Your command: This is a multi-part message in MIME format

2011-03-21 Por tema Comserve
- - -  C O M S E R V E  - - - 

Comserve User,

Comserve is an automated system that can respond to a limited set of known
commands that appear in the body of email. Your mail contained text it could
not interpret (This is a multi-part message in MIME format) followed by some
additional lines of text. Processing was halted after the uninterpretable
text was encountered and the remaining lines of text were purged.

Unfortunately there are some e-mail programs that include automatically extra
text at the beginning of the body of the e-mail or which encode the email
message in HTML tags or encrypt the text in other ways. Unfortunately, this
may happen without your permission or awareness. On the chance that your own
email program is the source of your problem, including hidden text, HTML
tags, or other extraneous material,  begin your list of Comserve commands
with the word Start (without the quotes) placed on a line by itself. This
will cause Comserve to ignore any hidden lines that were inserted before that
point. It will find the Start message and begin processing commands after
the Start message occurs. On the change that your mail sending system
includes hidden lines after the body of the email, insert the word  End
(without the quotes) after your last Comserve command.on a line by itself. If
you still have problems, contact the CIOS staff.  You'll find our email
address at the bottom of the CIOS homepage:

Thank you for using CIOS/Comserve services. 

  Visit the CIOS web site at:   

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Your command: This is a multi-part message in MIME format

2011-03-21 Por tema Comserve
- - -  C O M S E R V E  - - - 

| |
|*** Warning ***  |
| |
| Extra lines were detected in your mail message or file. |
| At the present time, only five commands per mail message|
| or file are allowed.  If these lines contained extra|
| commands, please resubmit them one at a time.  If they  |
| contained a message to the CIOS/Comserve staff or a sub-|
| mission for the resource library, please resend to the  |
| staff address:|
| |
| If the extra text in your mail message was actually a   |
| signature (often internet/bitnet e-mail systems will  |
| insert automatically the sender's name and addresses and|
| sometimes a motto or slogan, referred to as a signature), |
| in the future use the END command to separate your  |
| commands for Comserve from your signature information.  |
| An example of this might be:|
| |
| Join Preview Susan Smith|
| Help Topics database|
| Testme  |
| Send Comserve Helpfile  |
| End |
| Susan Smith  |
| Professor of Communication  |
| Box 12  |
| Clarkson University |
| |

Sorry Comserve User, but This is not a valid Comserve command.

Is it possible that you meant to type this similar command:


If so, please correct and resubmit you command.

If you would like to receive a list of all of Comserve's commands, send this
command to Comserve:


Extensive help can also be obtained through Comserve's topical help   
system.  For an introduction on how to use the topical help system, send this
command to Comserve:  Help Topics

Thank you for using CIOS/Comserve services. 

  Visit the CIOS web site at:   

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact