Re: Dual Ethernet Cards

2000-03-02 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-02 07:35:01, Jason Laster wrote:

> Any suggestions would be helpful.  I haven't as of yet taken the old
> card out to eliminate a conflict.

The only thing that I had to do was create an alias per card:

$ grep eth /etc/modutils/aliases 
alias eth0 3c59x
alias eth1 3c59x

Then `update-modules`.

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: Printers in Linux

2000-03-02 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-02 16:37:03, S.P. van Noort wrote:

> I've looked around, among others at
>, but as far as I can see the
> only printer that is sold in The Netherlands which works perfectly is the
> HP 610C . But for 30 US$ more, I have a HP 710 C which should print two
> times faster. But according to the webpage you need a special program
> pbm2ppa and you can't print plain text.  This problem is with almost all
> the printers. What does this mean, that everything in ASCII you want to
> print is automaticaly converted to DVI/PS and you won't notice the
> difference, except that cat file > /dev/lp1 maybe doesn't work?
> The printers I've seen here in Holland are, a.o.
> HP 610, 710, 720, 815, 840, 880
> Epson 460, 660, 760
> Canon 2000, 3000, 6100
> I can't find any of the printers in magicfilter and apsfilter. 

I have a HP DeskJet 890c which has worked well for me.  Believe the
they just brought out a new model in that seria - 895. Be careful with
the HP printers as some are so called "windows printers" which are
parcially supported up from not supported (hope that's a fair

The important thing is what ghostscript supports (`gs --help`).  I
found the driver `hpdj' to work well (and it covers most if not all
non-windows HP DeskJets).  It trivial to modify a magicfiler to call
the right driver.

> Then another question, someone will come here with a laptop and want to
> take files from my Linux-box to his windows98-laptop. Does someone know a
> good webpage/HOWTO how to do that, according to what I've seen it's
> done with a null-modem. I don't have time to Trial & Error
> with the laptop, so a specific HOWTO would be appreciated. As far as I
> found out it should be something with pppd with the option local.

If that someone with a laptop has a network card, it might be worth
for you to get a nic yourself (and a cross-over cable).  They can be
found fairly inexpensive and it migth save you some time.

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: Network problems after compile of 2.2.14 kernel

2000-03-02 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-02 10:59:25, Doug wrote:

> I was under the impression that the append line was used when the
> networking is built into the kernel (not in modules).

You pass config info to modules via setings in /etc/modules.conf.
Perhaps, you need to "force settings" (opposed to relaying on pnp
configuration) for irq/io/speed?

> I guess an additional question would be if I should compile the
> networking into the kernel and not bother with the modules?

That's your call.  Shouldn't make any difference wrt to configuring
the driver.

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: running multiple commands via ssh quickly

2000-03-06 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-06 16:59:10, Dan Christensen wrote:

> What I am looking for is a way to just authenticate once, and then
> have the ability to run remote commands getting the error code and
> the output on the local machine.
> Is there an easy way to do this?


Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: Getting dialog to work

2000-03-08 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-07 15:21:29, Matheson wrote:

> I'm still trying to get this stupid dialog thing to work, so I tried to
> do this example script.  Unfortunately, if gives me the same output no
> matter what the user chooses.  If anyone could help me, that would help
> me a lot.  Here it is:
> #!/bin/sh
> #  Cameron Matheson
> DIALOG=${DIALOG=dialog}
> tempfile=`tempfile`

Use '' instead of ``.

> $DIALOG --clear --title "Snes9x Options" \
> --backtitle "Super Nintendo" --shadow \
> --menu "Choose the ROM you want to load:" 0 0 0 \
> 1 "Final Fantasy VI" \
> 2 "Quit" 2> $tempfile

Dumping the result in the file $tempfile.

> retval=$?
> case $retval in

$retval is undefined, so case will probably not yield anything or

>   0)
> if [ "$tempfile"="1" ]; then

Compare $tempfile which is `tempfile` with "1", that will always be

> clear
> echo "Hey"
> exit 0
> fi
> if [ "$tempfile"="2" ]; then
> clear
> echo "Bye"
> exit 0
> fi;;
> 1)
> echo "Cancel Pressed";;
> 2)
> echo "ESC Pressed";;
> esac

Try again.

