Quelqu'un aurait-il déja installé la webcam Philips PCVC720K avec le module 
ov518 ? 
Dans le papier-coller suivant, la partie modification de /etc/modules.conf 
me gène. Sous Woody, je sais que l'on ne doit pas modifier à la main ce 
Merci d'avance.
PS : pour ceux que cela intéresse, l'adresse du site : 

Using Compression Support:
Compression support will give you better frame rates with OV511 cameras, 
and is REQUIRED with OV518 cameras. It requires lots of CPU power, and 
reduces the image quality somewhat, though. If you want/need it, do the 

 (NOTE: for OV518 cameras, substitute  ov518_decomp for ov511_decomp ) 

Make sure you installed the latest driver using the above instructions. The 
driver that comes with kernels and operating systems by default has no 
compression support.
Add the following line to your /etc/modules.conf . This will load the 
decompressor after ov511 is loaded, and unload the decompressor before 
ov511 is unloaded:

above ov511 ov511_decomp

If you want compression enabled by default all of the time, add the 
following line to /etc/modules.conf:

options ov511 compress=1

 Load ov511.If you didn't make compression the default in /etc/modules.conf 
, load it with the compress=1 option (modprobe ov511 compress=1). If it is 
already loaded, remove it first with " rmmod ov511"
When you unload ov511, you must do it with modprobe (modprobe -r ov511). 
With rmmod, you will get "ov511: Device or resource busy", since it doesn't 
remove ov511_decomp automatically.

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