Re: demà Debian fa 30 anys

2023-08-15 Conversa Griera-yandex
Gràcies per recordatori!

On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 07:45:36 +0200
Àlex  wrote:

> felicitats!

(deb-cat) Devuan 5 release, basat en bookworm

2023-08-15 Conversa Narcis Garcia

(A quasi 10 anys del debat sobre el programari d'inici)
«Devuan GNU+Linux is a fork of Debian without systemd»

 Missatge reenviat 
Assumpte: [devuan] Devuan 5.0.0 Daedalus release
Data: Tue, 15 Aug 2023 17:22:20 +0200
De: Subscribe to receive announcements about Devuan 

Respon a:,

Dear Friends and Software Freedom Lovers,

Devuan Developers are delighted to announce the release of Devuan Daedalus
5.0.0 as the project's new stable release. This is the result of many months
of painstaking work by the Team and detailed testing by the wider Devuan

# Devuan 5 Daedalus Release Notes

## Index

 - Introduction
 - New in this Release
 + Rootless startx uses libseat1
 + Sway (wayland) GUI without elogind
 - Getting Devuan 5 Daedalus
 - Upgrading to Devuan 5 Daedalus
 - Notes on Specific Packages and Issues
 + Consolekit
 - Devuan Package Repositories
 - Non-free-firmware
 - Devuan package information pages
 - Reporting bugs

## Introduction

This document includes technical notes relevant to Devuan 5 Daedalus.

Devuan 5 Daedalus is based on Debian 12 Bookworm. Much of the information in
[Debian's Release 

is relevant and useful. They should be consulted alongside this document.

More information and support on specific issues can be obtained by:

- subscribing to the [DNG mailing

- visiting the [Devuan user forum](

- asking on one of the [Devuan IRC channels](irc:// on

  * `#devuan` - general discussion and support about Devuan
  * `#devuan-arm` - specific support for ARM

## New in this Release
### Rootless startx uses libseat1

xserver-xorg-core now uses libseat1 to control rootless startx and access to
input and video devices. This has several advantages, the most 
significant being

that it removes the dbus dependency from xserver-xorg-core.

libseat1 can use either seatd or elogind as a
backend. If you need to override the default choice (autodiscovery), use the
LIBSEAT_BACKEND environment variable.

If you are using seatd as the backend, ensure the user is a member of 
the video group.

This is only relevant to running startx as a user, xorg run as root by a 

manager is unaffected.

### Wayland GUI without elogind

Users can now enjoy a wayland desktop without elogind by installing
libpam-ck-connector, sway and seatd.

Ensure the relevant user is a member of the `video` group and run sway from
the terminal.

## Getting Devuan 5 Daedalus

Devuan 5 Daedalus is available for i386, amd64, armel, armhf, arm64 and 


Installer isos and live CDs for i386 and amd64 are [available for
download]( at

Mini isos and other specialist installation media for all release 

are available from{ARCH}/current/images/.

Please consider using one of the many 

listed at [](

Detailed instructions on how to use each image are available in the
corresponding `README.txt` file. The `SHA256SUMS` of each set of images is
signed by the developer in charge of the build. The fingerprints of [GPG 
keys of

all Devuan developers]( are listed at

In order to check that the images you downloaded are genuine and not
corrupted, you should:

- download the image(s)
- download the corresponding `SHA256SUMS` and `SHA256SUMS.asc` files in 
the same

- verify the checksums by running:

  > `sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS`

  (it could complain about missing files, but should show an "OK" close 
to the

  images you have actually downloaded)

- verify the signature running:

  > `gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./devuan-devs.gpg --verify 

  (assuming that you have put the GPG keys in the keyring named
   `devuan-devs.gpg`. YMMV)

The `devuan-devs.gpg` keyring is provided only for convenience. The most 

procedure to verify that the signatures are authentic is by downloading the
relevant public keys from a trusted keyserver, double-check that the 

of the key matches that of the developer reported on
[]( and then use 
that key

for verification.

### Docker images

Official Devuan Docker container images are [available from the Docker 
Hub](  These images are updated as 
needed for all maintained releases.  To get the latest image for 
Daedalus execute

`docker pull devuan/devuan:daedalus`

For further details on the images, please