connect to his ISP's SMTP server.  He
does not want to connect to his ISP's SMTP server.  He wants to connect to
*his remote SMTP server* and is now blocked on port 25 from doing so.  Telling
him to use his ISP's server is not the answer.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:54:38PM -0700, James Vahn wrote:
> Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> > The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
> > blocked. 
> Meaning that this command does not produce a response?
> telnet smarthost 25

Exactly. But I have ssh access to another computer, where it does give
a response. So, I have forwarded using ssh to

> "smarthost" being something like "" or (better) their IP
> address. Will they give you an MX address? Become your own "smarthost"
> and deliver directly, a leaf off of their domain.

Out of the question. I am behind a firewall which lets me do internal
ssh, and browse the 'net and do FTP via proxy.

> > So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of that SMTP
> > server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use localhost and
> > port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to relay the mail
> > through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded port.
> No no.. don't do that. I think you really want to forward 25 on yours to
> 25 on the other. What you have done is make your computer act as their
> server, and probably nothing is listening... Use telnet on 25 to see.

No! I have got to localhost:10025. So, *my* machine
has their mail server on port 10025. Now, all I want exim4 to do is
use localhost:10025 as the smart host, but it frowns at the word

Thanks for patiently anwering my query, hope it's clear now. Now, can
you think of a solution?

Thanks again.


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Description: Digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 07:08:01PM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> > Because there is no SMTP server running there! The server runs SMTP on
> > port 25, which is blocked, and I have a connection to that port 25
> > through my machine's 10025 port.
> Do you control that other machine?  What is preventing you from opening up
> another port for Exim (presuming it is running Exim) to listen to?

1.I do not control the other machine.
2.How would making exim4 on my machine listen on another port help? It
still doesn't want me to send relay messages to localhost (another



Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Description: Digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread James Vahn
Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
> blocked. 

Meaning that this command does not produce a response?

telnet smarthost 25

"smarthost" being something like "" or (better) their IP
address. Will they give you an MX address? Become your own "smarthost"
and deliver directly, a leaf off of their domain.

> So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of that SMTP
> server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use localhost and
> port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to relay the mail
> through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded port.

No no.. don't do that. I think you really want to forward 25 on yours to
25 on the other. What you have done is make your computer act as their
server, and probably nothing is listening... Use telnet on 25 to see.

You'd be better off using it as a smarthost. If you forward the port,
where would mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] on both machines go? ;-)

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Steve Lamb
Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> Because there is no SMTP server running there! The server runs SMTP on
> port 25, which is blocked, and I have a connection to that port 25
> through my machine's 10025 port.

Do you control that other machine?  What is preventing you from opening up
another port for Exim (presuming it is running Exim) to listen to?

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
   PGP Key: 8B6E99C5   | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 09:28:49PM +0200, Laurent CARON wrote:
> Kumar Appaiah a écrit :
> >The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
> >blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
> >that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
> >localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
> >relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded
> >port.
> why not relaying directly to port 10025 of your other server?

Because there is no SMTP server running there! The server runs SMTP on
port 25, which is blocked, and I have a connection to that port 25
through my machine's 10025 port.


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Description: Digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Laurent CARON

Kumar Appaiah a écrit :

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:33:28AM -0700, James Vahn wrote:

Kumar Appaiah wrote:

Dear list,
I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.

Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.

By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
Relay your forwarded messages through him.

No, let me make it clear.

The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded

Any suggestion?




why not relaying directly to port 10025 of your other server?

Vos évangiles, vos bibles, vos corans, vos torahs, vos talmuds, vos 
puranas, vos avestas, vos tantras, ne sont qu'un ramassis de conneries
et de mensonges qui font passer les aventures de Oui-Oui pour des 

-+- Philippe Charon -+-

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread Kumar Appaiah
On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 06:33:28AM -0700, James Vahn wrote:
> Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> > Dear list,
> > I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
> > have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
> > copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.
> > 
> > Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
> > to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
> > vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
> > for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.
> By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
> to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
> Relay your forwarded messages through him.

No, let me make it clear.

The problem is that all my requests to the smarthost's port 25 are
blocked. So, I try to ssh to another computer, forward the port 25 of
that SMTP server to port 10025 on my computer, and tell exim to use
localhost and port 10025 as the smart host; but exim refuses to
relay the mail through localhost, though it is actually a forwarded

Any suggestion?



Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Description: Digital signature

Re: Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-07 Thread James Vahn
Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> Dear list,
> I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
> have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
> copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.
> Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
> to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
> vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
> for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.

By this I think you are saying that exim on localhost is connecting
to other servers directly instead of using a "smart host" - your ISP.
Relay your forwarded messages through him.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Exim4 + port forwarding

2005-09-06 Thread Kumar Appaiah
Dear list,
I have been using fetchmail + procmail + exim4 to handle my mail. I
have a setup by which certain messages are received by procmail, and a
copy of some is forwarded to another address automatically.

