Title: Yawadoo.Us


New .com.cn domains
Businesses around the world will soon be able to establish a Chinese identity on the web. For the first time ever, .CN, the Internet address for China, will be made available to businesses outside of China under a new liberalized policy.
  • No local presence required
  • First come .. first served registration
  • No special registration restrictions
  • Demand expected to be very strong

Trademark Holders
There is NO Sunrise or IP Protection Period for com/net/org.cn. If you wish to protect your trademarks, you should pre-register your domains now to ensure submission the day .CN opens. To recoup a domain later you must go through China's Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy.

The Dot CN registry, responsible for the .com.cn offering, has set a launch date of Dec 16th. Yawadoo.Us will begin queuing pre-registrations for the .com.cn domain on a first come first serve basis, so be sure to get in the registration process early before the best domain names are taken.

China's recent accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) is proof that the Chinese economy is taking great strides toward accessibility. Don't miss your opportunity to open the door on 1.1 billion potential customers. Pre-register your .com.cn today!

To contact Yawadoo.Us email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Prerequest Yours Today!

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