In this issue, you'll learn how to run multiple SQL Server 
Express User Instances and use the T-SQL RESTORE command. I also 
mention a Web site that provides connection strings for many 
database products.

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======= Contents ======================

August 7, 2006

- An Instance of Understanding

- Jump Start: Database Restore
- Check It Out: Connection String Resource

Resources and Events
- SQL Server Magazine Connections Conference
- Cross-Platform Data Roadshow
- Consolidating SQL Server Deployments
- Five Keys to Choosing the Right Antispyware Solution

Featured White Paper
- How Effective is Your Antivirus?

New SQL Server Express Product
- Easily Encrypt Database Objects

Exclusive Email Offers
- Monthly Online Pass--Only $5.95 per month!
- Save $40 On Windows IT Pro Magazine

========== Sponsor: AppDev ====================================

FREE SQL Server 2005 Training CD-ROM! 
   Start learning SQL Server 2005 today with cutting edge 
training from AppDev. Get a FREE SQL 2005 training CD (a $115 
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1. ==== Commentary ====================

An Instance of Understanding
   by Michael Otey

User Instances is a feature that makes SQL Server 2005 Express 
different from other SQL Server editions. Before I explain User 
Instances, you need to understand that a SQL Server instance is 
essentially an in-memory occurrence of the sqlservr.exe 
executable program. Different SQL Server editions support 
different numbers of instances. For example, the SQL Server 2005 
Enterprise Edition supports 50 instances, and the SQL Server 2005 
Standard, Workgroup, and Express editions each support 16 
instances. Each instance runs separately and has its own set of 
databases that aren't shared by any other instance. Client 
applications connect to each instance by using the instance name. 
   Typically, the first SQL Server instance you install becomes 
the "default" instance. The default instance uses the name of the 
computer on which it's installed. You can assign a name to 
subsequent instance installations, so they're called "named" 
instances. During the installation process, you can assign any 
name to a named instance. Client applications that want to 
connect to an instance use the <DefaultServerName>\<InstanceName> 
convention. For example, if the default instance name is 
SQLServer1 and the instance name is MyInstance, the client 
application would connect to the named instance by using the 
server name SQLServer1\MyInstance. 
   As with the other SQL Server editions, SQL Server Express 
supports the default instance and named instances, but SQL Server 
Express uses SQLExpress as the default instance name rather than 
the name of the computer system. 
   In addition to regular SQL Server instances, SQL Server 
Express also supports User Instances. User instances are similar 
to named instances, but SQL Server Express creates user instances 
dynamically, and these instances have different limitations. When 
you install SQL Server Express, you have the option of enabling 
User Instances. By default, User Instances aren't enabled. After 
installation, you can enter the sp_configure command in SQL 
Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) or the sqlcmd tool by 
using the following syntax:

sp_configure 'user instances enabled','1' 

To disable User Instance support, replace 1 with a 0 in the 
sp_configure command.
   User Instances were designed to make deploying databases along 
with applications easier. User Instances let users create a 
database instance on demand even if they don't have 
administrative rights. To utilize User Instances, the 
application's connection string needs to use the attachdbfilename 
and user instance keywords as follows: 

Data Source=.\SQLExpress;integrated security=true;

   When an application opens a connection to a SQL Server Express 
database in which User Instances are enabled and the application 
uses the attachdbfilename and user instance keywords, SQL Server 
Express copies the master and msdb databases to the user's 
directory. SQL Server Express starts a new instance of the 
sqlserver.exe program and SQL Server Express attaches the 
database named in the attachdbfilename keyword to the new 
   Unlike common SQL Server instances, SQL Server Express User 
Instances have some limitations. User Instances don't allow 
network connections, only local connections. As you might expect 
with the network-access restriction, User Instances don't support 
replication or distributed queries to remote databases. In 
addition, Windows integrated authentication is required. For more 
information about SQL Server Express and User Instances you can 
read the Microsoft article "SQL Server 2005 Express Edition User 
Instances" at


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Take the SQL Server Magazine Salary Survey!
   We need your help! SQL Server Magazine is launching its third 
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out all about you and what makes you a satisfied database 
professional. When you complete the survey (about 10 minutes of 
your time), you'll be entered in a drawing for one of five $100 
American Express gift certificates. Look for the survey results--
and how you stack up against your peers--in our December issue. 
To take the survey, go to

You Could Be a SQL Server Innovator!
   If you've developed a resourceful solution that uses SQL 
Server technology to solve a business problem, you qualify to 
enter the 2006 SQL Server Magazine Innovators Contest! Grand-
prize winners will receive airfare and a conference pass to SQL 
Server Magazine Connections in Las Vegas, November 6-9, 2006, 
plus more great prizes and a feature article about the winning 
solutions in the January 2007 issue of SQL Server Magazine. 
Contest runs through September 1, 2006, so enter today!