Now, recently, due to excessive spread of viruses on the network due
to a popular but highly vulnerable mail client on a popular but
vulnerable OS (need I say more ;-), port 25 requests have ben blocked
for good! That means, exim can't forward my messages anymore.

Now, I have access through SSH to a machine close to my SMTP server,
so I have managed to get sending work using port forwarding and
esmtp. However, if I try to tell exim to relay mail to a smarthost on
my own computer (on a port different from 25, of course), exim
complains that it won't send the messages to the same machine. How do
I tell exim4 that I am actually sending the mail to a different
computer through a port, and not trying to cheat it?


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

Description: Digital signature

Re: Persistent port forwarding without ssh

2004-12-10 Thread Robert S
> You could use masquarading (iptables) on the debian machine to forward 
> some port
> on the debian machine to the server and then when you connect ssh to that 
> port
> the connection will be forwarded directly to the server.

That's the way I was hoping to do it.  As I have absolutely no experience 
with iptables, I'd be very grateful if somebody could spell out a command 
that would do this. 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Persistent port forwarding without ssh

2004-12-09 Thread Harland Christofferson
At Thursday, 09 December 2004, Micha Feigin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>At Thu, 9 Dec 2004 21:49:47 +1100,
>Robert S wrote:
>> I am wanting to set up a VPN using ssh between my office and my 
home Windows 
>> PCs, using a debian box at the remote end.  The setup is as follows:
>> HOME (winxp)- - - -- - - - DEBIAN -
>> (win2K)
>> I have managed to connect (using vnc) to SERVER using PuTTY or 
ssh at the 
>> home end thus:
>> 1. log into DEBIAN from HOME using Putty, forward remote port 
5900 to local 
>> port 5901
>> 2. forward port from SERVER to DEBIAN using "ssh -C -g -L 5900:
>> debian"
>> 3. connect vncviewer to local port 5901.
>You could use masquarading (iptables) on the debian machine to forward 
>some port
>on the debian machine to the server and then when you connect ssh 
to that port
>the connection will be forwarded directly to the server.
>I think that there is also a way to automatically run a command on ssh
>connection. I remember something in a tutorial about setting up 
cvs with ssh to
>allow only running cvs on the server so that the users don't have 
>> All is fine with this setup.  If I do this with samba using port 139 
>> however, it fails because I've disabled root ssh logins.
>> I'd like to set up the above setup where step 2 is replaced by 
a persistent 
>> connection that doesn't require a second password entry.  In other 
>> I'd like to forward a port on SERVER to a port on DEBIAN.  I don't 
want to 
>> use a private key file because that would have to be located on 
DEBIAN, with 
>> obvious security problems.  I assume that this would require something 
>> than ssh.
>You could use the -R option with ssh to also forward ports in the 
>> Can you do this with iptables - if so - how?  stunnel does not 
seem to do 
>> it - my syslog on DEBIAN indicates a connection, but nothing happens 
on the 
>> HOME end. 
>> -- 
>> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>  +++
>>  This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
>>  at the Tel-Aviv University CC.

Have you thought about openVPN? It was pretty easy to get up and 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Persistent port forwarding without ssh

2004-12-09 Thread Micha Feigin
At Thu, 9 Dec 2004 21:49:47 +1100,
Robert S wrote:
> I am wanting to set up a VPN using ssh between my office and my home Windows 
> PCs, using a debian box at the remote end.  The setup is as follows:
> HOME (winxp)- - - -- - - - DEBIAN SERVER 
> (win2K)
> I have managed to connect (using vnc) to SERVER using PuTTY or ssh at the 
> home end thus:
> 1. log into DEBIAN from HOME using Putty, forward remote port 5900 to local 
> port 5901
> 2. forward port from SERVER to DEBIAN using "ssh -C -g -L 5900:server:5900 
> debian"
> 3. connect vncviewer to local port 5901.

You could use masquarading (iptables) on the debian machine to forward some port
on the debian machine to the server and then when you connect ssh to that port
the connection will be forwarded directly to the server.

I think that there is also a way to automatically run a command on ssh
connection. I remember something in a tutorial about setting up cvs with ssh to
allow only running cvs on the server so that the users don't have complete

> All is fine with this setup.  If I do this with samba using port 139 
> however, it fails because I've disabled root ssh logins.
> I'd like to set up the above setup where step 2 is replaced by a persistent 
> connection that doesn't require a second password entry.  In other words, 
> I'd like to forward a port on SERVER to a port on DEBIAN.  I don't want to 
> use a private key file because that would have to be located on DEBIAN, with 
> obvious security problems.  I assume that this would require something other 
> than ssh.

