Hi all,
I need to use a cd-jukebox and I hope I can do it under linux. It's a SCSI thing
has 14 drives and takes up 2 SCSI ids (2x7 discs). Now it's attached to a 
win3.11 box with an adaptec 2940AU.
Problem is that machine sees all the drives at boot time, but there's no
way to access them under windows (letters/drives show, but they're all empty).
I don't want to mess with win95 + have a linux box running debian with a 2.0.27
kernel. I'm ready to recompile it, and would like to ask if there's any doc
about using such beast .. I guess I have to use CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN, but what
else? when all it's up, under which devices will I found the drives? /dev/scd?
Should I create other /dev/scd? devices (I see only scd0 and scd1)?

Any experience is welcome. FWIW, debian machine is an IBM 315 with 128 MB ram,
adaptec 2940UW, SCSI cd, SCSI tape, running mostly as a samba server.
||    || |||||||  Marco Frattola                     Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, Italy                    Microsoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''    [EMAIL PROTECTED]            "No" is the answer
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