Hi, All,

     I tried to back up my home directory today for the first time in 
a month or so (I back it up to zip drvie which was dead;  I got a new
one yesterday).  I used the same command which I always do:

     tar -cPvzf /zip/cdj.tgz --exclude-from=.tar_exclude .

     .tar_exclude is a short file:

     This time it didn't exclude the files.  I tried specifying patterns
on the command line but this didn't work either.  I checked the timestamp
on /bin/tar and it says Sep 14, so it must have been updated since my 
last backup.  Is this a known bug, or am I doing something wrong now? 


|   Christopher D. Judd, Ph.D.                                           |
|   NYS Dept. of Health                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
|   Wadsworth Center - ESP                                               |
|   P.O. Box 509                                       518 486-7829      |
|   Albany, NY 12201-0509                                                |

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