You could use the -R option with ssh to also forward ports in the reverse

> Can you do this with iptables - if so - how?  stunnel does not seem to do 
> it - my syslog on DEBIAN indicates a connection, but nothing happens on the 
> HOME end. 
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  +++
>  This Mail Was Scanned By Mail-seCure System
>  at the Tel-Aviv University CC.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Persistent port forwarding without ssh

2004-12-09 Thread Gregory Seidman
On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 09:49:47PM +1100, Robert S wrote:
} I am wanting to set up a VPN using ssh between my office and my home Windows 
} PCs, using a debian box at the remote end.  The setup is as follows:
} HOME (winxp)- - - -- - - - DEBIAN SERVER 
} (win2K)
} I have managed to connect (using vnc) to SERVER using PuTTY or ssh at the 
} home end thus:
} 1. log into DEBIAN from HOME using Putty, forward remote port 5900 to local 
} port 5901
} 2. forward port from SERVER to DEBIAN using "ssh -C -g -L 5900:server:5900 
} debian"
} 3. connect vncviewer to local port 5901.
} All is fine with this setup.  If I do this with samba using port 139 
} however, it fails because I've disabled root ssh logins.
} I'd like to set up the above setup where step 2 is replaced by a persistent 
} connection that doesn't require a second password entry.  In other words, 
} I'd like to forward a port on SERVER to a port on DEBIAN.  I don't want to 
} use a private key file because that would have to be located on DEBIAN, with 
} obvious security problems.  I assume that this would require something other 
} than ssh.
} Can you do this with iptables - if so - how?  stunnel does not seem to do 
} it - my syslog on DEBIAN indicates a connection, but nothing happens on the 
} HOME end. 

I'd do it with socket (not the system call, but the program; apt-get
install socket). Replace step 2 with an init script that runs at startup
and contains:


socket -blsfq -B -p "socket -q DEBIAN 5900" 5900

See the socket(1) man page for details on what that command does. Roughly
speaking, it listens on port 5900 on localhost (only localhost, so only
programs running on the server, e.g. sshd, can connect to it) and, when it
gets a connection, forks off a forwarded connection to the Debian box.


with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Persistent port forwarding without ssh

2004-12-09 Thread Robert S
I am wanting to set up a VPN using ssh between my office and my home Windows 
PCs, using a debian box at the remote end.  The setup is as follows:

HOME (winxp)- - - -- - - - DEBIAN SERVER 

I have managed to connect (using vnc) to SERVER using PuTTY or ssh at the 
home end thus:

1. log into DEBIAN from HOME using Putty, forward remote port 5900 to local 
port 5901
2. forward port from SERVER to DEBIAN using "ssh -C -g -L 5900:server:5900 
3. connect vncviewer to local port 5901.

All is fine with this setup.  If I do this with samba using port 139 
however, it fails because I've disabled root ssh logins.

I'd like to set up the above setup where step 2 is replaced by a persistent 
connection that doesn't require a second password entry.  In other words, 
I'd like to forward a port on SERVER to a port on DEBIAN.  I don't want to 
use a private key file because that would have to be located on DEBIAN, with 
obvious security problems.  I assume that this would require something other 
than ssh.

Can you do this with iptables - if so - how?  stunnel does not seem to do 
it - my syslog on DEBIAN indicates a connection, but nothing happens on the 
HOME end. 

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: ssh port forwarding errors

2004-12-06 Thread Allene . Lester

Allene Lester
Sun Certified System Administrator (Solaris 8 OE)
Operating Systems Programmer (TSDC UNIX)
Federal Reserve Information Technology

Re: need iptables port forwarding help! (solved)

2004-09-06 Thread Tom Vier
ok, i solved it. 8)

here's the script i'm using. thanks for everyone's help.

DSA Key ID 0x15741ECE




EXTIP=" fconfig $EXTIF | awk /$EXTIF/'{next}//{split($0,a,":");\
split(a[2],a," ");print a[1];exit}'"

#echo $EXTIP; exit 0

case "$1" in
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d $EXTIP --dport  -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state 

iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -p tcp -d $EXTIP --dport  -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -D FORWARD -i $EXTIF -o $INTIF -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state 
$0 stop
$0 start

exit 1

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: need iptables port forwarding help!

2004-09-06 Thread Mike Fedyk
Tom Vier wrote:
On Mon, Sep 06, 2004 at 01:43:36PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:

Did you copy the apropriate files to /etc/shorewall?
What changes did you make?
did "shorewall restart" give any errors?

no errors. here's a tarball of my config. i didn't add the stuff for dnat.
thanks for the help.
First of all before I even look at the contents of the files, gunzip the 
masq.gz file in /etc/shorewall.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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