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: transfering to new HDD

2000-03-11 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-11 11:19:02, Wim Kerkhoff wrote:

> This works quite well, I just tried it.  However, I got missed up
> when it didn't copy symlinks properly.  I had a link /var/somedir to
> the directory /var/SomeDir, and instead of copying the link, it
> copied the whole directory so that I had to identical copies of
> /var/SomeDir.  Be careful.

Hmm... assuming that we are talking about a softlink, then this should
not have happened (it would have required 'h' on the first tar).

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: periodic crashes

2000-03-13 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-13 21:05:13, Pollywog wrote:

> I just ran the "last" command, and I noticed that my machine has
> crashed several times since March 1 and in each instance, the time
> was the same, 17:01 UTC.

By virtue of being a crash, last will not show you when your machine
crashed but only when rebooted (started).  In which case 1701 might be
around the time when you would be firing up your box again (there is
60 seconds of opportunity ;-) )?

Are you using a recent stable kernel (2.2.x)?

Check your syslog file to see what your machine was doing just before
it crashes (it might not show the last stuff as it might not have been
committed to disk).

When did this behavior start?

Check memory, cpu/system temperature.

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: 2 networks

2000-03-24 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-03-24 05:40:37, The_Phantom 74 wrote:


All caps spam, it can't get much worse.

Btw, does anyone know of a list of know spammers with enough physical
details to avoid buying anything from them - company name, domain
name, phone number etc.  I, for one, don't mind spending non-trivial
amount of time to ensure that I (or anyone that I can influence) don't
support them, ever.

Allan M. Wind   Finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
P.O. Box 2022   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   ICQ: 44214251
USA Phone: 781.279.4513

Re: Where to find Printer Drivers

2000-01-15 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-15 12:09:59, Cameron Matheson wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone knew how I could get drivers for a Canon BJC-80
> printer for Debian 2.1 Slink.  I went to, but they only had about
> two printer drivers, and none were Canon.

Don't know what BJC-80 is compatible with, but did you try the ones in
ghostscript (gs):

wind:~$ gs -help
Aladdin Ghostscript 5.50 (1998-9-16)
Copyright (C) 1998 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.  All rights reserved.
Usage: gs [switches] [ ...]
Most frequently used switches: (you can use # in place of =)
 -dNOPAUSE   no pause after page   | -q   `quiet', fewer messages
 -gx  page size in pixels   | -r  pixels/inch resolution
 -sDEVICE=  select device | -dBATCH  exit after last file
 -sOutputFile= select output file: - for stdout, |command for pipe,
 embed %d or %ld for page #
Input formats: PostScript PostScriptLevel1 PostScriptLevel2 PDF
Available devices:
   x11 x11alpha x11cmyk x11cmyk2 x11cmyk4 x11cmyk8 x11gray2 x11gray4 x11mono
   lvga256 vgalib t4693d2 t4693d4 t4693d8 tek4696 appledmp ccr lp2563 lbp8
   lips3 m8510 necp6 cp50 oce9050 oki182 okiibm r4081 sj48 cljet5 deskjet
   djet500 laserjet ljet2p ljet3 ljet3d ljet4 ljetplus declj250 paintjet
   pjetxl jetp3852 cdeskjet cdjcolor cdjmono cdj550 cdj500 djet500c dnj650c
   pj pjxl pjxl300 hpdj uniprint epson eps9mid eps9high epsonc lq850 lp8000
   st800 stcolor ap3250 ibmpro bj10e bj200 bjc600 bjc800 lj4dith lj5mono
   lj5gray lj250 hl7x0 imagen iwhi iwlo iwlq faxg3 faxg32d faxg4 dfaxhigh
   dfaxlow pcxmono pcxgray pcx16 pcx256 pcx24b pcxcmyk pbm pbmraw pgm pgmraw
   pgnm pgnmraw pnm pnmraw ppm ppmraw pkm pkmraw plan9bm tiffcrle tiffg3
   tiffg32d tiffg4 tifflzw tiffpack cif inferno bmpmono bmp16 bmp256 bmp16m
   tiff12nc tiff24nc bmpamono psmono psgray psrgb bit bitrgb bitcmyk sgirgb
   pngmono pnggray png16 png256 png16m cgmmono cgm8 cgm24 jpeg jpeggray
   miff24 mgrmono mgrgray2 mgrgray4 mgrgray8 mgr4 mgr8 pdfwrite bbox pswrite
   epswrite pxlmono pxlcolor nullpage
Search path:
   . : /usr/lib/ghostscript/common : /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.50 :
For more information, see /usr/doc/gs-aladdin/Use.htm.
Report bugs to [EMAIL PROTECTED], using the form in Bug-form.htm.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work) client

2000-01-15 Thread Allan M. Wind

Does anyone have a client for deb'ed?  Has anyone got that
working with dhcp-client?  Do you just add calls to the hooks?