2. ==== Features =======================

Jump Start: Database Restore
   by Michael Otey

A good data-protection plan involves two core activities: backup 
and restore. In "Backing Up Your Database" (in the archive at )
I explain how to use T-SQL commands to back up your SQL 
Server 2005 Express databases. Although you can use SQL Server 
Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to back up your databases, T-
SQL also lets you automate and schedule backups. 
   In this article, I cover basic full-backup restore. Before 
jumping into the T-SQL RESTORE commands, I should point out that 
similar to SQL Server 2005, SQL Server Express supports multiple 
types of backup and restore options including full, differential, 
and log backups.
   As with the SQL Server Express database backup options, you 
can restore a database by using either SSMSE or T-SQL commands 
from SQLCMD or Query Editor. In "Backing Up Your Database," I 
used T-SQL commands to show you how to back up a database, so 
I'll show you the T-SQL RESTORE commands in this article. The 
following code restores the MediaCollection database from a 
previous full-database-backup disk file named MediaBackup.bak:

'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\BACKUP\ 

   As you can see, the RESTORE command for a full backup is 
straightforward. You provide the name of the database you want to 
restore after the RESTORE DATABASE command, the name of the disk 
backup file, followed by the FROM DISK = clause. It's that 

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Check It Out: Connection String Resource
   by Michael Otey

When you're writing client applications for SQL Server Express 
(or any other database for that matter), you always need to use 
the proper syntax for the connection string that your application 
uses to connect to a database. One handy resource site that 
provides connection strings for many database products is . If you aren't familiar with 
this Web site, you should check it out.

3. ==== Resources and Events ===========

SQL Server Magazine Connections Conference
   Now in its sixth year, SQL Server Magazine Connections returns 
November 6-9, at Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas. Get down to 
business today with SQL Server 2005. Interact with and learn from 
an all-star lineup. Register for one event and attend sessions of 
the concurrently run events for FREE! 

Cross-Platform Data Roadshow
   Oracle professionals will cover key concepts about Oracle and 
SQL Server in enterprise database computing. This event provides 
invaluable information about the benefits of 64-bit computing on 
the Windows platform, SQL Server BI for Oracle, high-availability 
proof points for SQL Server and Oracle, and much more. 

Consolidating SQL Server Deployments
   Does your SQL Server deployment suffer from low utilization 
rates, suboptimal availability, and management challenges? Learn 
to overcome these difficulties by deploying a database utility 
that can help lower your cost of ownership by 70 percent and can 
react to changes within 30 seconds. Live Web Seminar: Tuesday, 
August 22 

Five Keys to Choosing the Right Antispyware Solution
   Randy Franklin Smith outlines five evaluation points to 
consider when choosing your antispyware solution in this free 
podcast. Download it today! 

4. ==== Featured White Paper ============

How Effective is Your Antivirus?
   Antivirus or patching software alone isn't enough to protect 
your valuable systems from spyware. Learn how an enterprise 
antispyware solution gives you an affordable--and most important, 
effective, solution to spyware. Download the free whitepaper 


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5. === New SQL Server Express Product ===

Easily Encrypt Database Objects
   by Blake Eno

Ecatenate announced dbLockdown 2.0, a solution that helps you 
secure your SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express 
intellectual property. dbLockdown's interface lets you see all 
database objects across your enterprise and Internet servers. You 
can encrypt stored procedures, views, user-defined functions 
(UDFs), database triggers, and server triggers in one or more 
servers and databases. Each database object that's encrypted is 
automatically archived for easy retrieval. dbLockdown also lets 
you edit the T-SQL script for database objects. For more 
information, contact Ecatenate at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

6. ==== Exclusive Email Offers ====

Monthly Online Pass--Only $5.95 per month!
   Includes instant online access to every article ever written 
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