if I use ftp.de.debian... for unstable package mirror with clean/update/upgrade apt-get reports nothing to upgrade
if I use ftp.us.debian ... for unstable package mirror with same sequence apt-get reports quite a few files to upgrade --- many of which are then not found on the site ... ??? if I then switch back to de mirror I go back to apt-get reporting nothing to upgrade. is it possible that the ftp.us.debian site is broken with their package lists not accurately reflected in what they actually have on hand? Or do I need to thrash some exotic dpkg command to flush my database, rebuild it, and start over from scratch? Note that some mirrors I've tried work like the de mirror and files listed as being at the site actually are, and other mirrors act like the us mirror where files listed as available in some listing file are not found when a GET is attempted. (HELP!) Thanks, Heitzso