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: mail problem

2000-01-23 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-22 22:39:50, aphro wrote:

> I have 2 machines that handle 99% of my accounts.  1 is acting mail
> server( and the other does everything
> else(
> all of the domains i host MX to (which goes to


> on, if i mail to a user, and the user exists on
> the local machine, the mail system mails to that user (e.g. echo "test" |
> mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]) however if the local user does NOT exist it
> returns "user unknown" this only appears to happen when the local user
> does not exist. although it shouldnt matter since no domains for mail are
> hosted on (other then the
> system doesn't know to send the mail to

Clearly, you are hosting something on galactica, otherwise mail for
your "local" user would be forwarded to your other machine.  What is
the mx record for galactica?  Do you have a domain hosted on bebo and
some users from that domain on galactica?  If so, you will need to
either accept [EMAIL PROTECTED] on galactica (and nothing else) or
rewrite their addresses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> any ideas?? i figure its a procmail thing..or is sendmail misconfigured?

Almost definately a mta problem (e.g. sendmail).  If the above doesn't
help I would need to see your sendmail config files (including

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: sources.list

2000-01-23 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-23 12:53:34, Rob Hensley wrote:

> If I plan on staying with potato (stable) for awhile, should I
> change all the unstable lines to frozen in my sources.list, or
> should I just leave them alone?

Change them to potato as that will work during the transition from
frozen to stable.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: mail problem

2000-01-24 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-23 14:46:28, aphro wrote:

> wind >Clearly, you are hosting something on galactica, otherwise mail for
> wind >your "local" user would be forwarded to your other machine.  What is
> wind >the mx record for galactica?  Do you have a domain hosted on bebo and
> wind >some users from that domain on galactica?  If so, you will need to
> wind >either accept [EMAIL PROTECTED] on galactica (and nothing else) or
> wind >rewrite their addresses to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> galactica and bebo share the same MX, the MX for
> (which goes to have 0 domains (other then
> set to recieve mail on galactica.

So, the MX for galactica and bebo is  What is the MX
record for  You know that means that all mail send for
these machines will be directed to, right?

> but you are right(i re checked) that galactica is not even bothering
> to deliver mail to another domain if it doesnt exist on the local
> machine(unless i override it by specifying the main domain
> instead of one of the others like or
> All of our domains have the same MX.


Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: mail problem

2000-01-24 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-23 16:35:54, aphro wrote:

> i reconfigured sendmail to use
> mailertables(via sendmailconfig) and set /etc/mail/mailertable to include:

Is this the correct format?

> but it appeaars it is ignoring the mailertable(i've restarted sendmail ~50
> times) totally. it still refuses to send mail unless the user exists
> locally or the domain is not hosted/MX'd by me. 

Hmm... that sounds like normal behavior to me.  If you serve the
domain and the user doesn't exist, sendmail should correctly
reject mail.

> another thing -- the domains themselves (i.e. the ip for is
> hosted on galactica(the one with the problem) while the MX is on bebo(the
> mail server)

You need to be more specific.  With "hosted" do you mean that the name
server for is running on galactica?  What do you mean by
the latter ".. while the MX is on bebo"?

Is there any particular reason, why you don't just give me the MX
records and the sendmail config?

> does this introduce any odd things that may cause this to happen?

Don't know till I understand your setup.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: sendmail: NOQUEUE: Authentication-warning

2000-01-25 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-24 16:25:49, Christopher S. Swingley wrote:

> Jan 24 16:18:57 denali sendmail[17441]: NOQUEUE: Authentication-
> Warning: Host [] claimed 
> to be bar

Looks like sendmail does a reverse dns lookup on a connecting host and
find that the IP doesn't match the hostname.  It therefor suggest that
someone messing around (authentication warning).  Are you controling
relay using domain or IPs?

