Re: [Re: Can't boot 2.4.17 or 2.5.1 kernel] problem solved ?!

2002-02-06 Par sujet William Lee Irwin III
On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 02:55:23AM +0100, Fabrice Eudes wrote:
> more seriously, thanks to all the people making the ac kernel-variants.
> Just one more -silly?- question: it seems -for me at least- that some
> of the ac patches should be integrated in the kernel, why aren't they ?
> (I repeat that ANY 2.4.17 variant I compiled won't even boot ! I'm not
> talking about kernel panic here)
> is my hardware so exotic ??

You should probably report this to

A more detailed description of your hardware and config options
would probably also help. If you're willing to try some patches
that might help with debugging early boot failures that might
also give some insight into your troubles.


Re: [Re: Can't boot 2.4.17 or 2.5.1 kernel] problem solved ?!

2002-02-06 Par sujet Alan Cox
> more seriously, thanks to all the people making the ac kernel-variants.
> Just one more -silly?- question: it seems -for me at least- that some
> of the ac patches should be integrated in the kernel, why aren't they ?
> (I repeat that ANY 2.4.17 variant I compiled won't even boot ! I'm not
> talking about kernel panic here)

Most of them are. In your case I really dont know what is in the older -ac
that makes it boot on your box 8(

[Re: Can't boot 2.4.17 or 2.5.1 kernel] problem solved ?!

2002-02-06 Par sujet Fabrice Eudes
[anglophobes, ne lisez pas la suite :-)]

Hi !

Le Mon, Feb 04, 2002 at 08:51:19PM +0100, Jose Luis Domingo Lopez a
> One day I tried again to boot those "problematic" kernels from the
> same
> PC, now upgraded to Woody, and the problems appeared in the same
> places.
> One thing that I noticed is that Alan's 2.4.x-acY kernels had no
> problems booting where plain 2.4.x kernels failed.
thanks a lot for the tip !

I compiled a kernel from the "plain" 2.4.13 sources with the ac-8 patch
and it works fine.

haaa... my radeon works and I can play tuxracer; great !

more seriously, thanks to all the people making the ac kernel-variants.
Just one more -silly?- question: it seems -for me at least- that some
of the ac patches should be integrated in the kernel, why aren't they ?
(I repeat that ANY 2.4.17 variant I compiled won't even boot ! I'm not
talking about kernel panic here)
is my hardware so exotic ??

thanks again.

PS: it worked also with a 2.4.13-ac5 :-)
PPS: I don't mind to buils a few more kernel to identify which part(s)
of the ac patches is(are) responsible of this non-non-booting ;-)
situation but I need someone to guide me.
PPPS: I'll have some time in a week; tomorrow I go skiing 8-)
Stéphanie, Fabrice et Fiona  -o)