shell script (novamente)

2006-09-06 Por tôpico Paulo Górgias
pessoal segue o script que uso para fazer backup, como eu falei se eu executo
ele diretamente (./backup) ele funciona beleza, mas quando eu coloco para rodar
no cron só executa não executa o mysqldump todo o restante funciona mas
mysqldump não, alguem pode me ajudar:


# Shell script to backup MySql database
# To backup Nysql databases file to /backup dir and later pick up by your
# script. You can skip few databases from backup too.
# For more info please see (Installation info):
# Last updated: Aug - 2005
# This is a free shell script under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 nixCraft project
# Feedback/comment/suggestions :
# -
# This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC)
# Visit for more information.
# -

MyPASS=usermay   # PASSWORD
MyHOST=localhost  # Hostname
mount -t smbfs //dcmys/mybkp /backup -o username=admin,password=dlink

# Linux bin paths, change this if it can't be autodetected via which command
MYSQL=$(which mysql)
MYSQLDUMP=$(which mysqldump)
CHOWN=$(which chown)
CHMOD=$(which chmod)
GZIP=$(which gzip)

# Backup Dest directory, change this if you have someother location

# Main directory where backup will be stored
cd $MBD
rm *.sql
# Get hostname

# Get data in dd-mm- format
NOW=$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H)

# File to store current backup file
# Store list of databases

# DO NOT BACKUP these databases

[ ! -d $MBD ]  mkdir -p $MBD || :

# Only root can access it!

# Get all database list first
DBS=$($MYSQL -u $MyUSER -h $MyHOST -p$MyPASS -Bse 'show databases')

for db in $DBS
if [ $IGGY !=  ];
for i in $IGGY
[ $db == $i ]  skipdb=1 || :

if [ $skipdb == -1 ] ; then
# do all inone job in pipe,
# connect to mysql using mysqldump for select mysql database
# and pipe it out to gz file in backup dir :)
$MYSQLDUMP -u $MyUSER -h $MyHOST -p$MyPASS $db --single-transaction
--flush-logs   $FILE


tar -cvvzf $FILE /usr/local/mysql/data/dbsrv-bin.* $MBD/*.sql
cd /
echo $FILE
umount /backup

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Re: shell script (novamente)

2006-09-06 Por tôpico Danilo G. Baio
Faça um teste trocando o comando para esse:mysqldump --user=USER --password=SENHA --database DATABASE  /pastaBkp/dump`date +%d%m%y`As vezes ele pede a senha no console após executar o comando.Talvez de certo...
[]'sOn 9/6/06, Paulo Górgias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
pessoal segue o script que uso para fazer backup, como eu falei se eu executoele diretamente (./backup) ele funciona beleza, mas quando eu coloco para rodarno cron só executa não executa o mysqldump todo o restante funciona mas
mysqldump não, alguem pode me ajudar:script:#!/bin/bash# Shell script to backup MySql database# To backup Nysql databases file to /backup dir and later pick up by your# script. You can skip few databases from backup too.
# For more info please see (Installation info):#
# Last updated: Aug - 2005# # This is a free shell script under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 nixCraft project
# Feedback/comment/suggestions : -# This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC)
# Visit for more information.# -MyUSER=myuser # USERNAME
MyPASS=usermay # PASSWORDMyHOST=localhost# Hostnamemount -t smbfs //dcmys/mybkp /backup -o username=admin,password=dlink# Linux bin paths, change this if it can't be autodetected via which command
MYSQL=$(which mysql)MYSQLDUMP=$(which mysqldump)CHOWN=$(which chown)CHMOD=$(which chmod)GZIP=$(which gzip)# Backup Dest directory, change this if you have someother location
DEST=/backup# Main directory where backup will be storedMBD=$DEST/mysqlcd $MBDrm *.sql# Get hostnameHOST=$(hostname)# Get data in dd-mm- format
NOW=$(date +%d-%m-%Y-%H)# File to store current backup fileFILE=# Store list of databasesDBS=# DO NOT BACKUP these databasesIGGY=test
[ ! -d $MBD ]  mkdir -p $MBD || :# Only root can access it!$CHOWN 0.0 -R $DEST$CHMOD 0600 $DEST# Get all database list firstDBS=$($MYSQL -u $MyUSER -h $MyHOST -p$MyPASS -Bse 'show databases')
for db in $DBSdoskipdb=-1if [ $IGGY !=  ];thenfor i in $IGGYdo[ $db == $i ]  skipdb=1 || :
donefiif [ $skipdb == -1 ] ; thenFILE=$MBD/$db.$HOST.$NOW.sql# do all inone job in pipe,# connect to mysql using mysqldump for select mysql database
# and pipe it out to gz file in backup dir :)$MYSQLDUMP -u $MyUSER -h $MyHOST -p$MyPASS $db --single-transaction--flush-logs $FILEfidoneFILE=$MBD/dbsrv-bin.$NOW.tar.gz
tar -cvvzf $FILE /usr/local/mysql/data/dbsrv-bin.* $MBD/*.sqlcd /echo $FILEumount /backup___Agora todas as suas ligações DDD e DDI com o 21 vêm junto com a conta do seu
telefone de casa ou celular.Mais comodidade e praticidade para você. Faz um 21 e aproveite!--To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]--  .' '`.Danilo G. Baio (dbaio)
 :: ' : (44) 8801 1257 `. ` ' [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]