Check hostnames against your dns records for the machines mentioned in
the log event.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: dynamic IP's, IP masq and mail, can it be done?

2000-01-25 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-25 01:29:55, Ethan Benson wrote:

> I have a small network connected to the internet via a IP masq 
> gateway, and would like to get mail working, but the above setup is a 
> nightmare for mail it would seem.

Why?  Sounds like mail masq'ing.

> is it even possible for mail to work in such a setup or am i wasting 
> my time?

Depends on what you are trying to do.  Outgoing mail should be "easy",
incoming mail wouldn't make sense unless you have a domain name (of
some sort).

> I got the gateway machine to send mail, but my fake domain still
> shows up in various places, such as the message ID and a second From
> line.

Hmm... sounds like you didn't masq the envelope.

> and in order to do that i had to setup a virtual table for all the
> local user accounts, otherwise when cron or something send mail to
> root it would go to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ...

I used:

canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical

to map root to my normal email (in case my box dies,
it might have left a clue there).



sender_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical_sender

to map a user without a real email adderss to my email address


and finally:

recipient_canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical_receiver

to have mail to the user without email be delivered locally
if send from my box.

> should I just get a static IP and a real domain name or is there some 
> way to make this work that is not too ugly?

There's no way around specifying your local acconuts as you have to
tell your mta that it's only authorative for a set of accounts.  You
could automative things using something like make with a dependency on
your /etc/passwd and some script to filter out the accounts that you
don't care about.

> (the way i got mail to work partially, was to disable dns lookups in 
> postfix, which allows mail to get delivered within the fake network, 
> and setting myorigin to on the gateway


> and setting the vitual table to redirect root and such to localhost
> but other machines cannot send mail still. and the gateway i think
> does not send correct mail since it has all this fake crap in it...)

You probaly need to enable relay for your local network, but otherwise
it sounds like you're on the right path.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: relocating mail server

2000-01-25 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2000-01-25 01:55:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>   I'd like to know how to forward all the emails from my current
>   email server to this new potato box?

You were not really specific in what you wanted to do, so I assume
that you have an mta and you want everything moved to a new mta:

Setup server to access mail for your domain. Change MX record
to point to config on mail.orig.  Change config on mail.orig
to not accept mail for your domain.

Old mail you either move (rcp/scp) or redeliver using something like

There are other scenarios, say, if you use fetchmail to obtain your
mail, if you want your mail server to act as a gateway to your
new mail server etc.

Allan M. Wind   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   Phone: 781.279.4513 (home)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022   Phone: 781.274.7000 ext. 368 (work)

Re: Hardware Question

2001-07-21 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-07-21 13:17:14, Adam Bell wrote:

> What I would like to do is have one box, running Debian, which has a
> constant routable IP (via cable or some other sort-of high speed protocol)
> and a normal domain name.

You could have someone serve dns for your domain, ideally you would
want someone to do secondary dns for you anyways.  Alternatively, you
could consider something like which will give you a
hostname in their domain for free (donations are encouraged).

> This will act as a mail server, samba server, FTP server, and
> internet sharing gateway for like four or five machines sitting
> behind it (and also make info on it available to the owners of these
> machines while they are wandering the world via IMAP).

I suspect that you will not be putting a heavy load on any of these,
so a low-end machine (celeron/duron) should do just fine.

> So my question is this:
> What kind of hardware, and in what configuration, would be best to throw
> at this problem?  What I'm assuming is that I'll need an interface for the
> modem, an interface going into a hub, and interfaces for all the clients.
> Is there a better way to do this?

wan --- gw --- hub  pc1
   \--- pc2
\-- pc3

You might be able to find a switch not much more expense than a hub
these days, but you should go with 100 Mb/s network (cables, network
cards and hub/switch).

> Also, what salient packages will be needed?  Here's my list so far:
> dhcpd, imapd (courier or uw?), proftpd, fingerd, exim, bind.  I know there
> must be things missing!  :)

You might want to run both dhcp client and server on the gw (server
should only bind to internal itnerface).  Spend some quality time
looking at the packet filtering in the kernel and setting up proper
logging of your system.  (bsd) ftp should do just as well as proftpd,
as you really should use ssh/scp for non-anonymous file transfers.
postfix is nice also (re exim).  Probably want a web server on there
as well (e.g. apache).

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: setting up an ftp server

2001-07-29 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-07-30 00:44:51, Kalle Hasselström wrote:

> How much of a security risk would it be to run an ftp server?

Make sure you have have restrictive permission on all directories if
you allow anonymous ftp, otherwise you will be staging pirated
software or DVDs fairly quickly.

The ftp servers with most interesting features (proftpd, wu-ftpd and
friends) have had issues in the past, but past performance might not
be any indication of the future.

> Is the
> biggest risk the clear-text passwords (I won't be transferring
> confidential files, I just don't want anyone to break in), or are
> there other major security holes as well?

I would hope that servers with known holes are patched or pulled, but
you might want to check out bugtraq or cert to convince yourself.  For
servers that uses PAM, you should check out if any of the
authentication modules might suit your needs (one-time passwords for

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Procmail questions

2001-07-30 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-07-30 16:09:51, Jordi S. Bunster wrote:

> But ... right now everyone can send messages to that account. How
> can I block mail to it from everyone except the two bosses (with
> procmail?)

1. keep the list name secret and have everyone use bcc.
2. create a real mailbox, fetchmail and procmail with a role
   like this:

* ^From:.*(boss1|boss2)
! list of users on your mailing list

(btw, this is easy to spoof)

3. install a mailing list server (smart list, mailman etc).

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: postgreSQL

2001-08-26 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-08-26 17:15:08, bob parker wrote:

> Attempt to 'psql' get error message:
> FATAL1: SetUserID: user 'bob' is not in pg_shadow
> How may i sign on to postgres - command line please

Probably using 'ident sameuser', in order to create accounts login as

su - <--- root pw
su - posgres
psql template1

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Standard Time ?

2001-12-23 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-12-23 14:24:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How do you change system date for debian .  Debian shows me 7:06 PM ,
> when it actually is 2:25 PM . I think they start off from GMT , but ,
> why this absurdity ? 

`date -s` is used to set the time.  It sounds like you want UTC set to
false in /etc/default/rcS and then run `tzconfig` to ensure you have the
right timezone configured.

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Turning on apm

2001-12-23 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-12-23 14:36:55, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> How do you turn on apm ? Mine seems to switched off.

You are probably not passing 'apm=on' to the kernel upon boot, say, via
a lilo append statement.

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: A mutt question

2002-02-05 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-02-05 08:10:56, stan wrote:
> After I finish composing a message, I'm dropped back to a menu, where among
> other things I can edit the headers. At this point in elm the default
> action (the one taken if I just hit [return], is to send the message. Not
> so in mutt. There I am dropped back into the editor to re edit the message.

It sounds like you want to bind "" to "send-message" instead of
"select-entry" (see section 3.3 of the manual).

Allan M. Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: garbled chars in mutt

2002-02-17 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-02-16 22:11:04, Eric G. Miller wrote:
> Use a different font for your terminal (want one with graphic
> characters, like the default X fixed font).

I switched to -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-140-*-*-c-*-iso10646-1
and unchecked the "Enable multibyte support" in gnome-terminal which
gave me back the missing non-ascii chars but the threaded overview is
still somewhat broke.   Am I correct in assuming that unicode and mutt
don't quite go along?

Allan M. Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: garbled chars in mutt

2002-02-17 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-02-17 11:52:52, dman wrote:
> mutt can use the line drawing characters (nicer) or it can revert
> to similar characters from the US-ASCII charset

~/.muttrc: set ascii_chars = yes

Allan M. Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: odd files in / after reboot

2001-10-28 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-10-28 21:10:39, Justin R. Miller wrote:
> Whenever I reboot, I get a file in / of the form /errsXX, where
> XX seems to be random characters.  I'm not sure if this is happening
> on shutdown or startup.  They are zero-length files owned by root with
> mode 600.  Any ideas?

No, but it would either be something running when you are shutting down
your system (ps should tell which processes you have running), being
executed by init as part of shutdown or startup (timestamp of the file
would be able to tell you which).  You could then manually try to start
or stop the services (binary search) or string the (binaries) involved 
to see if any haev a "errs" in them.

Or even better, check if someone else have already seen the problem, a
quick usenet search revealed:

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Good mail management techniques?

2001-09-02 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-09-02 15:32:02, Andrew Pollock wrote:

> The main problem I have is that each mailbox/folder/whatever you
> want to call it, grows without bounds. I wouldn't mind something to
> automatically shoved mail in a folder for each month or something
> like that, but I don't think that IMAP/Pine etc support multilevel
> folders, or do they?

If you deliver mail in maildir format (procmail can), you can (easily)
use standard unix tools to manipulate your mail.  Another option would
be to rework your procmail filters to include filtering by age and
post-process your mbox files via formail.

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Good mail management techniques?

2001-09-07 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-09-08 04:15:49, Angus D Madden wrote:

> but the bash script will choke if your maildirs are big.

> echo copying messages ...
> mv $MAILDIR/cur/* $BOX/cur/

Try instead: find $MAILDIR/cur -type f print0 | xargs -0i mv '{}' $BOX/cur

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Good mail management techniques?

2001-09-07 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-09-07 19:13:13, Allan M. Wind wrote:
> On 2001-09-08 04:15:49, Angus D Madden wrote:
> > but the bash script will choke if your maildirs are big.
> > echo copying messages ...
> > mv $MAILDIR/cur/* $BOX/cur/
> Try instead: find $MAILDIR/cur -type f print0 | xargs -0i mv '{}' $BOX/cur

There should of course have been '-print0' and you don't really need
the -type f as you would have files in the cur directory.

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: duplicates in mutt? (was: Deleting duplicate ...)

2001-09-26 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-09-24 20:09:51, Martin F Krafft wrote:

> can mutt delete duplicate messages in a folder? The Bat for windoze
> (i.e. best mailer for windoze) can do that, so i kind of expect mutt
> to be able to...

I do not think so, but it is trivial with procmail (formail):

CACHE_FILE = $MAILDIR/received/Message-ID.cache
CACHE_SIZE = 1048576
TRASH = /dev/null

:0 Whc: $CACHE_FILE.lock

:0 a:

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: postfix delivery options

2001-10-10 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-10-10 14:45:57, Ben Hartshorne wrote:

> The problem that I'm having is that mail generated by programs run as
> root on my machine (cron, bounces, errors on boot, etc.) get sent to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which goes to all the administrators of
> instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which goes only to me).

Try this:


a. virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
b. myorigin = $mydomain
c. mydestination = ..., $myhostname
d. realyhost = (may I suggest a cname of

2. Add a line in /etc/postfix/virtual for each account you
want to be delivered locally where $myorigin and $myhostname
are the values from from your


3. cd /etc/postfix; postmap virtual

4. Restart postfix.

Check out file:///usr/doc/postfix/html/rewrite.html#standard
for more details.

> Domains:
> resolves to the same machine as

You might want to rethink that.

> So I figured that I could intercept this process by putting into the
> /etc/aliases file:
> root: ben
> running newaliases, giving postfix a kick, and all would be well.

/etc/alises is only used for local delivery and postfix has already
decided that it's remote.

> *when I send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it gets sent to
>, and qmail interprets the address correctly, and delivers
> it.

You might want to rethink that.  Why do you want mail destinated to
your machine delivered somewhere else?  What are you really trying
to achive?

> *when fetchmail injects any message, it gets thrown through procmail and
> delivered appropriately.
> *when an automated program generates mail to root, it gets delivered to
> EITHER [EMAIL PROTECTED] (which will get to me eventually) or
> just straight locally.  I don't really care.

The above will deliver it locally.

> Now, the third point above may bely a misunderstanding on my part.  I am
> under the impression that fetchmail injects a message into the local
> mail delivery program,

Configurable, see "mda" in man for fetchmail(1).

> which then sends it through the .forward file
> into procmail, which actually writes the messages to different files.
> Is this correct?  

Depends on the above, if unset, fetchmail will deliver it to port 25
and as you have postfix running there, it will deliver it to whatever
mailbox_command in is set to (you probably want it to say
/usr/bin/procmail -a "$EXTENSION").  If unset, postfix will use internal
delivery agent, but either would use .forward file.

> Also, I believe that mutt passes of messages to the local delivery agent
> (postfix) to be dealt with and sent at it's leasure.  Is this correct?

mutt sends mail via the program defined as "sendmail" in .muttrc
which is most likely the sendmail program that postfix provides. You
could configure mutt to use something like ssmtp which is a mail
user agent.

This might be useful to you:


> If both of those are right, is it true that both incoming and outgoing
> mail go through postfix at some point?  I think that's where my problem
> lies.

Yes (that would most likely be the case on your system).

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: postfix delivery options

2001-10-10 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-10-10 21:15:59, Allan M. Wind wrote:

> c. mydestination = ..., $myhostname

If you _really_ want some mail to green.$mydomain send out
to your relay host (and I assume it does something differently
with mail from green.$mydomain than from $mydomain) then
change the above to ..., localhost.$myhostname.

See additional comments for point 2.

> d. realyhost = (may I suggest a cname of

Typo, that should have been "relayhost".

> 2. Add a line in /etc/postfix/virtual for each account you
> want to be delivered locally where $myorigin and $myhostname
> are the values from from your
> ...

and this to (again, make sure you use the values from


Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Ess1888 kernel driver?

2001-12-29 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2001-12-28 15:59:25, Calyth wrote:
> I know it's kind of silly that I asked here, but my laptop uses ESS1888
> as the sound chip, but I cannot find the kernel driver. Can someone
> unravel this for me?

Install alsa which support it via es18x (if I recall correctly). 

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: any good LaTeX books/docs recommended to beginners?

2002-01-08 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-01-09 12:09:27, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
> I am very new to LaTex. Is there any good books or documents recommended
> for me? Any recommends highly appreciated. :-)

"Latex - A Document Preparation System - User's Guide & Reference
Manual" by Leslie Lamport is good.  That said, I would be surprised if
you cannot find everything you need online (or in your LaTex

Allan M. Wind   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 2022   finger: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (GPG/PGP)
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Strange problem with modem when computer is "off"

2002-01-13 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-01-14 03:56:35, Terence Sheridan wrote:
> For the life of me, I cannot understand why after my system goes for
> shutdown or reboot, my modem tries to connect to the phone line when
> the power management finally switches off the computer.
> When I reboot/turn on the computer, the modem drops the connection
> while linux loads into the system (after LILO takes control).  Then,
> everything is normal again.  It's gotten to the point that when I
> power down my computer and turn it off, I have to unplug the phone
> line to my modem so people can call me.  Quite ridiculous if you ask
> me.


* check if there is anything in your bios that could cause this

* check your modem configuration to see if it has any option that
  might cause this (call back, wake up on call etc).

* check your box to see which processes are using /dev/ttyS0 (or
  whatever device your modem is connected to).  lsof or fuser
  might came handy.  Check what is running during shutdown to
  see if it may cause something wierd (/init.d/rc0.d and /init.d/
  rc6.d for halt and reboot respectively)... pay especial
  attention to setserial.  IRQ conflicts (/proc/interrupts)?

It would help if you could identify exactly where in the shutdown
sequence this happens.  E.g. if you watch your first console, you will
see daemons shutdown, is it before/after a particular daemon or, say,
when power is actually cut?

Allan M. Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: Strange problem with modem when computer is "off"

2002-01-13 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-01-14 06:25:43, Terence Sheridan wrote:
> I  scrolled locked through the halt process and watched the kills.
> The modem connection seems to happen when the power is actually cut, I
> believe.  Then it goes away when setserial takes over during the boot
> process (or at least that is what appears to be happening).
> I get a message during boot:
> /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f6 (irq=4) is a 1650A
> /dev/ttyS0 at 0x02f8 (irq=3) is a 1650a

Typo (one is supposed to be ttyS1), right?

> /dev/ttyS15 at 0xe800 (irq=3) is a 16950/954

I would expect S2 or 3, 15 seems wierd.  I am not familar with a 16950
or 954, are you sure that is correct?  Might want to look closer at the
configuration file for setserial.

> Any ideas how to check my modem to see if it wants to wake up or call
> back when the computer is off?

No, sorry.  Check your manual or manufactors web site.

Nothing else looked interesting in rc0.d or rc6.d, right?  UPS software
would be the other prime suspect, although the above description of the
boot process points to bios and/or modem rather than host or software
(at least in my mind).

Allan M. Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

Re: postfix log files

2002-01-16 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 2002-01-16 02:38:05, martin f krafft wrote:
> will someone explain to me, how postfix's mail.log (well, it's syslogd's
> actually) gets rotated? logrotate.d or logrotate.conf have no entries,
> and `grep -r mail\.log /etc` gives no results.


Allan M. Wind
P.O. Box 2022
Woburn, MA 01888-0022

Description: PGP signature

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